Read Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 1 Page 16

  “I need to know how to find Cornelius,” I said softly, hoping no one else would hear what I had to say.

  He laughed and shook his head. “No, hell no. You might as well let me kill you right now.”

  I sighed. I knew he was going to be difficult. “I really need to find him,” I said quietly.

  “No. Don’t ask me again,” he said, sounding annoyed. He got up and walked away.

  “Rayne,” Nick said, as he approached me from behind.

  I was a little startled to see him in the club. “What are you doing here?” I asked as he took a seat next to me.

  He shrugged and adjusted his collar. I caught a glimpse of the bite mark on his neck and guessed Victoria called him. He probably thought he was in love. Unfortunately, it was just a vampire’s charm. He would learn eventually. “I was in the area,” he lied.

  I brushed it off and took another sip of my drink. “Yeah, well, nothing is going on here. I am just hitting a bunch of dead ends,” I muttered in annoyance.

  “Maybe I can help. What are you trying to find out?” he asked, as he pulled his notepad out.

  I looked at him for a second. Maybe he could find something out. It was possible Cornelius was on record. Nick might be able to get me an address for him. “I need an address for a guy named Cornelius. I don’t know his last name, but he looks extremely similar to Aubrey. He lives around here. I just need to know an exact address.”

  He nodded as he wrote. “I am going to the office now. I will run it and call you if I come up with anything that might help,” he said, as he put his notepad away.

  “Thanks,” I said, and smiled.

  He nodded. “Well, I’ll see you around. I’ll call you when I find something.”

  I nodded, and he walked away, leaving me by myself again.

  “You will not go after Cornelius. It would be a suicide mission,” Aubrey said, as he came to stand beside me. He signaled for the bartender to get him a drink.

  I rolled my eyes. I was guessing Justin tipped him off. I should have known he would do it. I just didn’t think he would go right to Aubrey. “He killed my parents,” I said softly.

  “No, he gave the order. Your uncle let it happen. Why aren’t you going after him?” Aubrey asked angrily.

  I stood abruptly. He was starting to annoy me with how hard he was working to protect Cornelius. “My uncle will pay in time, and he knows that. I am not going to wait for Cornelius to decide someone else should die.”

  Aubrey caught my arm to keep me from walking away. “Leave it alone, Lily. Going after him will only cause more hurt and pain.”

  “I don’t understand why you are protecting him, but it will eventually come down to him or me. I suggest you make that decision quickly,” I said softly, then pulled away.

  I walked outside and immediately felt a little better. As I walked toward my car my phone started to ring. I answered it, but didn’t recognize the voice on the other line.

  “Is this Rayne?” a young female voice asked.

  “It is,” I answered, a little confused. She sounded like such a young girl. I really didn’t understand why she would be calling me. There was a scuffling noise, and the next voice I recognized.

  “Now that I have your attention, we can talk,” Cornelius said, amused.

  I pushed the anger away and attempted to keep my tone even. “How do you figure you have my attention?”

  He laughed like something was extremely funny. “I don’t know. I figured having a ten year old girl with hunter parents who are recently deceased would be ironic.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to focus. He was trying to get to me. I had to stay focused and not let him win. “What is it you want from me?” I asked without betraying my tone.

  “I want you to surrender. Come to me and the girl will go free. Deny my request and she dies,” he said amused.

  “Why would I care about some random little girl?” I asked as I hurried toward my car.

  “Because you are your father’s daughter. There is a car waiting for you. If you want the girl to live you will cooperate,” he said then hung up.

  I hesitated when I saw a black town car waiting for me. It was parked behind my car. Two vampires stood outside the car. When they saw me approach they opened one of the doors. I hesitated and looked back at the club. I wasn’t sure what I should do. I didn’t know the girl but it was my job to protect anyone I could. The girl was only in Cornelius’s grasp because I pissed him off. I decided to go to him. I wanted to find him anyway. I would have rather had the element of surprise, but this would have to do. I climbed into the car, and one of the vampires climbed in the back with me. The other climbed in the driver’s seat and set off.

