Read Livid Clouds Page 2

  Their downfall was not investing in long-range weapons. “Just goes to show an egotistic mistake dictators often overlook while preparing cocky terrorist plots.”

  Two more headshots, leaving a duo of nervous gunman left and a pilot sweating takeoff. The duo started retreating. One of them started carrying their dead comrade on board, while the other lends a late hand after realizing what's up. The copter starts takeoff. The two managed to salvage one of their fallen dead. One of them suddenly slips on black ice trying to come back aboard. Regaining balance, the man jumps onto a broken down Dodge Ram and leaps in this 55 degree angle grabbing a hold of the copter’s base. Trying to pull himself up hovering 20 feet off the ground, a crackle of a snipe plunged the terrorist’s effort. The helicopter evaded and left him behind.

  Minutes later, a black Hummer with tons of lights drove by confirming to Russell that it's the nephews after all. He recognized a unique symbol tagged to the vehicle, similar to the one in the background of Uncle Mark's military photo. The Hummer sped right past the Mini-Mart and burning rubber in pursuit of the injured hostage.

  “You're under arrest!” says the two star general.

  Chapter 6

  The Checkpoint and Celebration of New Allies

  “You and your son should not be around for this,” says general Gene.

  “My house is right across from the Mini-Mart. I have plenty of supplies, food, and cigarettes if you guys are short of anything. May I take a minute with you sir?”

  Gene ordered Eagle Eye, the only private on their crew who became known as an elite sniper within the two months specialized forces training, to tranquilize their hostage: tie him up, mend his wounds, and lock him in the trunk for now. “When you've finished, join us at the kid's dad's house across the street from the Mini-Mart for a celebration of making it to our second to last checkpoint.”

  “Yes sir,” Eagle Eye said.

  Russell interrupts, “I know you probably hate your petite N. Korean hostage with a thrust to toy with him, but you must understand one thing sir. These people live in a brainwashed country where the news is most likely, and I'm pushing for actually, skewed to their beloved dictator's will. I bet he believes we're still the bad guys after he just willingly signed up to search and kill innocent unarmed American civilians. I say we proceed with this interrogation lightly.”

  “And what do you have in mind...?”

  “My name’s Russell. I say after Eagle Eye mends his wounds, we treat him with some degree of respect in expressing our concern of how his brainwashed thinking of American society as devil worshipers is falsified media. We have to let him know who we are and what we stand for.”

  “That's an interesting thought. Almost never would've done it myself. You see, this isn't the first helicopter that's been flying around ambushing innocent bystanders. In fact, it's not the last one you're going to see either.”

  “How does this not surprise me?”

  “In this line of work, if you've seen all the blood I have, you'll soon learn to forgive me for what I've done to these brainwashed fools.”

  “Give me two days with this guy. That's all I need. With this time, I'll get any information you need and maybe even an interpreter.”

  “How 'bout a toast to a more realistic path to peace and understanding?” says Gene.

  “There's Hennessey under a pile of provisions meant for a trip to Maine in my Jeep,” says Russell, “it's up for grabs.”

  “Very well, Buckoy… come over here for a minute,” called Gene.

  “Yes?” replied Buckoy.

  “I want you to neatly savage this Jeep, and bring us the Hennessey. Quickly now, I want to gather everyone for a toast before midnight. There's nothing like ending a good day with a drink,” stated Gene.

  “Can I get Sir King to help me?” asked Buckoy.

  Sir King got his nickname for holding down the fort with his steel arms. As a trained Navy Seal, Sir King liked to get up close and personal. He is very handy to be around. He's a guy that doesn't get tired very easily; always trying to do something contributing during free time. He hated idleness. Sir King would say, “Destiny shouldn't be a fate of clear observation, destiny is meant for actions based on it.”

  It was totally like Buckoy to be asking Gene if Sir King could help. You see, Buckoy is the lazy one of the bunch. But, he too also made one hell of a sniper. Buckoy only possess boot camp training combat skills. He's the type to hide in the meadows fully camouflaged while spying on an enemy base making one MRE package last long enough to retain the troop patrols and routines of enemy high ranked officials. Sometimes, on a good sunny day, Buckoy can decode security entrance doors codes.

  “Ask him,” says Gene.

  Chapter 7

  Man in a Suitcase Bubble

  “I think you should wake him up,” suggests Buckoy.

  “Why me, Gene sent you to do it. I just happened to be standing by you, so I went along,” Sir King retorts.

  “What a drag...” grunts Buckoy as he injects the hostage with epinephrine.

  “Not too much idiot! Are you trying to give him a heart attack? He could damn near die from fear alone being surrounded by us ‘Americans.’ He's either going to faint or be traumatized to talk. We're trying to convince him that we're the good guys. Remember?” Scolds Sir King.

  “It wasn't that much. Besides, why would Gene give me more than I needed?” speculated Buckoy.

  “Maybe it's because he thought you passed that medical exam alone without looking at my paper?” incited Sir King.

