Read Lindsey's Choice Page 11

  I could have sat and listened to Deirdre for hours. She truly amazed me. I felt so comfortable in her presence. I was so pleased that she felt comfortable sharing her personal story with us. Joey and I both shared personal stories with Deirdre, too. She was a very nice person, I would never have known. It just took some time and a little bit of chance to sit down and learn about her.

  “I better get back to my mom,” said Deirdre.

  “You know, it would be cool if you came out and played some volleyball with us on the weekends,” I said.

  She seemed a little uncomfortable with my suggestion. “Don’t worry, Brittany and Chloe don’t play. Can you just imagine?” Deirdre and Joey both laughed as I pretended to be Brittany, fixing my hair and putting lipstick on before hitting an imaginary ball.

  “I’ll call you next Saturday, okay?”

  “Sounds good.” Deirdre really had a pretty smile. It’s sad that she wasn’t able to show it more.

  When I returned home that evening, I gave my mom the biggest hug.

  “Gee Linds, that was sure nice,” mom was surprised.

  “I love you mom,” I said.

  “I love you too Lindsey,” she said as she kissed the end of my nose.

  I talked to Aimee about her day. She was excited to show me a new computer program she got. She seemed a little curious about me spending time with her, but she enjoyed it, I did too. I played trucks with Derek for awhile. We made a big crash-up derby. I talked with my dad for awhile, asking him questions about the soccer game he was watching on television.

  I went to bed that night feeling like a different person. Today I realized the important things in life.

  So what if I’m not skinny. So what if I’m not popular like Chloe and Brittany. I feel sorry for them; all they care about are superficial things. They may not ever realize how truly wonderful life can be or how short it may be. They may not ever feel so much love and warmth in their hearts.

  I had the most peaceful sleep that night. All thanks to Deirdre Duncan.


  Game On

  Creston Queens vs. Chaparral sharks

  City Final!

  7:00 tonight!

  Creston Main Gym

  Come out and Cheer on your Queens!

  “Here we go ladies, this is it!” Miss V announced as she walked into the change room. “you’ve worked hard all season, now is your time to really show the city who’s who in women’s high school volleyball!” We all let out a big cheer.

  “How are your butterflies?” I asked Jesse.

  “I have never been so nervous before a game.” Sara Bartley added.

  “Me too,” I said.

  We formed the line-up for our pre-game jog around the court. Looking around the room I could feel the anticipation, there was big energy in the air. We stayed quiet and focused, waiting for the start of our introduction theme song… “Get on your feet Creston High and welcome in the reigning city champions, our Creston Queens’!”

  “Let’s do this!”

  I took a few deep breaths, slapped Jessica’s hand and headed out to the crowd. The gym was packed. What a reception! I tried checking the crowd for familiar faces. The Sharks were already sitting on their bench, they looked nervous, I felt great. I took a quick glance around the crowd while taking off my warm-up suit. Joey was sitting with mom, dad, Derek and Aimee. In the back row of the bleachers I noticed Deirdre with a younger girl who actually looked like her. She must be Megan. I smiled and waved. She waved back and gave me the thumb’s up. I wish she would have made the team.

  “Tracy, Laurie, Sara, Jaycee, Lindsey and Jessica. We won the toss, let’s get out there and prove to everyone who deserves to keep the title!” Miss V was hyped.

  We got an early lead with a round of hard spike serves by Laurie. Some great set-ups and strong offense presented us with a victory of the first set 25-3. The second set played out much the same as the first. We were definitely in a groove. We felt good, we felt strong. Unfortunately we may have got a little over confident come the 3rd set. The Sharks looked mad and determined. We did a lot of volleying back and forth, exchanging services. Our play was consistent but they played hard. They took the 3rd set 25-18.

