Read Libby (A Children of the Hunt Short Story) Page 3

  For now, he had to pretend that there was nothing going on between them, because when Libby's parents found out, there would be hell to pay. Having just finally accepted the inevitable, he wasn't willing to give her up yet. He might never give her up once he had her. They would cross that bridge when they got there. Right now, he just needed to get through the rest of this day without letting everyone know exactly how he felt.

  Libby was exhausted, mentally and physically. Keeping secrets was turning out to be harder than she thought it would be. She'd almost come clean to Cory just before lunch when they were talking about relationship issues. Then tonight when she'd been cleaning up and Bodhi had asked if she needed a ride home, Liam's reaction had surely made Bodhi suspicious. If Cory hadn't been asleep on his lap, she would have known immediately that Liam was the man she had been talking about earlier. Now, everyone was gone and Liam had taken the trash out to the garage, leaving her alone with the stars on the deck.

  She laid back on the chaise lounge and closed her eyes, listening to the lap of water from Lake Sunapee. Between that and the peepers, she hovered on the edge of sleep.

  "Libby?" Liam's voice and his touch against her hand woke her with a start.

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes, saying softly, "Sorry. Guess I was more tired than I thought I was."

  Liam looked down at her and said, "Perhaps I should have sent you home with Bodhi and Cory."

  "What? No!" she protested in mild panic.

  "I'm just teasing you, lass," Liam said gently.

  "You shouldn't do that when I'm half asleep," she told him.

  "Duly noted. Do you want to go inside?"

  "Can we stay out here a little longer? Now that it's finally cooled down, it's nicer out here."

  "There is AC in the house," he told her with a cocked eyebrow.

  "I know, but I like the fresh air. Come sit down."

  Liam eyed the lounge chair next to her, then the one she was sitting on, making her wonder what he was thinking. When he wiggled his fingers at her and said, "Move over," she knew. She scooted to the edge of the seat and made room for him. He settled himself down next to her and slipped his arm behind her neck, bringing her in against his body. Her heart kicked up a notch at the closeness and she heard him draw in a deep breath.

  "I think this is the closest we've ever been to each other, except for the other night in your office," Libby said nervously, her eyes still on the dark lake.

  "Hmmm," was Liam's only reply.

  Libby squirmed nervously and played with the hem of her shorts. The heat of Liam's body so close to hers was making her hyperaware of where their bare skin was touching. She felt his hand in her hair, twisting the strands around his fingers. She wanted to kiss him, but she was suddenly unsure of herself.

  "I've always loved coming to your house every year on the 4th of July," she said into the silence. "It's one of my earliest memories." Liam made a noise and she realized immediately that she had just reminded him of the difference in their ages. Could she be any stupider? "Jeez, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

  "Libby, stop talking," Liam told her softly.

  That took her by surprise and she asked, "What? Why?"

  "Because you're babbling and I'm going to kiss you now."

  She looked up at him to find he had lust in his eyes and an intent look on his face. He leaned down to claim her lips with his, cutting off any reply she might have had. Not that she could think of anything when he looked at her like that. Or when he was kissing her. Then, it was just about the two of them and all she could think about was the feel of his body against hers and how badly she wanted more. Her body shifted of its own accord, wanting more contact with his. Before she knew it, she had crawled on top of him and was straddling his body. She ground herself against him, basking in the thrill of knowing what she did to him. Liam broke the kiss with a gasp and gently moved her back slightly.

  "If you keep that up, lass, this will be over before it starts."

  "Oh." Libby felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment, suddenly unsure of herself. Her arms circled her chest, hugging herself.

  Liam looked up at her quizzically, gauging her reaction. His hand reached up to cup her cheek tenderly and he asked gently, "Libby, are you…"

  Libby blushed even harder and looked down. "Still a virgin? Yes."

  "I wasn't expecting that."

  "I wanted to wait for the right man," she whispered.

  He lifted her chin so she would look at him. "And you think that's me?" He seemed bemused. "I'm twice your age, Libby."

  "I don't care about that. You're the one…" She caught herself before she could say something inappropriate.

  "I'm the one what?" When she didn't answer, he asked, "Libby?"

  "You're the one I've been waiting for," she admitted softly.

  "Ah, lass. I don't know what to say to that."

