Read Lightning Page 2

  “Whatever, Owen. Go back and be a happy family. Forgive that bastard for the things he’s done over the past eighteen years. Maybe you can forget about it, but I can’t.” I jerked away from him and started walking down the street. Placing my hands in my pockets, I turned around. “Ask yourself why you got into boxing in the first place, bro. You have just as much anger towards him as I do.”

  When I reached the corner, I made a right turn and headed to Dewey’s Bar. Sitting on the stool, Lina, the bartender I’d known for a couple of years, placed a beer in front of me.

  “You look like you could use this, Logan.”

  “Thanks, Lina.”

  After my mom died, when I was nine years old, the only way my father could handle her death was to drink himself into oblivion every night. The minute he came home from work, when he did come home, he’d pop open a beer and sit in his chair in front of the TV, ignoring the fact that he even had three sons. His sister, my Aunt Vanessa, ended up caring for me and my brothers after my father started heavily drinking. She made sure we went to school and she put us on the right path to our careers, never letting us stray or go off course. I owed my life to her because she was the one who made sure I had every opportunity available to me when it came to hockey. She and her husband, my Uncle Alan, provided the things my father couldn’t. It pained her to see her brother’s life go to shit, and as many times as she tried to help him, she always failed. He was a shit father who only cared about his alcohol, forgetting the fact that he wasn’t the only one who lost someone he loved.

  As I took a swig of my beer, my mind went back to my thirteenth birthday. For some reason, I thought maybe that would be the one night he wouldn’t come home drunk. But he did. My aunt had just set my birthday cake on the table and he was late as usual. When he walked in and saw us all sitting down at the table, he went into a rage, yelling and screaming about how inconsiderate we were not to have waited for him. He picked the cake up from the table and threw it across the kitchen. I remember the anger that consumed me at that moment, and I lunged at him, punching him across the face. He grabbed me and threw me up against the wall, screaming at me and telling me that I was nothing but a punk kid who would never amount to anything. That was the night I ran away and hit the rink, skating the fastest that I ever had around ice. It was that night that I was determined to show my father he was wrong and that I would become something and someone.

  “You ready for another?” Lina asked with a smile.

  “Yeah.” I handed her my empty beer bottle.

  I couldn’t help but stare at her tits as her tight black low-cut shirt embraced them. She was thirty-five, smoking hot, and always flirting with me when I’d come in, which wasn’t too often since I rarely visited my father.

  “I watched the game last night,” she spoke as she handed me another beer. “You were great.”

  “Thanks. I’m also great at other things.” I winked.

  “I bet you are.” She bit down on her bottom lip as she leaned over the bar.

  My eyes diverted to her sweet cleavage and then up at her. “Do you want to find out?”

  “Yeah. Actually, I do.” She looked at her watch. “Look at that. It’s time for my break.” She smiled. “Hey, Joe. I’m going on break.”

  She motioned for me to follow her down a long hallway and into a room that housed a desk and a couple of filing cabinets. After I entered, she shut and locked the door, then lifted her shirt over her head, exposing her black bra that looked too small for her big tits. Grabbing her hands, I pushed her up against the wall and held her arms above her head with one hand. Her teeth nipped at my bottom lip while my hand traveled up her skirt and my fingers pushed her silk panties to the side and plunged deep inside her. She moaned and I let go of her wrists.

  “Take off your bra and show me your tits.”

  She reached behind her and unhooked it, taking the straps down, and letting it fall to the ground. My lips explored her bare breasts as her hands worked on my pants, taking them down and releasing my throbbing cock.

  “Nice dick.” She smiled.

  After removing my fingers from her wet pussy, I told her to turn around and face the wall. Pulling a condom from my wallet, I slipped it on and crammed myself inside her. She gasped and let out several low grunts as I pounded into her fast and furiously.

  “Is this what you wanted?” I asked.

  “Yes. Oh yes,” she moaned.

