Read Lila (Boyle Heights #1) Page 27

  Seeing him walking out of whatever restaurant or coffee shop, holding Lila’s hand before her fight, brought on nosier more private questions—about his relationship with this beautiful young girl. They begged for her name and if they were exclusive. But they were nowhere as pressing as the questions they asked in Vegas. They immediately recognized her as the “Cinderella” who nearly dethroned the champ.

  Of course, like the first times they’d been out in public, Sonny had once again coached her on how to handle them. He told her to just smile politely. “I usually answer generic questions about the game and how I’m feeling. You know, go along with the fun banter when I get a wiseass trying to bust my balls. But I never give them anything when they get personal, especially about who I’m dating and shit. Some can get a little aggressive and annoying when they get too close. But for the most part, I’ve never had any issues with them.”

  As playful and charming as she witnessed his behavior with the paparazzi in Los Angeles, Lila thought she picked up on a harder demeanor that evening in Vegas. From the moment they started calling out to her by name, he seemed tense. Sonny was faster to rush away from them than usual. And his normal playful banter was noticeably absent.

  By the time they got to Chicago for his promotional appearances on a few television and radio talk shows, speculation of their “rumored” relationship was all the buzz in the tabloids. Most were wondering if it wasn’t just a publicity stunt for Sonny or both of them. No better way to keep their names in the headlines now that both seemed to be the biggest stories in sports for the Los Angeles area.

  “If it gets to be too much, just say so,” Sonny had said when they arrived at the airport and were followed the whole way from their plane to their awaiting car.

  The photographers had been relentless and far more intrusive than Lila had ever witnessed. They pressed for clarification of their relationship. Were they exclusive? Was this serious? And most annoying, “Is there any truth to this being just a publicity stunt?”

  “We can lay low for a while if you prefer,” Sonny said once in the car behind closed doors. “Order room service or just have dinner at one of the restaurants in the hotels where the photographers are not allowed.” He glanced out the window where the photographers were still huddled around the car just waiting for another glimpse of them. “Because those damn photographers are already annoying as fuck. But I can already feel it. This is only the beginning.”

  Both had ignored all the questions, as they walked quickly through the airport. He’d yet to comment on the publicity-stunt speculations, but Lila got the distinct feeling it’s what really annoyed him.

  “I can deal with it,” Lila said honestly. “Maybe if we just clarified, they’d stop making rude assumptions—”

  “I don’t give a shit what they say or think,” Sonny was quick to explain. “I just don’t want you feeling overwhelmed by it all. This is all new to you. It’s one thing to ease into being in the public eye, but for it to start like this for you . . .” He motioned out the window as the car pulled away. “It just doesn’t seem fair, and I know it’s all my fault.”

  “Fault?” she asked, touching his cheek with the back of her hand, and smiled, tilting her head. “Because my boyfriend is a superstar athlete they can’t get enough of?”

  Sonny took her hand away from his cheek and kissed it. “They know enough about me, Lila. It’s you they’re fascinated with. They know nothing about you, and the fact that you’re dating someone famous only intrigues them further. And I’d never confirm anything to paparazzi. They’re bad enough as it is. If I start answering their pushy questions, it’ll only open the floodgates to more. But I was gonna talk to you about that.”

  “About what?” Lila asked, leaning in and sprinkling kisses around the corner of his lips. He seemed so tense, and it was her way of calming him a little.

  “After our night out in Vegas, my publicist has been getting nonstop inquiries about us.”

  Lila’s insides fluttered even as she kissed the corner of his lip again and gazed into his eyes, breathing in deeply. Despite everything that’d happened between them, her living with him now and his declaring his love for her, it was still hard to fully wrap her head around the outrageousness of it all. This man, not just the superstar athlete, because, obviously, that’s not what had been the draw, but this beautiful man who so easily stole her heart was actually in love with her too. So, hearing him speak in terms of us still made her heart flutter.

  “Patrick Walker, the host of Sports Thunder, the show I’ll be on today, is a buddy of mine,” he said, squeezing her hand. “We go way back, and I know the question about us is inevitable. So, rather than give any confirming statements to the inquiring media, I thought maybe I should just give him the exclusive. It’s the top-rated sports talk show in the nation right now, and confirming this on his show would pretty much make this official, publicly anyway. He’s a good guy and called me this morning to ask if this was something I’d even want to discuss; otherwise, he wouldn’t bring it up. That’s a big deal.”

  “It is?” she asked, her heart speeding up as the enormity of this really sunk in.

  Their relationship was that big a deal, that the host of the top-rated sports show in the nation would call him to ask him.

  “Oh yeah,” Sonny said with a nod. “It’s all about ratings with these guys. You saw how hungry those photographers were for the answer to the latest craze in the tabloids. Here he could ask me about it, live—make teaser promos about it to get more viewers to tune in—and he’s willing to pass on it because he’s a good friend. And,” he said, tilting his head with a smirk, “I’m pretty sure he might be a little pissed if his bosses are pushing for him to ask about it, get the story. He’s a professional through and through, and I’m sure he thinks it’s bullshit that they’d be insisting he discuss my romantic life on his sports show.”

