Read Les Quarante-cinq. English Page 8



  During the conversation we have just related, night had begun to fall,enveloping the city with its damp mantle of fog.

  Salcede dead, all the spectators were ready to leave the Place de Greve,and the streets were filled with people, hurrying toward their homes.Near the Porte Bussy, where we must now transport our readers, to followsome of their acquaintances, and to make new ones, a hum, like that in abee-hive at sunset, was heard proceeding from a house tinted rose color,and ornamented with blue and white pointings, which was known by thesign of "The Sword of the Brave Chevalier," and which was an immenseinn, recently built in this new quarter. This house was decorated tosuit all tastes. On the entablature was painted a representation of acombat between an archangel and a dragon breathing flame and smoke, andin which the artist, animated by sentiments at once heroic and pious,had depicted in the hands of "the brave chevalier," not a sword, but animmense cross, with which he hacked in pieces the unlucky dragon, ofwhich the bleeding pieces were seen lying on the ground. At the bottomof the picture crowds of spectators were represented raising their armsto heaven, while from above, angels were extending over the chevalierlaurels and palms. Then, as if to prove that he could paint in everystyle, the artist had grouped around gourds, grapes, a snail on a rose,and two rabbits, one white and the other gray.

  Assuredly the proprietor must have been difficult to please, if he werenot satisfied, for the artist had filled every inch of space--there wasscarcely room to have added a caterpillar. In spite, however, of thisattractive exterior, the hotel did not prosper--it was never more thanhalf full, though it was large and comfortable. Unfortunately, from itsproximity to the Pre-aux-Clercs, it was frequented by so many personseither going or ready to fight, that those more peaceably disposedavoided it. Indeed, the cupids with which the interior was decorated hadbeen ornamented with mustaches in charcoal by the habitues; and DameFournichon, the landlady, always affirmed that the sign had brought themill-luck, and that had her wishes been attended to, and the paintingrepresented more pleasing things, such as the rose-tree of lovesurrounded by flaming hearts, all tender couples would have flocked tothem.

  M. Fournichon, however, stuck to his sign, and replied that he preferredfighting men, and that one of them drank as much as six lovers.

  About a month before the execution of Salcede, the host and hostess, allof whose rooms were then empty, were looking out of the window, sadly,and were watching the exercises of some soldiery on the Pre-aux-Clercs,when they saw an officer, followed by a single soldier, advancing towardtheir hotel. He was about to pass, when the host called out loudly--"Oh!wife, what a beautiful horse!"

  Madame Fournichon replied in an equally audible voice, "And what ahandsome cavalier!"

  The officer, who did not appear insensible to flattery, raised his headand looked first at the host and hostess and then at the hotel.Fournichon ran rapidly downstairs and appeared at the door.

  "Is the house empty?" asked the officer.

  "Yes, monsieur; just at present," replied the host, humiliated; "but itis not usually so."

  However, Dame Fournichon, like most women, was more clear-sighted thanher husband, and called out, "If monsieur desires solitude, he will findit here."

  "Yes, my good woman, that is what I desire, at present," said theofficer, who dismounted, threw the bridle to the soldier, and enteredthe hotel.

  He was a man of about thirty-five years of age, but he did not look morethan twenty-eight, so carefully was he dressed. He was tall, with a finecountenance and a distinguished air.

  "Ah! good!" said he, "a large room and not a single guest. But theremust be something," he added, "either in your house or conduct thatkeeps people away."

  "Neither, monsieur," replied Madame Fournichon; "only the place is new,and we choose our customers."

  "Oh! very well."

  "For example," continued she, "for a person like your lordship, we wouldsend away a dozen."

  "Thanks, my kind hostess."

  "Will monsieur taste the wine?" asked M. Fournichon.

  "Will monsieur visit the rooms?" added his wife.

  "Both, if you please."

  Fournichon descended to the cellar.

  "How many people can you lodge here?" asked the captain of the hostess.


  "That is not enough."

  "Why so, monsieur?"

  "I had a project--but we will speak of it no more."

  "Ah! monsieur, you will find nothing larger, except the Louvre itself."

  "Well; you can lodge thirty people?"

  "Yes, doubtless."

  "But for a day?"

  "Oh! for a day, forty, or even forty-five."

  "Without making a commotion outside?"--"We have often eighty soldiershere, on Sundays."

  "And no crowd before the house--no spying by the neighbors?"

  "Mon Dieu! no! our nearest neighbors are a worthy bourgeois, who meddleswith no one, and a lady who lives so retired, that although she has beenhere for three weeks, I have not seen her."

  "That will do excellently."

  "So much the better."

  "And in a month from to-day--"

  "That will be the 26th of October."

  "Precisely. Well, on that day I hire your inn."--"The whole of it?"

  "Yes, the whole. I wish to give a surprise to some countrymen,officers--or at least--soldiers: they will be told to come here."

  "But if it be a surprise--"

  "Oh! if you are curious, or indiscreet--"

  "No, no, monsieur," cried she.

  M. Fournichon, who had heard what had passed, added, "Monsieur, youshall be master here; and all your friends will be welcome."

  "I did not say my friends, I said countrymen," replied the officer,haughtily.

  "Yes, monsieur, it was my mistake."

  "You will give them supper."


  "If necessary, they will sleep here."

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "In a word, give them all they want, and ask no questions."

  "Very well, monsieur."

  "Here are thirty livres in advance."

  "Well, monsieur, these gentlemen shall be treated like princes; will youassure yourself by tasting the wine?"

  "Thank you, I never drink."

  "But, monsieur, how shall I know these gentlemen?"

  "That is true; parfandious! I forgot. Give me paper, light, and wax."

  When they were brought, the captain made a seal on the paper with a ringhe had on his finger. "Do you see this figure?" said he.

  "A beautiful woman."

  "Yes; a Cleopatra. Well, each of these men will present a similar one,on which you will receive him. You will have further orders afterward."

  The captain then descended the stall's and rode off, leaving theFournichons delighted with their thirty livres in advance.

  "Decidedly," said the host, "the sign has brought us good fortune."