Read Lie Next to Me Page 16

  “Where are you going?” he asked quietly.

  “To use the bathroom, if you don’t mind,” I said as I turned around and saw that he was staring at me.

  “Can we just lie here and fuck as our morning exercise instead of going running?”

  As tantalizing as the thought sounded, there was no way I was going to have sex with him again right now. “No, we need to run. It’s been a few days,” I replied.

  “Are you okay, Rory?”

  “Yeah, why?” I yelled from the bathroom.

  “You’re walking funny. Are you sore down there?”

  I flushed the toilet and walked out of the bathroom, pinching my thumb and finger together. “Maybe just a little.”

  “Come here,” he said as he held out his arms.

  I climbed back into bed and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. There was nothing in this world that made me feel safer than his strong chest and strong arms.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.”

  “I do like knowing that I was the cause of it, though.”

  I lightly smacked him on the chest just as the alarm went off.

  “Are you going to be okay to run?” he asked.

  “I’ll be fine. Go get changed so we can go.”

  Ian got up from the bed, pulled on his pajama bottoms, and walked out of the room. I changed into my running clothes and headed downstairs.

  “Good morning, Charles,” I said happily.

  “Good morning, Rory, and happy belated birthday. When you and Ian get back from your run, I’m making you a special breakfast.” He smiled.

  “Charles, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I know I don’t. I want to.” He winked.

  Ian came downstairs and we both headed out the door for our daily run. It was starting to get cool in the mornings. Fall was settling in and you could really feel the drop in the morning temperature. As we were running side by side, Ian looked over at me and asked a question.

  “Is there one place in the world that you’ve always dreamed of seeing?”

  “Yes, anywhere but Indiana.” I laughed.

  Ian chuckled. “I’m serious.”

  “I’ve always wanted to go and see the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I remember when I was a little girl that my mom received a postcard with the Eiffel Tower on it from one of her friends that had to move there because her husband got transferred. She put it up on the refrigerator and I stared at it every day. So yeah, that’s one specific place I’ve always dreamed of seeing.”

  Ian didn’t say anything; he just stared straight ahead as we kept running. When we arrived back to the house, Ian and I sat down at the dining room table and waited for breakfast to be served. It smelled wonderful and I was starving. Mandy brought us a fruit cup to start.

  “I see that I’m just in time for a grand breakfast.” Adalynn smiled as she walked over and kissed Ian’s cheek and then mine.

  “Good morning, Adalynn. Perfect timing as usual,” Ian said.

  “Hi, Adalynn.” I smiled.

  She took a seat across from me and pointed her finger. “I’m still mad at you, missy.”

  Ian chuckled as he looked at me.

  “And as for you, mister, don’t think it’s a coincidence. You know I’m a sucker for Charles’ cooking.”

  Ian nodded his head as he bit into a strawberry. Mandy set a plate in front of me of something that I wasn’t quite sure of. It looked like a rolled up pancake with fruit inside. I picked up my fork and knife and looked at it as Mandy served Ian and Adalynn.

  “Rory, it’s a crepe.” Ian smiled.

  “A what?” I asked as I looked at him.

  “Honey, just taste it. Trust me; you’ll die when you do,” Adalynn said.

  I took a bite and it melted in my mouth. It was probably the best thing I’d ever had, except for the earth-shattering orgasms Ian gave me. “Oh my God, this is delicious.”

  “Told ya.” Adalynn winked.

  “Rory, I’m giving you the day off,” Ian said.


  “Because the caterers are going to be in and out and so is the party planner. You can resume work on Monday.”

  “Are you sure, Ian?”

  “I’m positive, sweetheart,” he said as he got up from the table.

  Adalynn looked at me and smiled. “Spill! How was it?”

  “It was amazing. Absolutely fucking amazing!” I exclaimed as I got up and grabbed her hand. “Come with me upstairs.”

  I told Adalynn to wait for me while I took a quick shower. When I walked back into the bedroom, she was admiring the necklace that Ian gave me.