  “So, what did you tell him?”

  “I told him I wouldn’t have an issue discussing it briefly, keeping it vague, but that I’d wanna run it by you first.”

  Lila glanced down at her phone. She had a voicemail from Preston she still hadn’t listened to. But she’d read his text asking her to call him when she got the chance. It didn’t sound urgent. Only now she was certain it had to be about this. If Sonny’s people were getting calls inquiring about their relationship, Preston likely was too.

  “I don’t have a problem with it,” Lila said, squeezing Sonny’s hand.

  “Good,” he said, giving her a peck. “I’ll send him a text giving him the go-ahead. And like I said, I’ll keep it vague. Hopefully, once I confirm that, yes, we’re a couple, the damn photographers will back off and move on to the next story.”

  Chapter 23


  “You’re too damn close.” Sonny snarled at the photographer walking backwards in front of him and Lila as they made their way back to the car at Hollenbeck Park.

  The days of him and Lila being able to enjoy a stroll in the park even in the evening were over. Sonny wasn’t the only one that had to worry about being recognized anymore. He’d been absurdly mistaken about the outcome of his public confirmation months ago of their relationship. Instead of interest dying down, it created a frenzy. Photos of the two were apparently in even higher demand now.

  The buzz of the rematch had grown considerably, since any talk of it now inevitably included a mention of him. Unlike in the beginning, her manager, Styles, was now all for them being publicly affectionate. He’d even suggested they do a few appearances together. That maybe sometime up the road they’d even consider doing a reality show.

  “Unlike other sports that garner plenty of women fans, boxing isn’t up there with them,” Styles had argued when Sonny had staunchly balked at the ideas. “You’re not promoting her or the fight. Without doing anything but openly dating Lila, you’re promoting the sport. Just the simple fact that you two are an item is intriguing enough to your hordes of female fans who wanna know more abo
ut her—about women’s boxing. There’s a real curious interest. How in the world did this virtual unknown land the most eligible bachelor in the MLB? Sure, she’s beautiful with a killer body, but it’s not like you didn’t already have access to plenty of beautiful women. Already Gio said there’s been a significant jump in the bag and shadow-boxing workouts down at the gym.”

  Sonny still hadn’t been comfortable with the idea of them making appearances together. They were two different athletes in two completely different sports. The media was already making this out to be a team effort, but for what? To gain Lila a bigger following? Lila was her own person with her own accomplishments. But the couple had even been dubbed Slyla by the press now. It was fucking ridiculous.

  Judging by the amount of paparazzi on their asses all the time now, most of the fans were highly embracing the union, but the speculation that this was nothing more than a publicity stunt was still out there. Sonny didn’t even care what they said about him, but he’d be damned if he’d be adding fuel to the storm fire of infuriating comments about Lila not having earned the success she was seeing so soon on her own merit. That all the endorsement deals she’d landed ever since her first big fight had come from the popularity of their super couple status. Fuck that. His fans got to see and hear enough about them already, the way they were hounded. Appearances together were not necessary.

  One positive thing that had come from Sonny’s annoyance about the whole situation was that he was irritated enough for the both of them. All this time, Lila had been the one known for her explosive temper. She’d done enough in-depth interviews now, both on television and in magazines, where they covered everything the world wanted to know about her. Where did she come from and why had she been hiding all these years?

  Lila had told them about her upbringing, her mother and grandfather being fighters as well, and her life in foster care when her mom died. She’d also explained how and why she’d ended up at 5th Street then inevitably in the ring when her whole life she’d sworn she’d never fight. So, the world knew about her struggle with controlling her temper, as well as her unyielding protectiveness of her sister. As private as Lila was, Style’s had convinced her that her fans would appreciate her honesty and it might even help some who might be struggling with the same issues. He said her success would signal to the many kids out there in the foster care system that there was hope for them too.

  Ironically, because Sonny fucking hated what a circus her life had become—because of him—they’d traded places when it came to who the calm one was about this. Lila did her best to assure him she was fine with it all. That she knew it wouldn’t last forever. Like with everything else in the tabloids, as soon as the next big story happened, they’d be old news.

  Sonny shielded Lila as their driver held the door open for her to get in. “Back the fuck off!” Sonny barked at one photographer who leaned in too close to take his shot of Lila.

  Lila tugged on Sonny’s hand to pull him into the backseat with her. “Unbelievable,” Sonny said after the door closed and let his head fall back onto the seat.

  As was the case lately, Lila rubbed his leg in a soothing motion. Even more unbelievably, he heard her giggle.

  Lifting his head, he turned to her. “Are you laughing at me again?”

  “Again?” she asked, looking confused, but still smirked.

  “Yeah, like you did that first night when I dripped ketchup on my shirt.”

  She laughed even more now. “I’m not laughing at you,” she said between chuckles then leaned in and kissed him.

  Gazing at him, she stopped laughing but chewed her lip as if she needed to stifle any further giggles. “I just think it’s funny that’s you ever thought you could hang out at a park—in East LA no less—and not be recognized, but especially now that things have gotten so crazy.”

  “We did that first night,” he reminded her. “And a few more times after.”

