Read Liberty Betrayed Page 29

  Chapter 29

  The town was abuzz with the news of Judge Gina coming to interview Silas. Andrew had called an emergency meeting where he told everyone to be sure the town was clean, and that everyone would be pleasant to Judge Gina and her crew.

  Silas was relieved to know he had the support of the residents with his decision. He had worried they might feel betrayed, but they all said they were glad he would tell their story.

  When Judge Gina and her crew pulled up in front of the City Hall building, she was pleased to see the town’s residents holding up signs welcoming her to town.

  “Welcome to Sandley,” Andrew said as she stepped out of her van. “My name is Andrew Sexton, and I’m the Mayor of Sandley. We are honored to have you come to our little town.”

  Gina looked around at the crowd of smiling faces until she noticed Silas. “Thank you, Mayor Sexton, for your warm welcome. I see Silas has come out to meet me as well,” she smiled as she shook Andrew’s hand.

  Silas stepped forward. “It’s nice to see you as well, Gina. Thank you for coming.”

  “I want to thank you for inviting me. I understand that Michael made arrangements for us at your local motel,” she turned to look at the young man who walked up and stood next to her.

  “Yes, he did. In fact, Randall has been fretting ever since Michael called and made the reservations,” Silas laughed.

  Gina looked at Silas, unsure of what he meant. “I hope he has the rooms for us,” she asked.

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. He has your rooms. As a matter of fact, he made sure that all of his rooms were available for you and your crew just in case,” Silas winked.

  “Oh my,” Gina grinned. “I’m sure his rooms will be more than satisfactory.”

  “Which way is it to the motel? I’d like to get everyone settled into their rooms,” Michael asked.

  “That’s a good idea, Michael. I’d like to spend some time talking with Silas,” Gina looked at Silas and smiled.

  Realizing he could be of help, Andrew turned to Michael and said, “I’ll take you to the motel.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Mayor; I appreciate your assistance,” Michael responded.

  Once they left, Gina turned to Silas. “Well, why don’t you give me a tour of your quaint little town?”

  The rest of the day, Silas took Gina and her cameraman around the area, showing her the different points of interest. He was surprised at how she took notes and asked questions. He also was pleased with how pleasant she was with the residents. She took pictures with them and spent time talking to them about their concerns. By the end of the day, Silas knew he had chosen the right person to tell the story of Sandley.

  “Gina, we need to get going. Andrew, I mean Mayor Sexton has a dinner planned at the community center for you and your crew.” Silas knew she probably needed to rest after her flight, but he also knew this would give her a chance to get to know more of the townsfolk on a more personal level.

  “How nice; I’d love to join you for dinner. To be honest, I’m starving,” she grinned.

  “Good, I’ll call and let them know we are on the way. It’s only about a five-minute drive from here.” Silas opened the passenger door of his truck and held it for Gina as she climbed inside. The cameraman then got into the back seat, as Silas walked around and got in the driver’s seat.

  “It’s a good thing that you’re hungry because I promise you there is going to be loads of food there,” Silas grinned, as he turned on the ignition and pulled out on the street.

  The food was excellent, and everyone seemed to have a pleasant time. Gina sat at the table next to Silas, rubbing her stomach and complaining that she ate too much.

  “That was some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. I wish I had more room in my stomach because I’d love to have more of that cobbler,” Gina grinned as she licked her lips.

  “Yeah, Maribelle makes some of the best cobbler I’ve ever eaten. I always look forward to one of these dinners so I can have some,” Silas laughed.

  Gina looked at Silas with a sudden look of seriousness on her face. “I hate to think what has happened to your town. I hate to think that the federal government would destroy your peaceful lives the way they have, and all because of an agenda. I look forward to telling the American people of your plight here. It’s just not right.”

  “Thank you for your honesty. I hope my message will be a warning to other towns that our government is more than willing to overstep its bounds without a second thought of how it would affect We the People,” Silas fought the anger stirring up from deep inside of him.

  Gina understood his feelings, as she felt the same way. “Silas, we are going to shine the light of truth on this. That is the only way to stop them from doing this somewhere else.”

