Read Lindsey's Choice Page 5


  “You will not be seeing Chloe Drummond anymore.”

  “What?! you can’t decide who my friends are! She’s my best friend!” I started to shout. Derek started to whimper.

  “I realize you’ve been best friends for quite some time. She has obviously changed for the worst and I would prefer you did not join her.”

  “Why do you bother telling me you trust me when you obviously don’t!”

  “We care about you very much Lindsey and we want what is best for you,” Dad said.

  “You could have fooled me!” I stormed out the front door slamming the screen behind me. I hopped on my bike and just started pedaling as hard as I could. I was expecting to hear my mom shout after me but it was quiet. All I could hear was my breath getting louder and my heart beating against my chest. I replayed the events of the past 24 hours over and over again in my head.

  They are clueless, they have no idea what my life is like. I’m 16; they cannot treat me like a child. I pick my own friends! They can’t control me! They can’t, they can’t… I won’t let them. It’s MY life!!

  I found myself at the top of some hill just outside of the city limits. I must be heading west as it looks like the sun is starting to go down. It must have been a good hour of hard riding. I’m exhausted, I need to stop. I got off my bike, turned it around and walked it slowly back down the hill... towards home.


  My Head Still Hurts

  “Hey party girl,” Jake just happened to be the first person I ran into on my way to Miss Van Walden’s office.

  “Ha ha,” I said sarcastically.

  “I didn’t know you could party like that Linds.” Jake started to put his arm around me but I brushed him off and started walking faster ahead.

  “If you were my girlfriend, I’d give ya the boot!” shouted Jake.

  I turned around and threw him a hard look. What was he talking about? I passed two girls in the hall who started whispering and pointing my way. A group of guys I didn’t even know started laughing out loud with each other as soon as I walked passed them. I turned to look back; they were all watching me but quickly turned away so to not let me know they had been eyeing me.

  “Lindsey! Thank god.” Jessica shoved me into the closest bathroom.

  “What is going on?!” I demanded.

  “Relax Lindsey, you tell me!” She demanded back.

  “People are staring and pointing, Jake said something about him dumping me if I were his girlfriend.”

  “Rumor has that you and some college guy had your hands all over each other. Apparently you were doing a strip tease in front of the whole party!” Her eyes were practically bulging out of their socket she was so intense.

  “Was not! That’s a total lie! Where did you hear this from?!”

  “Lindsey, EVERYONE is talking about it. It doesn’t matter where I heard it first. What’s with you anyways? I told you not to go; you know what those parties are all about.” Jessica was sounding more and more like my mother.

  “I got a big lecture last night from my mom; I don’t need one from you! Believe what you want, I’m telling you the truth!” I stormed out of the bathroom throwing my backpack over my shoulder. I didn’t even consider the fact that there could have been someone on the other side of the door. I flew into a group of Grade 12 girls. I apologized without hesitation but all I could hear was, “that’s her” and then laughter. I wanted to run, run away from all these accusations. I just wanted this to be a normal day and to not be ridiculed for something I have no recollection of doing. I need to find Chloe. I promptly headed toward her locker. Brittany, Kaitlyn and Chloe were talking and exchanging lipsticks.

  “Hey sista!” Brittany shouted not caring about the volume of her voice.

  “Is it true?” I asked.

  “Is what true?” said Chloe.

  “That I was stripping at the party?” They all laughed.

  “It’s not funny you guys.” I could feel my blood boil at how uncaring their response was.

  “We were all pretty wasted Linds, I think I was dancing right next to you! Don’t worry about it; you were probably just pretending to strip or something. you know how rumors start.” Brittany was almost reassuring.

  “Only jealous people start rumors,” Kaitlyn added.

  “I don’t know about you buddy, but I had a blast, we all did,” Chloe said motioning to her new posse.

  “There’s just so much I don’t remember, Joey even said he couldn’t find me for awhile?”

  Brittany and Chloe exchanged looks that I couldn’t quite read.

