Read Lindsey's Choice Page 2

  “I’m not going to worry about anything,” said Joey.

  “Anything?” I questioned.

  “There is always so much hype about starting high school. I’m the new guy, at least you guys know everyone from your school. My dad always told me that I can just be myself because people get into trouble when they are trying to be like other people. you can’t mess up being yourself.”

  “Your dad sounds pretty smart.”

  “I consider him my best friend.”

  “I guess I feel the same way about my mom, it’s just that she’s always asking so many questions, I feel like she thinks everything I do is her business.”

  “She’s just looking out for you,” Joey replied in a soothing voice.

  “You sound just like her!” We laughed.

  The silence was surprisingly comfortable.

  “I had the biggest crush on you at volleyball camp.” Joey confessed.

  “You did? I had no idea.”

  “Like you would have noticed me anyways, you were pretty busy with all the attention you were getting AND giving!”

  “Was not!” I gave him a playful push.

  He grabbed me unexpectedly and threw me over his shoulder. I shrieked but loved every minute of it. His shoulder muscles were rock hard as he held me in place.

  “Put me down!” Did I just say that?

  We were laughing so hard we both fell backwards into the cool sand.

  “I looked like a total geek back then anyways.”

  “Yeah you did.” I snickered. He was obviously confident enough in his appearance now to accept that jab.

  “I’m kidding.”

  “Lindsey, why is it that we are meeting again at the end of summer holidays?” Joey said sadly.

  “You were too busy traveling around playing beach volleyball.” I said sarcastically. We both laughed weakly this time. He then looked into my eyes; the gentle breeze off the lake brushed hair across his brow. He smiled at me, and at that point I knew what it truly felt like to feel butterflies in my stomach.

  “Should we try this?” He whispered and grabbed my hand.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  His hand felt warm and soft, yet strong. I felt completely protected and secure. I never want this moment to end…


  The Big Day

  “Lindsey, time to get up you big high school girl!” my mother shouted.

  “You better wear your cool clothes!” Aimee added, laughing.

  “Like she knows,” I mumbled to myself as I heaved my legs over one side of the bed to sit up. I sat on the edge for a moment and thought to myself, I feel pretty good. This is the morning I’ve been dreading forever, but at this instant I feel pretty darn good. I can’t wait to see Joey…

  I showered, blow-dried my hair, grabbed my straightener, and swiped a little gel to hold some pieces in place. My phone rings.


  “I don’t want to go, I’m scared, I have a stomach ache, my hair is NOT cooperating, and I got lipstick on my new jeans!”

  “Chloe, you’re giving yourself a hernia.” I spoke calmly.

  “I’ll lend you some denims. Can your mom still drive?”

  “Yeah, but what if your jeans don’t fit? I still can’t get my hair to work, and I…”

  “Relax! you’re starting to stress me out!”

  “Sorry, I’ll be right over.”

  Laughing, playful shouts, welcomes and reunions, this is it.

  Jessica, Chloe and I were standing outside the main doors of Creston High School.

  Small groups started to form larger groups, some stood alone, waiting for the doors to open.

  “Chloe, you’re hurting my arm,” She was griping my arm like I was taking her to prison.

  “Chill out, let’s see if we can find Kelly and Hanna,” said Jessica.

  “Hey guys, you look great! I like your hair, Chloe!” said Hanna. We could always count on Hanna to be in good spirits and to provide us with a little pick-me-up. This seemed to calm Chloe down to her normal self again.

  “Thanks, where are the guys?” inquired Chloe.

  “Jeff and Scott got a ride with their dad pretty early. I think they’re checking out their classes already,” Kelly said.

  “I saw Jake talking to his ex-girlfriend by the gym. He’s also with some new guy, who looks pretty gorgeous,” Hanna said giggling turning to look at Kelly’s reaction.

  “That’s Joey Cranston, he’s from Jackson Heights, and he’s got the hots for Lindsey,” Jessica stated in almost a protective manner.

  “Is this true, Lindsey?” Hanna asked, surprised.