  She looked around the large room at all the people enjoying each other’s company after sharing a delicious meal. “We need to save your town, and that’s just what we’re going to do with this report, but first I need to get some rest. Come on, Michael; gather up everyone and let’s go to that motel. I’m ready for a good night’s sleep. Silas and I have a big day tomorrow,” she winked toward Silas.

  “I thought we could do the interview here tomorrow,” Silas said.

  “This is a little cold and impersonal. I was hoping to have it somewhere warm and more inviting.” Gina looked around the large room, not thrilled with the idea of doing the interview there.

  “How about doing it in our living room? We have two comfortable chairs, and you can use the fireplace as a backdrop,” Jen offered.

  Silas was about to speak when Gina cut him off. “That sounds like an excellent idea. Why don’t we come to your house at 9 o’clock in the morning? That way the crew has time to set things up while you and I go over any last minute details.”

  Silas looked at Jen then back to Gina. “Okay, that sounds fine with me. We’ll see you at 9 o’clock in the morning.”

  “Good. Come on, Michael. If I don’t get some rest, I’ll look like death warmed-over tomorrow,” Gina chuckled, as she stood and walked toward the door.

  “Goodnight,” Jen and Silas said in unison as Gina walked away.

  Silas and Jen were up at 5 o’clock, trying to prepare for Gina and her camera crew.

  “I cannot believe you offered our house,” Silas sighed.

  “I don’t know why I did it. It just sort of popped out of my mouth before I realized what I had said,” Jen groaned.

  Silas looked at her and laughed. “Well, next time let your brain know what your mouth is about to do, alright?”

  Jen looked at Silas and rolled her eyes, “I will, I promise. Well, at least, the house is clean.”

  Silas walked over to Jen and took her in his arms. “Woman, you make it impossible to stay upset with you.” He leaned down and gave her a kiss while he held her in his arms.

  “Silas, we don’t have time for this. You need to take a shower and shave. Your whiskers are deadly,” she giggled.

  “Okay, but I’d rather stay here and snuggle with you,” he grinned, as he playfully reached for her again.

  “Behave yourself. Now, go take your shower, and I’ll get your clothes out for you. I’m glad I washed and ironed all of your uniforms the other day,” she laughed as she pushed his hands away.

  Realizing that he was fighting a losing battle, Silas turned and walked toward their bedroom. “Okay, but you owe me.”

  “I owe you? Owe you for what?”

  Silas just turned his head and flashed a big grin before he disappeared through the bedroom door.

  Everything was ready. There was a freshly brewed pot of coffee, the chairs were neatly placed in front of the fireplace, and Silas was nervously pacing the floor when the doorbell rang at precisely at 9 o’clock.

  Jen looked at Silas and saw a look of fear appear in his eyes. “Relax, everything is going to be fine,” she said as she opened the front door.

sp; “Good morning, Jen. Is Silas ready?” Gina said as she walked inside.

  “Well, he’s dressed, but I don’t know how ready he is,” Jen laughed as she looked over at Silas, who was now standing in the middle of the living room. “I think he’s having a little bout of stage fright.”

  Gina looked at Silas and smiled. “You have no reason to be nervous. I promise this will be painless.”

  “I didn’t think I’d be quite so nervous,” Silas groaned.

  “Why don’t the two of you go to the kitchen and have some coffee and maybe that will calm you down some. I’m sure there are some things you need to talk about before you begin. I’ll stay out here and help your crew get all set up,” Jen said.

  “Thank you, Jen; that’s a very good idea. I can use a good cup of coffee. Nothing against your motel but his coffee was a little bitter,” Gina smiled.

  “You won’t have that problem here. Jen makes an excellent cup of coffee,” Silas said as he led the way to the kitchen.

  Silas and Gina sat at the table and discussed a few things they would cover in the interview. As the time went on, he began to relax and realized she would make sure the interview was honest and without distorted facts.

  After a half an hour, Michael announced everything was ready for them.

  “Okay, Silas, it’s time to tell the American people what is happening in Sandley,” Gina reached out and gently touched him on the arm.

