Read Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 1 Page 7

  She nodded. “Let’s just say not everyone is taking it as well as you are. There have been little spats between the vampires and the hunters here and there, but nothing major.”

  “That’s good. I am sure Luca and Uncle Carl are happy,” I said absently, as I watched the scenery fly by.

  She nodded, then smiled at me nervously. “So that vampire, Aubrey. Are you two serious?”

  “We aren’t anything,” I said quietly.

  “Oh. Well, it just seemed like you were awfully friendly toward him. I just thought maybe you two had something going on,” she said, sounding a little disappointed.

  “He’s a vampire, I’m a hunter. It would never work,” I said quietly.

  “I have seen odder things happen, dear,” she said optimistically as she pulled into the driveway of the house. One thing I loved about my aunt was the fact that she always looked on the bright side of things.

  The sun was starting to come up, and I was starting to get tired. Everything that had happened, plus the lack of sleep, was wearing me down. “Not to me they don’t. I’m heading to bed. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  She nodded as I climbed out of the car and walked into the house. Colin was waiting for me. He looked a little nervous. “Where have you been? I wasn’t sure what to do. Someone saw the werewolf take you.”

  “It was a misunderstanding,” I said, slightly amused.

  “I just wanted to make sure everything was ok,” he said quietly.

  I nodded. “I am fine, just a little tired. I will see you a little later this evening.”

  He nodded. “I was hoping you would come to the warehouse tonight. I want everyone to get used to your presence. We also need to go over plans.”

  I didn’t really feel like facing all the people in the warehouse, but I had agreed to it. “That sounds like a plan. I’ll see you later,” I said quietly, as I slowly made my way up the stairs.

  Chapter 9

  I was looking up into brilliant turquoise eyes. I relaxed a little. Aubrey’s playful expression told me he enjoyed the fact that he was able to get so close to me. He didn’t speak. He just pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was gentle and playful. Part of me wanted to pull away and complain that he was in my room again without my permission, but another part of me wanted him.

  I tangled my fingers in his hair and deepened the kiss. He took my advance as permission. His kiss became demanding and hungry. I closed my eyes as he trailed kisses down my neck. His hands slid under my tank top, and I gasped as his fingers grazed my heated skin. He pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it aside. His mouth covered my breast. He gently teased my nipple. I gasped when he sank his fangs into my breast. He looked at me and pressed his mouth to mine. The metallic taste of my blood filled my mouth. My fingers went to the buttons on his shirt. I quickly undid them and slid his shirt down his shoulders. I kissed his chest slowly. His skin was cool to the touch, not hot like the men I had been with before.

  He hooked my panties with his fingers, and slowly slid them down. He looked at me, trying to gauge my reaction. When I didn’t protest, he pushed me to the bed and covered me with his body. He disappeared, but before I could protest, he reappeared over me. He was completely naked and ready. He pressed his mouth to mine, and slowly filled me. I moaned against his lips as he began to move against me. Feelings of pleasure raged through me. My skin was on fire; he made me crazy with need. I tangled my fingers in his hair and cried out as he bit me again, this time on my neck. Pleasure flooded me, and I cried out in excitement. He released my neck, and his moans filled my ear as he released.

  I woke up when I hit the floor. I looked around the room like I was under attack. Aubrey was nowhere in sight. I felt and looked for bites, but I had none. It was just a dream. I groaned in annoyance and climbed to my feet. Part of me was glad it wasn’t real, and another part of me was disappointed. I pushed the thoughts away. I didn’t want to think about Aubrey like that. My feelings for him were already complicated enough. My dreams of Aubrey were always so vivid. I almost felt like they were real. That was, of course, until I would wake up on the floor tangled in my blanket.

  Someone was knocking on my door, and I wondered if that was what woke me in the first place.

  I walked to the door, and opened it part way. Tanner grinned at me. “I was just checking on you.”

