Read Lila (Boyle Heights #1) Page 16

  This surprised and unnerved him. “Why? Who’s asking?”

  “I am.” She glanced up from her screen finally and pushed up on her glasses. “You were spotted with her in New York couple weeks ago. You said you started seeing Lila over a month ago.”

  She lifted her phone screen so he could see the photo of him and Mona strolling down the Manhattan street together. Ali slid her finger across the screen to scroll the photos then stopped on one that had Sonny gulping, one of them holding hands. Fuck.

  “She’s an old friend.”

  “You hold hands with all your friends, Mr. Sabian?” She brought the phone back down in front of her as she tapped away again.

  “Call me Sylvester. Sly.” He shook his head as the exasperation began to build. “Better yet, call me Sonny. It’s what your sister calls me, and no, I don’t hold hands with all my friends.” Damn Mona and her constantly slipping her hand in his. “It was cold and she slipped her hand in mine, but she really is just a friend.”

  “You went out with Frankie Nunez?”

  Now she seemed starry-eyed, but it was fleeting. In the next moment, she was lifting her brow in disapproval. Sonny was pretty sure what photos she was looking at now. “I was her date for the Grammy’s. We had brunch a few times and attended a few charity events, but we were never really a thing.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  Sonny laughed, nervously glancing away. “That was . . . I mean those were the Grammy’s. Last year. Not this year. Way back. Like ancient history,” he said, pissed about his bumbling answer.

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  “That’s irrelevant, don’t you think?” Sonny asked as the exasperation grew with every one of her inquiries. “I hadn’t even met your sister then.”

  “Leslie McHugh, Ivette Adams, Shannon Solis, Michelina?” She glanced up at him. “What’s she like? Is she a true vegetarian? I know a lot of celebrities claim to be, but they’re really not.”

  “I have no idea.” He huffed.

  “You’ve had a lot of girlfriends, Sonny.” She slid her finger over the screen. “I hope you get checked often.”

  “I’m a well-known athlete, Ali. Just because my picture’s been taken a lot doesn’t mean I’ve slept with every girl I’ve posed with.”

  Almost true. He hadn’t slept with every one of them. But he did make sure to use protection with all the ones he had. And being a professional baseball player, he was required to have regular physicals, so he knew he was clean.

  “Are you gonna help me out here or not? Will you talk to your sister for me?”

  “Look.” She finally put her phone down. “I won’t sugarcoat this for you. If Lila hasn’t already kicked you to the curb because of your slutty reporter friend or because you lied to her all this time, she will once she sees what a— And I apologize if this offends you.” She lifted her brow; though she hardly looked sorry. “What a man whore you are.”

  “I’m not a man whore,” he insisted, even if some might argue with that. “The stories about my personal life, most of them, are exaggerated. And the photos with me and all those women just come with the territory—”

  “If you expect Lila to just accept that—”

  “No!” He shook his head. “I don’t. I just mean constantly being photographed and even followed by the paparazzi is just a part of my life, but I have every intention of keeping my promise to her that I’d never hurt her or do anything that might accidently hurt her.”

  “Like today?” She regarded him, completely unimpressed.

  “Exactly,” Sonny said with conviction. “Like today. That’ll never happen again because, from here on, everyone will know I’m not a single guy anymore. So, any behavior like Tatiana’s today won’t be tolerated. In fact . . .”

  Sonny pulled out his phone in desperation because it didn’t appear he was making any progress in convincing Ali of his loyalty to Lila. If she wasn’t buying this, he was sure as shit Lila wouldn’t either. This was a risk but one he was willing to take. He hit the call button after locating the last call he’d had from Tatiana. It rang over the speakers in his car so Ali would hear this for herself.

  “Hello, Sly,” she murmured the moment she answered. “If you’re calling to apologize, don’t. I’d prefer you drop by and show me how sorry you are.”

  “Nope, not calling to apologize.” He raised his brows and nodded at Ali, who was leaning against the door, looking almost bored. “I’m just calling to get something clear with you. I’m seeing Lila now, and after this morning, I need to cut all ties with you, even business ones. It’s just not gonna work anymore.”

