Read Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 1 Page 9

  “Yes, he has agreed to surrender. We are planning the exchange. It will occur here, and we were hoping you would be present as backup,” my uncle said, watching me. He had to know I wouldn’t just stand by and allow this. I didn’t have a whole lot of options, but there had to be something I could do.

  “How can you just let him surrender?” I asked angrily.

  “It is that or Tanner dies! Which do you prefer?” my uncle snapped, glaring at me.

  I watched him for a minute. I had no clue what to do or say. “Neither,” I growled, then stormed out. I wasn’t going to stand by and let this happen. There had to be something I could do to stop the marshal.

  I hurried outside and got back in my car. I sped back toward the warehouse. I was hoping Colin would have answers.

  * * *

  The warehouse was emptier than usual, since the sun was coming up. I walked back to the office, but Colin was nowhere to be found. I yelled in anger and threw a chair into a shelf full of books. The chair clattered to the floor followed by several books. I placed my hands flat on the desk and closed my eyes as I took deep breaths. I couldn’t choose. I couldn’t let Tanner or Aubrey die. In a way, this was all my fault.

  “You could have punched one of the bags if you’re angry, instead of damaging my office,” Colin said dryly as he walked in and surveyed the damage.

  “A death marshal attacked Tanner. He is holding him in some kind of trance until Aubrey surrenders. There has to be something I can do,” I said angrily, without looking up. I felt the urge to cry just below the surface. I felt helpless as I supported myself with the desk.

  “There is something you can do,” Colin said smoothly as he took a seat behind the desk.

  I looked up at him, confused. He seemed unsurprised by what had happened. He sounded certain there was something I could do, but I just didn’t see it. “What could I possibly do? I could attack him and probably end up dead. Then, knowing my luck, he would kill both Tanner and Aubrey,” I said angrily. He was acting like this wasn’t a serious matter.

  He took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the desk drawer. “There is always a way, Rayne. It all comes down to what you are willing to do.” The way he spoke suggested he had an idea. I couldn’t help but feel a small amount of hope at the prospect. He laid a box on the desk. It was a wooden box that had ornate carvings. He unlocked it and turned it toward me.

  He opened the box, and I straightened and glared at him. “Those are against the hunter’s laws,” I growled, as I looked at the two ivory handled handguns laying in the velvet case. The use of guns was against our code. It was too simple to kill a vampire with a silver bullet. To my people, it was dishonorable. If we wanted the kill, we had to fight for it.

  “Like I said, it is all about what you are willing to do,” he said, matter of factly. “These guns were your fathers. He, like you, had a decision to make.”

  “And he’s dead,” I countered. I didn’t see how he thought this was a resolution. I would be able to kill the marshal with the guns, but then I would be banned from the hunters, like Colin was. Killing the marshal would only bring more havoc, but the alternative was Tanner or Aubrey’s death.

  “He is dead because he doubted himself. He left these behind that night, and they won because of it. He listened to your damn uncle, who has always been a kiss-ass. You don’t need the hunters, Lillian! You need to stand up for yourself and the people you care about. This is your choice: follow the rules and watch your loved ones die, or become a true renegade and save everyone you care about. It doesn’t seem like that hard of a choice to me.”

  The hunter’s laws were all I knew. I didn’t always follow them to the tee, but I didn’t violate them to the point that there was no going back. “I don’t know if I can do this,” I said quietly.

  “Then choose who dies,” he said as he leaned back in his chair. “Just know it won’t stop here. People you care about will continue to die, like your parents did, until you do what you have to and keep them safe.”

  I looked at him, then back down at the guns. I knew he was right, even though it was difficult to admit it.

  I ran my fingers over the initials on the gun. They read L. A. R., for Lyle Alexander Rayne, my father. They were the same as my initials. “What happens after I kill the marshal?” I asked, looking back up at Colin.

  He shrugged. “We prepare for the war that has been coming for years.”