  “We’ve got to go, second bell is about to ring. We’ll meet back here at lunch you guys, you too Lindsey.” Brittany smiled while whisking the group down the hall. Chloe waited for me.

  “Don’t worry okay Lindsey? It doesn’t matter what people think, you’re the one who always told me that. Brittany thinks you’re very cool and she totally wants you to hang out with us.”

  I stood emotionless, a million thoughts and questions swimming in my brain. It’s not like it was my mission to get with their little gang but I guess it feels pretty cool to be popular. I can’t let what people think bother me too much, I have friends that I feel close to and that’s all that matters now. Jessica is such a spaz anyways.

  “By the way, did you make first cut?” Chloe asked.

  “Oh yeah! I mean… I don’t know… I’ll talk to you at lunch!” I hurried off towards Miss V’s office, again.

  I passed Deirdre Duncan on my way; it looked like she actually had a smile on her face. She must have made it. I have never seen her smile before.

  There was a small group huddling in close to one another in order to get a first glance at the white paper taped to Miss V’s door. I moved in close, on my tip toes trying to get a peek over some heads. I’m generally at the top, as most lists are in alphabetical order. I can usually find my name quickly. Sara Bartley, Jessica Clooney, Lindsey Connors, Deirdre Duncan...


  In the change room before our final try-out, I was nervous but focused. Jessica wasn’t even talking to me but that’s okay. I need only have one thing on my mind.

  “Hey Lindsey, you have a visitor at the door,” Sara informed me as she entered the change room.

  “Thanks,” I rushed to the door. It was Joey.

  “Hi! I haven’t seen you all day,” I said but with more of a question as to his whereabouts.

  “I actually just came for afternoon classes, I was sick this morning. I heard you had a rough day.”

  “Rumors hurt, what can I say” I shrugged my shoulders like an innocent bystander. I need to stay focused for right now.”

  “You’re right. I just came to wish you good luck and give you this.” He handed me his lucky leather wrist tie that I’ve never seen him take off.

  “Joey! You’re awesome! Are you sure? I know what this means to you.”

  “After today, I was hoping to put a smile on your face and give you a good luck charm at the same time.” He grinned. I heard Miss V’s whistle blow.

  “I better run, thank you so much.” I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss on his lips; I think I took him by complete surprise.

  “Wow, good luck, I’ll be watching.”



  It went well. I think. I played hard and stayed focused. That was my goal. Everyone did really well. Everyone except for Deirdre. She played a clumsy game, I felt bad for her. She dove for the ball that wasn’t even near her. She jumped for a block and practically got her nose caught in the net! All her serves were completely out of control. She even hit the back wall a few times.

  Jessica played very well. She seemed determined. I wonder if her performance had a lot to do with her wanting to beat me. I know what she can be like. I just don’t have the energy to confront her about this. I have Joey and Chloe, they care about me. Brittany and Kaitlyn were even watching the try-outs chee
ring me on.

  That’s what friends are for, I don’t need friends who don’t believe what I tell them and don’t support me. I know that I drank too much alcohol last weekend; I feel that I paid the consequences. There are a lot of events that I can’t remember that night, but I do know for sure that I wouldn’t take my clothes off in front of a room full of strangers! Joey would have stopped me if I was embarrassing him or myself. I have to quit obsessing about last weekend! If Jessica can’t handle our friendship than fine! I’m not going to stress out about it!

  That night I had a dream that I came to school drunk and everyone was laughing and pointing at me. They were chanting something that I couldn’t understand. Joey was standing by his locker shaking his head with a disgusted look on his face.

  When I came up to him, he practically walked right through me, completely ignoring my greeting. I saw Chloe and Brittany at the end of the hallway talking seriously; they motioned for me to come their way. They didn’t say any words to me; just lead me down a dark hall that seemed to be part of the school but one I had never been down. At the end of the hall there was the sound of laughter, but more of a cackle, like an assembly of hyenas waiting to scavenge off the next victim.

  The horrifying sounds became louder the closer I got to the end of the hall, and with each step closer, the room around me grew darker and darker. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I was grabbed from behind.

