Read Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 1 Page 14

  I cried out in surprise as my body surged with pleasure. He was torturing me, and he knew it. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he fed. It felt so good. He was the only vampire I let take me over completely when he bit me. He was all I could think about, feel, smell, and even taste. I was his completely, and in a way that scared me.

  He released me. His eyes were closed as blood ran down his chin. He opened them and looked at me. His eyes were so brilliant, they almost seemed to glow. I loved his eyes. I loved everything about him.

  I surged forward and pressed my mouth to his. The metallic taste of my blood filled my mouth as I kissed him hungrily. I pinned him to the bed and ripped his shirt open. He watched me and smiled. He wasn’t going to protest; he was enjoying what I was doing. I kissed his chest. The scent of his skin was driving me wild. Without thinking, I bit the soft flesh of his chest. He groaned in pain as his cool blood covered my lips. His groans excited me more as I licked the blood from his wound. I looked at him; his eyes were dark with pleasure.

  I fumbled with his pants. I wanted him naked. I wanted to kiss him, taste him. He groaned as I freed his hard cock and covered him with my mouth. I sucked on him, enjoying how he felt in my mouth. I moved forward and pressed my lips to his as I slid my body down onto him. I moaned in pleasure as he filled me completely. I sat up and closed my eyes. I started to move my hips. The feel of him sliding in and out of me was driving me insane. His hands went to my hips and he encouraged my movement as he watched me with his beautiful eyes. I dug my nails into his chest as pleasure crashed over me in waves.

  He moved so suddenly, so fast. He was a blur. He pinned me to the bed and started thrusting aggressively. It hurt and felt so good all at the same time. He buried his face in my neck, and I cried out as he bit me. I felt my hot blood running down my neck, like he caught an artery. He held me pinned. His fingers were tangled in my hair, pinning my head as he fed. Suddenly, he broke his hold and cried out in excitement and relief as he released.

  I was getting dizzy. Blood dripped from his face as he kept his eyes closed savoring the taste. I took his wrist and pressed it to my mouth. I bit down, breaking his skin. I needed his blood to heal. He groaned, but didn’t protest. The cool metallic taste filled my mouth, and I closed my eyes and relaxed.

  Chapter 18

  I woke up slowly. I didn’t even realize I’d passed out. I sat up slowly. I was alone in Aubrey’s bed. The sheets had been changed, and I was cleaned up. All my bites were healed. I sat up and pulled the sheet around me. The door opened and Aubrey came in. He smiled. “You look so lovely when you just wake up,” he said, and laid a set of clothes on the bed for me.

  I stood pulling the sheet tighter around me as I walked over to him. He smiled down at me, like he knew something I didn’t. The fact that he was so smug and sure of himself irritated me. He knew I enjoyed him completely. He knew I was taken with him for sure after last night. I smacked him across the face, startling him. His eyes were wide, but still amused. “You haven’t won yet,” I whispered against his lips. I dropped the sheet and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I am at least making strides,” he teased, then pressed his lips to mine. I relaxed in his arms and let him take over.

  The door opening startled me. Aubrey quickly retrieved the sheet and scowled at Nick, the intruder. “You could knock,” Aubrey growled.

  “You could tell me what the hell is going on,” Nick said, annoyed. It was obvious he’d just woken up. He probably had no clue what was going on.

  “You were attacked outside the club. One of the vampires gave you blood to heal you,” I said quietly.

  He looked from me to Aubrey like he didn’t know what to think. “You two are together, then?” he asked.

  I looked at Aubrey, not sure what to say. I didn’t really know what we were. “We have a causal relationship. I am not the enemy, if that is what you are asking,” Aubrey said, when I didn’t speak.

  “I need to check in. I am sure they are looking for me. How long have I been out?” he asked as he searched his pockets.

  “A day or two. I will retrieve your things while Lillian gets dressed. She can take you from there,” Aubrey said, and walked out past him.

  Nick looked at me, and I nodded to reassure him. He walked out, closing the door behind him.


