Read Les Quarante-cinq. English Page 59



  Ernanton's first thought when he saw the door of the antechamber flyopen was to blow out the light.

  "M. de St. Maline," cried the hostess, "I warn you that the persons whomyou are troubling are your friends."

  "Well! all the more reason to present our compliments to them," criedPerducas de Pincornay, in a tipsy voice.

  "And what friends are they? We will see!" cried St. Maline.

  The good hostess, hoping to prevent a collision, glided among them, andwhispered Ernanton's name in St. Maline's ear.

  "Ernanton!" cried St. Maline, aloud, for whom this revelation was oilinstead of water thrown on the fire, "that is not possible."--"And whyso?"

  "Oh! because Ernanton is a model of chastity and a melange of all thevirtues. No, you must be wrong, Madame Fournichon; it cannot be Ernantonwho is shut in there."

  And he approached the second door, to treat it as he had done the first,when it was opened, and Ernanton appeared on the threshold, with a facewhich did not announce that patience was one of the virtues which,according to St. Maline, he possessed.

  "By what right has M. de St. Maline broken down one door, and intendsto break a second?" said he.

  "Ah! it is he, really; it is Ernanton!" cried St. Maline. "I recognizehis voice; but as to his person, devil take me if I can see it in thisdarkness."

  "You do not reply to my question, monsieur," said Ernanton.

  St. Maline began to laugh noisily, which reassured some of his comrades,who were thinking of retiring.

  "I spoke; did you not hear me, M. de St. Maline?" said Ernanton.

  "Yes, monsieur, perfectly."

  "Then what have you to say?"

  "We wished to know, my dear friend, if it was you up here."

  "Well, monsieur, now you know it, leave me in peace."

  "Cap de Bious! have you become a hermit?"

  "As for that, monsieur, permit me to leave you in doubt."

  "Ah! bah!" cried St. Maline, trying to enter, "are you really alone? youhave no light."

  "Gentlemen!" said Ernanton, "I know that you are half drunk, and Iforgive you; but there is a limit even to the patience that one owes tomen beside themselves; your joke is over, do me the favor to retire."

  "Oh! oh! retire! how you speak!" said St. Maline.

  "I speak so as you may not be deceived in my wishes, and I repeat,gentlemen, retire, I beg."

  "Not before we have been admitted to the honor of saluting the personfor whom you desert our company. M. de Montcrabeau," continued he, "godown and come back with a light."

  "M. de Montcrabeau," cried Ernanton, "if you do that, remember it willbe a personal offense to me."

  Montcrabeau hesitated.

  "Good," replied St. Maline, "we have our oath, and M. de Carmainges isso strict that he will not infringe discipline; we cannot draw ourswords against each other; therefore, a light, Montcrabeau, a light!"

  Montcrabeau descended, and in five minutes returned with a light, whichhe offered to St. Maline.

  "No, no," said he; "keep it; I may, perhaps, want both hands."

  And he made a step forward.

  "I take you all to witness," cried Ernanton, "that I am insulted withoutreason, and that in consequence"--and he drew his sword--"I will burythis sword in the breast of the first man who advances."

  St. Maline, furious, was about to draw his sword also; but before he hadtime to do so, the point of Ernanton's was on his breast, and as headvanced a step, without Ernanton's moving his arm, St. Maline felt theiron on his flesh, and drew back furious, but Ernanton followed him,keeping the sword against his breast. St. Maline grew pale; if Ernantonhad wished it, he could have pinned him to the wall, but he slowlywithdrew his sword.

  "You merit two deaths for your insolence," said he, "but the oath ofwhich you spoke restrains me, and I will touch you no more; let me pass.Come, madame, I answer for your free passage."

  Then appeared a woman, whose head was covered by a hood, and her face bya mask, and who took Ernanton's arm, tremblingly. St. Maline stood by,stifling with rage at his merited punishment. He drew his dagger asErnanton passed by him. Did he mean to strike Ernanton, or only to dowhat he did? No one knew, but as they passed, his dagger cut through thesilken hood of the duchess and severed the string of her mask, whichfell to the ground. This movement was so rapid that in the half light noone saw or could prevent it. The duchess uttered a cry; St. Malinepicked up the mask and returned it to her, looking now full in heruncovered face.

  "Ah!" cried he, in an insolent tone, "it is the beautiful lady of thelitter. Ernanton, you get on fast."

