Read Lie Close to Me Page 5

  He hated that word. “Luna isn’t weak.” He glanced back at the cabin. The light in her bedroom was on, shining bright. Was she listening to them? Maybe. Better to be safe… “Run with me.”

  “Uh, we’re just going to leave her? What if she makes a break for it?”

  “Luna isn’t leaving.” He pitched his voice higher, in case she was listening. “Not if she wants to find out how she wound up in that hospital. Because I swear, I will figure out what happened to her.”

  Then he grabbed Jett’s shoulder. In a flash, they were far away from the cabin. No other houses were nearby. He’d picked the place specifically for its isolation. His gaze went back to the upstairs bedroom. To the light that shone there.

  Luna wouldn’t leave. But, if she did, he’d see her fleeing. He’d catch her. “Now we can talk.”

  Jett huffed out a hard breath, fog immediately appearing before his face. “You think she was taken because of her memory loss.”

  “If someone had tried to take you or me, then we’d have woken up and known exactly who was on our side and who we needed to destroy.” Maddox pushed back his fury. “But when Luna wakes up after a death, she’s defenseless. The bastards who took her could have fed Luna any story, and then, bam, if she believed them, they would suddenly have one powerful super soldier on their hands.”


  Yes. “She’s vulnerable. She doesn’t remember who took her from our facility, she doesn’t remember who hurt her at the hospital. The SOBs could walk right up to her, and she wouldn’t know what they’d done to her.”

  Jett’s head lowered. “That’s why she was up for termination. She can be dangerous to the team. We can’t trust that she won’t turn on us if she wakes up and doesn’t know—”

  Maddox grabbed him, fisting his hands in Jett’s shirtfront. “She won’t be terminated.”

  “Easy.” Jett didn’t fight back. But his body had stiffened. “You know I like Luna. She’s saved my ass plenty of times.”

  Maddox didn’t let him go.

  “But don’t you get it, man? The only people who can help Luna are the people at our lab.”

  The people who wanted to terminate her.

  “Maybe they can fix her,” Jett added. “Did you think of that? How the hell do you even know they were going to terminate her? Who told you that shit?”

  “Luna. She told me. Right before she went missing.” His hands let go of Jett.

  Jett paced a few feet away. “Are you sure she was telling the truth?”


  “Maybe she thought…if she told you that before she vanished…maybe she thought you’d believe she had been terminated. That she was dead. If that was the case, then you wouldn’t look for her. We both know that you’re the best hunter Lazarus has. Without you, she might still be free.”

  “She wasn’t free.” His hands fisted. “She was fucking tortured in some hospital. Luna didn’t lie to me.” Her fear had been too real.

  “I’m just saying…hell, how well do you really know her? We woke up with her in the lab after we were all given the serum. But we don’t know a damn thing about what she was like before Lazarus.”

  “I don’t know a damn thing about what you were like, either,” Maddox threw back at him.

  “Right. And I don’t know who you were. All of that was lost to us. Everything was lost.”

  And Maddox would be lying if he didn’t admit he fucking hated that fact. Who the hell had he been? What about his family? His parents? The test subjects had all been assured that they hadn’t left any spouses behind, but surely he’d had other relationships? A lover? Close friends? “I’m not turning her over to the lab coats at Lazarus, not yet.” Not when they could be waiting to kill her. “I want to learn more.”

  Jett gave a grim nod. “Seems like the best way to do that is by going back to the hospital where you found her. There has to be something left behind that can help us.”

  “So you’re on board?”

  A ragged sigh escaped him. “I like the woman, you know that. And the things she can do…” He shook his head. “I’ll never forget how she saved that kid in Panama.”

  A kid who’d run straight into the crossfire during a battle. The bullets had torn into his small chest. Jett had roared when he’d seen the boy fall. He’d broken cover and raced into the street, desperate to help the child.

  But Jett hadn’t been able to stop the blood.

  Luckily, Luna had.