  As I finished up dressing I tried to come up with a plan. I needed to confront my uncle. I still couldn’t believe he’d handed me over to Cornelius like it was nothing. The thought infuriated me. I shook the feeling; I would have to worry about that later. I needed to focus on getting Nick home; I could worry about my uncle after that.

  Nick was waiting for me at the bar. I couldn’t find Aubrey, so I walked straight to where Nick was waiting, looking around nervously. His eyes landed on me. “Get me out of here,” he muttered.

  I nodded and he followed me out of the club. “You would have died without their help,” I said quietly.

  “Yeah, well, that is part of life. Why are you on their side all of a sudden? Aren’t you supposed to be killing them or something?” he asked, sounding slightly annoyed. I could understand his feelings. Feeling vulnerable sucked. I knew that was exactly how he felt. He probably didn’t have a chance to fight back.

  “I don’t just kill every vampire. There are rules and codes that I follow,” I said firmly, as I got in my car.

  He climbed in next to me. I could feel his eyes on me as I pulled out into the street. “You love him, don’t you?” he asked.

  I scowled. “What? That is none of your business.” I wasn’t about to admit to him something I couldn’t even admit to myself. I had to love him. There was no way I would ever let a vampire do what I let Aubrey do.

  “It is my business if I have to worry about you falling under his vampire spell and killing everyone,” he said sounding worried.

  I rolled my eyes. “First of all, you are human. That means Victoria has more control over you than Aubrey will ever have over me. So maybe it is you I should worry about,” I countered.

  I could see a blush creep up his cheeks. Obviously I’d hit a nerve. “Victoria wants no part in the war.”

  I smiled, slightly amused. He knew what a vampire could do, it was obvious. “I don’t really think Aubrey does, either. His only link to the war is me,” I said softly. I decided not to mention the brother he wouldn’t let me kill. I pulled up to the café where I usually met Nick. I was pretty sure he had an apartment or hotel nearby.

  “Just don’t trust him. Any of them. I’ll catch up with you later,” he said gruffly, as he climbed out of the car.

  I sat there for a minute. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was being a little too trusting. After all, Aubrey’s brother was the vampire council, and he’d failed to mention that. There seemed to be bad blood between them; perhaps that was why he decided it was best not to say anything. I cussed and pulled away from the curve. I was so tired of the uncertainty.


  I parked about a half mile from my uncle’s house. My plan was to go in without being seen. If I’d pulled up to the gate, my uncle would probably have me killed right then. The grounds were being heavily guarded, but I could easily get around them. I knew their procedures and patrol schedules.

  I reached the house and went in via an open window. I made my way to my uncle’s office and, to my surprise, it was vacant. I went to the desk and started going through the drawers. Stuck to the bottom of one I found a file. I pulled it out and opened it. I felt a lump form in my throat when I saw it was pictures of my parents.

  I started reading the papers in the file. They were communications between my uncle and the vampire council. He was the one that gave my parents’ identities and location away. I sat, staring at the papers. I was frozen. I didn’t know what to do.

  I gathered the file and moved away from the desk. I sat in a chair next to the door. I would wait for him to come in, then I would get an explanation.

  It didn’t take long. My
uncle was never out of his office for long. The door opened and he hurried in. He went straight for the top drawer. When he couldn’t find the file, he started searching other drawers.

  “Looking for this?” I asked him.

  He straightened, startled by my presence. His expression darkened, momentarily; then he forced a smile. “Lillian, I didn’t see you there,” he said nervously.

  I could tell he was trying to hit the panic button under his desk. “Unfortunately for you, I am a hunter, so I knew enough to disable that button,” I said coldly, as I stood and walked toward the desk.

  He paled a little as he sat down in his chair. “I can explain everything, Lillian,” he said softly.

  I laughed harshly. “What are you going to say? You wanted to save your own ass, so you ratted. Do you really think that explanation will make me happy?”

