Read Lizard-Alien Origins Page 14

Chapter 15: A Never Ending Fight

  “Thank god you lot like to drink each other’s blood.” Panted Alex. he was covered in blood and the floor was too. He was kneeling to catch his breath but luckily for him there were only five infected left and they were so busy drinking their friend’s blood that they completely forgot about Alex. Alex stood up straight and wiped off the blood and started to walk when suddenly he heard one of the infected coughing, choking and then another one started to do the same and then suddenly all of them were doing it.

  Alex stopped and looked at them and saw them grow bigger and hairier; on one of the infected, wings cut through its skin and it started to scream, the scream changed to a roar. Then all five Vampires looked at Alex and their teeth grew very long with drool dropping from them.

  “Oh sh*t” said Alex, he turned around and started to run, at the same time the bats took flight. The bats were swooping down trying to grab their prey but Alex managed to dodge them. He turned his head and saw a bat diving at him; when it got close, he jumped over its head and landed on its back. “Right, what shall I do now?” Alex felt the bat turning and Alex grabbed onto its black fur; the bat started spinning around trying to get him off, it stopped spinning, defeated. It flew through walls to see if that would knock Alex off but it didn’t.

  The bat screeched which brought the other bats who tried to hit Alex off of its back. Alex saw one going in for the kill; so he got on his feet waiting for the right moment but another bat crashed into the bat he was riding and ripped its head off; which knocked Alex off and he smashed into the ground! While the second bat drank the blood Alex looked up and watched the bats fighting over their food, but it wasn’t Alex they were fighting for - it was a survivor. Luckily for the survivor the bats were killing each other and the survivor ran away before they came after her. Alex looked at the survivor and wondered whether he should follow her to her hideout.

  Meanwhile back at the city centre...

  The Vampire woman stood in the middle of the street looking at them, watching them. “What is she doing and why is she naked?” said Lucy.

  “Lucy get away from the window!” shouted Robert. She looked back at him and he gave her a look to say ‘do it!’ and she moved away and walked to Joey. Robert walked to the window and looked out of it looking at the woman.

  “Jason, get some men and board these windows but leave a gap so you can shoot out of it.” Robert commanded. After half an hour they had boarded up the windows and started to go to their battle stations, the Vampire still stood watching them. “Ok, men take aim!” shouted Robert “FIRE!”

  Bullets filled the streets cutting in to the woman. Then the shooting stopped “RELOAD!” shouted Robert. Then there was banging on the ceiling. “There’s more of them.” said Jason, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the ceiling. Suddenly a survivor started to scream and everyone looked as the survivor got pulled through the window into a crowd of Vampires. Jason quickly ran to the window the woman got pulled through and started shooting, then everyone did. The Vampires were bleeding a lot but they just kept on healing. Then another survivor got pulled outside and was ripped apart.

  Jason moved away from the window and ran to a crate of guns and he grabbed a double barrel shot gun and lots of ammo; he quickly turned around and ran to the window the second survivor had been pulled out of and started to shoot but a Vampire grabbed the barrel moving it out of the way. He grabbed a knife from his pocket and stabbed it in the Vampire’s skull and it fell backwards and didn’t heal. “SHOOT THEIR HEADS!!” Shouted Jason but no one heard him over the gun fire, screams and the Vampires roaring.

  Then from behind Jason, Robert got a blaster out and joined him and they were starting to win. “WE NEED TO MOVE TO THE MAIN HALL!” shouted Robert and he shot one more time and ran to the main hall and Jason shouted “RETREAT!” and he quickly followed, so did twenty people. Leaving another twenty people behind to die. Robert shut the door and pressed a red button and turrets came out of the walls, aiming at the wooden door. All they could hear was the men and women next door screaming and shooting and dying. “Robert we need some where to go.” said Jason, Robert looked at him and said “There’s no were to go we are surrounded.”

  “Where are the women and children?”

  “They went with Joey and some of other people to the Black Hawk.”

  “Is Maria and Lucy there too?”