  “Oh, I’m fine. Is there something wrong?” I asked, a little worried. Normally Tanner didn’t come find me unless my uncle needed something or was upset.

  “My dad and Kai just made Colin leave. They said he is part of some renegade group. They said he can’t be one of us if he is with them. Now they are worried about what the group will do,” he said nervously.

  I wondered how they’d found out, but I had to be careful not to say anything to Tanner. “I am sure it will be fine. I will find out what I can,” I said, being careful to keep my tone neutral. I didn’t want him to suspect I was working with Colin. I didn’t understand why they would kick Colin out for being a part of the renegade group. The hunters were very strict. I was beginning to think they were too strict, myself.

  He nodded. “Let me know.”

  “I will,” I said, and smiled reassuringly. He turned and walked back the way he had come, and I closed the door. I hadn’t realized the hunters were so against the renegade group. I’d never heard much mention of them until now. I had to find out why my uncle banned Colin, without arousing his suspicion.

  I showered and dressed quickly, then hurried downstairs to my uncle’s office. I knocked and went in without waiting for an answer. My uncle looked up at me from his desk. “Do you need something, Lillian?” he asked, his tone was clipped. I knew he wasn’t annoyed with me. Well, I at least hoped he wasn’t.

  “I was wondering what happened with Colin. Tanner said you and Kai made him leave.” I hoped my questions wouldn’t arouse his suspicion. Colin used to be my friend, but I’d kept my distance once I realized he was a vampire, and my uncle knew that.

  “He is a renegade. They do not believe in our ways,” he said, annoyed.

  “They don’t?” I asked, confused.

  He glared at me like he wasn’t interested in talking to me. “No. Is there anything else you need? I’m busy, Lillian.”

  “No,” I said, trying to keep my tone even. I didn’t like how he was treating me. I assumed he was just having a bad day. I turned and walked out. I had to go directly to Colin, and hope he had the answers I needed.


  I rarely drove my car, but the warehouse district was a good distance, so I decided to drive. I stepped into the renegade’s warehouse and immediately spotted Colin. He walked over to me. He looked like he was in just as bad of a mood as my uncle.

  “I am glad you came. I have been banned from the property,” he said, sounding both annoyed and amused.

  “Why? I don’t understand why the renegades are so bad,” I asked quietly.

  “We don’t conform to the rules,” Drake cut in as he approached.

  “But we aren’t openly causing problems,” I said, confused. It wasn’t like we were running around wreaking havoc.

  “Not yet,” Colin said, amused. “Drake was telling me you would go after the death marshals.”

  I smiled. “I might if I had good enough reason.”

  He nodded. “Come with me. I might be able to give you that reason. It would be better if we go after them before they come after one of us.”

  I was intrigued now. There wasn’t much that would get me to go after a death marshal. They were a big no-no, when it came to the hunter rules. I followed Colin into an office in the back. He opened a drawer and handed me a leather-bound book that looked like a journal. “That was your father’s. It details everything he did within the group. He made many enemies, including the death marshals. It was a death marshal that killed your parents, and only a death marshal would know which one of them did it,” he said, as he took a seat.

  I flipped through the book. It
was a very detailed journal. I never even knew anything like this existed. My parent’s house burned down the night of the attack, so I had nothing of theirs. I sat down in one of the chairs and started to skim the last entry. Colin was right. His last encounter was with a death marshal, and he killed the marshal. Normally, if you killed one, they sent more. “How would I find out who did it?” I asked quietly.

  “You would have to talk to one,” Colin said matter-of-factly.

  I looked at him, confused. “How the hell would I do that?”

  “You get them to come here for some reason. Set a trap and convince one to talk.” He said it like it would be simple.

  I thought about it for a minute. I really wanted to find out who killed my parents. It was one of the things I planned to accomplish before I died, but it would put everyone else at risk, and I knew it. “It’s too risky,” I said quietly.