  “Did he give you this?” she asked.

  “Yes. Isn’t it gorgeous? He told me that the key represents that I’ll always have a place to stay here.”

  “I get the feeling you were hoping it meant more.”

  “I’m falling in love with him,” I said as I looked down.

  “Oh, Rory. What did I tell you?”

  “I know. But I can’t help feeling what I feel.”

  “Have you ever been in love before?”


  “Sweet, Jesus. Ian is not the person who should be your first love.”

  I knew what Adalynn was getting at. She warned me and I didn’t listen. “I can’t help it. He’s an amazing person, and I know deep down he has feelings for me,” I said as I lightly applied some makeup.

  “Ian Braxton has never had a romantic feeling about anyone in his life.”

  “He bought me something else. I’ll show you after I blow dry my hair.”

  Once my hair was done, I led Adalynn to the baby grand piano.

  “Wow, this is beautiful,” she said as she ran her finger along it.

  “Have you heard her play?” Ian smiled as he walked out from his study.

  “You can play the piano?” Adalynn asked.

  I nodded my head as I sat down and began to play. Adalynn stared at me in disbelief and then looked at Ian.

  “I know. It gets me hard every time.” He winked as he walked away.

  Adalynn sat down on the bench next to me. Once I was finished, her big eyes and wide smile stared at me. “That was fucking incredible. You have to teach me to play someday.”

  “I will.” I laughed.

  “Okay, doll, I have to get to the office. I’ll see you tonight for your birthday party. It’s going to be fun,” she said as she kissed me on the cheek and left.

  I sighed at the thought of my party. There had never been a party to celebrate me. No sweet sixteen, no graduation, nothing. My aunt didn’t even come to my and Stephen’s graduation from high school. I was nervous about this party, and I prayed to God that Ian didn’t invite his father.


  The house was chaotic between the caterers, florist, and the party planner. The party was being held outside in Ian’s gigantic and beautiful backyard. White tents with white lights were being set up, flowers were being arranged in vases, and tables were being set up with linens. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Ian wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble if he didn’t have feelings for me. He came home and walked straight to where I was standing in the backyard.

  “Looks great.” He smiled as he looked around.

  I hooked my arm around his and laid my head on his shoulder. “It looks amazing. Thank you, Ian, but it wasn’t necessary.”

  “It was. You should have a great birthday party. You deserve it,” he spoke as his lips touched my head. “I’m going to go shower and get changed. I suggest you do the same so you’re ready when the guests start arriving.”

  We walked back into the house. He went to his room and I went to mine. After my shower, I wrapped a towel around me and walked over to my closet, searching for the perfect dress to wear. I turned on some classical music and listened while I put on my makeup and did my hair. I slipped into a chiffon black strapless dres
s and a pair of black heels. As I walked downed the stairs, Ian was walking through the foyer when he stopped and looked at me.

  “You look beautiful, Rory.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled as I walked up to him. “You’re looking pretty sexy yourself in that suit.”

  He couldn’t look any sexier if he tried. The way he wore his black suit with a white shirt underneath that was left partially unbuttoned, showing a hint of his taut chest, made me want to forget the party and just make love to him all night, not to mention the scent of Ralph Lauren that poured from him seduced me. Ian smiled and walked me to the back and handed me a glass of wine.

  “Here, this will calm your nerves.”

  “How do you know I’m nervous?” I asked.

  “I can tell. You have the same look on your face that you always get when you’re nervous.” He smiled.

  I took a sip of wine and then a deep breath as guests started to arrive. The only people I would know at my own birthday party were Adalynn, Daniel, Ollie, and Jordyn. Ian introduced me to the guests as they arrived. There were a lot of beautiful women and it made me uncomfortable. A few of them I recognized from when Ian brought them home at night. I was talking to Adalynn when a boisterous voice echoed through the yard. I turned my head to see Andrew standing by the door, asking where the birthday girl was. I took in a deep breath and walked over to him.