  “Well, yeah…I guess you could say we’re kind of seeing each other. I met him at a volleyball camp a few years ago. I saw him at the parlor last weekend and we’ve been hanging out.”

  “Jake is talking to his ex?!” interrupted Chloe, probably not even realizing it.

  “I need to check this out, come on you guys.”

  “Talk to you later,” I said quickly as Chloe was dragging me off.

  Brittany Sinclair….for the lack of a better description, is a complete bitch. Gorgeous? yes, but knows it. Gets any guy, anytime? yes. Chews them up and spits them out? All the time. She’s the hottest thing from Huntington Middle. Her hair, long and black, her green snake-like eyes hid behind thick black eyelashes. Her red, pouty lips slightly curled upward in the corners like The Joker from Batman. She’s got the body of a 20 year old. She reminds me of a black cat; suspicious, unpredictable, snobby, and only cares about herself.

  “There they are,” Chloe said angrily.

  Brittany was dragging her claw down one side of Jake’s chest, and smiling seductively.

  Her female groupies were hanging by.

  I grabbed Chloe’s arm, “Would you relax! you’ve been seeing him all of a week! Be cool, this is our first day of classes,” I started to lower my voice as people were starting to look our way… including Brittany and friends.

  “Oh god, here they come,” Jessica starting looking the other way. All of a sudden I felt like this moment was in slow motion. She looked determined, on a mission, her friends following in perfect formation behind their almighty leader.

  “Aren’t you Chloe Drummond from Kincora Middle School?” asked Brittany, surprisingly polite.

  “Yes,” Chloe responded with obvious shock.

  I felt completely on display with the way they were checking us out. Glaring, but more at curiosity then belittlement. It’s kind of like a new dog to the neighborhood and the other dogs smelling his… well you know what I mean.

  “Jake told me he’s been spending some time with you lately.”

  “He told you that?” Chloe remained in shock.

  “Yeah, it’s totally cool, we’re completely over. I was just saying hi to him.”

  “Oh… I… huh… I don’t care, that’s cool, we kinda just met anyways…” Chloe was stuttering… what a display, I had to shake my head.

  “My parents are out of town next weekend; I’m planning a break-in party. you should come,” Brittany said with complete assurance.

  “Sure!” Chloe couldn’t even hide her excitement if she wanted to.

  “I guess you can bring your friends as well,” Brittany looked Jessica and I up and down like we had to try-out for her party.

  “Well we have to go, I’ll talk to you later Chloe.” Off she paraded with her “kittens” following close behind.

  “Can you believe it?!” Chloe was like a kid at Christmas.

  “We’re not going,” Jessica said without hesitation.

  “I’ve heard about her parties, I’m not into that,” I said following along with Jess.

  “Come on, we were the popular girls at Kincora, now we have to prove we’re just as popular to hang out with the popular girls from Huntington. Brittany is so cool!” Chloe was speaking to us but looking everywhere else.

  “Give me a break, you spoke to her for two minutes and now you’re best
friends?!” Jessica was sounding irritated.

  “Come on you guys, the first bell is going to go, and we’ll talk about this later,” I said calmly. I play the mediator role nicely.

  “Was that the lunch bell?” asked Mrs. Clarkson, our Health Science teacher. The class let out a quiet cheer.

  “You’re dismissed but please complete those questions at the end of the chapter two by Wednesday.”

  “I’m so hungry, what do you want to do for lunch?” asked Jess.

  “I think everyone’s meeting on the benches outside the gym,” I replied.

  “I still haven’t talked to Joey.” I started looking for his familiar face as we headed for our lockers.

  “I really like Mrs. Clarkson, I’m glad we got her instead of Mr. Thompson, I heard he dated a girl in grade 12 a few years ago!” Jess said.

  “You’re kidding? That’s disgusting, I heard once…”

  “Stop it!” yelled a female voice.

  “Nice shoes, did your mom buy them at the thrift store?!! I still have that coupon for deodorant I think you need,” cackled a familiar voice, followed by the laughter of a small group of hyenas.

  “Brittany, do you mind?” begged the girl.