  “Okay ladies, this match is not over, they’ve showed us what they’ve got and it was obviously better than what you guys had in that last set! Let’s work on those set-ups and hit hard. Defense, get back into position a little sooner because they are getting the ball back faster and harder. Now get out there… 3.. 2.. 1.. Queens!” We broke out of our huddle and got into position. We played very well but they crawled out from under some rock and creamed us 25-6. Time to refocus.

  I sat on the bench for the first half of the last set. It started out too close again. No team taking an early lead. They wanted this title as bad as we did. Bump, set, spike, returned, bump, set, spike, returned, it was like watching a tennis match.

  “Time!” shouted Miss V, “I’m subbing #8 for #16. She motioned for me to get up and be ready.

  “Lindsey, we need your hits, you can get through their blocks, let’s go!”

  The score is 13-12 for us. The first team to 15 with a two-point advantage takes the championship. I can’t let my team down. I took the ball for service, bounced it a few times to get ready to serve it hard.

  The serve is up, low and hit the net.

  Their serve; they could take it all the way from here. They only need three points.

  Their serve is good but looked long.

  “Leave it, it’s out!”

  But it was in. Point Sharks. The score is tied at 13.

  Another hard serve flew at us, Sara dove for the return but the ball went clearly out of bounds.

  “Keep it together you guys!” Let’s go!”

  Almost an instant reply for next serve but this time Sara returned it beautifully, much to their surprise. We got our serve back. Let’s go Jaycee. Her serves are consistent and rarely returned.


  Yes! Good job Jaycee! She’s always able to scout our their weakest player and smack the ball right at them! 13-14.

  This is it. Serve hard right to Sara again. She dove. Perfect bump. Jess grabbed the set, nice and smooth, it was perfect and it was all mine.

  “Augh!” I hit it hard and watched it go right through their back line landing sweetly on the inside of the court. Game.

  “Yahoo” The team erupted and flew off the bench. This was THE best feeling ever. I was on top of the world. Nothing can beat this high!

  “My girls, my girls!” Miss V joined our huge group hug as we jumped around.

  I could hear our theme song just blaring; Joey ran down from the stands and hoisted me high.

  “Great playing! I’m so proud of you!” I waved at mom and dad who had their arms up high clapping. I was speechless; I wanted everyone to share in this glory. I motioned for Deirdre and Megan to come down. I met them with a huge hug. Life couldn’t be better.


  Celebration Time

  We all went for pizza to celebrate the Queens 6th straight Cit y Championship victor y! Jessica, Sara and I were celebrating for the f irst time and what a feeling that was! Ever yone came to the restaurant, moms, dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers ; I even convinced Deirdre and Megan to come.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Miss V stood up at her seat and raised her glass. “I have been so fortunate to have worked with such a dedicated group of young women. you girls worked so hard at every practice, you played 110% at every game this season. I could not be prouder to be your coach and to be celebrating this sweet victory with you here tonight. I’d like to also make a special side-toast to Jessica Clooney, Sara Bartley and our last big hitter of the night, Lindsey Connors!

  “You girls were the young newcomers but you never once let that stand in your way. Here’s to this year’s Canon High School Women’s City Champs, The Creston High Queens!” We all rose our glasses high and let out a cheer that I’m sure
the whole restaurant heard.

  We stayed and celebrated pretty late, Aimee and Megan were having lots of fun with their new friendship but poor Derek was ready for bed.

  “We’re going to head home now Lindsey,” mom said.

  “Do you guys want a ride?” asked Dad.

  “I think we’ll walk Mr. Connors. Thanks anyways,” Joey was quick with an answer.

  “We sure are proud of you Lindsey,” mom gave me a big hug.

  “You know it!” Dad grabbed me next with the strongest hug I’ve ever received from him.

  “Thanks you guys, and thanks for coming tonight.”

  I noticed Deirdre getting up and calling for Megan to get her jacket on.

  “Thanks for inviting us here tonight Lindsey. It looks like Megan and Aimee are getting along pretty good,” Deirdre said.

  “Yeah, you’ll have to bring her over to our place.” Deirdre gave me an unexpected hug.