  “It was only a glance Sir King; I found it funny that your face was attracting flies,” admits Buckoy.

  The hostage began to wake up. The guy was on enough morphine to not feel being shot in the arm. He tried to getting up ignorant to his injury. Sir King calmly approached him and scolds “You crazy motherfucker, you actually thought you were doing a good deed?”

  Buckoy placed a nice warm damp towel over the hostage's forehead. After, he asked, “What is your name delusional one?”

  “My name is not what matters. Why have you mended my wounds? Are you going to torture me once I get better? One thing, if I may ask, how could you be such racist slave owners in a society of such beautiful visions? It all doesn't add up. Ever since those late night episodes, it keeps me up all night. Such a freedom of lifestyle is unthinkable. Is it true? Is Sex and the City an accurate depiction of American culture?

  “It's called a TV show. Do you have any?” replied Buckoy.

  “I work a security guard position maintaining an airport. One day I noticed a luggage bag circling the pickup dock. After a 6 hour patrol and still no takers, I acted like the bag belonged to me and took it home. The luggage had a traditional Korean design; that is until I opened it. It contained a complete collection of Sex and the City: 15 different Playboy magazines, cartons of western cigarettes, dirty posters, and a whip with a message saying, ‘For kinky use only!’. Americans...”

  Gene stops eavesdropping, opens the door, and approaches the hostage with a puzzling look. “You speak English more fluently than the others. So is all you know of us, specifically our free culture and society, based on the things you found in that luggage?”

  “Yes,” says the man.

  “Group meeting,” ordered Gene.

  They all walked out looking serious and ran to the Mini Mart busting out laughing.

  “I can't believe this guy.”

  “What a nut job.”

  “This is going to be an interesting road trip.”

  “Two lychee cans says this guy's favorite American tobacco company is Marlboro.”

  “Deal,” says the four Camel lovers.

  “Let’s crack the Hennessey bottle,” insisted Russell.

  Using Family Guy shot glasses found in the Mart, Gene led off the toast. “To Hollywood and all the memorable scenes.”

  Chapter 8

  Road Trip

  “What do you want out of this guy?” questions Russell.

/>   “I want to know: where they're based at, how to sabotage the operation, and the dictator's motives,” stated Gene.

  It's still pitch black outside; Buckoy fell asleep on the futon. Sir King is cooking up some potatoes, eggs, and bacon for anyone awake, even the hostage. Eagle Eye is sitting on a camp folding chair on top of Russell's roof. Gene is pacing back and forth waiting for Russell's status update in the hot room. In the meantime, David is listening to a Green Day CD in the Hummer.

  “Look Square Face, the hostage's now given nickname, I don't know what you've heard about us, but as you will witness, we are fair people. There are no slave owners here. We are a free society of mixed cultures now. What you may have heard may have been true generations ago, not now. We'll give you one chance if you do the same. Agreed?” negotiates Russell.

  Square Face replies, “Agreed.”

  “Now tell me something about your dictator's ambition here,” questions Russell.

  “He just wants what is right for his people. As you Americans called it, 'Manifest Destiny,'” stated Square Face.

  “So you're okay with spreading Communism over free soil?” Russell begins.

  Square Face responds, “I don't know how a free society works, but our dictator does a good job giving us work, food, and shelter.”

  Russell explains, “We eat what we want, live where we want, and work for who we want to work for. Got it? There's no all mighty ruler in this vast land. Just an elected President given limited powers. Understand?”

  Square Face admits, “No dictator? No one to tell anybody what to do or think? Your government has perks.”

  “Tell me where your central operation is,” demands Russell.

  “Why? So I'll be made a disgrace to my country?” recoiled Square Face.

  “No. So you can aid a free country from terrorism and be deemed a key player in the salvation of democratic practices,” clarifies Russell.

  “Democratic?” questions Square Face.

  “A government where people of power are elected, not inherited to, their position,” states Russell.

  “I must see Yemiek, my dead partner, before I can make a decision,” proposes Square Face.

  Russell leaves the hot room to inform Gene of the proposal.

  They decide to escort Square Face to Yemiek, whose dead body didn't budge an inch from the parking lot. Square Face takes his partner's dog tag and diary from Yemiek's front pocket. Not able, he requested Russell to turn the body. Square Face then grabs his partner's wallet, whispers a prayer in Korean, and rests the man's eyes.

  “You've killed my friend. I've killed your citizens. I realize now that this must stop. I don't know exactly how to get to our main operation, but I have its GPS location,” complies Square Face.

  “That's all we need,” states Gene in a low tone.

  “You must promise to burn his body for me,” Square Face requests.

  “How 'bout burying? We don't have much gas,” proposes Gene.

  “If buried, he requested under an oak tree. It symbolized strength to him,” detailed Square Face.

  “You got it,” stated Gene.

  Gene took out a latitude and longitude map of the area from the Hummer and placed it in front of Square Face with a flashlight. Square Face pointed to an area nearly 180 miles away, near Crater Lake.