  “Okay, you’re on in 3, 2, 1…”

  “Good evening, as we all know our federal government has been playing games with us, the American people by telling us there is nothing they can do about the problem on our southern border with Mexico. Over the several past months, we have seen thousands of illegal immigrants flooding across the border with no resistance from Washington DC. As a matter of fact, the very government that is supposed to protect us from such an invasion is actually aiding them but shipping them to towns all across the country. We have all seen on the nightly news the peril of the children and families forced into the detention centers. We are told how it’s the responsibility of the American people to see these people are treated with respect and given the opportunity for a better life. However, the government hasn’t shielded us from the outcome of relocating those who came into our country illegally, and the effect it has on the average American citizen and their communities. Tonight, I’m going to share the story of one such town and its residents.”

  Gina turned and looked at Silas. “I’m here in Sandley, Texas with Chief Silas Greer. First of all, I’d like to thank you for inviting me to come to your quaint little town, Silas.”

  “You’re welcome, Gina. I’d like to thank you for coming and helping us share our story.”

  The interview proceeded as planned. Silas explained how the people were tricked to believe the jobs at the factory would be for the people of Sandley, only to learn the company had made a deal with the government to use illegal immigrants brought to town under the cover of night. He also explained how the crime rate had steadily grown and how it finally escalated to the attempted murder of Chuck and Sandy Wilson. Silas also spoke of how his best friend’s daughter had nearly died because of a deadly illness brought to town by the group brought in to work at the factory. He finally spoke of how he had tried to get assistance from the federal government to handle the added problems, but how they had turned him away.

  “Silas, I want to thank you for sharing your story with the viewers. I’d like you to take this time to tell us anything else we may need to know,” Gina smiled, as she leaned back in the chair and waited.

  Silas looked at Gina and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. When he finally opened his eyes, he looked directly into the camera and began to speak in a calm, but firm voice.

  “My fellow Americans, we are under attack from a dangerous enemy. I know most of you will say you already know that fact because we are fighting them in the Middle East. However, it is not the enemy I’m referring to tonight. The enemy that has attacked us is our own government in Washington DC. For far too many years, we have sat in silence and allowed those WE elected to destroy our freedom. With each passing year, they have chiseled away at our constitutional rights with each new unjust law. From trying to take our guns, to passing unrealistic regulations that stifle business. The greatest enemy the American people face today is those serving in Washington DC. They tell us we must allow those who broke our laws to stay here and how they are entitled to our jobs because apparently they are the only people willing to do them. Well, I hate to tell those in DC, but the people of Sandley were thrilled to have the opportunity for those jobs, but an uncaring federal government cheated us out of them.”

  Silas had paused a moment before he continued. “I fear for the future of Sandley. This once peaceful town is now a target for those who would try to force a change that none of us want. The residents of Sandley are good and honest people. They love their families and want to have a safe place to live. The people of Sandley are not bigots or full of hate. As a black man, they have accepted me as their Chief of Police for several years, as well as their friend. The people of Sandley treat each other with respect and are always available to help each other in a time of need, but now those with an agenda are painting us as haters. We only want our lives back, and we want our government to put us, its citizens first for a change.”

  Silas looked at Gina with tears glistening in his eyes. She could see the pain he felt, and she had to admit she felt it as well.

  After a few tense moments, Gina spoke. “Silas, I’d like to thank you for sharing your story with us. Your words have touched my heart, as I’m sure they have anyone watching this tonight.”

  Gina then turned and faced the camera. “As you can see, the residents of Sandley, Texas have been betrayed by our very own federal government. Now, I ask, how many other towns are facing these same problems? We have always been a country of immigrants, which is why we have such a rich history. However, as we grew as a nation, it became necessary to control those coming here. Everyone knows the history of Ellis Island and the millions of immigrants screened there on their quest to begin a new life here. That process was performed to protect the American people from sickness and undesirables putting the American people at risk. However, for some strange reason, our government no longer wants to keep us safe, and if we stand and cry out NO MORE, we find ourselves labeled as racist and haters. Now we have learned that our government is flying the families of illegal immigrants here at taxpayers’ expense to spare them the long and dangerous trip across the desert. They then label the new arrivals as refugees, thus making them eligible to receive numerous benefits at taxpayer expense. Then to top off the insult, not only has our government forced people who came to our country illegally upon us but now they are also bringing Muslims by the thousands from the Middle East as supposed refugees. This, of course, makes no sense, as it’s the Christians who are being murdered by ISIS by the thousands. So why not bring the Christians facing death?”