  I couldn’t decide. I didn’t know what to do. “I need to talk to Aubrey,” I said softly, then walked out, leaving the guns behind. I walked quickly to my car. I knew exactly where he would be at this hour… the cafe.

  I pulled up in front of the café, and as I suspected, Aubrey was sitting in his usual seat. He was so strange for a vampire. He did not follow the usual patterns a master vampire did. He smiled at me like nothing was wrong as I approached.

  “Why so serious, Lillian darling?” he asked amused.

  “Why are you acting like there is nothing wrong?” I growled, as I took a seat across from him.

  “There is nothing wrong. Everything is occurring as we expected. The marshal arrived for me as anticipated,” he said simply.

  “How can you be okay with dying? How could you just offer yourself up?” I started to get upset at his cool demeanor. He was acting like it was just another day.

  “I am not okay with dying, Lillian, but I do not see an alternative. It is the circle of life, as some would so nicely put it,” he said, amused.

  “It is bullshit, and I will not stand by and let it happen!” I growled as I stood angrily. I wasn’t going to sit here and listen to him tell me it would all be okay. It wasn’t okay, and it wouldn’t be okay unless I did something like Colin said.

  “Lower your voice, Lillian,” he said softly. People were starting to look in our direction.

  I was about to start yelling louder, but Nick’s voice caught my attention. “Are you okay, Rayne?” he asked from behind me.

  I turned to look at him, and he glanced nervously from Aubrey to me. “I’m fine,” I muttered, and walked back toward my car.

  “Hey, wait up,” Nick called after me as he followed me.

  I didn’t really feel like dealing with him. I had bigger issues than a human murder to deal with. I had to decide what I was going to do about the death marshals. “I am busy,” I said, as I climbed into my car.

  He climbed in the passenger seat, obviously refusing to let me go. “Well, I’m not, so I’ll tag along,” he said, watching me.

  I scowled at him for a minute, but he didn’t flinch. I sighed and started my car. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Fine. Do what you want,” I growled as I set off.

  “So, I have a new lead. There was a security tape at the neighbor’s house. I got a picture of the guy we think committed the murders,” he said excitedly, as he pulled a picture out of his jacket.

  He handed it to me, and I glanced at it. I was trying to drive at the same time, but I wanted to see the photo. I felt my blood boil when I saw the picture. I slammed on the brakes and cut a hard right so I could go in the direction of the warehouse.

  “Jeez, Rayne! Don’t kill us,” he said, sounding worried as he buckled his seat belt. “Do you know who it is?”

  “I know what he is, not who. He is a death marshal, and I am betting he is the one I am currently having an issue with,” I said quietly.

  “What? How can you tell?” he asked, as he took the photo back and looked it over.

  “He is wearing a necklace with their symbol. He is one of them, I am sure of it.” I merged into traffic as I spoke. I could see Nick flinch, as though he was worried he would die in a fiery car wreck.

  “What am I supposed to do about him?” he asked, as he watched me.

  “You are going to do nothing except stay as far away from him as possible. No one messes with death marshals. They tend to have free reign,” I said, as I kept my eyes on the road. I had made up my mind. I was going to kill the bast
ard. I would worry about the consequences later.

  “I can’t just let him get away with it,” he countered. He actually sounded offended that I’d asked him to walk away.

  “He won’t,” I said firmly, as I looked at him.

  I could see his expression change when he realized what I meant. “Rayne, if he is so big and bad. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to kill him,” I said simply, as I pulled up to the warehouse and put the car in park. I climbed out without giving him time to reply.

  He hurried after me as I walked into the warehouse. “Rayne, I am new to all this, but I thought the death marshals were bad. So bad your people didn’t go after them.”

  “My people won’t go after him, but I will. I am not going to just turn my head like my uncle because I am afraid. I am going to make him pay and anyone else that follows him,” I said firmly as I walked into the office.

  Colin looked up at me. His expression darkened when Nick followed me in. “Why is he here?” Colin asked, sounding annoyed.

