Read Living Death: Deliverance (Horror, Zombie Apocalypse, Medical Fiction) Page 8

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  A Personal Message from Kent Reaper

  Hey there! Firstly, congratulations for finishing my novelette! I want to thank you for taking the time to reach this far in the first of my Living Death series and I hope you had as much fun as I did wondering what Kenneth was going to do next! In my short life, this is my first foray into writing fiction of this genre and I have found it challenging but extremely invigorating at the same time.

  Now that I have finally given this story my blessing and released it onto the world to pass judgment, Kenneth's life is literally in your hands to decide his fate.

  If you want him to live and find Jenny I'd really appreciate it if you could go back to where you downloaded your copy of this ebook and leave a review. For good or for bad, if my story has elicited some sort of reaction from you and made you invest effort in bringing these characters to life, as have I, then don't keep quiet about me, tell your zombie-loving friends, tell your Mom, heck, tell everyone you know! Share my story, spread it around and let the world know there's a new zombie writer spreading his craft!

  I'd also appreciate it if you could send me an email telling me what you think of my writing, my story or anything at all about Living Death. Alternatively, you could also spend a minute to visit my site and subscribe to my (spam-free) mailing list. If you want to hear more from me, subscribe for all updates, news, discounts and promotions of my work! Don't worry; if you change your mind one day and decide you hate me with every bone in your body instead, you can unsubscribe at any time.

  So here's the deal: Let me know via review, blog post comment, email or any other method you can think of if you want Kenneth to live. If you detest him so much that you want him to pull the trigger, let me know too. If I receive 50 responses urging me to let Kenneth live and find Jenny, I will write a sequel.

  If I don't, then you can think that he pulled the trigger. I'll probably write a sequel for myself but it won't see the light of day. Instead, you can probably look forward to other some of my other stories in the future, just not a sequel to Deliverance.

  Kenneth Cook's life is now in your hands, won't you help him out?

  Bonus Secret Excerpt

  Living Death 2: No Escape