  “Brittany, do you mind,” mimicked Brittany.

  “I was hoping high school would be different,” the girl said solemnly.

  “Well I thought you would have shaved off your mustache by now, well maybe you are a guy-are you going to finally come out of the closet!? Bet you can’t wait to check me out in the change room this year! I have a boyfriend you know.” More laughter from the gallery.

  “You’re such a bitch.” The girl said.

  The girl seemed to be getting more and more agitated with Brittany’s antics. I was hoping Brittany would soon grow weary and take her crew elsewhere.

  “Ohhhhhh… so you’re a tough girl this year are you?” Brittany was looking for something. Suddenly one of Brittany’s disciples shoved the girl forcefully into a line of lockers, scattering all her books.

  “That’s about enough, you girls!” shouted Mr. Ramsey, the school principal. “Go have your lunch.” He continued walking toward the office.

  The girl seemed upset, but frustrated more than anything. This was obviously not their first type of encounter together. She stormed off toward the cafeteria.

  “Did you guys see that?” Kelly and Hanna asked in unison.

  “She is so mean, who was that girl?” I asked.

  “I think her name is Deirdre. They call her Deirdre Dork. She’s from Huntington. I saw some granny looking woman who was driving an old dirty pick-up truck drop her off this morning. She seems kind of strange.” Kelly was starting to sound as mean as Brittany. I always feel sad for the outcasts.

  “Hey…” A warm breath in my ear, I felt a strong arm come around my waist from behind.

  “Hi!” The butterflies are back.

  “I’ve been looking for you, I saw you guys this morning but it looked like you were in some heated conversation so I didn’t want to bug you.”

  “You should have,” I said. He looked curious.

  “I’ll tell ya later,” I said smiling.

  “I’m supposed to meet Jake by the gym, you guys coming?”

  “We’re just heading there,” Hanna said.

  I felt his hand take mine. I felt so proud and so self-assured. I wanted everyone to see us.

  Jake, Jeff and Scott Newman, and Eddie were all sitting on the benches as Jess, Kelly, Hanna, Joey and I greeted them.

  “Where’s Chloe?” I asked the group.

  “She said something about having lunch with Brittany and her friends,” Jake said nonchalantly.

  “We had plans,” I said with obvious disappointment.

  “Here they come now.” He sounded a little more excited.

  With Chloe and Brittany in front, this parade had dress, attitude and poise, with a Miss Teen Snob theme. Or simply, the ingredients of a New York catwalk. Chloe broke away from the group momentarily.

  “Hi guys,” she said coolly.

  “How were your classes this morning?” I asked in regular fashion but really wanting to ask why the hell are you hanging out with Brittany!

  “Actually pretty awesome, Brit and I managed to have all our classes together!”

  “Brit?” mumbled Jessica, loud enough for me to hear.

  “We have a table in the cafeteria, you guys coming in?” asked Chloe but looking directly at Jake.

  “We’ll meet you in there,” I shot her a stern, evil glare.

  “Ok!” We all watched her bounce away, prancing toward the group of Brittanys who were waiting for her. Obviously oblivious to the message I was trying to send her. Am I losing my best friend? I am so furious with her! How could she be so shallow? Doesn’t she know what true friendship really is! I don’t understand her at all! Apparently reputation is all she cares about. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

  “Lindsey, you okay?” Joey put his arm around my shoulders.

  “Fine, let’s just eat,” I said trying to hide my disappointment and confusion.

  Miss Van Weldan is the Creston Queens volleyball coach. They have won regional championships five years in a row. I’ve heard she represented Canada in the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. I have also heard she is a tough and demanding coach, expects a lot from her girls. I can’t wait to tryout. I’m nervous but I can’t wait to get into the excitement. Volleyball for me has always been a great way to release any tension and stress. I play hard and hit harder. I wonder what the competition is out there. I know some of the names who are now in grade 12 who I’m sure will be back this year. There are usually about two or three grade 10 girls who make the team. I guess there is always the Queen’s junior team but I’m confident I could make that team with my eyes closed. They don’t nearly have the attention or reputation the senior team does.

