Read Lizard-Alien Origins Page 10

Chapter 11: Sweet Revenge

  All of the Lea clones had died and Alex asked Jason “Have you heard from John?”

  “No, the last time I heard from him was when he said there was so many red eyes around and there was an alien with four arms... then all I heard after that was static.”

  Alex said “I'll go and find him; also that alien and I have personal business - so where are we supposed to put the C4?”

  “In the cloning room it’s just on the third floor.” Alex nodded and ran to the location. When he got there were bullets in the walls there and burnt marks where a grenade must’ve gone off. The lights kept on flickering and some of them were just dangling wires; Alex walked through the room and something caught his eye - there were lots of blood but no bodies anywhere. Alex kept on walking and saw John’s body holding on to the detonator.

  Alex walked to the body, kneeled down and said “Rest in peace.” Alex was about to pick up the detonator when John’s hand suddenly grabbed him and he said “Alex...the four …four arm alien put some stuff in h..h..him, then he grew very big and he was blood thirsty....he grabbed the...the solders like they was nothing and bit their necks and ripped them right off; the alien was drinking their blood like it hasn't had a drink for 10 days..I was shocked, I couldn't do nothing.” Then John started to cry and said “Alex do me a favour; kill that son of a bi....” then John slowly closed his eyes. Alex said “I will.” he got off his knees and as he did he heard a laugh coming from behind him. Alex turned round and saw the four arm alien and it said “Did you know, Alex, drinking your friends blood was so much fun but I don't think I hurt you as much. So I'm going to tell you some good news, your friend Lea is still alive – she’s right above us in a cage and now it’s time for the bad news. When I beat you, when you can't walk, I’ll drink her blood right in front of your face. Then when I finish with her I'm going to do it to you!”

  “You’re a bit cocky for a fat man aren’t you? I got good news for you too - I'm going to rip your head off and piss down your throat - then you will have plenty to drink!!” They ran towards each other, anger burning inside Alex.

  The alien went to punch Alex in his face but Alex grabbed his hand, broke it and threw the alien over his shoulder. It went flying and crashed into the wall, the alien got up and showed Alex that his hand was healing. The alien clapped his hands together and the little robots in his hands made an EMP blast which made Alex weak and sent him flying through the air till he hit the ground. Alex quickly got on his feet; he felt a bit weak but strong enough to kill the alien, then Alex had a flash back - he remembered the mutant hand, the healing abilities, he remembered killing him by ripping his spine out. Shaking his head in confusion, Alex shouted out “Hey, come and get me or are you just a big fat chicken??”

  The alien ran at him, Alex jumped over his head but the alien grabbed his foot and threw him into a wall. Alex fell to the ground and started to feel weaker; Alex heard a beeping sound next to his head, he looked and saw it was one of the sticks of C4. Alex grabbed it and looked at John’s body were the detonator lay.

  Alex ran to the body, the alien went to grab Alex’s legs but Alex dived over his hands and landed next to John's body, he quickly got the detonator and put it in his pocket. The alien grabbed Alex, bit him and started to drink his blood; Alex screamed in pain, through his screams he heard Jason from behind shooting the alien; the bullets kept on hitting the alien but it just kept on healing. Jason threw a sticky grenade; it landed on the alien’s spine and blew up.

  The alien stopped drinking Alex's blood and fell to the ground with and big hole in its back, Alex went on his knees as the bite mark started to heal over. Jason ran to Alex and asked “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine. Lea is in that cage up there go and get her. Take Joey and Sarah with you, I got to kill this thing.” whispered Alex.

  As Alex got up from his knees, the alien got back up too. “RUN!” shouted Alex. Jason and Joey started to run but Sarah went towards the four armed alien to look at its back but when she got close, the alien grabbed her by her throat. The alien dislocated its jaw and bit her head off in one, the alien smiled at Alex and Alex, trying to hide how angry he was just said “Oh well, didn’t like her any way.” The alien roared and started to run at him, Alex ran as well; the alien went for Alex's legs but Alex did a front flip and put his hand right through the alien’s skull before landing.

  Jason got to the control panel; as he was about to press a button a clone of Lea grabbed him from behind and threw him at Joey. They both went on the floor, Jason was knocked out but Joey slowly got to her feet; she looked at the clone and saw that it had blood dripping down its mouth, then it started to lick its lips.

  Joey went to run to Jason but the clone cut her off from him, she went to punch the clone but the clone dodged it, grabbed her arm and bit her. Joey screamed, she managed to poke the clone in the eye and the clone threw her. Joey went flying; she hit the wall and fell to the ground. The clone was walking slowly towards her, Joey looked up and she could see a long metal pole hanging off the roof. The clone started to speed up, Joey put her hand out and the metal pole started to move. When the clone got close to Joey the metal pole flew into the clone’s head and stayed there. The clone started walking backwards away from her; then Joey got up leaning against the wall and pushed her hand towards the clone then the clone swooped off its feet and went flying into electrical wires. The clone landed right in the middle and got the biggest shock of its life. Joey looked over towards Jason and saw he was on his feet getting Lea out of the cage.

