Read Lizzie Tempest Ruins A Viscount (Felmont Brides Series Book 1) Page 42

Chapter 26

  Angel Anston saw Molly poke her head around his bedroom door. “There is a gentleman to see you,” she said, as she opened the door. “Mr. Bertram Felmont.”

  The old man bowed. “Good afternoon.”

  He looked travel worn and limped into the room with the aid of a stout cane. His ancient frock coat showed stains on the breast, his shoes and stockings were covered in dust. But it was his Felmont nose that drew Angel’s attention.

  He returned the greeting with some curiosity.

  The old man’s gaze lingered on his face. “Forgive me for troubling you, but I am in search of my son.”

  “What makes you think he is here?” asked Angel. He raised his pillow so he could lean against the headboard of his bed. Had his father surfaced from the dregs of humanity to claim him at last?

  “Someone told me I might find him here,” the old man replied.

  Angel stared at the long Felmont nose shadowing the thin mouth. So many years of waiting only to find his father was an ancient old man with bad legs. He felt deeply disappointed that Bertram Felmont was too old to kill with any honor.

  “Come, Felmont,” Angel commanded, “Sit down.” He gestured to the plain wooden chair beside his bed. Perhaps honor was less important than justice. He tried to make his smile one of welcome not one of deadly intent to murder, only to find his guest returned the smile with a gruesome grimace and an intent stare. There could be no doubt the old man saw the likeness between them.