  “Look at how pretty you are.” He smiled as he kissed me on both cheeks. “Happy Birthday, Rory.” He leaned in to hug me and whispered in my ear, “Don’t think that Ian doing this for you means something.” He winked and smiled at me before walking away.

  There was something about him that bothered me. I watched him as he walked over to Ian and the two of them hugged.

  “Bros before hos. Isn’t that the expression they use?” Adalynn said as she stood next to me and watched Ian and Andrew.

  “There’s something about Andrew that screams ‘watch your back,’” I said.

  “Andrew’s not that bad. He’s very protective of Ian. They’re like brothers.”

  “I don’t think he likes me.”

  “I’m sure he does, Rory. His problem is jealousy. I’m sure he’s thinking you’re going to steal Ian away from him.”

  “That’s weird,” I said.

  “Men are weird.” She laughed.

  “Rory!” I heard Jordyn exclaim.

  I turned around and she and Ollie were behind me. I hugged and thanked them for coming.

  “Oh my God, look at this party!” she exclaimed. “This is so amazing.”

  “Thanks. Ian outdid himself, didn’t he?” I smiled.

  “He sure did,” Ollie replied.

  As the night progressed, I felt uncomfortable, especially with the way Andrew kept his eye on me. Adalynn handed me a Mai Tai as I watched Ian talking and laughing with those women.

  “You can’t let it get to you. You’ll drive yourself crazy,” she said.

  “How can I not? Look at the way he’s acting with them. It’s disgusting.”

  “That’s how Ian is, Rory. I warned you about him. I wouldn’t give those little hussies a second thought.”

  “It’s not that easy, knowing that he fucked them all.”

  “Oh God, I hope you’re not thinking that way about me,” she said with concerned eyes.

  “Of course not. You and Ian haven’t slept together in a couple of years. That’s different. These bitches were here not too long ago.”

  “Well, good, because I would hate for you to think of me like that.”

  The alcohol made its way down and the effects riveted throughout my body. I was feeling great as I took another drink from the waiter when he walked by. I walked over to where Ian and Andrew were standing with the women. I came up from behind and wrapped my arms around Ian’s waist.

  “Hey, sexy.” I smiled.

  Ian put his hands on my arms, turned around, and looked at me. “Are you enjoying your party?” he asked as he removed my arms from his waist.

  “I am,” I said as I faked a smile and looked at the women who were ruining my party. “Thank you, ladies, for coming.” I couldn’t tell if they were actually smiling at me or if it was just their permanent plastic look. I walked away feeling like an idiot and grabbed another glass of wine from a passing waiter. I heard Ian’s voice call everyone’s attention and was caught off guard when he called me over to where he was standing.

  “I want to thank all of you for coming to Rory’s birthday party tonight. I know it was a bit of short notice, but I had only found out yesterday that it was her birthday and, as her friend, I thought it would be a good idea to throw her a party so she could get to know you, since she’s new in town.”

  That’s great. He really had to go and say that? I stood there, drowning in alcohol, feeling like I was going to fall over with all of Ian’s friends staring at me, judging me, and probably thinking the worst about me. I could feel Andrew’s scorching glare, and I didn’t even need to look at him. Ian announced it was time to sing as Charles wheeled out a beautiful three-tiered birthday cake that was decorated in pink. It was beautifully lit with twenty-four burning candles and it was the most beautiful cake I’d ever seen. Tears sprang to my eyes as everyone sang “Happy Birthday,” and I blew out the candles.

  “Rory, would you like to say a few words to your guests?” Ian asked.

  “Of course.” I smiled. “I would like to thank you all for coming and celebrating my birthday with me. I look forward to getting to know each of you better.” I then turned my attention to Ian. “Ian, thank you for this wonderful party and for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been a great friend and I want you to know that I appreciate it,” I said as I kissed his cheek.