  “No Lindsey, please!”


  “Don’t let them!”

  “SILENCE!” A loud and disturbing voice yells from the opening of the door at the end of the daunting hallway. It sent shivers down my spine. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My heart was pounding. I turned for Aimee, but she was gone…

  “Aimee!” I lunged forward but in reality, I sat up in bed. I realized it was a dream. I leaned over to see my alarm clock; it was 5:53 am. There was no way I was going back to sleep just in case I ended up in that dream again! My sheets felt wet from sweating. My heart was still thumping hard. I heard footsteps coming down towards my room.

  “You okay Lindsey? I heard you yell your sister’s name. Is Aimee awake?” mom asked.

  “No mom, I was only dreaming.”

  “Well try to get back to sleep; you still have another hour before you need to get up for school.”

  I rolled over but just watched the clock. The thoughts in my brain were scattering around like ants in an ant hill that just got stepped on. There is no way I’m going back to sleep. What if Jess makes the team and I don’t? What if I make it and she doesn’t? I just hope I make it. I wonder if Deirdre will make it. I wonder if Miss V will put her on the team because she feels sorry for her. I feel sorry for her. She seems so weird. I guess I could get to know her. I just hope I’m not hanging around Brittany when she is bullying her, I don’t like that. I wouldn’t dare tell her that though, she’ll think I’m a loser. But why would I care? I never really liked Brittany in the first place. But I like her now. Joey will be proud if I make the team. What would Joey think if I don’t make it? He’s the best. I’m so lucky to have him. I could never have asked for a better boyfriend. So what if he was a total geek when I met him at that volleyball camp so long ago. He definitely would not have been someone who I would have dated back then. I’m glad Brittany and Chloe don’t know how much of a dork he used to be. I mean… not that it matters. Why should it matter? I’d be embarrassed. But why should I be? Ah! What time is it? 6:25 am. I might as well shower and get ready…

  “Congratulations! You made it!” Joey came running towards me grabbing me around the waist and swinging me around.

  “You’re kidding?!” I said in astonishment.

  “It looks like you, Jessica, and Sara Bartley were the only grade 10’s to make it.”

  “Oh my god!”

  “I have to run sweetie but we’ll start celebrating at lunch!” He ran off, turning around to give me a thumbs up. Yes! What a relief. I better find Jess.

  Walking towards Jessica’s locker, I passed Deirdre in the hall. She looked more sad then usual. Her head was low with her eyes fixed on the ground. She was just standing by the fountain looking lost. Maybe she didn’t make the volleyball team and is upset. Maybe there is more to it, she looks very tired. Her long wool sweater and jeans down to the ground seem a little odd to be wearing on this hot day. Maybe she is sick? Here comes Chloe and Brittany. I can’t wait to tell them the good news!

  Here’s another decision for you to make for Lindsey.

  Do you stop and ask Deirdre if she is okay? You could have a conversation with her just so she knows someone cares.

  If you choose to talk with Deirdre turn to Chapter 9B, and continue on.

  If you would rather catch up with Brittany and Chloe to tell them the good news, continue on to Chapter 12A on the next page.


  The New Gang

  “Hi Guys!” I was so thrilled to spread my exciting news.

  “Geez Deirdre, did you just crawl out of your igloo this morning? It’s called a T-SHIrT. We wouldn’t want you to become any smellier under that big rug of yours!” Brittany smirked. She rolled her eyes and then focused her attention on me.

  “You’re in a good mood,” Brittany said.

  “I made it!” I said with an ear-to-ear grin.

  “Made what?” asked Chloe while picking at the end of her nail, with obvious disinterest.

  “The Queens Volleyball team.” I told them with a little less enthusiasm. I guess I just assumed they would have known what I was talking about.

  “Right on Linds, I knew you’d make it.” Chloe said like she had known the whole time, apparently clueless to the competition I had.

  “Ya good for you Lindsey, hey, Justin said I could take his Jeep out at lunch today! We’re going cruisin’ ladies!” Brittany threw her head back as though the wind was catching her hair.