  “Does she know about that yet?” Jett asked. “Her psychic bonus?”

  “Not yet. Hell, man, I just got her to believe I wasn’t the bad guy.”

  “But…aren’t you?”

  Maddox glared at him.

  Jett just laughed. “I’ll go back to the hospital. If there’s evidence in the place, I’ll find it, okay? I’ll also take care of the motorcycle we left hidden in Bitter.” He pointed to the house. “You keep her safe until we can figure out what the hell to do.”

  He planned on staying very close to Luna.

  Jett took a few steps away from him, then stopped. “If we find out that she did turn on Lazarus, that she ran away and turned on us all, what then?”

  Maddox made sure his thoughts were secured. He’d always had the strongest psychic safeguards. No one got in his head, not unless he wanted the person inside. “I’ll deal with her.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that.” Jett shuffled forward. “I always liked her…”

  Maddox had always liked her, too. Hell, like was far too tame of a description for what he felt for Luna. He hurried back to the cabin, making sure he scanned the perimeter. The SUV’s engine started with a growl and then he heard Jett driving away.

  And it was back to just being him and Luna.

  When he went inside, he’d make sure he kept his damn hands off her. That would be his step one. Then he’d get around to interrogating her.

  He threw open the cabin’s door and strode inside. Her scent hit him right away. A sweet, seductive scent that was pure Luna. She didn’t wear lotion, never had, but she carried a light, flowery scent that had always appealed to him. He followed that scent and found her in the den. Her back was to him as she stood in front of the fire. Her dark hair trailed over her shoulders, falling onto the green sweater she wore. Tight jeans clung to her legs, and black boots rose to her knees.

  “We’re alone now.” She spoke without looking at him. Obviously, she’d heard Jett leave.

  Maddox raked a hand over his face. He should go upstairs and get showered.

  “That’s good.” Luna turned toward him. She advanced with slow but certain steps. “With him gone, I’ll have the chance to find out…” Her words trailed away as she kept advancing.

  She only stopped when she was directly in front of him.

  “Find out what?” Maddox asked as his brows climbed.

  She put her hands on his shoulders. Rose onto her toes. Pulled him toward her. “To find out if we were lovers.” Then she put her mouth against his.

  Chapter Four

  She shouldn’t have kissed him. Before Luna actually put her mouth against his, the plan had seemed sound enough. She’d wanted to see if her reaction to the dark and dangerous Maddox would be as strong as it had been before. Maybe when she’d kissed him at the creepy hospital, the adrenaline and general terror she’d been feeling had screwed with her head. Maybe she’d only thought that kissing him had ignited her body into a crazy maelstrom of need and lust that made her want to rip the man’s clothes off.

  So she’d needed to test things. Needed to see what her reaction would be to him under different circumstances. And if Lazarus subjects were really all about primitive responses, well, what was more primitive than lust? Surely she’d be able to tell if they had been lovers. Right? Maybe?

  But when her lips pressed to his, when her tongue snaked along his lower lip and he gave a deep, guttural growl, her plan went straight to hell.

  Maddox wasn’t some passive participant in her
little experiment. His hands—those warm, strong, bear-like hands of his—closed around her hips. He lifted her up, moving so that her chest was pressed flush to his. Her legs got a mind of their own, and they wrapped around his hips.

  Bad, bad move…

  But it felt so good.

  His lips opened beneath hers. He took over the kiss, tasting her, savoring her, and the wild avalanche of need? It came back. Even stronger than before. Her nipples tightened against him, they ached, and she found herself arching her hips toward him, moving almost desperately. He was just kissing her, and she was frantic. Wanting him so badly. Wild. From his mouth.

  She was in so much trouble.

  Luna tore her mouth from his. “We’re lovers.” Her breath heaved out. Her legs were still wrapped around his hips. His hands were tight around her waist. “You lied to me!” Anger mixed with her lust. He thought that because her memory was gone, he could take advantage of her. The bastard—

  He sucked in a deep breath. Then another.

