Read Les Quarante-cinq. English Page 32



  M. de Mayenne, with whom they were so much occupied at the Louvre, setout from the Hotel Guise, booted and on horseback, as though he hadjust arrived. He was received by the king affectionately.

  "Well, cousin," said he, "you have, then, come to visit Paris?"

  "Yes, sire; I come in my brother's name and my own, to recall to yourmajesty that you have no more faithful subjects than ourselves."

  "Mordieu!" said the king, "that is so well known that you might havespared yourself this trouble. You must have had some other motive."

  "Sire, I feared that your regard for us might be shaken by the reportswhich our enemies circulate about us."

  "What reports?" asked Henri.

  "What!" cried Mayenne, rather disconcerted; "has not your majesty heardany reports unfavorable to us?"

  "My cousin, know once for all that I allow no one to speak ill in mypresence of the Guises."

  "Well, sire, I do not regret my visit, since I have had the pleasure offinding my king so well disposed toward us; but I will allow that it wasneedless."

  "Oh! there is always something to do in Paris."

  "Yes, sire; but we have our business at Soissons."

  "What business, duke?"

  "Your majesty's, sire."

  "Ah! true; continue, Mayenne, to do as you have done; I know how toappreciate the conduct of my subjects."

  The duke retired, smiling. The king rubbed his hands, and De Loignacmade a sign to Ernanton, who spoke to his valet, and then followed M. deMayenne. There was no fear of missing him, for the news of his arrivalhad spread, and some hundred leaguers had assembled to greet him.

  As the duke reached his hotel, Ernanton saw a litter pierce through thecrowd. De Mayenne approached it, and the curtains were opened, andErnanton thought he recognized his former page. The litter disappearedunder the gateway, and Mayenne followed; an instant after, M. deMayneville appeared on the balcony, and thanked the Parisians in theduke's name, but begged them to disperse and go home.

  All went away accordingly, except ten men, who had entered after theduke. These were the deputies of the League, who were sent to thank Mayenne for his visit, and to beg that his brothers would come also.They had a number of plans, which only wanted the sanction and supportof the chiefs. Bussy Leclerc came to announce that he had instructed themonks of three monasteries in the use of arms, and had enrolled 500bourgeois in a regiment.

  Lachapelle-Marteau had worked on the magistrates and had 200 black robesready for councilors. Brigard had gained the merchants of the RueLombards and the Rue St. Denis. Cruce could answer for the University ofParis, and Delbar promised for all the sailors in the port, a dangerousbody of 500 men. Each of the others had something to offer, evenNicholas Poulain, the friend of Chicot.

  When Mayenne had heard them all, he said, "I admire your strength, but Ido not see the end you propose to yourselves."

  Bussy Leclerc answered, "We want a change, and as we are thestrongest--"

  "But how will you arrive at this change?"

  "It seems to me," replied Bussy, boldly, "that as the idea of the Unioncame from our chiefs, it is for them to point out its aim."

  "You are perfectly right," said Mayenne, "but it is also for them tojudge of the proper time for action. The troops of M. de Guise may beready, but he does not give the signal until he thinks fit."

  "But, monseigneur, we are impatient."

  "For what?"

  "To arrive at our end. We also have our plan."

  "Ah! that is different; if you have your own plan, I say no more."

  "Yes, monseigneur; but may we count on your aid?"

  "Doubtless, if this plan be approved by my brother and myself."

  "We believe it will."

  "Let me hear it, then."

  The leaguers looked at each other, then Marteau advanced.

  "Monseigneur," said he, "we think the success of our plan certain.There are particular points where all the strength of the city lies--thegreat and the little Chatelet, the Hotel de Ville, the arsenal and theLouvre."

  "It is true."

  "All these are guarded, but could easily be surprised."

  "I admit this also."

  "The town itself, however, is defended outside, firstly, by thechevalier of the watch with his archers. We thought of seizing him inhis house, which could be easily done, as it is a lonely place."

  Mayenne shook his head. "However lonely," said he, "you cannot force adoor and fire twenty shots without attracting attention."

