Read Lisa Molin Assassin - A Quiet Kill in Interlaken Page 4

If you enjoyed the short story about Lisa Molin then you may enjoy my short stories about serial killer Jacksonville Jack. Jacksonville Jack has murdered thirty-three women in four cities. In previous existences Jacksonville Jack has been Seattle Sidney, St. Louis Lenny and Baltimore Bertie. Although the names sound like a joke this man is anything but a joker. He kills ten women in each city and then moves on. It is two months since Jacksonville Jack killed his last victim and he is due to strike again as his average is 63 days between victims. Seattle, St. Louis and Baltimore are all bigger cities than Jacksonville and they couldn't catch Jack. FBI agent Pete Neal has a big problem. Unless he can catch Jack before he moves then Neal will always be known as the man who failed to catch Jacksonville Jack.

  Jacksonville Jack Series

  Jacksonville Jack

  Jacksonville Jack 2 – Moonrise

  Jacksonville Jack 3 – Helen in Georgia

  Jacksonville Jack 4 – Susan in Mandarin

  Jacksonville Jack 5 – A Lesson for Molly Syracuse

  Jacksonville Jack Goes Hunting on Skyline Drive

  See below for the first part of Jacksonville Jack – Susan in Mandarin:

  Jacksonville Jack – Susan in Mandarin