  Her legs slid away from his hips as he lowered her—very slowly—to the floor.

  “Told you,” and his voice was deep, “we’re not lovers. Not…yet.”

  He had to be lying. Didn’t he? “It’s not normal.” His hands lingered on her hips. “Even I know this. You don’t kiss someone and ignite.”

  His lips curled. “That what happened? You kissed me and you ignited?”

  Her cheeks burned. “Don’t act like you don’t feel the same way.” She’d felt his physical response, and it was as big as the rest of him.

  “Oh, I feel it. I want you like hell burning.”

  Was that good? Or bad? Both?

  “But I haven’t had you yet, and that’s the truth. Though if I’d realized our reactions to each other would be quite so…intense…then I damn well would have gotten you in bed sooner.” His gaze clouded. “And fuck the rule the lab coats have about the subjects mixing together.”

  Now that was interesting. “Lazarus subjects aren’t supposed to have sex with each other?”

  “The lab coats say we’re too dangerous for that. Sex is too primitive. Too wild.”

  With him, she had absolutely no doubt that things would get wild. She felt singed where he was still touching her. Like he was branding her with his fingers.

  She also wanted his mouth on her again.

  But if that happened, she was pretty sure her new clothes would be hitting the floor.

  I don’t know anything about my sex life. What if I have a lover somewhere? The thought shot through her head, and she gave a gasp. “If we’re not together, then am I sleeping with someone else?”

  His pupils expanded. Maddox growled.

  “Is that a yes?” Luna demanded.

  “It’s a hell fucking no. Not like I’d miss you having a lover in the Lazarus facility. No one goes into a cell without others knowing about it.”

  “Cell?” That one word chilled her. “Am I kept in some kind of prison?”

  He didn’t answer.

  Oh, jeez. “Are we all kept locked up?”

  “The lab coats are testing us. Soon enough, we’ll be able to integrate with everyone else again.”

  And that was it—she could actually hear the difference in his words, and she’d noticed the slight hitch in his breathing. “Is this what it’s like when you lie?”

  Maddox’s gaze narrowed.

  “Because you don’t believe they’ll let us integrate with everyone else.”

  He let her go.

  “What do you think they’ll do?” Luna pushed him for the truth.

  His jaw hardened. She didn’t think he was going to reply until he finally spit out, “Use us up until nothing is left.”


  But even as she called his name, his head whipped to the left. He frowned, then he swore.

  “What’s wrong?” Luna asked but then she heard the faint sound, too. Engines, tires rolling over gravel…coming closer.

  “That’s not Jett,” he snapped. He rushed across the room. Yanked open a drawer and pulled out a gun. He tossed it to her, and she caught it automatically. The gun felt comfortable in her hand. Familiar. She automatically checked it, making sure it was loaded and ready to go. When she looked up, he’d taken out another Glock.

  “Multiple vehicles.” His head was tilted as he listened for the sounds. “Coming in fast.”

  She swallowed. “And I’m guessing these aren’t people on your team?”

  “For this mission, the team was only me and Jett. And, no, the people coming aren’t mine.” He advanced toward her with an angry stride. “They’re coming for you.”

  Her hold on the weapon tightened.

  “Don’t worry, Luna. They’re not getting you. They’ll have to fucking go through me first.”

  She believed him. “How many are coming?”

  “Four vehicles. If they’re smart, they have at least four men in each one. But it will take more than that to stop us.”

  The vehicles were getting closer. Way too close.

  “What’s the plan?” She was sweating, and her heart was racing. “Do we go out with guns blazing?”

  “No.” A smile flashed on his face. A smile that did not make Maddox look reassuring or friendly. In fact, she was pretty sure sharks had smiles like he did. “I’m going to talk with the bastards. We need to know who they are. And why they took you.”

  Talk? But—

  “Stay inside. And if the bullets start flying, remember, no hits to your head.” His fingers rose and pressed to her cheek. “Even we can’t come back from a bullet to the brain.”