  “Yes, Robert I wouldn’t let them stay here.”

  Then suddenly next door went quiet, Robert and Jason and the twenty survivors went away from the door aiming constantly at it. Then suddenly the ceiling collapsed and lots of Vampires came pouring in. The turrets turned round and started to shoot the Vampires swooping in through the roof. “KEEP ON SHOOTING, NEVER GIVE UP!” shouted Robert. A Vampire landed in front of Robert and went to grab him but Robert was too quick and dodge the Vampire and aimed the blaster 6000, shot at its head which made it explode.

  Robert turned round and ran to Jason who was shooting five Vampires. When Robert got close a Vampire clawed him in his chest making him slide on the floor. Robert looked down at his chest and he could see blood coming out of his clothes; he started to feel weak and his vision started to blur, he looked up on the roof and saw Vampires looking down at him about to jump, then he saw the Vampires get shot in the head and they fell next to him. Robert looked and saw Luke running to him and he saw Jason and some other survivors cornered, shooting and reloading and killing. Robert looked back at Luke who was close to him but twenty Vampires dropped next to him, circling him then they jumped at him. “NO!” shouted Robert and Vampires started to crawl to him. Robert sat up, picked up the assault rifle and said “Come on then you BASTARDS!” then he shot them till all the bullets in the magazine were gone, then he quickly picked up a pistol from his holster and fired.

  Suddenly the wall beside him burst open and the Vampires moved away and looked over at what had crashed through the wall – it was Titan.

  “Right, let’s kick some ass!!” said Lea. Titan ran to the Vampire closest to him and punched it and kicked another who was about to jump on him. He then grabbed a Vampire’s wings and ripped them clean off, one managed to jump on his back scratching him, another jumped at Titan’s face then another tackled him to the ground. The Vampires all piled on trying to rip him to pieces. Titan punched one in the face then another. One bit his arm and ripped it clean off - they worked on the chest and Lea started to scream.

  “Get away from her!” shouted Alex, he ran towards two Vampires as they turned around to attack him. Alex grew some spikes on his arm as long as a sword and slashed the first Vampire he came to.

  Another one went to claw Alex but Alex put up his spiked arm and cut the Vampires hand in half. Alex jumped towards the Vampire’s head to finish it off. Then a Vampire grabbed Alex and started to smash him into walls and the floor like he was a rag doll, then when it was about to do it again Alex grew spikes on his back which started to cut through the Vampires hand and it let him go. Alex picked up the Vampire by its legs and started to spin fast, faster and faster till he looked like a tornado and the Vampires started to be sucked in. Then the tornado moved down the streets sucking up every single Vampire there, then the tornado went to a big airlock.

  Alex quickly exited the tornado, opened the airlock then went back in the tornado to move it in the airlock. The tornado stopped and all the Vampires fell to the ground and Alex ran back to the door and went to shut it until a naked woman kicked him away and he crashed into a wall. Alex shaked his head and ran towards the woman and slid on the floor towards her. When he got close to her legs he cut them in half and quickly shut the door and was about to press the button to open the lock when the women somehow jumped on Alex’s back and went to bite his neck but when her teeth hit flesh they went up into her skull and she fell on to the ground. Alex turned around, picked her up then dropped her but as she was falling, spikes came through his shoes and he kicked her in the chest but she didn’t mov
e she got stuck and he bent his knee, stomped down hard to the ground to brake her rib cage. Blood squashed out of the side of her chest and Alex quickly elbowed the unlock button for the airlock and all the Vampires got sucked out into space.

  “You think you won.” said the woman as Alex pressed down a bit harder on her chest. “My brothers will hunt you down. You worthless piece of sh..” Alex pressed down even harder and said “Good, the humans would lose some of their allies.”

  Then he moved his foot out of her chest and he put all of his spikes back into his body and said “Where are they?” the woman put her hand on the edge of her fangs and ripped them out of her skull and threw them down the path and said “I’m not going to tell you.” Alex smiled and said “I think you will.”