  “Cool!” Chloe finally got some exciting news.

  “You in?” Chloe turned my way.

  “I’m meeting Joey, he wanted to celebrate.”

  “Celebrate…?” Brittany asked, searching my face for an answer.

  “Making the volleyball team?” I said slowly, totally annoyed with their lack of attention.

  “Oh yeah!” Brittany and Chloe both giggled. I’m not sure what was funny, maybe that they should both be on the synchronized stupid team! At least Joey takes an interest in what I do.

  Hanging out with Brittany and the gang has its perks. All the popular girls in grade 12 seem to know who I am, some of them even have said hi to me in the hallway between classes. Sometimes in the washroom I’ve been asked if I like what color lipstick they’re wearing and my opinion of what they’re wearing. It’s like we’re all part of this popular girl sub-culture.

  Thursday afternoon I overheard some of the girls talking about another big party on the weekend. Apparently Jake’s brother, Ryan, has his own place and was inviting some of the high school girls over. Walking home after school I told Chloe and Brittany about what I heard.

  “You want to go?” asked Chloe.

  “I can’t believe no one told me about it first,” Brittany responded in an obvious snit.

  “I really don’t think I should drink again,” I said.

  “Come on, you were hilarious,” Brittany put her arm around me.

  “This one will be very cool, Jake’s brother is hot. He was always hitting on me whenever I went over there to watch movies with Jake. Did you ever get to meet him Chlo?” asked Brittany.

  “Ryan Stein? Chloe took a slow, deep breath as if about to reveal some hidden information that only she knew about.

  “Unfortunately he was best friends with my ex-boyfriend, Adam.” She blurted in one quick breath.

  “How come you never talk about him,” asked Brittany

  “Who? Ryan?”

  “No… Adam.” Brittany stated slowly as if talking to a two year old. I watched Chloe as she started fidgeting with her backpa
ck, obviously buying time or trying to come up with something else to talk about.

  “He was a jerk. We should go to the mall; I heard there was a huge sale at “Denim Stop.” I responded quickly in an attempt to ease the pain of the topic from Chloe.

  “Cool,” said Brittany, not realizing what just happened.

  Chloe gave me a thankful smile as we headed for the mall.


  One Lucky Girl

  The days were flying by, I had to star t packing my heavy warm-up pants, and fleece jacket for the walk home after our games and practices. I could smell the snow getting ready to fall. Jesse and I still aren’t friends. We are civil to each other at our games because we have to be. But after the games, we’re just like two strangers. I miss being friends with her but I’m not about to make the first move, she’s the reason why we’re not talking, not me.

  We play Tuesday and Thursday nights and practice Monday and Wednesday nights. I’m playing second string setter so I’m getting to be on the court maybe a quarter of our actual playing time. I’m okay with that because our first string of girls is strong. Playoffs begin in another couple of weeks. We’re currently ranked second to Fairbrook High.

  Joey tries to make most of my games but because he plays for the Kings, we sometimes play on the same nights. We usually go out for a quick bite after our games.

  I’ve been finding it hard to see Joey and spend time with Chloe and Brittany. We all try to hook up on the weekends, a large group goes out to the movies or we still hang down by the pier but it’s been getting too cold for that lately.

  I am so lucky to have Joey in my life, he is so supportive, always considers my feelings before anyone else’s. He’s a real star on his Volleyball team, it almost seems like he has his own fan club. I can’t get jealous because he never even looks twice at other girls when we’re together. He always puts his arm around me or grabs my hand. I especially love the way he pats his chest right above his heart and points to me. He even does it between plays during a game!

  It seems like girls come up to me after every game and ask if I’m Joey Cranston’s girlfriend. I could never get sick of answering that question! Everyone adores Joey, including my parents.

  Even though I’ve been grounded, my parents still let me spend time with him! He’s so polite and well-mannered whenever he comes over. Aimee treats him like a rock star. She turns all red in the face and giggles any time he tries to talk to her. He just loves to tease her.