  “Thanks for everything Lindsey, I truly mean that.” Tears were forming in her eyes.

  “I’m glad we’re friends.”

  “There is something that I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Deirdre said.

  “What’s that?” She looked very serious and motioned me over to a quiet corner.

  “Do you remember that day when I was standing in the hall and Brittany was making fun of me for wearing a long-sleeved sweater? That morning, my grandma-witch had hit me and said that she wished my mom would hurry up and die so I could be around more often to earn my keep.”

  “I’m so sorry Deirdre.”

  “It wasn’t the first time she had said that but that was certainly the last time I wanted to hear it. I felt like killing her. Instead, I thought the easiest way to escape all the misery, was to take my own life. I felt like nobody cared about the pain I was suffering. I came to school and was harassed by people who had no idea who I was, nor did they even care to find out.” Deirdre spoke from the heart; she had so much pain inside. I could only listen with all my attention.

  “When I got to school that morning, I saw that I didn’t make the volleyball team.”

  “You were going to hurt yourself because of that?” I had to interrupt.

  “No, of course not, but when I went to look at the posting, some guy that I had never met, looked me right in the eye and told me to crawl back under the rock I came out from.”

  “Who was he?!” I said between clenched teeth.

  “But Lindsey, that’s just it, it really doesn’t matter; my feelings were based on such a combination of things. Everyone says mean things like that to me all the time.” She seemed so calm and mature at this point.

  “Do you remember when you came up to me and asked if I was okay?”


  “Nobody except for my mother has ever asked me if I was okay and really meant it.”

  “I did mean it Deirdre.”

  “I know, I could tell.” She smiled.

  “That’s all I needed to hear, with all due respect, it could have been anyone who said it. But that’s all I needed to hear,” she repeated it again and again, “that’s all I needed to hear.”

  “You mean you were going to kill yourself?”

  “Yes, I had it all planned out, I was on my way home when you came up and spoke to me. I was going to get in the witch’s truck, turn on the ignition and sit in the garage until I feel asleep …forever.”

  I grabbed onto Deirdre and gave her the biggest hug. I had no words at this point.

  “You saved my life,” said Deirdre with a tear in her eye.

  Those were the words that I would hear over and over again in my head. I had no idea the massive impact my tiny effort made …I was truly touched.

  Soon after all the parents and other family members headed out, the team and those of us who had boyfriends, all decided to walk home together.

  It was a perfect night, with a slight cool breeze but nothing could make us cold. We were still on our major high, singing songs and belting out our team cheers.

  “Now it’s your turn Joey!” Jess turned around to yell back at Joey and I who were keeping our own pace.

  “Don’t you worry Queeny, the Kings are going to kick major ass!” The guys let out their cheer. Most of the boyfriends played for the Kings.

  I have a permanent grin. After winning this huge victory, it seems as though I have gained some perspective of my life. I’ve got the best boyfriend, an amazing supportive family, great friends, and Deirdre’s words, I will never forget.

  From a distance, I could hear the pounding of a car stereo. It sounded as though it was getting closer and closer. I looked behind us and saw a jeep screeching around a corner packed full of people. Some were just holding onto the roll bar, laughing and screaming, shouting to whatever music was blaring. They pulled up next to us at quite a speed, slammed on the brakes and almost sent half the load flying over the hood. I recognized the jeep to be Justin Matthews.’ Brittany and Chloe and some of the other girls were hanging off the roll bar.

  “Hey Lindsey! Jump in the yeep!”

  “Yeep!?” they broke out into hysterical laughter.

  Chloe and Brittany were obviously very drunk. I looked at Justin to see if he was drinking. I noticed a bottle between his legs.

  “Are you guys idiots or something? What if the cops find you?”

  “J-jusins-fas-as-l-lightenin!” Chloe spat and stuttered.