  Chapter 21

  The drive was long and boring. The vampires did nothing but look straight ahead. I silently kept my eye out for landmarks, so I would be able to find my way back if needed. Cornelius obviously wasn’t worried about me returning. He probably hadn’t planned on me leaving in the first place.

  The driver finally pulled into the gate of a huge mansion. The place was crowded, as though Cornelius was having some sort of party. I really wasn’t looking forward to this encounter. The vampire next to me climbed out and held the door for me. I followed him out, and they led me inside the house.

  I was surprised that neither vampire checked me for weapons. I couldn’t believe Cornelius was so arrogant. I could hear the yelling and excitement as the party raged on just a little further into the house.

  My escorts opened a set of double doors, and straight ahead, Cornelius stood. He was toasting and smiling. He was having a really good time. I couldn’t help but want to ruin that. I took a deep breath and unfurled my fists when I realized my fingernails were cutting into the skin of my palms.

  “Ah, Lillian Rayne. Please, come in; join the party,” he said happily.

  I stepped further in the room, and they closed the doors behind me, making me feel closed in. “Where is the girl, Cornelius?” I asked, refusing to play his game.

  He smiled a devious smile that suggested he had one up on me. “Brittany, darling,” he called.

  A young girl stepped out from behind someone else. She was dressed up for the party, and she was smiling. She looked to be about ten or eleven years old, but I could tell she was a vampire. She was an older vampire, which meant there had never been a young girl in danger. It was all a trick to get me here on his terms.

  “Don’t look so disappointed, darling. There is no one actually in danger, other than yourself of course,” he said, amused.

  I smiled. “You really think I worry about myself that much?”

  He hesitated for a second and watched me. He’d obviously thought I would cower in fear when I realized it was all a trick. “You aren’t afraid, are you?” he asked cautiously.

  “Not even a little. I was in the process of finding your address so I could pay you a visit myself. I didn’t have to look far. You offered it up to me,” I said, unable to wipe the smirk off my face.

  He actually looked worried. He quickly changed his expression and smiled. “You are nothing but a weak hunter,” he growled.

  As I started walking toward him I could see him stiffen. “Maybe I am. It’s funny how revenge can make someone so much stronger. It takes away the fear,” I said softly.

  He nodded at two vampires, and they stepped in front of me to block my approach. “You are here on my terms. You will not be walking out of here again, love,” he countered.

  “I would gladly die to see you killed,” I said, as I halted just a few feet from the vampire guards.

  His expression darkened. “Get her,” he ordered.

  The guards lunged at me, but I quickly defeated them. They really acted like they’d planned for me not to fight at all. I squared with Cornelius, and he smiled. His expression changed quickly. He was no longer afraid. He was like me. He was ready to fight until the death, if necessary. I decided not to wait for him to lunge. I attacked first, kn
ocking him backwards into a table. He quickly recovered, and pinned me to the wall by my throat.

  He moved close to me, only inches from my face. “So this is what Aubrey sees in you. I see it now,” he said softly as he caressed my cheek.

  I brought my knee up and caught him in the crotch. He doubled over, and I took the opportunity to get him off me by shoving him backwards. I grasped my stake and lunged at him. He caught my hand just before the stake reached his chest. He shoved me backwards, and slapped me across the face. He pinned me by my throat again and pressed his body to mine.

  “I am going to have fun killing you,” he whispered as he kept a firm grip on my throat. I struggled, but it was useless. Everything in the room started to fade to black.


  I woke up slowly. I didn’t feel right. I was cold, and I didn’t feel like I could breathe. I started coughing, and my chest ached. I rolled off the bed clawing at my chest. There was something wrong. I couldn’t breathe, and I didn’t understand how I was even conscious.

  I had no clue where I was. I looked around the room, but I didn’t recognize anything. I continued to cough, trying to gather myself. The door opened and Cornelius walked in. He was holding a dress.