  “He brought me this. It is from the double murder,” I said, as I took the photo from Nick and handed it to Colin.

  Colin raised his eyebrows, then set the picture aside and looked at me. “He has been in town for a couple days, then,” he said softly.

  “I need those guns,” I said, watching him.

  He smiled and retrieved the box from the drawer. He slid it across the desk toward me. “I think you are making the right choice.”

  I nodded. “I hope you’re right.” I took the box and walked out of the office. I headed home to plan my next move. Come midnight, I would be face to face with the marshal. I needed a while to plan and prepare.

  Nick trailed behind me, obviously unwilling to let me out of his sight. “What’s with the guns?” he asked, sounding more curious than anything.

  “I am going to use them to kill the marshal. It’s against our rules to use guns, but I am going to anyway. I refuse to allow him to do whatever he wants.” I would have to get by Luca, Kai, and my uncle. I was sure Luca would suspect something. I wasn’t the type to just let things go. I got in my car and Nick followed.

  “Can I help you?” he asked, sounding both hopeful and nervous.

  I shook my head. “It is too dangerous, and my family would suspect something if I brought you around. Just keep you head low and stay away, so I don’t have to worry about you, too.”

  “You would worry about me?” he asked, smiling.

  I scowled. “Now isn’t the time.”

  He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay, just drop me at my car,” he said, still sounding amused.


  It was close to lunch by the time I pulled into the driveway of my uncle’s house. There were several cars. My uncle had called a meeting. He probably wanted backup, in case Aubrey didn’t show, or things didn’t go as planned. I was glad they would be distracted. It would give me a chance to go unnoticed.

  I hurried up the stairs. I hesitated when I saw my aunt come out of Tanner’s room. She was crying, and Kate was comforting her. I couldn’t stand the sight of her tears. It made my heart ache. I had to fix this. Once the marshal was dead, his hold over Tanner would be broken. I turned and walked to my room. I had limited time to talk myself into this.

  I set the box on a shelf in my closet. I made sure the guns were loaded and ready, but I didn’t place them on me yet. I wanted to go see Tanner. I was hoping seeing Tanner would give me more resolve to go through with my plan.

  I left my room and walked down the hall to Tanner’s room. I slipped inside, and was relieved to see no one else was in the room. He looked so pale and peaceful lying in his bed. His eyes were closed. The only sign that he was injured was the bite mark on his neck. The anger was stifling. Seeing the bite and Tanner lying there helpless made me furious. I clenched my fists so tightly I felt my nails cut into my skin, drawing blood. I could barely take a breath as tears stung my eyes. All I could think was that this was all my fault.

  “Anger will kill you,” Aubrey said softly in my ear, as he grasped my wrist.

  I gasped a little, startled, as I unclenched my fists. He was always sneaking up on me, and I didn’t understand how he was able to do it so easily. “Anger motivates,” I said softly.

  He moved closer to me. His lips brushed my ear as he whispered, “Please tell me you are not planning anything stupid.”

  “I’m not,” I lied. I was pretty sure he knew I was lying. Vampires were good at deciphering human emotions, and I knew I wasn’t in control of mine.

  He turned me to face him, and I glared up him defiantly. He watched me, and I could see he didn’t believe anything I was saying. His lips brushed mine. I leaned forward, deepening the kiss. I was sure I could kill the marshal, now. Seeing Tanner and touching Aubrey gave me strength. I felt a slight pinch in my arm, and I tried to pull away from Aubrey. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t take the chance,” he whispered against my lips.

  I looked up at him, horrified, as he released me. He was holding a needle and syringe. The room started to spin as I stumbled backwards. He’d drugged me to keep me away from the marshal. I couldn’t believe it. Anger and confusion came over me, but it was too late. I could feel the drug working. I collapsed, and he caught me. He cradled me, and gently kissed my lips; then everything went black.