  “You can’t be serious—”

  “I am,” he said before she said anything insulting about Lila. “I can’t risk you being so fucking unprofessional the way you were this morning and causing any problems between Lila and me. It’s just not worth it.”

  “Does this mean—?”

  “It means what I just said it means, Tatiana,” he said, feeling a little more heated the more he thought about what Tatiana pretending to not get this, might cost him. What it could’ve cost him already. “I don’t think I could’ve made this any clearer. Next time I see you, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. The moment I get the chance, I’ll be blocking all your shit. Got it?”

  The phone clicked, and Sonny looked down at his screen. Yep, she’d hung up on him, but he was glad that hadn’t been as ugly as he’d been dreading.

  “How many more of those calls are you gonna have to make?”

  “None.” He put his phone down. “Believe it or not, women are not what takes up most of my time. My work does. But I already told Lila that I’m done letting my career get in the way of my personal life. I’m making her my first priority from here on. If she lets me, that is.”

  His phone rang and the screen on the dash lit up with the name Olivia. Ali’s brow went up again and she shook her head.

  “That’s my friend’s sister.”

  Ali shrugged as if that didn’t make it any less of a girl calling him. “My friend’s married sister,” he clarified, hitting the answer button. “Liv, what’s up?”

  “Hey, Sly.” Her cheerful voice came through the speakers again. “Sorry to bother you. I’m just trying to get a final headcount for this Friday. Will you be there?”

  “I will, actually, and unless she’s working, I’ll be bringing my girlfriend.” He turned to Ali, who again didn’t look the least bit impressed.

  “You have a girlfriend?” Of course, Olivia would sound way too surprised. “Like a real girlfriend? One you’re actually taking serious? Why didn’t you bring her to the Baptism?”

  He frowned, glancing at a smirking Ali, who, if he wasn’t mistaken, was beginning to enjoy his unease. “Things were just starting off for us back then, and I didn’t want to push anything as big as an overnight trip on her yet. But I’ll definitely be bringing her around from here on.”

  “Well, congrats.” She still sounded way too giddy about the news. “I’m so excited for you. Does AJ know? Because you know he’s always said you’d never settle down.”

  Sonny pinched the rim of his nose, closing his eyes, and didn’t bother looking at Ali this time. “No, he doesn’t, actually. I haven’t really told anyone yet, but if she’s off Friday, I’ll bring her for sure.”

  “Yes! For sure bring her. It’s the only way AJ and the guys will ever believe it.”

  “I gotta go, Liv,” he said, pissed at himself now for answering the call.

  He’d had enough of her overly surprised reaction to his finally getting a girlfriend. It was horse shit. He had a good reason for not having settled down yet or not having a serious girlfriend in so long.

  The moment he was off the phone with Olivia, he turned to Ali, whom he was sure had gotten a big kick out of that. “The only reason why she’s so surprised is exactly what I explained to you earlier. It’s been years since I’ve met anyone who I could be sure was into me because of me, not
just for my fame. I honestly was beginning to think I never would, and obviously so did AJ and a few of my other friends.” He took a deep breath. “But you see why this is so important to me, right? I finally met someone who’s genuinely into me and who I’ve fallen for big time. Will you please help me out here?”

  “If I do this,” she began, her big eyes peering at him guardedly. “You have to promise me two things. First, that you will not toy with her or do anything to hurt her ever.”

  “Done,” he said immediately and without the slightest hesitation. “I abso-fucking-lutely promise.”

  “I may look small, Sonny, but I swear to you, if you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and make you pay dearly.”

  Sonny chuckled, despite the exasperation he was still feeling. “I believe you.”

  She peered at him a bit more and then finally spoke again. “Second, you can’t mention to her about the guy chasing me and Jenny today.”

  This time he wasn’t so quick to agree. He was certain Lila wouldn’t be happy about him keeping something like that from her, especially if this guy chasing them could potentially be dangerous. “Ali, I can’t—”

  “Ah-ah.” She shook her head. “You want me to do this for you, then you have to promise. This isn’t a big deal anyway. He was just being a jerk trying to scare us.”