  She thought she'd see pity in his eyes, but what she saw instead was reverence.

  "You humble me," Liam whispered. "An old wolf like me doesn't deserve such a precious gift."

  "That's for me to decide, don't you think?" Libby asked him.

  "Aye, lass. Ultimately, it's your decision."

  "And I've already made it, Liam MacKenzie. I'm here with you. Right now. There's no other place I'd rather be."

  "In that case, you'd better hold on."

  Before she could ask why, he slipped his arms around her and stood up. Libby laughed and wrapped her legs around him, clutching his shoulders with her hands. As Liam carried her into the house, she realized everything was about to change and she couldn't be happier.

  Libby lay in the circle of Liam's arms, her body languid. She'd never felt so safe before. So loved by someone who wasn't a member of her family. So alive. Now she understood why Cory never fought fate about ending up with a wolf. It was a wondrous thing.

  Liam ran his fingers along her bare arm and asked, "Are you all right, love? You're awfully quiet."

  Libby smiled and said, "I'm marvelous."

  He chuckled and tightened his arms slightly. "Good. I was a little worried that your first time wouldn't be what you expected."

  Libby squirmed around until she could push herself up on her elbows and look at him.

  "Seriously?" She asked incredulously. "How could you even wonder that? You made it amazing."

  "You'll give a wolf a swelled head saying things like that."

  "The big one or the little one?" Libby asked with a giggle.

  Liam laughed and said, "You have a dirty mind for a recent ex-virgin, little girl."

  "You have no idea," she told him.

  He raised an eyebrow at her and said, "Really?"

  "I work in a bookstore and I'm a Flynn girl. It's a double whammy."

  "How so?"

  "I read lots of erotica and I grew up around wolves. How could I not have a dirty mind?"

  Liam shook his head and smiled. "I think I need to have a talk with my wolves about corrupting innocent minds."

  "No! There are still impressionable Flynn girls needing to be educated! You can't deny them the experience."

  "I'm not so sure your parents would share that sentiment."

  "My parents aren't as clueless as you think they are."

  "I think we need a rule," Liam said suddenly.

  "What?" Libby asked, suddenly confused.

  "That we won't talk about your parents while we're in bed together."

  Libby giggled and asked, "Does it make you uncomfortable?"

  "Only the little head."

  Libby snorted a laugh. "How about you corrupt me some more, old man?"

  "It'd be my pleasure, lass."

  "What's up, Liam?" Bob Flynn asked him as Liam sat down across from him in his office.

  "There's something I need to talk to you about. It has to do with Libby."

  "Libby." Bob's voice held a note of anxiety as he looked at Liam and asked, "Has something happened?"

  "You could say that."

t is it?"

  "Libby and I…" Liam trailed off, finding it hard to continue.

  But Bob had already picked up on what Liam had left unsaid and his whole demeanor changed. "Libby and you?" His voice grew angry as he asked, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

  Liam sighed and said, "Aye. Libby and I are involved."

  Bob rose from his seat and approached Liam. He forced himself to keep his seat, his wolf bristling at the hostility coming from Libby's father.

  "We trusted you with our daughter, Liam."

  "You always knew there was a possibility any of them could end up with a wolf."

  "But not you!"

  "I didn't go looking for this, Bob," Liam told him softly.

  "But you didn't discourage it either, did you?"

  Bob stood in Liam's space, making his wolf want to challenge him. Libby was theirs now and they wouldn't give her up. Liam stood, causing Bob to take a step back.

  "Step off," Liam told him. "Libby is an adult and she can make her own decisions. Just like Cory."

  Bob gave him a hard look. Liam was playing dirty by bringing Cory into the conversation, but he would use all of the resources at his disposal to make sure Libby's parents wouldn't stand in their way. They stared at each other for a long minute before Bob turned away and paced back to his desk.

  "What about Raelle and Trina?" Bob finally asked.

  "Michael will handle telling Raelle. I was going to talk to Trina next. I felt I owed it to you to see you first."

  Bob snorted. "Trina is liable to cut your balls off for this. I'm almost tempted to let you do it."


  "Is my wife," Bob reminded him. "I'll talk to her. I don't suggest you show your face at our home any time soon. She may not be a Daughter, but she's just as fierce as one. And she knows how to handle a fillet knife."