  He nodded and stood. “I agree. We have eyes and ears everywhere, so if they do happen to show up looking for Aubrey as expected, we can get them then.”

  I nodded. “Give me a little bit. I would like to look through this.”

  “Of course,” he said. He smiled before walking out, leaving me alone.

  I was both nervous and excited about reading my father’s journal. I didn’t remember much of him, and the journal would give me an idea of who he really was.

  There was a knock that forced me to look up from the journal. It was Drake. He smiled at me. “You going to sit here all day?”

  I straightened. “What time is it?” I asked, looking around for a clock.

  “After nine in the morning,” he said as he took a seat on a couch across from me.

  “Damn, I lost track of time,” I muttered as I stood.

  “You can stay here. Many people do,” he said, amused.

  I shook my head. “My family will worry. How is the pack?” I asked, figuring I would be polite.

  “So far so good. You would be the first to know if there was a problem.” He watched me as he spoke, like he wanted to say something.

  I nodded. “I will see you a little later,” I said, then hurried out. I was sure my uncle would be even more annoyed with me than he was before.


  I was surprised no one was waiting for me when I got home. I guessed they were all too preoccupied with everything that was going on. I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat before I went to bed. I was always so preoccupied; sometimes I completely forgot to eat.

  I hesitated when I saw Kate in the kitchen. I really didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially not her. “Hey Rayne,” she said, and smiled as she caught sight of me before I could leave.

  “Hey. I was just going to get something to eat,” I said, as I walked to the fridge.

  “I made a lasagna that is really good. You are welcome to it if you want some.” Her voice was far too chipper for me. It would definitely take some getting used to. Luca seemed to like her, so I was at least going to make an attempt to be nice to her.

  “Thanks,” I said, as I forced a smile.

  “So, I haven’t seen you around much. Is everything going okay with you?” she asked. It sounded like she was genuinely interested, which didn’t make sense. I had only spoken to her briefly.

  I nodded. “I am fine. I have friends around the area that I check in with.” It wasn’t much of a lie, but it was all I had. I definitely wasn’t going to say anything to her about the renegades. For some reason, after reading my father’s journal I had started to feel protective of the group. My father loved them, and I was going to do my best to lead them like he did. Luca and my uncle wouldn’t be happy about it, but then again, they were taking my job as a hunter away. I had to find something to do.

  “Oh, well, if you want to hang out sometime, let me know,” she said, smiling.

  I grabbed a bowl of grapes to take with me and nodded. “I will,” I said, forcing a smile. I hurried out of the kitchen. I didn’t feel like discussing anything else with her. I hurried up to my room, hoping to finally get some sleep.

  Chapter 10

  I woke up right at sunset, suddenly full of energy. The renegades were kind of a rag-tag group, but with a little time they would become useful. I showered and dressed, then hurried downstairs. I hadn’t seen Aubrey in a while. I decided I was going to stop by his club before I went to the warehouse. I didn’t want him to think I was just checking on him, so I would have to come up with an excuse.

  I parked just down from the alley that led to Aubrey’s club. It was still early. The night owls were just starting to come out. I stepped into the bar and looked around. The female vampire I had encountered on a couple of occasions walked over to me. I wasn’t even sure what her name was.

  “Haven’t seen you in a night or two. Are you here to cause problems?” she asked, as she looked me over.

  “I am just here to see Aubrey,” I said, trying to keep a hold of my temper. She was the one that had put my knives through my palms the first night I was here. I was pretty sure she and I would never be friends.

  “He’s in the back,” she said, indicating the door that led to the interior of the building.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, as I slipped by her and walked to the other door.

  I stepped through the door and looked around. The foyer split off in three directions, and I wasn’t sure which way to go. I decided to go toward the room I saw him disappear into the last time I was here.

  I walked slowly toward the room. I was a little nervous about being in a place where there were numerous vampires. Soft classical music was coming from the room, so I was guessing I was in the right place.