  “I am sure nothing but my death would make you happy now, but there were others involved. How do you think Luca knew to be there to protect you? Our entire clan wanted your parents eliminated for starting the renegades. They did nothing but bring havoc to our people,” he said angrily.

  I watched him for a few minutes. I was careful to keep the emotions off my face. I wondered if he was telling the truth about Luca. I didn’t want to believe Luca could lie to me like that. Then again, I hadn’t thought my uncle was capable of such things, either. “It takes a special kind of evil to do what you did,” I said softly.

  “I did what I had to do to protect my family. I tried to protect you, too, but you refused to just follow the rules. Look at you. You think you have everything figured out. Why don’t you ask your precious Aubrey what part he played in this whole thing? Do you really think Cornelius did his own bidding?”

  “It doesn’t matter what he did! What matters is the fact that you, my uncle, had my parents murdered. Then, when I didn’t go along with your agenda, you tried to have me murdered! You deserve to rot in hell!” I was so angry I could barely think straight.

  The doors burst open and Kai and Luca came in. “Get her!” my uncle ordered.

  I ran toward the window, but Kai was quicker than me. He pinned me and shoved a syringe in my neck. I managed to catch him across the face with a right hook before I felt the effects of the drug.

  “Please don’t fight,” Luca plead as he approached me.

  “You betrayed me,” I growled through gritted teeth, as I attempted to fight the effects of the drug.

  “I did it to help you. I love you, Lily,” he said, sounding apologetic.

  I couldn’t come up with anything to say. His words made me sick. He didn’t love me. He never would have let any of this happen if he did.

  I swayed as he reached for me. I didn’t have any strength left. I spit in his face for lack of something better to do. He looked completely startled. Everything went black as I fell to the cool floor.


  I woke up to the sound of voices. I was secured to a chair in my uncle’s basement. I recognized it because I had been in it a few times when I got out of hand and they needed to keep me secluded. They had two young guards on me. If I wasn’t bound, I would have been able to easily take them. They were using chains instead of rope. They weren’t stupid, that was for sure.

  The door opened and Damon came in. “Scram, I need a minute with her,” Damon barked at the two younger guards. The two guards didn’t even question him. They hurried out, and he closed the door behind them. He walked down the stairs, and I glared at him. “Don’t give me that look. I had nothing to do with any of this. It was your precious Luca, not me,” he snapped.

  “You are a part of it now. That makes you just as guilty,” I said angrily.

  He rested his hands on the back of my chair and lowered his face so he was only inches from me. “Despite what you think, I loved you. I just felt inadequate, compared to Luca. That is why I cheated on you. I am not doing this because I am trying to hurt you. I am just following orders.”

  “What is it you plan to do, exactly?” I asked quietly.

  He smiled. “I get the pleasure of questioning you.”

  “You know I won’t answer your questions,” I said softly.

  He laughed. “I am a patient man, despite what you think. Now: where are Colin and the renegade’s hideout?”

  “None of your business,” I said, looking him in the eyes.

  He smiled. Suddenly, he recoiled and slapped me across the face. I cussed as the sting of his hand radiated through me. “Try again,” he ordered.

  “Go fuck yourself,” I muttered, and he slapped me again, this time harder. I tasted blood in my mouth. Anger surged through me, and I strained against the chains.

  “Come on, Lillian, just tell us what we want to know and we will let you go,” he said softly.

  I laughed. “I should just go ahead and trust everything you say right?”

  His expression darkened, and he struck me three more times. I felt the blood starting to pour from my mouth and nose. “Come on, Lillian. I don’t want to fuck up your beautiful face. It would be such a shame,” he said, amused.

  “Go to hell, you bastard,” I mumbled as I tried to regain my composure.

  He was on me again, beating me mercilessly. When he got tired of hitting me in the face he went to my stomach and chest. Relief washed over me when he finally stopped. He wiped the blood on his fists off on a towel as he watched me. “I will give you a little while to think about what you want to tell me,” he growled, then walked out.