  “And he did,” Sonny shot back. “I heard your screams and saw the looks on your faces. You really should let her in on this. She could—”

  “She worries enough about me. That’s the deal. Take it or leave it. You never saw what you saw today. We both got here at the same time today, and you asked me if I knew Lila then you explained everything to me. Going once.” She reached for the door handle. “Going twice.” She turned the handle. “Going—”

  “Fine,” Sonny agreed but didn’t promise.

  “You promise?”

  He nearly groaned, letting his head fall back against his seat. “I promise.” Damn it.

  “This is good.” Ali smiled, straightening out, and started tapping her phone screen again. “If you keep this promise, then I’ll know you should be good for the one you made about never hurting Lila. As long as I know your word is good, if you ever need any more favors, I’d be happy to oblige.”


  “Let me check if she’s home and get a feel for how angry she might still be.” Her words were foreboding. “I don’t know how well you know my sister yet. But you don’t wanna get on her bad side. You might not wanna see her just yet if she’s still pissed.”

  In Sonny’s effort to get through his story as quickly as possible earlier, he’d kept it vague. He’d been at 5th Street for some business when he ran into Lila, and the reporter had been all over him the whole time. So, Ali didn’t know he’d not only been witness to Lila’s temper before but that he’d watched her pummel an established boxer today as well. Only he didn’t get a chance to tell her because she started speaking into her phone. Just knowing Lila was on the other end made him strangely nervous. He’d gotten so used to being in constant contact with her; not hearing from her in almost two hours now made him anxious.

  “What are you up to?” Ali asked.

  Sonny watched her anxiously as Ali listened to whatever Lila was saying.

  “Are you in the mood for company or no?” Ali bit the corner of her lip. “A friend of mine. We can all hang out.”

  Ali frowned but then nodded at Sonny. He had no idea what that meant. He just hoped he’d at least get a chance to explain himself. Maybe drop to his knees if need be.

  She hung up and smiled. “Let’s go. She sounded alright, and I can usually tell just by her tone if she’s in a foul mood. Maybe your email did calm her some.”

  “So, what’s the plan,” he asked nervously as he came around the car and met her in on the sidewalk.

  “Plan?” She turned to him, wide-eyed. “That’s it. I’m getting you in to see her. You’re on your own after that.”

  Sonny wasn’t sure why that surprised him. What did he expect her to do? Vouch for what a good guy she thought he was after having just met him? They got through the security door then walked up the stairs. Every step he took he was more anxious than the last.

  Ali put the key in the door lock, and Sonny held his breath as she turned and pushed the door open. Lila had her back turned as she walked out of the front room with her phone at her ear and waved a hand back at Ali.

  “She’s on the phone,” Ali stated the obvious, and suddenly, she looked as nervous as he felt.

  They exchanged tense glances as they stood there in the middle of the front room. “Have a seat,” she finally said, fidgeting with her blouse and biting her thumb nail.

  “Maybe I should go warn her that you’re here.” Ali started toward the door Lila had just walked out of.

  “Wait.” Sonny stood up from the sofa he’d just sat down on. “What if she refuses to see me? I need to talk to her, explain it all in person. This could be my only chance.”

  Ali looked as unsure about this as he did, but it was true this could be his only chance. Lila had been beyond angry today. She might still be. Now he was glad Ali would be in the room when he did see her again. It might help keep her calm. Keep things from getting out of control if she happened to lose it again.

  Even Sonny would’ve been pissed had the tables been turned and another guy’s hands had been all over her. His temper had never been what some of his teammates’ tempers were—what Lila’s was—but just the thought pissed him off. He was actually impressed now that Lila had kept her cool as long as she had because he sure as hell wouldn’t have.

  Ali started to protest, saying something about not being so sure anymore if it was a good idea to just spring this on Lila, when the door to the room Lila had walked into opened. The smile on her face when she saw Ali flattened the moment her eyes met Sonny’s, and the room was suddenly filled with a suffocating silence.

  Chapter 13


  “Lila, I heard him out,” Ali said, sounding almost panicked. “For what it’s worth, I believe him.”

  “So did I,” Lila said before Ali could feel even the slightest bit of guilt. “He’s that good.”

  “It’s the truth,” Sonny said, holding a hand up and taking a step toward her.