  "We have foreseen this objection, but one of the archers of the watch ison our side. In the middle of the night, two or three of us will go andknock at the door; the archer will open, and tell his chief that theking wishes to speak to him, which would not appear strange, as he isoften sent for in this manner. Once the door is open, we will introduceten men--sailors who lodge near--who will soon finish him."

  "Murder him?"

  "Yes, monseigneur. At the same time we will force the doors of the otherfunctionaries who might take his place, such as M. d'O, M. de Chiverny,and M. le Procureur Laguesle. St. Bartholomew has taught us how tomanage."

  "This is all well, gentlemen; but you have not told me if you mean, atthe same time, to force the doors of the Louvre--that strong andwell-guarded fortress. Believe me, the king is not so easily taken asthe chevalier of the watch."

  "We have chosen four thousand men, who hate the king, for thisundertaking."

  "And you think that enough?"

  "Doubtless; we shall be ten to one."

  "Why, the Swiss are four thousand strong."

  "Yes, but they are at Lagny, and that is eight leagues from Paris, andsupposing they were to send for them, it would take two hours for themessenger to go on horseback, and eight for them to return on foot, sothat they would just arrive in time to be stopped at the gates, and in afew hours we should be masters of Paris."

  "Very good; but supposing all this accomplished, the watch disarmed, theauthorities disappeared, and all obstacles removed, what do you mean todo?"

  "Form a new government of honest people. As for ourselves, so long asour commerce is successful, and we have enough for our wives andchildren, we care for little else. Some among us might desire a command,and they should have it. We are not difficult to satisfy."

  "I know you are all honest, and would not suffer a mixture in yourranks."

  "No, no!" cried several voices.

  "Now, M. Poulain," said the duke, "are there many idlers and bad peoplein the Ile de France?"

  Nicholas Poulain, who had hitherto kept in the background, was nowforced to advance. "Certainly, monseigneur, there are a great many," hereplied.

  "Could you guess at their number?"

  "About four thousand thieves, three thousand or more beggars, and fouror five hundred assassins."

  "Well, there are at least eight thousand good-for-nothings; of whatreligion are they?"

  Poulain laughed. "Of all, monseigneur; or, rather, of none; gold istheir god, and blood their prophet."

  "Yes; but their politics? Are they Valois, Leaguers, Navarrais, orwhat?"

  "Robbers only."

  "Monseigneur," said Cruce, "do not suppose that we mean to take thesepeople for allies!"

  "No, I do not suppose so; and that is what disturbs me."

  "And why so, monseigneur?" they asked with surprise.

  "Because as soon as there are no longer magistrates in Paris, as soon asthere is no longer royalty, or public force, or anything to restrainthem, they will begin to pillage your shops while you fight, and yourhouses while you occupy the Louvre. Sometimes they will join the Swissagainst you, and sometimes you against the Swiss, so that they willalways be the strongest."

  "Diable!" cried the deputies, looking at each other.

  "I think this is a question for grave consideration, gentlemen," saidthe duke. "I will think it over, and endeavor to find the means ofovercoming the difficulty; your
interests, before our own, has ever beenour maxim."

  The deputies gave a murmur of approbation.

  "Now, gentlemen, permit a man who has traveled twenty-four leagues onhorseback in forty-eight hours to seek a little sleep."

  "We humbly take our leave, monseigneur," said Brigard; "what day shallyou fix for our next meeting?"

  "As soon as possible, gentlemen; to-morrow, or the day after. Aurevoir."

  No sooner had he disappeared than a door opened, and a woman rushed in.

  "The duchesse!" they cried.

  "Yes, gentlemen; who comes to save you from your embarrassments. Whatthe Hebrews could not do, Judith did; hope, then, gentlemen, for I alsohave my plan;" and she disappeared through the same door as her brother.

  "Tudieu!" cried Bussy Leclerc; "I believe that is the man of thefamily."

  "Oh!" murmured Nicholas Poulain, "I wish I were out of all this."