Read Lissa's Island Page 10

Chapter 7


  Oliver's men rowed the large skiff the three miles across the water carrying the newlyweds to their future home. The little island was lush with greenery, fruit, and game, reminiscent of another island they had known.

  Lissa got out and walked on the beach. "Well, are you going to tell me what Oliver's wedding gift was? Did you bring me here because it is buried and we have to start digging it up like an old bone for a dog?"

  Rik chuckled at her puzzled face and many questions. "Let's walk in a bit and see what there is to be seen." Oliver had already told Rik all about the island and where he could find provisions and fresh water. He also told Rik about the house that Oliver used from time to time as a refuge. He wasn't going to use it anymore. It wasn't lavish, but it was adequate for a newly married couple to get a start.

  "You know Rik, this reminds me so much of the island that my father and I landed on so long ago now, so it seems. It brings back many memories.” Her brows knitted together. “…um, bittersweet memories. Of course, the sweet part was when you came into my life." She beamed her brilliant smile at him which always made his heart skip a beat.

  "You DO like surprises don't you?" asked Rik.

  "Of course I do! Unless the surprise gives you apoplexy of the heart like when I found you to be alive!" She wrinkled her forehead at a passing thought before taking a deep breath. "Very well, then. Is Oliver's surprise hanging from a tree? If it’s not buried, can it be seen with one's eye? Is it pretty like jewelry, but, then the gift wouldn’t be for you, too."

  Rik was enjoying tormenting his new bride a bit. "Questions, questions… Yes, it can be seen by anyone." He paused. “It’s not shiny like jewelry. Actually, it’s got green in it, and brown, and even large quantities of dirt!”

  “Dirt? What in the world…?

  After more chuckles, he said, "Watch out, you're stepping on it!"

  "Oh." Lissa jumped a step backward and looked down. "Where? All I see is dirt and grass!"

  "Yes, dirt. Actually, you're still stepping all over it." He couldn't help but giggle. "Sweetheart, Oliver gave us this ENTIRE island as a gift."

  "WHA-A-A-T?" She looked into my eyes and knew I was telling her the truth. She WHIRLED in a complete circle looking around her as if for the first time. "HE GAVE US A WHOLE ISLAND AS A WEDDING GIFT?" she squealed then took off running. “This island is OURS?” Lissa started running in one direction, stopped then ran in another before stopping again to catch her breath. "OURS?”

  “All ours!”

  “Well then, we’ll just have to explore it completely," she said excitedly like a happy child from a short distance and came running back. "And I guess we'll have to build a hut – we’re good at doing that aren’t we! And perhaps sleep on the beach for a day or so, and then fish and hunt for our foo..."

  "If you follow that trail over there," he interrupted her rambling and pointed, "you will find a little house all ready for us to live in."

  "I can't believe this! A house, too? Oliver must really like you." Lissa glowed with excitement.

  "He likes BOTH of us. You won him over without even meeting you, from the moment I described you to him on board his ship. He saw the love I had for you in my eyes, and heard it in my voice.” After a quiet moment, he said, “That was the worst, most agonizing time in my life... when I thought I had lost you, Liss." Her eyes moistened just listening to him.

  "That's over and done with. We have just started a new page in our book. All that bad stuff can be forgotten, forever." She hugged him tightly. "Now, let's go see our honeymoon hut," and took off running again.

  The structure was a sound wood frame bungalow made from local timber. It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a supply or pantry room. It was a modest abode for the two of them including a fully stocked food and supply closet. It seemed Oliver’s gift kept on going!

  "Lissa, I have already been looking around the house and making plans to make improvements for us. After all, this was built mostly for a man to occupy."

  "No hurry, as long as you're living with me as my husband."

  "And another thing," said Rik, "I'm no longer a First Mate on a ship so I will be looking for employment on the mainland. I've got to be able to afford those improvements I mentioned, and more importantly, provide for you and..."

  "You have already provided me with a boatload of happiness, Rik. Everything else will fall into place. Have faith… you'll see."

  "I'm glad you are optimistic. We will need to have plenty of that, but we have to be practical, too. I know you are resourceful. I'm witness to that from the island, but what if you are suddenly with child?"

  "Hmmm. Let me say this to you about that. Remember when Oliver's man Crenshaw took me to the Inn? Well, after I bathed and dressed I had to wait for his return, impatiently I might add. During that wait, I met a sweet older lady, the mother of the Inn's owner. We got into a deep conversation and she found out I was headed for, um, the, um, you know, the 'consummation of our marriage.'” She whispered, “And by the by, I was terrified of that. But you were so sweet and caring and wonderful...”

  Lissa got quiet for a few seconds with a smile on her face thinking about it, then continued. “Anyway, she gave me a few herbs and such, and… Well, we won’t have a baby until we are ready to have a baby because of several things I Iearned from that old woman. What a blessing she turned out to be.”

  “Oh. Very well, then. Meanwhile, I think we should explore the island. Perhaps later this week I should go back to the mainland and talk to a friend of Oliver’s about a job.”

  Their explorations began as an adventure for both, venturing out further each day from their little house. The mountainous island of volcanic origin was covered with lush tropical forests and many streams. The terrain became rocky as you ascended, but it was not as mountainous as the mainland. The two discovered a beautiful area where an inlet from the Pacific Ocean led to a lagoon. The island was surrounded by spectacular shallow flats and sandbars, and incredible aqua colored water blending into the turquoise ocean beyond the breakers. Equally spectacular were the sunrises and sunsets, both able to be enjoyed from the island.

