Read Liberty Betrayed Page 20

  Chapter 20

  The sound of the old rooster crowing his morning greeting filled the air. Chuck had spent a restless night, trying to shake the image of the events of the day before but to no avail. Once everyone had left, he decided to bury Buck by the creek under the oak tree. He figured Buck would like it since he had always loved playing in the water during the hot summer days of Texas.

  “You’re up early,” Chuck said when Sandy walked into the kitchen.

  Sandy walked over to the counter and pulled a coffee cup out of the cupboard. “Yeah, I didn’t sleep too well myself last night. Do you need a warm up?” she yawned as she reached for the coffee pot.

  “Sure.” Chuck smiled, and then he held out his cup for Sandy to top it off.

  Sandy carried the empty cup and coffee pot over to the table. She sat her cup on the table, filled it, and then poured some in Chuck’s cup.

  “You know this isn’t going to end quickly, don’t you? Once the media gets wind of it, all hell is going to break out,” Sandy said as she returned the coffee pot to its place on the counter.

  “Yeah, I know. It seems like they thrive on crap like this.” Chuck set his cup down on the table next his laptop computer.

  Sandy walked over to the pantry. “I’m hungry, would you like some toast?”

  “Sure, that sounds good. I’m a little hungry myself.”

  The smell of the toasting bread and freshly brewed coffee filled the room, as Chuck and Sandy mulled over the events from the day before. The vision of the dead man lying next to the creek played out in their minds and they wondered what would happen to them as the word got out.

  Once the toast popped up from the toaster, Sandy lightly buttered each piece and put them on a small plate.

  “Here you go.” She placed it on the table between the two coffee cups then she sat in her chair.

  “Thanks,” Chuck smiled as he reached for a piece of toast.

  “What were you doing on your laptop?” Sandy nodded toward the laptop with the open browser.

  “I wanted to do some research on this whole deal of sending those people all around the country. I heard they’ve even been putting them on airplanes and flying them up north.” Chuck was surprised to learn how many had flooded across the border over the last few months, but what surprised him the most was all the children.

  “I know, it’s horrible, isn’t it? I don’t understand how a parent could send their child over a thousand miles with strangers. I heard that some terrible things have happened to many of the children.” Sandy reached for her cup and took a sip.

  Chuck looked at Sandy and nodded his acknowledgment. “What’s worse is all the gang members crossing the border and being allowed to stay here. I read on a website that they are passing themselves off as teenagers coming here for a better life, but I’m sure they are coming here to continue their gangster ways.”

  “Like the ones who attacked Silas and killed our cattle?” Sandy’s tone was now serious.

  Chuck looked at her with a stern expression. “Yes, just like them.”

  “Silas, you need to get up. Breakfast is ready.” Jen shouted from the kitchen.

  Silas rolled over on the bed and pulled the pillow over his head. He knew it was time to get out of bed, but he was not ready for the day with all the crap facing him.

  “I’m coming,” he groaned, tossing the pillow across the bed.

  The night before had been difficult for Silas with everything going on. Once he and Jen had returned home, they decided to check in with Craig and Sheila to see how Selby was doing and was disappointed to learn there was no change in her condition. He had tried to put it out of his mind, but seeing the look of concern on Jen’s face had only reinforced his fears.

  Silas walked to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, and saw a man full of fear and doubt looking back at him. “Damn, things just keep getting worse.”

  “Good morning, Sweetheart,” Jen smiled as she set a cup of coffee down on the table by his chair.

  Silas took his seat and reached for the cup. “I don’t’ know what’s so good about it.”

  “Wow, are we in a bad mood this morning?”

  He took a sip of the coffee then set the cup back down on the table. “I’m not sure what I’m feeling this morning. Have you heard anything about Shelby?”

  Jen poured herself a cup of coffee then sat at the table with Silas. “Yes, but it’s nothing good. There hasn’t been any change.”

  “Damn, I was hoping she’d be awake by now.” Silas rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his mind.

  “I know; me too. I’m worried about Sheila. Craig says she won’t leave Shelby’s side, and she looks weak. This amount of stress is not good for her.” Jen looked at Silas with tears glistening in her eyes.

  Trying to shake off his foul mood, Silas looked at Jen and smiled. “Hey, where’s that breakfast you said was ready?”

  Jen laughed, “Oh my, I did tell you breakfast was ready, didn’t I?” She stood and walked over to the cupboard and pulled out two bowls then she grabbed two spoons from the drawer.

  “I decided to make some oatmeal this morning,” Jen grinned.

  “Oh, yummy,” Silas teased, rolling his eyes.

  “You know this is good for you. Now, hush up and eat.” Jen filled the bowls with the steaming oats then set them on the table.

  Silas pulled his bowl in front of him then leaned down, taking in a deep breath. “Just like my mama used to make,” he smiled.

  “Yes, and look how strong and healthy you grew up to be,” Jen teased.

  “Well, I better eat because I’m going to need all the strength I can get to face what’s ahead of me today after the shooting yesterday.” Silas picked up his spoon and took a large scoop of the oats.

  The telephone had not stopped ringing from the moment Maggie showed up for work. Somehow, the media had already learned of the shooting at Chuck Wilson’s the day before and were clamoring for answers to questions that no one had an answer for yet.

  Andrew showed up a little after 8 o’clock to see an already flustered Maggie trying to handle the many lit up lines on her telephone.

  “Oh, thank God you’re here,” she said breathlessly.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Andrew had a suspicion, but he hoped he was wrong.

  “It’s the Media; they wanted to know about the shooting yesterday. I didn’t know what to say, so I just told them you would make an announcement once you knew more. I hope that’s okay?” Maggie looked up at him with the frustration clearly showing on her face.

  Andrew shook his head, wondering how he was going to handle this problem. “Yes, Miss Anderson, you did fine. I need you to call Silas and tell him to get here as soon as he can.” He then turned and walked to the door to his office.

  “Yes, Sir; I’ll do that now.”

  Saying a silent prayer that this would not blow up in his face, Andrew opened the door to his office and stepped inside before anything else happened.

  Maggie reached for the telephone receiver to call Silas and realized that all the lines were lit up. “Dang, I’ll have to use my cell phone.”

  Silas and Jen had just finished their breakfast when his cell phone began to ring. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out, and was surprised to see it was a call from Maggie’s phone. “Hello.”

  “Silas, Andrew needs you to come to his office as soon as possible.”

  “Is there something wrong?” It confused him as to why she would call him on her personal cell phone for business matters.

  “Silas, it’s crazy here today. Reporters have been calling and have plugged up all the lines on my phone. They are asking about the shooting out at Craig Wilson’s place yesterday.”

  “Damn, I was worried about that. I’m sure they’ll try to make it into something out of control.” Silas knew how those in the media loved to create an interesting report by blowing things out of prop

  “Tell Andrew that I’ll be there in twenty minutes, goodbye.” Once he hung up the phone, he put it back in his pocket.

  “What’s wrong?” Jen asked, unsure if she wanted to know.

  “It sounds like all hell is breaking loose. Reporters have been blowing up the phone at the Mayor’s office wanting to have information on the shooting yesterday. Poor Maggie is going nuts trying to run interference for Andrew,” Silas groaned.

  “Oh no, that’s horrible. Is there anything I can do?” Jen hated to think of what this would mean to have reporters crawling all over town, asking questions.

  “No, just go about your usual routine. We can’t let this change our lives. I need to get going. I’ll check in with you later.” Silas stood then gave Jen a kiss on the forehead before he walked out of the back door.

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.” Jen stood and grabbed their empty bowls and walked over to the dishwasher, wondering what was ahead for the people of Sandley.