  “Alex we got Lea but she's a bit weak!” shouted Jason.

  “Ok, now take her to the ship and if I'm not there in 10 minutes go without me!” Alex shouted back. The alien went for another charge at Alex but Alex jumped on his shoulders and started to punch the aliens head in even more, after a couple of minutes the alien couldn't see; Alex grabbed the alien’s shoulder and flipped over its head, by doing that the alien went flying in the air then suddenly everything went into slow motion. Alex thought to himself, “That's enough time for them; they should be at the ship by now, so that means I can finish this.”

  Suddenly, Alex felt sharp, shooting pains in his back, like something was cutting through his skin.

  He saw the Alien get to its feet and he jumped towards Alex. Spikes came out of Alex’s back; they were at least 10 inches long and very sharp. Alex growled at the pain and the shock but he thought fast; he threw himself into the air towards the alien, curled into a ball and started to spin. He was going faster and faster, as he got close to the Aliens chest he went right through him. The alien had a big hole through his chest and through to his back, leaving a gaping hole where the spine should’ve been.

  The alien landed with a thump on the ground, Alex landed at the same time and put his hand in his pocket, he got out the detonator and said “I told you I was going to kill you.” Alex flicked the switch and then a red light started flashing on all of the C4 - there was a red flash coming from the Alien's head.

  “You won’t see the last of me.” said the alien trying to laugh, Alex replied “I don't really care, if it means I can kick your ass a million times then I will and I will win every match.”

  The C4 started to count down from 10 seconds 9, 8, 7,6,5,4... Alex ran as fast as he could away from the alien lying broken on the floor, 3, 2, 1 and then the beeps stopped. The alien said “That was c...” but before he could finish the military base blew up, it was like bonfire night.

  “No, we got to go back, the base hasn’t blown up yet!!” cried Lea, she started to run back to the base, Jason ran after and when he got close to her, he picked her up and carried her back to the ship.

  “Joey strap her in will you??” he grunted as Lea wriggled in his arms.

  Joey got hold of Lea who was crying her eyes out and put her on the seat, she said “Don't worry he will be ok, I promise.”

  Lea nodded to Joey. Joey finished strapping her in and then the s
hip started to take off. Lea looked out of the window and saw the base blow up and she screamed “ALEX!!!”

  “Yes?” said a calm voice from behind her. She turned around and saw Alex standing there smiling with his arms out open. Lea smiled, unstrapped herself and ran to Alex; Alex went on one knee while Lea was running to him and she gave him a big hug and said “I knew that you would come for me!”

  “You know why I came for you? Because I’m your big brother.” smiled Alex.

  Then Jason and Joey came to Alex and welcomed him back.

  “Oh crap,” said Lea suddenly, “my necklace - it was in the base.” Lea started to cry.

  Alex put his hand in his back pocket and pulled out a gold necklace. “Don’t worry I found your necklace when I was running, I wasn’t going to let it melt.” He smiled and put it on her. Lea smiled, wiped her tears from her eyes and gave Alex another hug and whispered “Thank you.”

  “Alex,” said Jason “We need to go to my home.”

  “What back to Romoca?”

  “No, I live on a big ship - it’s in No Man’s Land.”


  “We need supplies and clothes for Lea and you. Plus I would like to tell my older brother about John’s death and Sarah’s. Don’t worry I’m not going to collect your bounty. I’m helping you on your mission and so is Joey.”

  “Ok then but Lea stays with me the whole time.” Alex nodded in agreement, not letting go of Lea.

  “No problem.”

  Meanwhile in a secret human military base...

  “Sir, we got readings that Lizard-Alien - a.k.a Alex - has gone to stage two of his powers.” “Thank you Private; get Abomination ready, we are taking him to our next base which they will find very easily like the last one.” said the Colonel.

  “Ok right away, oh sir why are we sending Lizard-Alien to our base where he can destroy all our work?”

  “You don’t get it do you, you nerd! He IS our work! We're getting him through all his stages and when he finishes them he will join our team fully powered.” said the Colonel.

  “Sir, we are detecting a Romosean space ship, it seems to have no military personnel in the ship, just got civilians on it sir.”

  “Good, send the Vampires, they are dying of thirst.”

  “SIR there’s innocent women and children on that ship!” said Ryder in dismay.

  “Do I give a shit? No. So f**king send them now or I’ll get them to suck you dry. YOU HEARD ME - DO IT!” Shouted the Colonel.

  Ryder turned away looking angry, upset and sick; then he pushed a red button on his desk. In the shipping bay there were five white looking beings walking to a ship which was ready to set off; there were no human guards around – just incase the white beings decided felt thirsty - instead there were big robots. The robots were called Tanks; they were about 12 foot tall and they had the body of ten body builders put together. Tanks were one of the human army’s top ten most powerful robots; they were completely armed to the teeth. The white creatures walked onto the ship while the tanks watched them carefully.