  What? And he was just going to prance outside like it was nothing? What if he took a bullet to the brain?

  “Don’t look so worried. I’ve got a secret weapon.”

  Was that secret weapon the fact that bullets could bounce off him?

  But his hand slid down her cheek. He leaned closer. Pressed a kiss to her lips. “It was so easy to get addicted.”

  “Addicted?” She stared at him, completely lost.

  “To you. A taste was all I needed.” For an instant, he almost looked tender. Then a hard mask slid over his face. “Stay inside. If I need you, you’ll know.”


  But he was already gone. Not rushing out the front door and heading for the approaching vehicles, but moving soundlessly out via the rear of the cabin. And she was left standing there, holding a gun.

  She glanced around the room. “I don’t think this works for me.” Not one bit. She wasn’t the stay in place type. Luna bounded up the stairs. Found a room on the second floor that was covered by darkness. She used that darkness to hide herself as she crept toward the window, then she peered down at the scene below.

  She had a good vantage point from this position. And she’d be able to make one hell of a shot.

  “I’ll watch your six, Maddox.” She tried to find the mental link he’d used with her before. Wasn’t sure if she’d succeeded or not. “And don’t you dare take a bullet to the brain.”


  Four vehicles. He’d been right about the number. Maddox watched from the shadows as they roared in. They weren’t trying to be silent. Probably because they knew there was no way they could sneak up on super soldiers. Their vehicles screeched to a stop, and then men jumped out as fast as they could—men wearing bullet proof vests.

  At least they were attempting to stay alive.

  “We want her, not him,” one of the men barked. “Get her, now.”

  Oh, the hell, no. Maddox let out a high whistle.

  Immediately, the men spun toward his position in the dark. One fool even let a shot loose. It missed, of course, by like three feet.

  But the shot did piss Maddox off.

  He moved fast, snaking through the trees and then coming out next to the last SUV. The men had their backs turned to him as they searched the darkness, and it was easy enough to run right up to them.

  He didn’t kill them. No point i
n that. Not yet. He wanted them alive.

  But they didn’t all have to be conscious.

  One touch, and one man went down in absolute silence. Maddox flew toward another. Grabbed the guy from behind, pumped his psychic energy at the bastard. The fellow went down, too. Maddox took out several more of the SOBs that way before the others even got smart enough to turn in his direction.

  And when they did, he stilled. “About time.” Maddox smiled at them. “Which one of you dumbasses is the leader?”

  Instead of answering, they opened fire.


  “Maddox!” Luna screamed when the bullets flew at him. “No!” She’d opened the window, and she took aim, firing to take out those men. She hit their arms, sending guns dropping from their hands as they howled in pain. They were wearing bullet proof vests, so their arms were vulnerable, and those spots were also the best way to make them too weak to hold a gun. One, two—

  They fired back at her.

  She ducked, making sure her head was safe. She’d lost sight of Maddox right before she’d had to take cover, but he was alive. She’d seen him running. She’d seen—

  “Luna!” A man’s voice. One she didn’t recognize. “We’re here to save you!”


  “The man who took you—he’s not FBI.”

  FBI? Oh, yeah, that was the story Maddox had given to that elderly gas station attendant. How did those guys know that? Had they talked to the attendant?

  “We’re the FBI. He’s a dangerous criminal!”

  More gunfire. A fast bang-bang-bang.

  Luna clutched her weapon to her chest.

  “We believe he’s been drugging you. He abducted you some time ago, and we were just able to track you down, thanks to the help of a concerned citizen in a nearby town.”

  Silence. No gunfire at all. Just rapidly racing heartbeats.

  “Come down here, Luna! We’re here to take you home!”

  Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs.

  “Don’t even think of moving, Luna.” Maddox’s voice. Blasting in her mind. “The bastard is lying. He’s sending two men toward the house. They’re about to break in the front door.”