  As if dreading this man wasn’t already way out of her league, seeing him here standing in her tiny front room again with such a huge presence might just confirm it. He stood next to her sister, who he towered over, and it made him appear larger than life. Now she knew he was a major sports celebrity to boot. She’d Googled all the photos, articles, videos, and countless YouTube videos made by his adoring female fans. They were endless, videos put together of him and one of the many celebrities he’d been linked to. Like their fantasy couple. It made Lila sick. Not just sick, but it made her realize how unbelievably impossible it’d be for her to deal with this.

  “I heard the call he made to that reporter you saw him with.” Ali took a step forward toward Lila. “He cut her off for real, business relationship and all. It was no act, Lila. She was pissed and hung up on him.”

  Ali knew Lila too well. If he’d really explained it all to her, then she’d know that part of today was what Lila had been most pissed about, especially once she’d read his email explaining about why he’d kept his true identity from her.

  Lila nodded, still staring into Sonny’s eyes; his intense gaze bore into her now. She was still unsure what she wanted to do with this information. On the one hand, her heart and soul yearned for his feelings for her to be true—as genuine as hers were for him. But on the other hand, she couldn’t for the life of her even begin to believe she’d be able to deal with this without fucking it all up. She was nowhere near grasping any kind of control over her unpredictable outbursts. Or rather very predictable very explosive reactions. She already knew how she’d react when not if she was in the inevitable position of having to see him around other women again. Women who’d be all too ready to offer themselves
up to him. Women like the ones she’d already seen countless photos of him with. Glamorous, sophisticated women who were the epitome of class and poise.

  Everything Lila was not.

  “I’ll leave you two to talk,” Ali said, stepping out of the room and closing the bedroom door behind her.

  “I’m so sor—”

  “What do you want with me?” Lila asked before Sonny could begin his apologies.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why me? Of all the girls in the world you can obviously have, why should I believe you want me and only me?”

  The tension in his rigid expression softened a bit, and he smiled, taking a few steps closer to her. Lila swallowed hard, willing herself to stand strong and not give into him just because he was such an insanely perfect specimen of a man. Infuriatingly, he was just as beautiful on the inside. At least it was what her first impression of him had been so far. But after the bombshell she got this morning, she wasn’t sure how much of that was true too. Could he really be this perfect?

  Now she knew all too well he could have any girl he wanted. She’d spent more than an hour, confirming that fact while she dug online obsessively about everything and anything she could find on the guy. The whole time she’d thought the same thing. The same question begged to be answered, and now he was gazing at her like the answer to that should be obvious.

  “Because ever since the day I first laid eyes on you”—he took a few more steps closer to her— “and then got to kiss those sweet lips, you’ve been the first thing on my mind when I wake and the last thing I wanna think about when I go to bed at night. That’s never happened to me before.”

  Lila gulped, feeling her heart swell and her entire body warm as he neared her, bringing his hand to her face.

  “But why me?” she whispered. “All those girls. All those glamorous celebrities . . .”

  She paused when he shook his head and caressed her cheek gently with his fingers. “You’re nothing like any of those girls, Lila. And that’s exactly why you. I don’t want any of that phony Hollywood bullshit. I didn’t even know what I wanted until I met you. What I want is a real girl. And you’re as real as it gets. You’re everything I’ve missed about my life since I became famous. You’re everything I’ve been searching for, for years, and it hit me like a freight train the night I met you. Everything about you. Your distaste for me when you thought I was just some guy trying to get lucky that night. The burger joint you preferred over my offer to take you to a steak house. You being so familiar with Hollenbeck Park and not being the least bit afraid of being there at night. Even that damn temper and mouth on you. I grew up here in Boyle Heights just like you. On the streets. Playing ball in empty parking lots, breaking windows, and running amuck. Don’t you see? You’re not the first girl I’ve seen beat someone’s ass.” He brought his hand around her waist roughly and pulled her to him. “Just the first one I’ve seen look hot as hell doing it. And for what it’s worth, only in my professional world am I known as Sylvester or Sly. It’s my grandfather’s name, but my mom has always called me Santino, and my sisters call me Sonny. So, I’m pretty used to going by it.”