  Ernanton stopped and half-drew his sword again; but the duchess drew himon, saying, "Come on, I beg you, M. Ernanton."

  "We shall meet again, M. de St. Maline," said Ernanton, "and you shallpay for this, with the rest."

  And he went on without meeting with any further opposition, andconducted the duchess to her litter, which was guarded by two servants.Arrived there and feeling herself in safety, she pressed Ernanton'shand, and said, "M. Ernanton, after what has just passed, after theinsult which, in spite of your courage, you could not defend me from,and which might probably be renewed, we can come here no more; seek, Ibeg of you, some house in the neighborhood to sell or to let; beforelong you shall hear from me."

  "Must I now take leave of you, madame?" said Ernanton, bowing in tokenof obedience to the flattering orders he had just received.

  "Not yet, M. de Carmainges; follow my litter as far as the new bridge,lest that wretch who recognized in me the lady of the litter, but didnot know me for what I am, should follow to find out my residence."

  Ernanton obeyed, but no one watched them. When they arrived at the PontNeuf, which then merited the name, as it was scarcely seven years sinceDucerceau had built it, the duchess gave her hand to Ernanton, saying,"Now go, monsieur."

  "May I dare to ask when I shall see you again, madame?"

  "That depends on the length of time which you take in executing mycommission, and your haste will be a proof to me of your desire to seeme again."

  "Oh, madame, I shall not be idle."

  "Well, then, go, Ernanton."

  "It is strange," thought the young man, as he retraced his steps; "Icannot doubt that she likes me, and yet she does not seem the leastanxious as to whether or not I get killed by that brute of a St. Maline.But, poor woman, she was in great trouble, and the fear of beingcompromised is, particularly with princesses, the strongest of allsentiments."

  Ernanton, however, could not forget the insult he had received, and hereturned straight to the hotel. He was naturally decided to infringe allorders and oaths, and to finish with St. Maline; he felt in the humorto fight ten men, if necessary. This resolution sparkled in his eyeswhen he reached the door of the "Brave Chevalier." Madame Fournichon,who expected his return with anxiety, was standing trembling in thedoorway. At the sight of Ernanton she wiped her eyes, as if she had beencrying, and throwing her arms round the young man's neck, begged for hispardon, in spite of her husband's representations that, as she had doneno wrong, she had nothing to be pardoned for. Ernanton assured her thathe did not blame her at all--that it was only her wine that was infault.

  While this passed at the door, all the rest were at table, where theywere warmly discussing the previous quarrel. Many frankly blamed St.Maline; others abstained, seeing the frowning brow of their comrade.They did not attack with any less enthusiasm the supper of M.Fournichon, but they discussed as they ate.

  "As for me," said Hector de Bizan, "I know that M. de St. Maline waswrong, and that had I been Ernanton de Carmainges, M. de St. Malinewould be at this moment stretched on the ground instead of sittinghere."

  St. Maline looked at him furiously.

  "Oh, I mean what I say," continued he; "and stay, there is some one atthe door who appears to agree with me."

  All turned at this, and saw Ernanton standing in the doorway
, lookingvery pale. He descended from the step, as the statue of the commanderfrom his pedestal, and walked straight up to St. Maline, firmly, butquietly.

  At this sight, several voices cried, "Come here, Ernanton; come thisside, Carmainges; there is room here."

  "Thank you," replied the young man; "but it is near M. de St. Malinethat I wish to sit." St. Maline rose, and all eyes were fixed on him.But as he rose, his face changed its expression.

  "I will make room for you, monsieur," said he, gently; "and in doing soaddress to you my frank and sincere apologies for my stupid aggressionjust now; I was drunk; forgive me."

  This declaration did not satisfy Ernanton; but the cries of joy thatproceeded from all the rest decided him to say no more, although aglance at St. Maline showed him that he was not to be trusted. St.Maline's glass was full, and he filled Ernanton's.

  "Peace! peace!" cried all the voices.

  Carmainges profited by the noise, and leaning toward St. Maline, with asmile on his lips, so that no one might suspect the sense of what he wassaying, whispered:

  "M. de St. Maline, this is the second time that you have insulted mewithout giving me satisfaction; take care, for at the third offense Iwill kill you like a dog."

  And the two mortal enemies touched glasses as though they had been thebest friends.