  I took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door.

  “Come in,” Aubrey’s light playful tone said from the other side of the door.

  I slowly opened the door and stepped into the large room. It was like a studio apartment - there was a bed on one side of the room, and couches on the other. I looked around, and Aubrey was nowhere in sight. The door to the bathroom stood ajar. The soft music came from that general direction. I had a feeling he was in the bath, and I immediately considered leaving. Curiosity got the best of me, forcing me to walk toward the open bathroom door.

  I stopped just outside the door. The scent from his bath soap or cologne lingered. I could smell him, and I immediately felt my cheeks flush at the thought of the dream I had. My heart started to race, and I seriously considered forgetting about the whole thing and walking away. My fingertips touched the door handle. Feelings rushed over me like I never felt before. I was excited, anticipating what would happen next. I didn’t want to feel this way for him. Going in that room would change everything, and I knew it. I wouldn’t be able to say no.

  I couldn’t put myself in that position. I let my hand drop to my side. I couldn’t go any further. I had to get out of the room, out of the bar completely. I turned and walked out of the room before I could change my mind and do something I would regret. I walked quickly through the bar. The female vampire looked slightly amused, but she didn’t say anything. I had a feeling she knew exactly what had happened. Vampires were linked, which made their covens hard to bring down. The master communicated with his underlings quickly with his mind. I had no doubt Aubrey had already contacted the others when he heard me walk away.

  Once outside, I felt a little better. I leaned against the alley wall and closed my eyes. The cool air felt good against my heated cheeks.

  The sound of a man shouting caught my attention. “FBI! Stop!” a man yelled, as he chased a dark figure into the alley. I immediately realized it was a vampire being chased. The vampire was in familiar territory now. He turned to strike the unsuspecting FBI agent, and knocked the agent backwards into the brick wall. I ran towards the two as the FBI agent slid to the ground, obviously dazed. The vampire had the guy pinned, and was going in for the kill.

  I tackled the vampire, knocking him off the guy. The vampire lunged at me. He was no one I was familiar with, so I quickly retri
eved my knife and drove it through the vampire’s heart. It turned into ash as my knife hit its mark.

  “What the fuck! Get your hands up!” the FBI agent yelled, as he quickly got to his feet. He was holding a gun on me.

  “I just saved your ass,” I growled, as I turned to face him with my hands raised in the air. I was surprised; he was actually hot, for a human. He had short, close-cut brown hair and dark brown eyes. He obviously went to the gym, and took care of himself.

  “You just dusted that guy. How the hell did you do that?” he asked, keeping the gun trained on me. He was keeping his tone even, which surprised me. Normally, humans freaked out when they found out about our world.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Just be glad you get to live, and get the hell out of this alley,” I countered.

  “You just turned someone into ash. I think I might believe you,” he snapped.

  I watched him for a second, debating whether I should tell him. “He was a vampire,” I said simply.

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Bullshit,” he growled, keeping the gun aimed at me.

  I sighed in annoyance. I hated humans. They refused to believe anything, even when they saw it for themselves. I moved quickly and knocked the gun sideways. I went in to hit him and knock him out, but he dodged. He was actually pretty quick on his feet. He caught my wrist and spun me around, pinning me face-first to the wall, and latched handcuffs onto my wrists. “You just attacked a federal agent, missy. You are coming with me,” he growled in my ear.

  “I don’t have time for this. Next time I’ll think twice about saving a damn human,” I growled as he pulled me toward the alley entrance.

  “I think you need a trip to the happy house. You aren’t making any sense. I am beginning to think I got hit harder in the head then I thought,” he muttered, as he led me toward the street.

  I didn’t speak. I didn’t need this. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with law enforcement. It was a waste of my night.

  He led me to a car and pushed me up against it. He started to search me. He removed five of my knives and set them on the trunk of the car. “What the hell do you need so many knives for? Do you go around dusting people often?”