  Not far from their little house they came upon an area, another inlet, where the underbrush was naturally clearing. They approached its mouth. "Lissa, I wager this inlet is going to be one of my favorite spots. Look at this view, and coral and rock formations at the water's edge," Rik said pointing down.

  "The colors are beautiful, aren't they, and look at the colors on those fish swimming near the coral. And looook," she exclaimed. "There are lobsters in those crevices... big ones."

  "That's an odd ledge down there," Rik said peering over the edge into the water. "It's rather square, almost like it was man-made." Lissa looked intently over the edge.

  "Rik, it sort of reminds me of the shape of that trunk that washed up on the beach, remember?"

  "How could I forget. The more I look at it the more I think I need to see it up close."

  "Do you need to wait for the tide to go down?"

  "Oliver told me that there's hardly a tide around here. Perhaps no more than a foot or two. Liss, I really need to look at it. You stay here."

  “What? Stay where?" As quickly as he had said that, Rik disappeared into the water feet first leaving her with an astounded look on her face. She watched as he suspended himself below the surface in front of the square object, which now seemed more of an object than a natural formation of the coral rock. She saw him reach out and touch and pound on the object, marveling at how long he could hold his breath.

  Rik popped his head up long enough to take another deep breath, "Liss... it's a..." and he was gone again.

  "What? It’s WHAT? What is it?" she exclaimed but by now he could no longer hear her.

  Rik was busily working all the ropes he had secured to trees and any other available structure at the inlet. He hoped he had tied the rope adequ
ately around his find while underwater and holding his breath. The pulley setup he put together seemed to be holding the full weight of the object as he and Lissa pulled on the rope. When it cleared the water’s surface he tied the rope off. The trees were bending under the considerable weight of the object. He had attached a side rope to it and now pulled on it until it was hovering halfway on land.

  “Alright Liss, slowly start releasing that rope.” As she created slack Rik was able to pull the object the rest of the way onto land using the side rope. It landed with a heavy thunk. It was completely covered with all kinds of sea growth.

  “Rik, what is it… it can’t just be a chunk of barnacles and coral rock?”

  “No. If I’m not mistaken, it might be more valuable than a chunk of rock.” He untied the ropes he had secured around it while underwater. It was then that Lissa saw a badly rusted padlock on the object. Rik picked up a hammer and started striking at the lock.

  “Is this a… a chest? Like your captain’s?” Just then the lock broke apart and fell off. He turned to Lissa and smiled as he pulled upward on the latch, then raised the lid of what was now obviously a chest.

  “Let’s see what we have here,” he said with a smile.

  She gasped loudly and then squealed. “Rik, WHAT – HAVE – YOU - FOUND?”

  They had discovered a huge chest left behind by a forgotten pirate a generation before. Inside they found gold pieces of eight, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, pieces of silver, and the like. It was a king’s ransom! The wealth before their eyes was unimaginable.

  “Liss, I… I guess I won’t need to go tomorrow to find employment,” he said breathlessly with a huge grin. She hugged his neck while squealing and jumping up and down.

  Chapter 8


  The large rustic home of Erik and Melissa Carlson, a short distance off-shore from the Tahiti mainland, stood raised above the ground, solidly supported by a natural rock edifice. The house had been designed and built to be practically typhoon-proof despite its outward appearance as a basic but large island dwelling.

  To one side was a peaceful lagoon, opening out into the Pacific Ocean at the far end. A natural fresh water spring ran through the island and had been partially diverted toward the house. A channel had been dug to bring the fresh water under the house where it emptied into a small private pool. This bathing pool, not unlike her SPECIAL place had been on another island, was designed to be part of their bedroom space. It was submerged into the floor which was made of smooth aromatic cedar planks. A pool outlet was provided to remove the water toward the lagoon, keeping it always sparkling fresh. Using a series of hollow bamboo pipes leading into the house, the uphill part of the spring provided fresh drinking water as well. Visible from the house was the picturesque inlet coming in from the ocean where Rik and Lissa made their DISCOVERY years before.

  Ten-year-old Ollie was in the process of spearing his third lobster at the inlet entrance for dinner tonight. His younger sister Missy busied herself weaving a fine basket in which to carry fruit, doing it rather expertly for an eight-year-old. Rik was just finished hauling some supplies that one of his men had delivered from the mainland into the house storeroom when Lissa walked up.

  "Riki, today while in the bedroom I came upon my diamond heart necklace, my treasure from you, in the drawer. Well, I started reminiscing. I remember the first time I looked into your eyes. That’s when I started to fall in love with you and didn’t even realize it.” He smiled at his lovely wife of twelve years.

  “Lissa, you have made me the happiest man alive! You are the finest treasure that anyone could ever find. I’m so fortunate to have found you!”

  “WE”RE so fortunate, darling, to have each other – and our children. I’m thankful Ollie looks so much like you.”

  “And Missy is like looking at you, Lis!”

  “Rik, I WILL LOVE YOU FOR AN ETERNITY!” They embraced tightly. Lissa’s eyes moistened and smiled at her love for this man, and her secret — that at this very moment a tiny new life was growing within her…


  The End

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