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Lethal Beauty

  By Teresa Balin



  Lethal Beauty

  Copyright © 2011 by Teresa Balin

  Republished 2012

  This ebook is listed for your personal enjoyment only.


  The gleaming white tile countertop was hidden underneath several bottles of lotion, boxes of gloves, hand sanitizer, clear bottles of water, small black bottles, and piles of white cloth. Sitting next to the counter, empty bottles threatened to spill out of the garbage can. Casually sitting on his stool, the experienced scientist carefully took off his white latex gloves and tossed them onto the overflowing container.

  Spraying hand sanitizer into his open palms, he then gathered the black garbage bag and took it outside, next to the other bags. His back sore from sitting for so long, he stretched and observed the quiet neighborhood and waved to the cute blonde jogger, as she passed by.

  He was an attractive man, standing at six feet four inches. His black curls hung loosely just below his ear lobes and his brown eyes were deceptively warm. If he were outside more, he might have the entire neighborhood’s wives bringing him baked goods, just to be near his handsomeness. Little would they know that a piece of him already existed in their households.

  After his short break, he returned to his lab. Bright sunlight filtered in through the blinds over the windows. He never ate in his kitchen or stored food here. It was a necessary precaution that forced him to become a regular at the restaurants and bars in the area. As well known as he was, he was still a mystery to his neighbors as he never had guests and always arranged social visits in a hotel. Besides his short breaks, it was always dark outside when he did venture out.

  Donning a fresh pair of gloves, he then opened a bottle of lotion. The gloves helped him avoid contamination with the lotion and other ingredients. He smiled to himself as he thought of the word contamination. Slowly and carefully, he poured a small amount of yellow, thick fluid from the small black bottle into the lotion. Then he poured a small amount of water. Tightening the lid, he then vigorously shook the bottle. Setting it aside, he prepared the next bottle of lotion.

  After completing the daunting task of about a dozen bottles, he then wiped down the finished product with a white cloth, which he then disposed of, and placed the bottles into a cardboard box, ready to be labeled and shipped. He never took a break until the garbage was ready to be taken out again.

  The living room was just as messy as his kitchen. Sitting on the sofa, he smiled at his production for the day. Then one by one, he taped up the boxes and placed his printed labels onto the finished product. The stacks of boxes built up by the front door, waiting for their UPS pickup.

  It was already late afternoon and after collecting the mail, he spent the next hour sorting and invoicing. Piles of paperwork demanded his attention. After preparing the deposit, he then wrote checks for the ad campaigns. Marketing in television ads and radio commercials was really paying off for him. He would have considered hiring some help to keep up with the demand but his little venture was almost over.

  Taking no time to listen to messages, he knew they mostly consisted of requests for new accounts. He was already running a month behind in orders and although desperate to take on new accounts, he knew he was at a level now that he didn’t have to. His advantage was the demand for his product. Already being sold in national stores, he had a huge following. After paying the bills, he breaks even, due to the outrageous expense of marketing. But he doesn’t care. For him, profit is not his greater good.


  The new shipment of Kommotion lotion finally arrived. The young store clerk carried the full tote to the aisle for restock. Several women were standing around the vacant spot on the shelf, discussing the new product. Seeing the totes contents, they flooded toward him and excitedly ran out of the aisle. Once the store clerk looked down again, he noticed the once full tote was now empty.

  Tiffany excitedly ran upstairs with her new purchase from the drug store. She was one of the lucky few whom got the product before it sold out again. Taking the bottle from the plastic bag, she opened the lid and inhaled the floral contents. Sighing with content, she then poured a small amount of the cold liquid into her hand. Her hands felt soft as she rubbed the lotion around her hands and then on her neck. Pouring a smaller dosage, she put some on the fine wrinkles on her face.

  Just then, her television proclaimed the new ad for the lotion. “My skin feels instantly rejuvenated. I can’t believe how much younger I look. Would you believe that I am sixty years old? This is my secret and I want to share it with the world!” A deeper voice announced, “Kommotion lotion – find out what the commotion is for yourself and look instantly younger, no surgery required.” Tiffany smiled as she examined herself in the mirror. Not only did she look younger, but she felt younger.

  In another part of town, the empty classroom instantly filled as students entered the room. Rowdy teenagers laughed and screamed as they claimed their assigned seats. A group of five girls surrounded the most popular girl, as she took a bottle of lotion from her purse. Excitedly, she gave each of her friends a sample.

  Worldwide, women proclaimed the lotion as their new source of beauty regimen. As it was hard to obtain, riots broke out in the stores for the last remaining bottles. Suppliers were receiving angry complaints and losing valuable customers. Millionaires were paying fortunes to obtain from a willing possessor of the lotion. The inventor remained unknown and soon became unobtainable.

  Several months passed before suppliers realized their orders were not being confirmed and customers realized they could no longer receive the authentic magical lotion. Dumpsters filled with the last empty bottles of Kommotion lotion as the product was being all used up.

  Knock offs were being sold at obscene prices. People became instantly wealthy from selling the lotion bottles, full of water or another substance, on eBay. Consumers were becoming violent for being ripped off. The phenomenon of the mystic lotion was taking on a life of its own.

  Aware of the crisis from watching the news and listening to angry messages from his customers, the scientist continued to work at a slow and careful pace. He simply could not keep up with the demand. Taping up the last box, he then began to clean up the evidence of his innovation.

  Replacing his gloves with a fresh pair, he carefully disposed of the unused white cloths, the water bottles, the black bottles, and other contents on the kitchen counter. The pile of garbage outside his house continued to grow as the day progressed.

  He then shredded every piece of paper received and printed. He deleted all the files from his computer. Once his desk was clear and clean, he waited for UPS to pick up the last remaining evidence.

  Collecting only a few personal items and his computer, he vacated his home and drove to Mexico. Whatever final payments he had received, was what he planned to use toward retirement. His business was, as of now, officially closed. Time would now be his element for his purpose to be served.