  “Ah, you are awake, darling. Welcome to your new life,” he said, amused, as he set the dress on the bed, then knelt next to me.

  “What do you mean?” I managed to choke out between my coughs.

  “You are one of us now, darling. Stop trying to breathe and you’ll quit coughing. Breathing is not necessary anymore.” He was still smiling like it was a big joke.

  Fear gripped me as I climbed to my feet and stumbled to the bathroom. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle my scream of horror when I saw my reflection. I was a vampire.

  “I think the new look suits you,” Cornelius said, smiling as he leaned against the bathroom door jamb.

  I spun around to face him. “I am going to kill you!” I screamed, and lunged at him. I really didn’t have much of a plan. I had no weapons. I was so angry I wanted to tear his throat out with my bare hands.

  He laughed as he caught my wrists and forced me to my knees. “You are weak. Fighting me is pointless.” He shoved me backwards and I landed on my back.

  I glared up at him. He was right. I was weak. I could feel it; I felt drained. I slowly climbed to my feet, fighting the sluggish feeling.

  “I have just what you need,” he said. He walked out of the bathroom, and I stumbled toward the bathroom door. If he left I was going to attempt to run. As soon as I stepped into the bedroom, I smelled it; fresh blood. Part of me wanted to gag, and another part of me wanted to find the source and taste it.

  Cornelius pulled a man into the room. I felt my chest tighten when I saw it was Luca. He was shirtless, and his chest was covered in bleeding cuts. I stepped backwards. I could smell the blood, and I wanted it. My mouth watered. It took everything I had not to run to Luca.

  Cornelius pushed him down onto the bed. He was barely awake. I wanted to run to him and check him, but I couldn’t go near him. I knew I would kill him.

  “Cornelius, please don’t do this,” I begged, as I dropped to my knees. I didn’t know what else to do. I was fighting with everything I had not to move.

  He laughed harshly. “I know you’re hungry. I thought you would enjoy some fresh blood.”

  “Please, don’t do this! Take him away,” I begged, as tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew it was what he wanted, that he wanted me to suffer.

  “Have fun,” he said haughtily, then walked out. I heard the lock click on the door behind him.

  My eyes landed on Luca. He was watching me, and looked like he was in pain. My mouth watered even more at the sight of the blood. I swallowed hard, forcing the hunger down, then turned and ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut, and ran to the furthest wall. I sat down, and buried my head in my hands. I should have listened to Colin and Aubrey. Everything was so messed up now.

  I tried to breathe in, and a fit of coughs followed. I heard the door open. I could smell Luca’s blood. I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter fighting the hunger. “Luca, please go away. You have to stay away from me,” I whispered, panicked.

  “Lily, what happened?” he asked, sounding a little confused and disoriented.

  I shook my head without opening my eyes. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t want to see the blood. “I don’t know. You just have to stay away,” I begged.

  He didn’t advance on me, but he didn’t leave, either. “Are you okay?” he asked, sounding worried.

  “No!” I yelled glaring up at him.

  He stepped back when he saw my eyes. “You’re a vampire,” he said, sounding terrified.

  “Why do you think I want you to stay away?” I asked angrily.

  He didn’t listen. He hurried over to me, knelt, and offered his wrist. I groaned low in my throat and pulled away. I didn’t want to hurt him. I could feel my will wavering as the scent of blood strengthened. “You have to feed, Lillian. Bite me,” he ordered, as he offered his wrist.

  I shook my head and turned toward the wall. “I would rather die,” I said softly. The hunger was painful, and it was getting worse. The closer he was to me, the more painful the hunger, and he wouldn’t get away.

  “Please,” he begged, touching me.

  “Don’t!” I screamed and threw him backwards. He slid across the floor and hit the opposite wall. I immediately felt bad, but he was safer across the room than he was touching me.

  He sat up and looked at me defiantly. “I know you won’t hurt me. You have to feed. I know you’re hungry.”

  “I have no control, Luca. I haven’t fed yet, and I don’t want to feed,” I said softly.