  Justin sped off not caring if we finished our conversation or not. He went so fast some of their drinks went flying out of the Jeep, smashing into tiny pieces of glass as they hit the pavement. He cranked up the music and was swerving all over the road.

  “Someone is going to get hurt,” Joey said.

  “No doubt,” I said feeling suddenly sick to my stomach. We walked and walked. We ended up down at the pier and played a few games of blind volleyball! I say blind because it’s pretty hard to return a pass when you can’t see in the dark until the ball almost hits your face! It was really fun though.

  We were still high from our win that Jessica suggested we play against the guys. It was pretty even but trying to return or even block Joey’s hits was next to impossible. I got more bruises in this fun game than I did all year!

  We finally headed back home just after midnight. I couldn’t help but think of where and what Chloe was doing at this moment.

  “You know Chloe always told me that she’d never end up like her mother, but she is totally the same.” I told Joey.

  “It sure looks that way,” he replied.

  “I wish there was something I could do or say, but she just is set out to be with those girls and do what they do. The Chloe I know has a good heart, she deserves better. Her mom has just brainwashed her into thinking that her looks are everything and that’s how she can make it in life. I just wish she could see and feel more.”

  “You’re a good friend Lindsey, Chloe is a lucky girl, but I’m the luckiest guy in the world!” Joey picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. “I am capturing you forever!” I felt like the princess who was being swept away by the evil beast. I loved every second.


  The Phone Call

  My beast finally had to release me but promised to capture me again tomorrow.

  I couldn’t wait to crawl into my warm cozy bed, my most favorite place to be. I fell asleep quickly, slipping easily into a dream about being a princess. A brave knight rescued me from an evil fire-breathing dragon. He wore shining armor and carried a long fancy looking sword. He fought the wicked guards and finally the vicious dragon was slain.

  Good grief, I feel like I’m four years old again but this dream was so fun! My knight slowly removed his helmet. I could tell by the beautiful white smile that it was my Joey! I threw my arms around him in delight, suddenly his cell phone rang. What? Knights don’t carry cell phones. I opened my eyes; my clock read 5:47 am. Who would be calling at this time?



  “Hello? Is
anybody there?”

  I was about to hang up thinking it was some prank call, until I started to distantly hear someone whimpering.

  “Who is this?”

  “Lindsey, help me.”


  “It’s horrible.”

  “What’s horrible, where are you? What’s wrong?”

  “I’m at a pay phone. I hate him. I want to kill him.” She started crying harder this time.


  “Uncle Jim.”

  “Uncle Jim?”

  “He’s a friend of my mom’s and I want him dead. I hate him so much. He is a gross pig and he makes me sick. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him…”

  “What did he do?”

  “It’s freezing out here.” I could hear Chloe’s teeth chatter. “Can I come over?”

  “Yes, I’ll leave the front door open.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t, Brittany, Kaitlyn and Nikki are sleeping downstairs and he might…”

  “Might what? What did he do?”

  All I could hear was Chloe crying again. “I can’t go back home…”

  “Leave Brittany a note and come over here!”

  The phone went dead.

  I kept one eye open practically the whole night. I wasn’t certain what Chloe’s plan was. I kept listening for the front door to open but I heard nothing.

  Finally at about 7 o’clock in the morning I heard a knocking at my window. It was Chloe. She looked horrible. Her eyes looked like they were practically swollen shut because of the redness and puffiness. Her hair was knotty and messy. Her mascara had run down her cheeks. Her clothes looked wet and dirty. She was shivering so hard I had to help lift her through my open window.

  She just grabbed me and held on tight. She was sobbing so hard I thought she’d wake everyone.

  “Come sit on my bed and tell me what happened.” I invited.

  She was crying so hard that she was having difficulty catching her breath. I put my arm around her on the bed and just waited patiently.

  “Last night… after we came home from this party… we… we were all going to bed… my mom had this party so there were a lot of people sleeping everywhere… sniff… Brittany, Kaitlyn and Nikki all slept downstairs.