  I reached around and grabbed hold of her tits, pinching her nipples as her pussy swelled around me, and her body tightened as a wave of warmth rushed over my cock, causing me to come.

  “Ah, yeah. Fuck yeah,” I moaned.

  Pulling out of her, I rolled the condom off and pulled up my pants.

  “What do you want me to do with this?” I asked.

  “I’ll throw it away in the trash up at the bar. I don’t want the boss to know that I fuck in here.” She smiled. “You want another beer?”

  “Nah. I’m going to head home. Thanks, Lina. I needed that.”

  “No problem, Logan. You sure know how to satisfy a woman.”

  I gave her a small smile as I walked out of the office and out of the bar.

  Chapter 3

  “He shoots and he scores! Lightning Logan is on fire tonight with his second goal of the game.”

  It was the last period, and we were tied two to two. Face off was between me and Machard. We stood there, in position, waiting for the puck to drop. His blue eyes burned into mine and I could see the anger in them as if he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to tear me apart.

  “Dude, I’m sorry about your knee.”

  “Fuck you, Jackson.”

  The puck dropped, and as I hit it with my stick, Machard threw his stick down, took off his gloves, and came after me. Remembering what the coach said to me yesterday, I couldn’t just stand there like a pussy and let him beat the hell out of me, so I threw my gloves off and we circled around each other.

  “This is the last period of the game and we’re tied. Wait until the game is over and then we can do this,” I said. “Let’s not get ourselves thrown into the penalty box.”

  He glared at me as we circled around each other.

  “Seriously, Gavin. Let’s just finish the game.”

  “Fine. But once the game is over, I’m coming after you, Jackson.”

  He skated over and picked up his gloves, putting them back on and picking up his stick. The crowd booed us, but I didn’t care. I’d welcome a fight anytime, and believe me, I’d started plenty of them. Now wasn’t the time and I needed to make sure we won this game. With ten seconds left, I came up behind Tommy as he passed me the puck. Skating down the center, dodging the opposing team, I shot it right into the net so fast that the goalie didn’t even see it.

  “And Lightning Logan does it again! The New York Rangers beat the Washington Capitals, three to two, winning their second straight game of the season.”

  The crowd cheered and I prepared myself for Gavin’s warning. As soon as the game was announced, the gloves came off and he came after me, grabbing on to my jersey and throwing the first punch. I retaliated as my fist hit his jaw and his hit mine again. Holding on to each other, we both went down as he landed on top of me, punching me with his hard fist. The refs pulled him off and broke up the fight. The crowd went crazy and Tommy helped me up.

  “Nice fight, Logan. What the hell were you doing? You weren’t fighting back.”

  I wiped the blood that was dripping from my nose with my hand. “It’s the least I could do for breaking his knee.”

  When we got into the locker room, the doc walked over and examined my face. “Your nose isn’t broken and you don’t need stitches. You’ll survive.” He grinned as he put a butterfly bandage across the cut above my eye.

  “Jackson,” I heard Coach Gene say as he walked into the locker room. He placed his hand on my shoulder. “I’m proud of you for what you did.”

  “Thanks, coach.”

llent game, boys. What a way to start off the season. We don’t have a game for a couple of days, so take that time to rest up before we head to Michigan to the play the Wings.”

  After showering, Tommy asked if I was going to Louie’s to celebrate.

  “Nah, I think I’m just going to go home. Why don’t you come over and we’ll kick back some beers? Maybe order a pizza.”

  He shrugged. “Sure. Sounds good, but I was hoping to get laid tonight.”

  I looked at him and raised my brow. “What the fuck? Don’t be looking at me, dude.”

  He chuckled. “Tonight will be bros before hos.” He patted my shoulder.

  Tommy Goodwin and I had been best friends since I was first drafted to the NHL. He was scouted by the Rangers around the same time I was when he played hockey for Boston University. Being thirty-one years old, he had the same views about relationships I did, except he was in a three-year relationship once with a girl named Maddie who constantly cheated on him, claiming that he was never around as much as she needed him to be. That was five years ago. She had since married, had a kid, and from we heard, was now divorced.


