Read Lombard trilogy. Page 3

Madame Bovary of Flaubert is surely rich of beauty, but we can pose the question if we would consider more important Frida of “Castle” in Kafka. We can talk about the life of a woman of success, if we would talk less about those facts, respect a context simpler and rich of human values; the American cinema is living those facts next the crisis of yuppies, the 11 September, the problem of ease finance.If the economic markets don’t be more so good, we should think about a return to social traditions.

  We can pose the following demand: the adventure in affairs or with girls can give first time the success; the freedom of action descript in the Kafka romances is always losing, but just for this fact it reports the man in the true limits. Why Patterson or Grisham overcame the crisis better than Follet? The first in a traditional context has had an incentive of psycho-logical type, the second has wanted that his last books had as back-ground the Italy, which for the Americans has always represented a return to traditions.

  In “Aspect of Usa life”, a “pamphlet” written by me in 2004, I have shown that the actual romance must be founded on exact parameters: the likelihood, the realism of the back-ground, the time respect. In my short story, “A mathematical at Perugia”, published by Literature Festival at Salerno in 2008, there is an approach about the complex personality of Giovanni, as he relates him-self to architecture. But Mark, his alter-ego, is American, and just in the relation with Giovanni will find a sense for his questions, about the job, but also the love.

  Something about fractals.