  I had the feeling earlier in the evening that he didn’t want to show any affection out in public, especially in front of all his friends. It was fine to hold me, kiss me, and fuck me behind closed doors where no one could see. This night had started to open my eyes a bit and I wasn’t happy with what I saw. I held up my glass as everyone clapped, and Charles cut into the cake.

  Chapter 19

  “Holy shit,” I whined as I tried to open my eyes. I put my hand on my forehead to try and stop the excessive pounding. I rolled over and stared at the perfectly made side of the bed. I didn’t remember a thing about last night after I blew out my candles. It was obvious that Ian didn’t sleep with me last night. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was noon. When I sat up, the room spun and I reeked of alcohol. The smell was making me nauseous as I stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As I sat on the shower floor, the hot water poured down on me. I scrubbed my body with some magnolia-scented shower gel and then washed my hair. I was feeling somewhat better except for the pounding going on in my head. I headed down to the kitchen and looked at the empty coffee pot. Shit.

  “Good afternoon, Rory. Are you looking for coffee?”

  “Yes, Charles. I need it now.” I sighed as I rested my arms across the counter.

  “I’ll make you a pot. Shall I make it extra strong?”

  “Please, Charles.”

  He walked over to the cupboard and took out a bottle of pills. He shook two of them in his hand and handed them to me with a glass of water.

  “Take these and you’ll start feeling like your old self again real soon.”

  “What are these?” I asked as I looked at them.

  “Hangover pills. Ian brought them back with him from Indonesia. They aren’t sold here in the United States.”

  I shoved the pills in my mouth and chased them down with water. I sat down at the table and put my head down. Just as I closed my eyes, I head Ian’s voice.

  “Did you give her the pills, Charles?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “She just took them,” he replied.

  “Are you okay?” Ian said as he rubbed my back.


  “Maybe you shouldn’t have drunk so much last night.”

  I didn’t resp
ond. He obviously didn’t realize that he was the cause of my drinking binge. “Leave me alone, Ian.”

  “That’s exactly what you said last night when I was carrying you upstairs to bed, after I picked you up from the beach where you passed out.”

  I slowly lifted my head and with one open eye, I looked at him. “I passed out?”

  “You sure did.”

  Charles set my coffee on the table and I immediately grabbed it. “Thank you, Charles.”

  “You’re welcome, Rory. I hope you feel better soon.”

  I looked at Ian as I took a sip of the hot, strong black coffee. “When I woke up this morning, the other side of the bed was still made. You didn’t stay with me last night?”

  “No. You were too drunk and, to be honest, you smelled.”

  Asshole. I couldn’t believe he’d just said that. “Thanks, Ian,” I said with knitted eyebrows.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but it’s the truth.” He grinned.

  “Are we doing anything today?” I asked like an idiot, having no clue where the hell those words even came from.

  Ian looked at me and cocked his head. “We aren’t, but Andrew and I are. He’s on his way over and we’re going to play some golf and then go out for dinner.”

  “Have fun.” I smiled as I got up from the table.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Upstairs. Enjoy your day and I’ll see you later,” I said as I walked away.

  The pills started to work their magic. My head was beginning to clear and I wasn’t feeling sick anymore. I shuddered at the thought of Ian and Andrew going out. Somehow, women were always involved. I went back downstairs. Ian wasn’t around. I sat down at the piano and started playing Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata.” It was the first song that came to mind because I always found it sad, and since I was in that frame of mind, it seemed like the right song to play. I finished that song and went right into “Fur Elise.” I closed my eyes and played, hitting each key as if it was my last breath. A single tear fell down my cheek as I immersed myself in the melody. Another tear fell, and then another. I was so lost in my sad world that I didn’t even notice Ian standing at the piano, staring at me. When I opened my eyes and saw him, I immediately stopped playing. He didn’t say anything. He just stared at me as if he so badly wanted to say something, but couldn’t. I wiped my eyes and got up from the bench.