Read Lillyans Page 1


  by Oliver Letz

  Copyright 2012 Oliver Letz

  For Edith

  Without you I would not see nor hear nor talk … and definitely, I would not write.


  Lillyans was inspired by the question what a society would look like that was entirely based on the Teachings of Abraham ( and the quirky Abrahamster cartoons of Lilly Fluger ( which are based on its wisdom. I would like to express my deepest appreciation for the tireless effort these sages make to bring the eternal light of wisdom to those of us ready to hear it.

  Chapter 1: A New Adventure

  “Good morning,” said a soft female voice, “it is four a.m., today is Friday, April twenty-one, twenty-three sixteen - - good morning, it is...” John Taylor cancelled the alarm clock before it was able to repeat the announcement.

  “I heard you the first time,” he grumbled with a sleep drunken voice.

  Switching on the lights he afforded himself the luxury of a few more moments in the cozy warmth of his bed, basking in the building anticipation of the days to come.

  Adventure! What an exhilarating thought, the journey he had been preparing for so long would finally begin. Taylor swung his legs out into the morning chill. April could still have a bite in the air this time of day. With his feet he reached for the thin rug that covered the bare steel floor of his living quarters. The old shipping container, which he had converted into his home some time ago, allowed him the convenience to live right at the airport next to his airplanes, hangars and repair shops.

  Taylor had barely pulled a T-shirt over his head when the door to his container flew wide open with a huge racket and a six-feet tall figure dressed in black combat gear stormed into the room.

  “I thought you would never get out of bed. You’ll sleep through the best part of the day. Come on. Hurry up. We are all ready to go!”

  “Cody! Are you mad? It is pitch-black night outside. We are not going to leave until hours from now. Sit down and have a bite to eat. Did you go to sleep at all last night?” Taylor tried to keep his friend Cody Hunt from ruining his morning rituals.

  “Sure,” replied Hunt, “I went to bed right after you left my place.”

  “Oh, three hours of solid sleep, no wonder you are so perky and loud.” Taylor rolled his eyes and put on the coffee. He was not going to skip the most important meal of the day and he definitely needed some more time to wake up.

  “Are you all packed?” Hunt wanted to know.

  Taylor nodded to a small backpack that leaned against the wall next to the door. “A few T-shirts, underwear, a reel of fishing line, and a flash light. I hope you remembered to pack lightly.”

  Hunt flashed him a big grin. “I only take what I am carrying right now.”

  “OK,” Taylor hesitated, “Just make sure you stay downwind from me after the third day of the trip.”

  Hunt roared out in laughter, “I do have a change of clothes or two here in my waist pack. These old special-ops combat suits have neat little features built in.”

  Coffee started to sputter into the pot and Taylor sat down at the small dining table offering day-old bread and some cheese to his friend. The hot coffee worked its magic to get Taylor’s brain into gear.

  “You said, ‘We are all ready to go,’” Taylor asked Hunt, “Where are our two tourists anyway?”

  “I was just trying to get you out of bed for good. I haven’t seen them yet. Farmer seems to be all right, geeky but all right,” Hunt mused about their travel companions. “He’s gonna come in handy should we really find something useful. I don’t know about Spade yet, she tries to be all mysterious and secretive. Maybe someone just wants her out of the way for a few days. Anyway, she carries the Safe Passage Certificates, so there is no way around taking her along. I’ll make sure to keep her off your back,” he reassured Taylor.

  “Right, you do that, you have yet to earn your keep on this trip,” Taylor teased.

  The two men sat silently for a moment enjoying the simple meal and hot coffee.