  I sagged in the chair. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks, and could feel my face swelling. I knew I had broken bones in my face and ribs. He was going to end up killing me because I wasn’t going to speak.

  Time seemed to creep by, but after a few minutes Damon came back in. I glared at him defiantly, letting him know I wouldn’t relent. He walked behind me and leaned over me so he could whisper in my ear. “I am going to give you a taste of what I am going to do if you don’t speak. Your uncle has given me permission to do whatever it takes,” he whispered, as he traced his finger down my cheek.

  I pulled my face away from his touch. “Don’t touch me, you bastard,” I growled.

  He tsked. “It wasn’t so long ago you were begging me to touch you,” he whispered, as he touched my hands. I screamed in agony as he yanked my finger backwards, breaking it. I felt like I was going to vomit. I pushed the feeling away and took deep breaths. “You are so defiant. I wonder if I will have to break every finger,” he said softly, as he snapped another finger.

  I cried out and tears stung my eyes. The pain was incredible. I thought I was going to lose it. I bit my tongue to keep from pleading or telling him what he wanted to know. He broke a third finger and I sobbed. I started breathing quickly. I was going to hyperventilate and pass out.

  The door at the top of the stairs opened, and Luca rushed in, followed by Kai. “What the hell are you doing?” Luca asked, horrified.

  “What I was ordered. Take it up with management if you have a problem. Now, get out and let me finish my job,” Damon growled, as he grabbed a fourth finger.

  “Please, Luca! Don’t let him do this!” I plead. Damon broke my finger, and I screamed in agony and lowered my head so they couldn’t see my tears.

  Damon was suddenly knocked backwards. Kai had him pinned to the wall. Kai punched him one good time and Damon crumbled to the floor. Luca rushed over to me and started undoing the chains.

  “I can’t believe he did this,” Luca whispered, as he supported me.

  “Get me out of here,” I begged.

  “Luca, you have to let her go. She has to get away on her own. No one can see us helping her,” Kai said firmly.

  Luca looked at me, then nodded and set me on my feet. I leaned against the wall for support. I was close to passing out. Luca walked over to a door and opened it. It led out into the woods. “Go, and don’t come back,” he ordered.

  I stumbled toward the door. Just the few steps I took felt like they took all my stren
gth. I made it outside, and fell into the grass.

  “Lily, you have to run, you have to go now,” Luca pleaded.

  “I can’t,” I said softly.

  “How do you expect her to run when she has been beaten almost to death?” Aubrey growled.

  Luca stood quickly and stumbled backwards. Kai came out ready for a fight as well. “Just take her, get her somewhere safe,” Luca pleaded.

  “I should kill every one of you,” Aubrey hissed, stepping forward.

  “Aubrey, please don’t,” I begged as I reached for him.

  He came to me and easily picked me up. He looked at me, then looked back at Kai and Luca. “If anyone touches her again, they will die whether she begs me to spare them or not,” he said softly. The world blurred, and everything went black.

  Chapter 19

  I woke up with a start. “It’s okay, I am just getting your clothes off,” Aubrey said softly.

  The pain came back full force and I cried out. Aubrey pinned me to the bed. “Look at me, Lillian,” he said firmly. I looked into his blue eyes and relaxed a little.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Justin said from beside me. I hadn’t even heard him come in the room. He might have been there the whole time. I was just too disoriented to realize it.

  Justin took my hand and straightened my first finger. I screamed in agony and struggled. It felt like they were being broken all over again. I heard Aubrey speaking, but I couldn’t make out the words. I was too panicked. I couldn’t even breathe properly. I gasped, and the world seemed to slow when Aubrey sank his fangs into my neck. I could feel Justin straightening my fingers, but I didn’t feel the pain. When Justin was done, Aubrey released me and bit his own wrist. He pressed it to my lips and his cool blood instantly made me feel better. He pulled his wrist away when I had enough. “Rest now,” he said softly, then covered me with a blanket, and walked out. Justin followed him, and I was alone.