  Keeping my eye on the puck, I made an inside pass over to Nate, who took it and passed it to Tommy. Jones, on the other team, slammed Tommy against the board, pushing his head into it several times before the refs could get over to break it up. Tommy fell to the ground and I skated over to him to make sure he was okay. As I looked up, I couldn’t believe what I saw. My dad and Maggie were sitting in the third row, center seats. Our eyes met and my dad gave me a small smile and a nod. I hadn’t talked to him since that night at his house. He didn’t call and I didn’t bother. I gave him a slight nod as I skated away and the game continued.

  Eight games played so far with eight straight wins. We were on fire this season, and not just me, but my whole team. There was no doubt in my mind that we were going to play in the playoffs once again and the thought elated me. As Tommy and I stepped out of the locker room, I saw my dad and Maggie standing outside the doors.

  “Hello, son.” My dad smiled.

  “Hey, Dad. Maggie.” I nodded.

  “Great game.” He placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Thanks.” I looked down.

  “We better head out. I just wanted to tell you how great you were out there on the ice.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it.” I gave a small smile.

  “I know you’re busy but don’t be a stranger, son. Stop by some time and we can talk.”

  “Sure, Dad.”

  He and Maggie walked away and Tommy stood there with a blank look on his face.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I think that was the first time I ever saw your dad sober.”

  “Me too. At least over the past eighteen years.” I sighed.

  Placing his hand on my back, Tommy spoke, “Come on; let’s get out of here, go get drunk, and find some hot chicks to fuck. My dick is screaming for a little attention.” He smiled.

  Chapter 4

  One Month Later

  The crowd roared as the puck glided across the ice and straight into the net, giving us the win of the night.

  “And Lightning Logan strikes again,” the sportscaster announced with excitement. “There is no doubt in my mind that if the Rangers keep this up, they’ll be playing in the playoffs.”

  As my teammates and I congratulated each other, the roar of the crowd sent a rush through me. My fans chanted my name as I skated around the ice with a smile while I held my stick in one hand and gave a polite wave with the other. Heading to the locker room, celebratory drinks were in order. Sprays of champagne flew through the air as we passed the bottle and each of us took a swig from it.

  “Let’s go do something different tonight,” Tommy said.

  “Like what?” I pulled my shirt over my head.

  “Let’s go over to Angel Sent on Long Island. Angelica is working tonight.”

  “Dude, are you still trying to get her to go out with you?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He smiled.

  “You’ve already seen her tits and ass. What’s left to the imagination?”

  “How my cock would feel inside her when I’m pounding her ass from behind.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine. But to be honest, I don’t think the girls there are very attractive.”

  “Says you. I think they look just fine.” He smirked.

  We told the team we were going to skip Louie’s tonight and Tommy and I headed to the parking garage where his Porsche GT3 was parked. As Tommy drove us to Angel Sent, he pulled his phone from his pocket and made a slight left onto the I-495 E ramp. He glanced at his phone for a second when I noticed bright lights heading towards us.

  “What the fuck!” I shouted. “Tommy, that car is heading straight for us.” He looked up and tried to swerve.

  CRASH was the only sound I heard as the car rolled, landing upside down in the middle of the expressway before another car smashed into the driver’s side and everything went black.


  Beep. Beep. Beep. I could hear the sound in the background, but I didn’t know where it was coming from. My head hurt, making it impossible to open my eyes. The faint sound of a voice I recognized seemed close.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you, bro. Please wake up.”

  It was my brother, Owen. What happened? Where was I?

  “We’re here for you, Logan. You’re going to make it through this.”

  Another familiar voice. My brother, Brandon. Make it through what? What was he talking about? I felt like I was trapped in a dream. A dream where I couldn’t wake up.