  “Only because it was dark and there was no one tailing us.” She rubbed his still furrowed brow gently. “I enjoy a nice walk in the park as much as you do, especially one where we shared our first kiss. I just think it’s time to concede that it may not be so easy to do that anymore without the photographers catching wind of it and showing up. But we can find other places to take romantic walks, places where they wouldn’t be allowed.”

  Sonny pulled her to him. “All the way,” he said as he tugged at her leg. She obliged by shifting in her seat enough that he could pull one of her legs over him then straddled him. “I’ve been meaning to tell you I’m so proud of you. You’ve come a long way with your ability to keep your cool.” He pulled her hair behind her ears on both sides, indulging in that beautiful smile before going on. “These fuckers have had me this close to wanting to strangle them with their own camera straps.”

  Lila laughed again. “I know and I guess this is still too new for me because it doesn’t bother me as much as it does you. Either that or I’m more worried about you doing something just like that, than about them being so intrusive. I’ve been more focused on just getting through it and getting you away from them than anything else. But it’s nice to not be the one losing it for once.”

  Since he really was proud of her and she had made strides with her temper in the past several months, he’d keep to himself that he still saw the fury anytime Ali mentioned being hounded by them. But he supposed when it came to her sister that would never change.

  That reminded him of something. “Your sister gonna be late again tonight?”

  Lila nodded, already smiling. “She’s got some lab hours she needs to get in before the end of the week, so she said she wouldn’t be home until after ten.”

  “Well, since our romantic walk was ruined,” Sonny said, slipping his hands inside the back of her jeans, “maybe we can take a dip in the Jacuzzi tonight and take in the stars that way.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she said, swaying her hips against him as she kissed him deeply, making him groan with anticipation.

  Not that they couldn’t sit in the Jacuzzi if Ali was home, or even get sneaky under the water if they so well pleased—and they always did—but the last time they’d been out there and knew Ali wouldn’t be home anytime soon, he’d enjoyed having Lila completely naked. Even took her from behind as she leaned over the side. Just thinking about it now had him tugging down her pants.

  Before he even got the chance to, Lila leaned over and hit the button to raise the center partition for some privacy. Sonny groaned again. The first time they’d done this in the car, Lila had been nervous and embarrassed about the driver hearing and even knowing what they’d been up to. But this was something else she’d clearly come a long way about.

  Pressing the button to the speaker up front, Sonny spoke into it as Lila pulled a leg out of her pants. “Take the long way home.”

  “Got it” was all the response he got.

  His driver, Craig, knew the deal. Sonny unzipped his pants, and Lila wasted no time pulling him out then stroking him. But instead of straddling him again as he thought she would, she spun around and sat on him. He easily slipped deep into her hot wetness. “Oh fuck,” he muttered with a guttural gasp, and he knew why now she’d spun around.

  Doing it the other way wouldn’t have allowed for such deep access. Lila took him in as deep as possible then wiggled her ass as a moan escaped her.

  “Don’t,” Sonny warned, holding her ass a little tighter. “I wanna go a little longer, and if you do that . . .”

  He let his head fall back without finishing because she started sliding up and down and it felt so fucking good. Each time she’d push down as far as she could, wanting him as deep in her as possible, and he loved it.

  They moved slowly at first, both wanting it to last for as long as possible, but as good as it felt, Sonny knew he wouldn’t last too long. He brought his hands around her front and played with her clit, feeling her entire body begin to slowly come undone. The more she trembled and panted, the faster they went. Eac
h time she sank onto him, taking him as deep as possible, but even then, Sonny lifted his hips to fuck her as hard and profoundly as he possibly could.

  Breathlessly and frantically, she bounced on him, faster and faster until Sonny could feel the familiar tightening around his cock as her pussy began to spasm, making him a goner. Burying himself one last time as he pushed her down onto him, he came as hard as he’d anticipated. Between the tension he’d built up the moment they spotted the photographers in the parking lot of the park, realizing their night out was over, and having to push past them, he needed this release more than ever.

  The more incidents like today happened, the more Sonny worried that Lila might eventually get sick of this immense change in her lifestyle.

  Lila let her head fall back against him. Sonny kissed her neck softly and wrapped his arms around her waist. “God, I love you, baby.”

  She laughed softly, still trying to catch her breath. “Guess those photographers chasing us into the car wasn’t such a bad thing after all.”

  “Guess not,” he said, forcing his smile, despite the feeling of pure ecstasy his body was still enjoying. “I’m sorry they get so crazy, but I promise you I’ll find a way to fix this. Get more security or something.”

  Lila turned to face him better and ran her fingers through his hair. “Stop apologizing, Sonny. It’s not your fault, and it really doesn’t bother me as much as it does you. And you know what else? You were right earlier. Before the fight, before the media knew anything about me, it was never this crazy. You were actually nice to the photographers back in LA the few times they saw us out in public.” She nudged him with her elbow. “The night we met you were even able to hang out at a club, amongst a bunch of non-celebrities, and not get mobbed. Preston was right too,” she added, nearly ruining the little speech that’d begun to make him feel a little better. “Your fans are just curious to see who the great Double S Sabian might be setting his sights on.”