  Liam nodded. "I promise to take good care of Libby."

  "We'll hold you to that. Now get out of my office."

  Libby sat at the counter in the bookstore, counting the minutes until her shift was over. It had been a little over a week since the 4th of July party and she'd been avoiding her family, especially Cory. She really wasn't good at this secret-keeping stuff. She wanted to tell everyone that she'd finally got her man, but until Liam told her parents, she was stuck staying silent.

  Gino came in while she was helping a customer locate a book and by the time she had finished, it was past time for her to leave. She stood with him at the counter, her shoulder against his, basking in the familiarity. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder in a loose hug.

  "What's been up with you lately?" Gino asked her gently. "You seem melancholy."

  Leave it to a wolf to pick up on her mood. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.

  "It's been a long week, G. I'm glad it's over."

  "How's the new girl working out?"

  Ed's wife Laurell was a hard worker and Libby smiled. "She's doing great. I think she's a good fit for the store."

  "And yet, you're missing your usual spark. Is it anything I can help with?"

  "No," she told him softly. "I'll be fine." Eventually.

  "Well, if there is anything I can do, you let me know. I've got your back, Libbs."

  "Thanks, Gino."

  "Am I interrupting something?" Liam's gruff voice asked from the back doorway.

  Libby looked up to see him standing with his arms crossed on his chest, a scowl on his face. Gino released her and took a step away, reacting to his Alpha's demeanor. Wolves could be such Neanderthals at times.

  "Not a thing, boss," Gino told him.

  "Libby, can I see you in my office?" Liam asked her.

  Libby sighed and said, "Sure."

  Liam hadn't like finding Libby and Gino so close, but he'd heard their conversation. Libby was unhappy and it was his fault. He'd put off talking to Bob for too long, but now that he had, he had some reparations to make. He followed Libby into his office and closed the door behind them. Libby didn't offer him a kiss, which was telling enough, but when she simply went to sit in the guest chair across from his desk, he knew how bad it was. He touched her hair as he walked past her to sit in his chair.

  "I talked to your father today," Liam finally told her.

  Libby looked up at him and asked, "What did he say?"

  "He wasn't happy, but I was expecting that."

  "What about my Mom?"

  "Bob said he would handle telling her and it was probably best I don't come to the house for a while."

  Libby blew out a breath and said, "I guess I won't be spending too much time at home."

  "Well, you're always welcome to stay with me if you'd like," Liam suggested with a wink, trying to lighten the mood.

  Libby gave a little snort. "Of course you'd suggest that."

  "I'm a male wolf. We have one-track minds."

  She was quiet for a moment and finally said, "Gigi probably won't be happy either."

  "Let Michael handle that. She'll be fine."

  "Okay," Libby said, but she still sounded glum.

  "Do you have any plans for tonight?"

  "The only thing I'm thinking about right now is dinner."

  "Why don't we go to Bubba's and I'll buy you a lobster roll," Liam told her.

  Libby's head snapped up to look at him and he heard her heart rate pick up. He wondered why going to Bubba's Bar and Grille would cause such a reaction. It was just dinner after all.

  "Like a date?" she asked quietly.

  Now he understood. Kim worked at Bubba's as a bartender and if it was a date, then that meant they were coming out to his Pack as a couple. Well, that would be the next step.

  "Aye," he told her seriously.

  "Are you sure?" Her voice sounded like she was anything but sure herself. He needed to put a stop to that immediately.

  "Aye. Now come on, lass. I'm starving."

  Libby sat down on a stool at the counter of the Main Street Diner in Wickford, NH and watched as her sister Cory delivered food to a table before coming over to where she was. Cory smiled and sat down next to her.

  "Hey, sis. How's it going?"

  "Do you have some time to talk?" Libby asked her.

  "Sure, I can take a break. What's up?"

  Libby gave her a sly smile and said, "I'm here to talk about the wolf I'm dating."


  About the Author:

  Emme Wesson is a native Rhode Islander who decided to move north in 2000 and never looked back. She works full time doing computer tech support, a job she's done in some variation since 1987. Emme currently lives in south western New Hampshire with her husband and two small dogs.

  To find out more about the Children of the Hunt series, please visit Emme at and on Facebook at

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