  “Son.” My dad’s voice was close to my ear.

  I wanted to wake up, but something was holding me back. A shadow in the distance. A shadow that called itself fear. If I woke up, I would have to face whatever happened and my mind wasn’t ready to deal with it yet.

  I couldn’t tell you how long I was like that, but suddenly, my eyes opened, pierced by the bright lights that fell upon them.

  “Thank God.” Owen jumped up from the chair. “Bro.” His face was inches from mine.

  “Where am I?” I whispered.

  “You’re in the hospital, Logan. You were in a bad accident,” Brandon spoke as he stood next to Owen.

  Headlights took hold of my memory. The sound of a crash and the feeling of flying through the air gripped me. My breathing became restricted. I was losing air and my heart was pounding out of my chest. My brothers screamed for the nurse. A burning sensation filled my body as a blonde-haired woman stood over me. Suddenly, everything went black.


  Two Days Later

  “Welcome back, Mr. Jackson.” The blonde-haired woman gave me a small smile as I slowly opened my eyes.

  “How long have I been out?”

  Before I knew it, Owen was at my side. “Two days, bro. You’ve been asleep for two days.”

  I looked up at the three IV bags that were hanging to the side of me and then at my leg, which was in a cast and in traction. My lip felt fat and I could feel bandages around my face.

  Suddenly, the door opened and Brandon walked in. He looked at me and all I could see was the pain that resided in his eyes.

  “The accident. How’s Tommy?” I asked.

  Brandon and Owen looked at each other and Owen squeezed my hand.

  “I’m sorry, bro. He didn’t make it.”

  A heaviness infiltrated my chest as a tear fell from my eye. A single tear turned into multiple ones as they streamed down my face. My best friend and teammate was gone. A man that I’d known for the past nine years, and a man that was always there for me. I sank back into my dream, a place where I felt safe. I slept for another day until my mind was ready to deal with more of the aftermath of the accident.


  Three Days Later

  I pushed the button, calling for the nurse and screaming out in pain. The meds were wearing off and I needed more. Walking into the room
, Cassie, my day nurse, inserted a syringe into my IV.

  “You’ll feel some relief in a few seconds, Logan.” She smiled.

  Why was she smiling? This was fucked up. I was fucked up and she was smiling at me. The excruciating pain started to subside.

  “Don’t fucking smile at me, Cassie.” I turned my head and looked out the window.

  “Be nice, Logan, or you won’t get any more pain meds.”

  “Yeah. Like you could do that.” I shook my head. “Get the hell out of here.”

  Shaking her head, she walked out of my room just as all my teammates walked in. Today was Tommy’s funeral and I couldn’t be there. It angered me. Everything angered me. The guys meant well, but I didn’t want to see them. I didn’t want to see anyone. Not even my brothers. My dad walked in and placed his hand on my arm.

  “You’re alive, son, and that’s all that matters,” he spoke as he sat down in the chair next to my bed.

  “I’d be better off dead.”

  “Logan. Don’t say that. I already lost your mother and I won’t lose you too.”

  I ignored him. He stayed a short while and then left. My Aunt Vanessa walked in with a tin full of her homemade chocolate chip cookies. That always put a smile on my face. But not now. Nothing could make me smile ever again.

  “I brought your favorite cookies, Logan.” She smiled as she set them down and kissed my head.

  “Thanks, Aunt Vanessa.”

  “Talk to me, honey,” she softly spoke as she placed her hand on mine.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. My life is over. I wish I would have died in that accident.”

  “You don’t mean that, Logan.”

  “YES I DO!” I snapped at her. “What the fuck good is my life if I can’t play hockey ever again? I would have rather died than to live a life I hate.”

  “You have people who love you. Do you understand how bad it hurts us to hear you talk like that?”

  Did I care? No. Not in the least. I no longer cared about anybody or anything. Playing hockey was my life and, without it, I had no life.