  Sir King comes out with a chiefs hat and announces, “Supper’s ready.”

  “We got 10 minutes to eat, 15 minutes to reload that Jeep, and about 20 minutes to get as far away from here as possible. If what Square Face is telling us is accurate, a backup helicopter is only an hour away.”

  Neither Eagle Eye or David were hungry, so they kept watch out on the roof. Sir King quickly ate his bacon and over easy eggs. And with a last mouth full of hash browns, he started packing the Jeep. Russell went to the Mini Mart to look for shovels. Buckoy, now awake, joins Gene and Square Face for a silent and polite meal.

  With everything packed, including the body bagged Yemiek. David requested to ride with Eagle Eye and their crew in the Hummer. Eagle Eye suggested it'd be for the better, specifically so Russell and Square Face can have an open conversation.

  Russell agreed and handed David one of his own shortwave radios. “There's a gas station three miles from here. Let’s stop there first before we continue.”

  “Lead the way,” says Buckoy.

  Chapter 9

  The Burial

  They arrived at the gas station only to find the pumps weren't operational. They did however discover a crowd of abandoned cars in the area.

  Sir King siphoned gas as Russell, Buckoy, and Eagle Eye dig Yemiek's grave. Gene, David, and Square Face watched as the roots became a frustrating factor.

  “I guess it'd be okay as long as he's near the tree. No need to be exactly centered under it,” Square Face acknowledged.

  The three finish shoveling 10 to 11 minutes later. Buckoy called smoke break and headed back to the Hummer for dibs on a pack of Camels.

  “Look what I found,” incited Sir King.

  “Nice, it's a N. Korean flag. Thanks man. This will go great with the burial. We have plenty of gas, it's possible to do both,” inquired Square Face.

  “I guess. We'll have to wait till both our internal and portable tanks get filled. I want to be out of here as soon as we light up. Not trying to attract anymore helicopters,” stated Gene.

  With everything set, Gene hands Square Face a torch to start the burial. He tossed the torch over the grave and walked slowly towards Russell's Jeep.

  “The rendezvous?” requested Buckoy.

  Russell exclaimed, “I know a tunnel that's about 8 minutes from here.”

  “Very nice, we'll follow you. Try to keep at 40 mph okay?” Gene suggested.

  “Let’s go,” lead Russell.

  The tunnel was dark. There seemed to be no life here. David began to grow a fear to the uncertainties of darkness. Holding tighter onto one of his dad's flashlights, David calmed down and began snacking on a bag of Cheeto's.

  Once they arrived at the near middle of this long tunnel and got out, Gene organized a discussion of realistic, or possible, ways their 5 man crew could shut down this militia; specifically directing his attention on Square Face.

  “Tell me what you're carrying. Any explosives?” asked Square Face.

  “We have to 2 lbs. of remote detonated C4 and a box of 20 grenades,” advanced Gene.

  “If we can get close enough to their HQ and cut off their main communication system, that would disable their helicopter raids for a while. Not only that, but if we kill all the generals, I don't believe the troops will engage in combat without orders. Instead, they'll just camp there until either high command comes in, or to the point when looting supplies becomes necessary. Our government is very strict; nothing is done without high authority. Of course, I'm the only one that can carry out this operation without detection.”

  “Are you willing to do that? It's a tough commitment. I'll understand if you need a moment. But keep in mind, these people are terrorist. They're spreading the dictator's rain of communism over a free soil. You must know what you're fighting for and commit to your decisions,” advised Gene.

  After 15 minutes of listening to an Eric Clapton album in the Hummer and sizing up the situation, he comes out with a six pack of Coors Light and toasted, “Let's do it! Operation BomberMan.”

  Chapter 10

  Eye Turner

  Now 50 miles away with their U approach from the Mini Mart to the enemy's base, David spotted a strange light appearing and disappearing while going from right to left.

  “Is that a UFO dad?”

  “That's more dangerous than a UFO at the moment son, it's a tornado!” Shocked, Russell radioed back, “Red flag, red flag, we have a tornado. I believe we have an 8.5 Tasmanian Devil on our tail.”

  “Roger that,” replied Buckoy as he accelerated to 70mph.

  The gravel road extended straight and appeared sturdy from the Hummer's LED lights. The clouds wer
e still thick to the ends of plains; not a distant star or ray of light visible. David took out a pack in front of the boys and lit one.

  “Hey, are you going to share one of those?” said Gene, surprised to see a 9 year old pull out a quarter empty pack of Marlboro Lights.

  “Sure. I'll even give you an allowance if you hold on to it for me,” offered David.

  “You’re funny, what's the catch?” remarked Gene.

  “You see, I'm on an allowance myself. My dad only lets me smoke 2 cigarettes a day. I just want to smoke 2 more than that. Do we have an agreement?” offered David.

  “It happens so that I've never smoked a Marlboro before. Sure kid, but don't get caught now. I'm taking the 5th,” stated Gene, drawing the line.