  “When are the volleyball try-outs?” asked Dad at dinner that evening.

  “I’ve heard Miss Van Weldan likes to have the first cuts done by the end of the second week of school, so by next Friday I guess.”

  “How are you feeling about it?” asked Mom.

  “Nervous, I guess. I really want to make it.”

  “Are there any cute guys in high school?” Aimee asked.

  “Probably, I haven’t really noticed,” I answered annoyed.

  “Oh yeah, YOU have a boyfriend,” Aimee started to sing.

  “What? What would you know?”

  “Candice’s older sister’s friend’s cousin goes to Creston, and she told Alexa who told Candice that she saw you holding hands with some good-looking guy at lunch!”

  I could just roll my eyes.

  “Oh? What’s his name, Sweetie?” Mom suddenly became interested.

  “Joey Cranston, he’s from Jackson Heights, and no, I don’t know what his father does, and yes, he attends church services, and I don’t know if he’s had other girlfriends, I just didn’t want to ask.” I thought I’d cut to the chase.

  “Lindsey!” Mom said laughing.

  “He does play for the men’s regional beach volleyball team. They traveled the country playing last summer.”

  “He must be pretty good.” Dad got in on the conversation.

  “I brought my Dexter Dragger Train to show and tell today and Bradley said his was faster!” Derek too, got in on the conversation but added a slight twist.

  “We’ll make yours the fastest train ever! We’ll add two big jet engines to it!” Dad said.

  “Cool, Bradley’s going to cry like a baby!”

  We all laughed. If only we had the daily problems poor Derek is usually faced with.


  One Week down,

  39 To Go…

  That first week of school flew. Chloe seemed to be growing more distant than ever. She spent practically that whole first weekend with Brittany. She said she had to help organize for the party that is coming up this weekend. Jessica, Hanna, Joey and some of the
guys just hung out at the beach rallying the volleyball at the nets. It was definitely Fall as we had to wear our track pants and hoodies. This time of year makes me sad because I hate saying goodbye to the summer.

  “You guys are lookin’ good, are you ready for try-outs?” Joey asked.

  “You bet! Those Huntington hogs will be sorry!” Jessica announced.

  I just laughed.

  “I better go, it’s getting pretty chilly,” I said.

  “I’ll walk you home.” Joey said and started to help Eddie take down the net.

  Up in my room I was checking out the clothes that I would wear tomorrow. I just couldn’t stop thinking about Chloe. Do I just let her do her thing? I mean, it’s not like I’d be without friends if I didn’t have her. Volleyball is going to keep me busy, and now with spending extra time with Joey as well. I still better talk to her.

  “Hi, is Chloe home?” Some new guy of her mom’s answered.

  “Chloe, phone!”

  “Hello?” Chloe answered.

  “Hi, it’s me.”

  “I don’t have much time. I’m meeting with Brittany and everyone at the mall. What’s up?” Chloe asked in one quick breath.

  “You tell me! Are you ditching us or what?” I couldn’t help but become hostile.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Chloe was acting surprised with my tone.

  “It seems like you’ve got yourself some new friends.”

  “Lindsey, you’re still my best friend. It’s just that Brittany and I seem to have a lot in common. She likes to go to the malls. We wear the same look and like to check out guys. right now we’re scoping Justin Matthews, he’s hot, he’s in Grade 12, drives a jeep AND plays in a band!”

  “Great….” I couldn’t contain my excitement.

  “Lindsey, you would rather toss the volleyball around or go jogging, I’m not into that, and you know that! Plus, you have Joey now, how do I compete with him for your time?” Chloe was sounding victimized.

  “What about Jake?”

  “A short and sweet fling, there are tons of fish out there who I could get with.” She was starting to speak another language.

  “Get with?” I questioned.

  “You know have some fun and then be on the run,” She laughed.

  “That’s what Brittany calls it, ha ha!”

  “You’ve changed,” I said.

  “Lindsey, seriously, let’s have lunch together tomorrow okay? you should also consider coming to Brit’s party this weekend. We’ll have fun together, okay?”