  “You have control. A normal new vampire would have been on me before Cornelius got me through the door. You are in this small room with me and you pushed me away. That is control. You can feed on me. I know you won’t hurt me,” he pleaded.

  “I don’t trust myself,” I countered, as I closed my eyes again. I had to get out of here; had to get Luca out of here. If I stayed, I would end up hurting Luca. Cornelius would find a way to ensure that. “Does anyone know you are here?” I asked, trying to focus on the task of escaping instead of the scent of blood.

  He scoffed. “Let’s just say it isn’t a good idea to cross your uncle.”

  I looked at him for the first time. “He gave you to Cornelius?” I asked angrily.

  “He drugged me and I woke up here,” Luca said softly, as he leaned back against the wall. He was weak and tired.

  I stood angrily. My uncle had drugged me before, so it wasn’t surprising he would drug someone else and hand them over to Cornelius. I just didn’t really think he would do it to Luca. “We have to get out of here,” I said softly.

  He nodded and slowly climbed to his feet. “I don’t think it is going to be easy.”

  “Yeah, I know. I haven’t figured the how out yet,” I said, watching him. I wasn’t going to attempt to walk past him. I would probably end up killing him if I did. “You have to walk out first. I can’t get close to you.”

  He nodded and walked out of the bathroom. I followed slowly, battling the urge to feed. The hunger was so incredibly strong it was painful. Luca was sitting on the bed, so I went to the door. I tried the handle, but as I’d thought, it was locked. I surveyed the room for anything that would be helpful. I walked over to a small jewelry box sitting on top of a dresser. I opened it and went through the contents. There were a couple of pins that would be perfect for getting past the lock. I walked back over to the door and knelt down. I played with the lock for what seemed like hours. It finally clicked, and relief washed over me.

  I opened the door slightly and peeked out. The hallway was clear, but I knew that could quickly change. Cornelius had a way of thwarting my plans, like he did the last time I tried to escape. The only reason we’d made it out was because Aubrey showed up. “Let’s go,” I ordered Luca.

  He stoo
d and followed me out into the desolate hallway. I could hear a party going on downstairs. The scent of fresh blood was stifling. It was apparent Cornelius’s parties involved humans.

  “Are you okay?” Luca whispered, startling me a little. I was so focused on the scent of blood I wasn’t paying attention.

  I swallowed the hunger down again and nodded. “Let’s go,” I said softly, and started moving toward a window. I looked out, hoping it would offer an escape. Relief washed over me when I saw it led out onto a roof. Just below the roof was a patch of grass, then woods. It was the only logical way to escape. I worried about walking further down the hall. I wasn’t sure if we would end up running into someone, and decided it would be best to just escape as quickly as possible.

  I felt weak just pushing the window up. Luca came up alongside me and helped me. I stepped away quickly. The scent was too strong. He was too close. He hesitated and looked at me, but before he could speak, I cut him off.

  “Just go. We don’t have much time,” I said softly.

  He nodded and climbed out the window. I followed, trying to keep my distance, which seemed almost impossible. He jumped down and landed in the soft grass with a thud. He cussed and fell over. He was getting weaker, and I was starting to get worried. I landed next to him. The movement was almost effortless to me. It was the first time I’d realized I had vampire abilities. I knew I was a vampire, but I didn’t realize I was moving like one. The hunger was so overbearing I couldn’t focus on anything else. “Let’s go,” I muttered, as I put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled him to his feet. He was limping as I hurried through the woods. I was weak, but I was determined. Luca was heavy, but I wasn’t leaving him behind.

  It seemed like we had run miles when we made it to a road. I was pretty confident we had escaped Cornelius, but I had no clue where we were going or how we were going to get there.

  I stepped off the road and set Luca in the grass just inside the tree line. I collapsed to the ground and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. The hunger was getting worse. Luca’s scent didn’t affect me as much, since his injuries were not fresh. Fresh blood was much worse than dried blood.

  “You should leave me behind. You would move faster on your own,” Luca said softly, as he moved to lean against a tree.