Read Lifetimes of Adventure Page 1

s of Adventure

  By Melody Hewson

  Copyright Melody Hewson 2012

  The waves were high, crashing hard against the hull of the ship as if trying to push it back out to the safety of the open sea. But it was far too late for that, they’d been spotted.

  Standing at the bow of the old ship, the captain looked out, frowning slightly at what awaited them. The way into the harbor was blocked by a line of warships, anchored only a few feet apart, preventing anything but the smallest of fishing vessels to slip past them.

  “That crazy fiend!” Teralina exclaimed. “He wants us so badly that he sent out his whole fleet! If we weren’t so low on supplies and half way to starving, I’d turn us right back around and head back out to sea!” She sighed and turned her head to look at her loyal first mate. “Well, Jack, it looks like the gods have finally abandoned us.”

  Beside her, the black and white dog gave a single, clear bark, nose held high into the wind. The small blades hidden inside the gauntlets strapped to his front legs both extended simultaneously.

  “You’re right, Jack!” Teralina replied, her hand reaching for the sword kept at her hip. “We’ve never given up without a fight before. Why start now?” She swung around to face her crew, all watching her with curious, trusting eyes. They would follow her to hell and back again without question. “Man the cannons and trim the sails! This is about to get lively, boys!”

  “Aye, Cap’n!” Came the answer before the crew went into a flurry of activity, readying the The Howling Dog for its final battle. There were creaks and grunts as cannons were loaded and pushed up to the portholes. Muskets were readied and swords were strapped in place.

  “Alright boys!” Teralina said to her crew as the final preparations were made. “Let’s show the king who he’s dealing with here! Send them all down to-“

  “Cap’n! Look!” A voice interrupted her speech as one of the crew pointed toward the royal fleet. A large white sheet was being waved on the deck of the lead vessel and a small row boat was being lowered into the water. The occupants of the smaller boat were also waving a white flag.

  Jack growled as he watched the smaller ship, raising to his hind legs to lean on the railing and get a better view. “Aye, Jack.” Teralina said, turning to watch the approaching row boat closely. “What manner of trick is this? They’re already surrendering to us?” The dog let out a bark and a yip. “Good point, this could be some assassination ploy. Keep on your toes, boys, but no one fires first.”

  “Ahoy there!” Came a call as the smaller boat reached The Howling Dog. “May, um, may we come up and speak with you a moment, Captain McBannon?”

  Teralina looked to her first mate and the dog growled suspiciously. “I agree, Jack.” She said calmly. “This is most likely a trap, but what can we do? I won’t have it said that I ever fired on someone waving the white flag of truce.” Again Jack gave a low growl and moved to place himself between his captain and the tiny boat below. “Lower the ladder and let them aboard. Be ready for anything, but not a one of you attacks first. We may be pirates, but that doesn’t mean we’re not honorable folk.”

  It took several minutes for the four men from the warship to climb aboard, all four of them nervously eyeing the drawn swords and muskets of the wary crew. “Ah, yes. No need for violence, now. We would just like to have a very peaceful discussion with Captain McBannon, please.” One of them spoke. He was a small, weaselly looking fellow with a long, pointed nose and constantly darting eyes.

  “And what business do yah have with the captain?” Teralina asked harshly. “The terms of your surrender?”

  “Oh... um… well, you see… We’re not actually surrendering. We’re… um… actually the… er… welcoming party. We bring important news that the captain will want to hear, but um… we’d rather wait until he’s present to… um… deliver our message.”

  “Well you may as well say it now!” Teralina ordered, emphasized by a loud bark from her first mate. “Because I’m Captain McBannon. Now what’s your news?”

  “You are notorious pirate captain McBannon?” Another of the group exclaimed in disbelief. He was tall and lanky with the air of an aristocrat about him, causing an immediate dislike among the crew.

  “Aye. Now say what ya’ve come to so we can all be on our way. My crew is a little anxious to be getting home, yah know.”

  “Um, yes…” The shorter man continued. “Well, you see,…”

  “If I let you tell it you’ll take forever. Damn and blast ye’ courtiers!” Another man stepped forward from the background, shoving the other three aside. Teralina liked him immediately, but still eyed the group with distrust. The new man had the features of an old sailor, the weathered skin colored like old parchment, a strong but wiry build and a sturdy footing on the shifting vessel. “Cap’n. Name’s Grail Johnston. What these worthless land slugs a’come ta tell yah is that there’s been a uprisin. King Gregory be dead, and ta hell wit all his kin! We now got a new king, an’ he’s requestin yar presence soon’s yah come ta shore. Yah been granted a full pardon by his majesty, so whetha’ yah come wit us or don’t, we’ve orders ta let yah go in peace. But it’d be best if yah could just come wit us and we can be takin yah right ta his royal highness.”

  Teralina considered the request for a moment, then turned to look at Jack. The dog looked back up, just as confused as she was. If it was a trick, she would be left vulnerable and unguarded if she went with them, but it might be enough to let the rest of her crew escape. “Very well.” She said, turning back to the men, who smiled in relief at her words. “Jack and I will come with you. My crew know what to do with the ship in my absense. Lead the way, gentlemen.”

