Read Les Quarante-cinq. English Page 39



  Ernanton arrived at Paris on the third day. At three in the afternoon heentered the Louvre, among his comrades. The Gascons called out insurprise at seeing him, and M. de Loignac looked gloomy, and signed tohim to enter a little room, where he always gave his private audiences.

  "This is nice behavior, monsieur," said he; "five days and nightsabsent; and you whom I thought so well of."

  "Monsieur, I did what I was told to do."

  "What were you told to do?"

  "To follow M. de Mayenne, and I have followed him."

  "For five days and nights?"

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "Then he has left Paris?"

  "He left that same evening, and that seemed to me suspicious."

  "You are right, monsieur, go on."

  Ernanton related clearly and energetically all that had taken place.When Ernanton mentioned the letter:

  "You have it, monsieur?" asked De Loignac.

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "Diable! that deserves attention; come with me, I beg of you."

  Ernanton followed De Loignac to the courtyard of the Louvre. All waspreparing for the king's going out, and M. d'Epernon was seeing two newhorses tried, which had been sent from England, as a present fromElizabeth to Henri, and which were that day to be harnessed to theking's carriage for the first time.

  De Loignac approached D'Epernon.

  "Great news, M. le Duc," said he.

  "What is it?" said D'Epernon, drawing to one side.

  "M. de Carmainges has seen M. de Mayenne lying wounded in a villagebeyond Orleans."


  "Yes, and more, he has written a letter to Madame de Montpensier, whichM. de Carmainges has in his pocket."

  "Oh! oh! send M. de Carmainges to me."

  "Here he is," said De Loignac, signing to Ernanton to advance.

  "Well, monsieur, it seems you have a letter from M. de Mayenne."

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "Addressed to Madame de Montpensier?"

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "Give it to me," and the duke extended his hand.

  "Pardon, monsieur, but did you ask me for the duke's letter?"


  "You do not know that this letter was confided to me."

  "What matters that?"

  "It matters much, monsieur; I passed my word to the duke to give it toMadame la Duchesse herself."

  "Do you belong to the king, or M. de Mayenne?"

  "To the king."

  "Well! the king wishes to see the letter."

  "Monsieur, you are not the king."

  "I think you forget to whom you speak, M. de Carmainges."

  "I remember perfectly, monsieur, and that is why I refuse."

  "You refuse?"

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "M. de Carmainges, you forget your oath of fidelity."

  "Monsieur, I have sworn fidelity only to one person, and that is theking; if he asks me for the letter, he must have it, but he is nothere."

  "M. de Carmainges," said the duke, growing very angry, "you are like therest of the Gascons; blind in prosperity, your good fortune dazzles you,and the possession of a state secret is a weight too heavy for you tocarry."

  "The only thing I find heavy, monsieur, is the disgrace into which Iseem likely to fall; not my fortune, which my refusal to obey yourenders, I know, very precarious; but, no matter; I do what I ought todo, and no one, excepting the king, shall see this letter, but theperson to whom it is addressed."

  "De Loignac," cried D'Epernon, "place M. de Carmainges in arrest atonce."

  "It is certain that will prevent me from delivering the letter for atime, but once I come out--"

  "If you never do come out?"

  "I shall come out, monsieur; unless you have me assassinated. Yes, Ishall come out, the walls are less strong than my will, and then--"


  "I will speak to the king."

  "To prison with him, and take away the letter," cried D'Epernon, besidehimself with rage.

  "No one shall touch it," cried Ernanton, starting back and drawing fromhis breast the tablet of M. de Mayenne, "for I will break it to pieces,since I can save it in no other way; M. de Mayenne will approve myconduct, and the king will pardon me."

  The young man was about to execute his threat, when a touch arrested hisarm. He turned and saw the king, who, coming down the staircase behindthem, had heard the end of the discussion.

  "What is the matter, gentlemen?" said he.

  "Sire," cried D'Epernon, furiously, "this man, one of your Forty-fiveGuardsmen, of which he shall soon cease to form part, being sent by meto watch M. de Mayenne, in Paris, followed him to Orleans, and receivedfrom him a letter for Madame de Montpensier."

  "You have received this letter?" asked the king of Ernanton.

  "Yes, sire, but M. d'Epernon does not tell you under whatcircumstances."