  Gina reached up and wiped a tear from her cheek before she continued. “We are facing the death of our country if we don’t stand up and fight back. We can no longer cower to political correctness. We can no longer allow those who want complete control over us, to bully us into submission.”

  She looked at Silas and smiled, “Silas, I will keep you and your town in my prayers, and I hope everyone watching tonight will do the same.” She reached out her hand, and then took his in a firm handshake.

  “Thank you for giving me this opportunity to tell our story,” Silas said.

  The camera then focused on Gina, “I hope you all will contact your representatives and let them know you want them to do their job and protect you from this over-reaching administration. Together we can save this great country for the next generations. Until next week, good night.”

  Once the cameraman turned off the camera, Gina turned to Silas. “You di
d an excellent job. I’ll have my guy get everything together this afternoon so you can approve it. We’re scheduled to fly out tomorrow, so I’m hoping you like what we did here.”

  “Okay, I’m sure I’ll like it,” Silas smiled.

  “Great, we’ll get out of here and I’ll call you when it’s ready.” Gina stood and looked around the room. “You have a beautiful place here. Thank you for letting us film here.”

  “You’re welcome,” Jen responded with a smile on her face.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here and let these lovely people have some time to themselves,” Gina laughed as she walked toward the front door.

  Chapter 30

  Gina called at 6 o’clock, letting Silas know the report was ready for his approval. They decided to meet at the local Mexican restaurant, so they could eat dinner and discuss the footage. Silas decided to call the owner of the restaurant and request the use of the private room in the back so they could talk undisturbed.

  Silas and Jen were sitting at the table, enjoying some chips and salsa when Gina and Michael arrived.

  “Where’s the rest of your crew?” Silas asked.

  “Oh, they decided to try some Crayfish at that restaurant just outside of town,” Gina grinned.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, would you rather eat there?” Silas asked.

  “No, this is fine. I love Mexican food.” Gina sat at the table and grabbed a chip then dipped it in the salsa. “This is delicious.”

  The waitress came to the table and handed them each a menu and put another bowl of chips and salsa on the table. “What would you like to drink this evening?”

  “I would love a Margarita,” Gina winked.

  “Oh yes, I’ll have one too,” Jen grinned.

  Silas and Michael looked at each other and smiled.

  The meals were delicious, and everyone enjoyed the pleasant conversation. Once the waitress picked up the dirty dishes and left the tab, Michael set his laptop computer on the table and turned it to face Silas and Jen.

  Silas sat in silence as he watched the report. The images of the town and interviews with the townsfolk all put Sandley in a positive light. Next was his interview with Gina. He watched as he poured his heart out and he felt the same feelings well up inside of him.

  Once it was finished, he looked at Gina and said, “It’s perfect, thank you.”

  “Great. Jen, why don’t you and I have another one of those Margarita’s to celebrate?” Gina laughed as she motioned for the waitress.

  “Silas, next weekend the country will learn what the federal government has done to your town. I only pray this will be what it takes to make the American people stand up and fight back once, and for all.


  I hope you enjoyed the story of the people of the fictional town of Sandley, Texas. As a writer, I was unable to give this story the typical ending, as the events portrayed are still evolving today. As Americans, it’s up to us to fight to save this great country for the next generations. We can no longer turn a blind eye, and believe what is happening today will not affect our futures. As portrayed in this story, the people of Sandley are no different from most Americans who only want to live their lives in peace and raise their families.

  It doesn’t matter what political party one chooses because when you step away from parties, we are all Americans, and this is our country to protect. We also need to stop allowing those in power to divide us, for that is how they gain power and control over us. Since the beginning of this great Republic, many have died to protect it. Let’s not let our generation be the one to allow those deaths to be in vain.


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