  Chapter 12

  I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on a cool floor. My memory came rushing back, and I scrambled to my feet and looked around. I was in some kind of cell. I yelled in anger and hit the door, but it didn’t budge. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I looked at my watch. It was a little after eleven. I still had time, if I could get out of wherever I was. I kept trying the door, but it was useless. The room was barren, with stone walls and a stone floor. Aubrey had made sure nothing was left in the room that could be used as a tool. The exterior door opened, and a blinding light filled the room. I walked to the door of the cell and looked up toward the light, hoping it would be someone I could reason with.

  The female vampire from Aubrey’s club came into view, and I scowled. This was going to be nearly impossible.

  “He said to give you some water,” she said, as she offered me a glass.

  “You have to let me out. The marshal is going to kill him,” I pleaded, hoping she would listen.

  She bit her lip and looked away. “I know, but he told me you had to stay here.”

  “Don’t be a fool! I can save him!” I yelled, furious with the girl.

  She looked away nervously. “He said…” she said softly.

  “Fuck what he said. If you don’t let me out, you will never see him again. Don’t you care?” I tried not to yell, but it was impossible. I had to get free before the marshal arrived at midnight.

  She scowled. “Of course I care. I do what he says, all the time, so he knows I care. If he wants to die, that is his choice. Just be happy he cares about you enough to keep you safe,” she said huffily, then marched out.

  I groaned and sat on the floor against the wall. This was a horrible feeling. I was useless. Aubrey would die, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. The door opened again, and I scrambled to my feet. I hoped the girl had changed her mind.

  Relief washed over me when Colin came in, followed by Drake. “Thank god. Get me the hell out of here,” I said, hoping Colin was still on my side.

  Colin smiled as he produced a key. “Aubrey isn’t going to be very happy about this,” he said, amused, as he unlocked the door.

  “At least he will be alive to have a chance to be mad,” I countered as I hurried past him.

  They stayed close on my heels as I hurried up the stairs. We were in the club. I only had twenty minutes to get home and get the guns. “My car is outside,” Colin said, as if he was reading my mind.

  I nodded and followed him out to his car. I only had a few minutes to prepare for my next move.


  Colin parked down the street from the house. I didn’t
want him to park anywhere obvious. I needed to be able to sneak in.

  “How are you going to do this?” Colin asked softly.

  “I wanted to catch him before he got into the house, but I think that plan is out the window. I am just going to take the shot as soon as I get the chance,” I said quietly.

  He nodded. “I will be around in case you need back up. Drake and a couple of his wolves are surrounding the place as well. Call on them if you need them.”

  “Okay,” I said softly, then hesitated as I went to get out. “Thank you Colin,” I said quietly.

  He smiled tightly, then nodded. I climbed out and made my way toward the house.

  I scaled the house near my window. I had done it so many times before. My window was unlocked, which was a relief. I climbed in and immediately went for the gun case in the closet. I checked the guns to make sure they were loaded. I stuck them in my waistband, then grabbed one of my hoodies and slid it on.

  I was so nervous I was shaking. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I had to get through this, or people I loved would end up dead. I peeked out my bedroom door. The hall was clear, so I hurried toward the stairs. I could hear the clamor of people downstairs. I checked my watch; it was almost midnight. Hopefully, there would be enough people for me to move among unnoticed. I made it to the main room, and as I thought, it was filled with people. Aubrey, Kai, Luca, and my uncle stood near the center. I moved up toward the front of the crowd, careful not to catch anyone’s attention. I took my position and waited. I was so nervous. I brushed my fingers over the gun. The feeling of cold steel reassured me. I felt a little more confident.

  The room quieted, and my eyes darted to the figure that caught everyone’s attention. The marshal had arrived. He walked toward Aubrey with a satisfied smile on his face. My hand gripped the gun as I moved forward to find a better position.

  “I am actually surprised you showed up. I thought I would have another young male hunter to add to my collection,” the marshal said, as he stopped a few feet from Aubrey.

  “Release your hold on the boy. I am willing to go with you without a fight,” Aubrey said firmly.