  Teralina and her first mate looked around curiously as they were led into the throne room. The palace did indeed seem to have suffered some sort of attack and was in the process of being repaired. Broken glass still littered parts of the floor and there were scorch marks on some of the walls, but despite the mess, the palace was still the most lavish place the pair had ever been.

  The guards standing before the throne room parted with respectful nods to the group and Teralina nodded back in passing, still waiting for the trap to spring. “Your majesty!” The weasel-faced man called out, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and using it to dab daintily at his forehead. “We’ve returned, sire, and we have Captain McBannon with us, just as you requested!”

  A single figure was sitting on the bejeweled throne, hunched over as he looked over a small stack of papers. But at the short man’s words, he looked up, causing Teralina’s heart to skip a beat as she recognized the face below the royal crown. Behind the small group came a loud bang as the doors to the room were closed. Jack gave a small yip of surprise, but Teralina hardly noticed. Her attention was solely on the lone figure, who stood up slowly to greet them.

  “Tera! Welcome!” He exclaimed cheerfully and smiled. “I’m so glad you managed to get here safely!”

  “Randy! Is… Is it really you? They told me you’d died!” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she rushed toward him, half expecting his presence to prove to be some illusion that would flicker away as she approached, but he remained, even proving to be solid when she launched herself at him in a tight hug. “I can’t believe it! It really is you, isn’t it!”

  “Yes, it’s really me.” Randy laughingly replied. “As you can see, the rumors of my death have been incorrect.”

  Teralina looked up at him, confusion warring with happiness across her face as she tried to decide which to show. “What happened? Are you really the new king?”

  “I am indeed the new King.” Randy said softly, reaching up to gently stroke her cheek. “I’ll tell you all about it at tonight’s banquet, but first…
I wanted to ask you something.”

  Teralina leaned into his hand and closed her eyes, enjoying the soft touch after spending so much time thinking she would never be able to enjoy such closeness with him again. “And what is that?”

  “I would like you to be my queen.” Randy replied, drawing a gasp from the small crowd in the room.

  The insistent ringing of the phone jerked the young woman back to the present. A quick glance at the caller ID, however, made her roll her eyes and hit the power button, ending the obnoxious sound.

  “Now then, where was I.” She said softly, turning her attention back to the book. At her feet, a black and white dog wagged his tail in approval. “Ah yes, here we are. ‘I would like you to be my queen.’ Randy replied, drawing a gasp from the other occupants of the room. He looked hopefully at the woman he had come to love during their time together; nights spent in secret meeting halls and smuggled aboard ships, planning the overthrow of wicked King Gregory. ‘Please say yes, my darling.’ He begged her. ‘We’ll announce our engagement tonight at the feast and we can be wed before the moon sets tomorrow.’”

  The dog gave an excited bark as she read the story aloud, his plumed tail thumping loudly against the floor. “I know, Jackie!” Tera exclaimed in response, smiling down at him. “It’s so overwhelming! First we find out that he’s actually been alive all this time, and now we find out that he’s the new king and has asked for my hand in marriage! What do you think I should say?”

  Again Jackie gave a happy bark and Tera laughed, turning back to the book. “Well, let’s find out. Ehem… Teralina looked up at him, letting her tears overflow and slide down her face. Slowly her arms released their hold and she took a step back. ‘Randy… You know… You know I feel the same way about you. But… I can’t.’ Sadly, she turned away from him. ‘I would love absolutely nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, but my place isn’t here, wearing the trappings of royalty. My place is out there, at sea… on The Barking Dog. The sea is in my blood. I live and I’ll die by the will of the waves. Please understand.’ Oh, Jackie, this is so sad!”

  Tera began to cry her own tears as she continued reading, losing herself once more to the story. “Randy did not stop her, but watched her for a long moment before removing the crown from his head and staring at it hard, as if demanding answers. ‘Teralina,’ he called to her. ‘What if… I gave up the crown? Then I could come with you! We could be together!’

  “Teralina turned to face him again, placing a finger against his lips to silence him. ‘No, Randy. You can’t. This kingdom needs you. Gregory tore it apart and there’s no one better than you to put it back together.’ She lowered her hand and smiled playfully. “And it’s not like this is the last time you’ll be seeing me around. Someone’s got to keep you honest, and who better than a pirate?”

  Tera sighed happily as she closed the book, settling it on her lap. “Oh, Jackie, that was such a great story! And what a happy ending! I just wish they’d gotten married, though. It would have been so perfect.”

  Standing up from her chair, the young woman carefully replaced the finished book on the shelf and looked over her collection. “So! What do you think we should read next?” From his place on the floor, Jackie gave a soft bark and wagged his tail happily. “Oh! That’s an excellent choice!” Tera responded and grabbed another book from the shelf before returning to her chair and settling down again. “I love a good space adventure!”

  Opening the book, Tera turned to the first page and began to read aloud again. “A blue sky greeted Thomas Jacobs as he opened his eyes. You know what, we’ll just change that to Teralina McBannon and her faithful canine companion. Ok, A blue sky greeted Teralina McBannon and her faithful canine companion Jack as they opened their eyes. Expecting just another boring, typical day, the pair got up out of bed and began their usual morning routine. Neither of them knew just how much their lives would be forever changed before they had even had breakfast. Oh, this one sounds great!”

  Tera continued to read, transporting herself and Jackie into the world described by the book, and together, they began another grand adventure from the comfort of her favorite reading chair.