  "Well, where is this letter?"

  "That is just the cause of the quarrel, sire. M. de Carmaingesresolutely refuses to give it to me, and determines to carry it to itsaddress."

  Carmainges bent one knee before the king. "Sire," said he, "I am a poorgentleman, but a man of honor. I saved the life of your messenger, whowas about to be assassinated by M. de Mayenne and six of his followers,for I arrived just in time to turn the fortune of the combat."

  "And M. de Mayenne?"

  "Was dangerously wounded."

  "Well, after?"

  "Your messenger, sire, who seemed to have a particular hatred of M. deMayenne--"

  The king smiled.

  "Wished to kill his enemy; perhaps he had the right, but I thought thatin my presence, whose sword belongs to your majesty, this vengeancebecame a political assassination, and--"

  "Go on, monsieur."

  "I saved the life of M. de Mayenne, as I had saved that of yourmessenger."

  D'Epernon shrugged his shoulders with a scornful smile.

  "Go on," said the king.

  "M. de Mayenne, reduced to one companion, for the four others werekilled, did not wish to separate from him, and, ignorant that I belongedto your majesty, confided to me a letter to his sister. I have thisletter, sire, and here it is; I offer it to your majesty who has theright to dispose of it and of me. My honor is dear to me, sire, but Iplace it fearlessly in your hands."

  Ernanton, so saying, held out the tablets to the king, who gently putthem back.

  "What did you say, D'Epernon?" said he; "M. de Carmainges is an honestman and a faithful servant?"

  "What did I say, sire."

  "Yes; I heard you pronounce the word 'prison.' Mordieu! on the contrary,when one meets a man like M. de Carmainges, it is reward we should speakof. A letter, duke, belongs only to the bearer and to the person to whomit is sent. You will deliver your letter, M. de Carmainges."

  "But, sire," said D'Epernon, "think of what that letter may contain. Donot play at delicacy, when, perhaps, your majesty's life is concerned."

  "You will deliver your letter, M. de Carmainges," said the king.

  "Thanks, sire," said Carmainges, beginning to retire.

  "Where do you take it?"

  "To Madame la Duchesse de Montpensier, I believed I had had the honor oftelling your majesty."

  "I mean, to the Hotel Guise, St. Denis, or where?"

  "I had no instructions on that subject, sire. I shall take the letter tothe Hotel Guise, and there I shall learn where Madame de Montpensieris."

  "And when you have found her?"

  "I will deliver my letter."

  "Just so. M. de Carmainges, have you promised anything else to M. deMayenne than to deliver that letter to his sister?"

  "No, sire."

  "No secrecy as to the place where you find her?"--"No, sire."

  "Then I will impose only one condition on you."

  "I am your majesty's servant."

  "Deliver your letter, and then come to me at Vincennes, where I shall
bethis evening."

  "Yes, sire."

  "And you will tell me where you found the duchesse?"

  "I will, sire."

  "I ask no other confidences; remember."

  "Sire, I promise."

  "What imprudence, sire!" cried D'Epernon.

  "There are men you cannot understand, duke. This one is loyal toMayenne, he will be loyal to me."

  "Toward you, sire, I shall be more than loyal--I shall be devoted,"cried Ernanton.

  "Now, D'Epernon, no more quarrels," said the king; "and you must at oncepardon in this brave fellow what you looked upon as a want of loyalty,but which I regard as a proof of honesty."

  "Sire," said Ernanton, "M. le Duc is too superior a man not to havediscovered, through my disobedience (for which I confess my regret), myrespect for him; only, before all things, I must do what I believe to bemy duty."

  "Parfandious!" said the duke, changing his expression like a mask, "thistrial has done you honor, my dear Carmainges, and you are really a finefellow--is he not, De Loignac? However, we gave him a good fright;" andthe duke burst out laughing.

  De Loignac did not answer; he could not lie like his illustrious chief.

  "If it was a trial, so much the better," said the king, doubtfully; "butI counsel you not to try these experiments often; too many people wouldgive way under them. Now, let us go, duke; you accompany me?"

  "It was your majesty's order that I should ride by the door?"

  "Yes; and who goes the other side?"

  "A devoted servant of your majesty's, M. de St. Maline," said D'Epernon,glancing at Ernanton to see the effect of his words: but Ernantonremained unmoved.