Read Lombard trilogy. Page 6

Giovanni was a writer who had had a certain success for the publishing of some book. He lived at Milan and had the degree in literature, he had sometimes tried to go in the just circles. He continued to see university teachers, but in same time he participated to important events and Milan, about art and literature, was rich of those events, with people more or less famous.

  He noted the elegant and cultural people, when he participated to those afternoon, he sometimes was speaking about his position, also if with few words, without being too on attention. He maintained a certain tranquillity also if he retained that the things happened sufficiently well.

  But he didn’t understand completely the sense of his possible objectives and only for this application he had been able to publish two romances with an editor of a certain importance.

  At last, he retained that the links with the high society were useful for him and his interest for those situations depended by his chances.He was ready to earn the critics of other persons about his books, but he considered important his individual characteristics. In his romances he had descript happy contexts of Europe, all that particular cities as Stuttgard or Nice could offer respect to Milan. Those two cities in fact had hit his attention and he here had built the events of the previous romances.

  The high society was important for him, he was a lover of Pop-art, but he liked also the modern German art of painting in 1900, and that was a good idea because his lectors were remained interested to Stuttgard and Nice. Nevertheless it the problem is that after those two romances he would find other ways for interesting the big public. He would like to write something of fantasy, because he was very interested of the King books.

  Nevertheless the style of this author and his way to construct the words were important for him, because those particularities renewed certain auto-similar constructions as the Chinese boxes. In fact he liked deeply the attention for the word of this author, the particular way of constructing a proposition, but he is interested also to certain his models for describing the reality, so those remembered to him the fractals. He wasn’t able in fact to read the mathematical articles, which had an approach about this facts. In fact he knew few things about the differential equations, but he was informed that the fractals were part of a context related to the construction of the images. He believed that the King interpretation sustained this back-ground.

  Also if he was without mathematical notions near completely, he would have references to certain worlds of the fantasy, because for example he had studied “Alice in the fantastic world”, in according to Deleuze. This philosopher was a follower to Proust, therefore in a certain sense he was an expert about the problems related to the memory activity. He liked the fantasy literature particularly about Rushdie, because he was interested to the relation between image, dream and linguistic structure. But that was a model for him very difficult to follow, and probably “Alice in the fantastic wold” was a sector which he considered more adapted to his level. Nevertheless reading Deleuze was interesting particularly for the relation between Carrol and Proust.

  Deleuze writes in “Logics of sense”: “We are in the circle and we find the Carrol paradox where the meaning can’t have ever its role of last frame and it supposes an irreducible symbolism. But I think that there is a reason very general because the sense falls, the frame is a circle breaking the founded. When we define the meaning as a true condition, we give a character that is has together to the sense, that is already related to the sense”.

  Giovanni was thinking longer after the lecture of this brain. The reason tries surely the founding on certainties, but they can constitute a circle where the hypothesis become the last result, but it can happens also the contrary. That give him a sense of vertigo, but in the relation between French and German culture had near gone to a solution.

  But our writer wanted entry in the essence of the Deleuze logics in a way that allowed to him to understand the sense of his doubts, and he has read still a proposition of “Marcel Proust and the signs”: “But how the essence stays in the art work? Or in other words how the subject-artist can communicate the essence which makes it individual and such that it passes to history? “ The structuralist philosopher makes surely reference to the role that the memory plays in the “Recherche”, but he particularly observes the difference between matter and soul in an art work. In this approach Giovanni had seen the matter in a form of relation of meaning which can be told dialectic.

  Deleuze retains that “the true question of a work doesn’t be therefore the subject, conscious and wanted which is hidden which with that the words describes it, but the hidden problems, the unwanted archetypes, whose not only the words, but also the colours and sounds give sense and life”. Giovanni would try a model in his memory exact for describing the social and architectural characteristics which he had noted at Nice and Stuttgard, but he would like the reference to the text: if it had been of this type, related to the particularities more than founded on ideologies. The two cities had centuries of history, but they are also a model of the “fluent modernity” which about Baumann talks.

  His romances probably had had success just because the people liked his individual style, also if he doesn’t understand them completely. An approach between Stuttgard and Nice in a third romance liked to him probably difficult to concept, but he didn’t want that the question started from the Wien Congress. Napoleon didn’t be more a danger as a dictator able to constitute a hard power, but the key of the Imperialistic union could be represented surely by the Usa culture.

  Certainly it was unease to find new streets, but it was important to follow this ideal sector . He would return with the memory in those cities, Stuttgard and Nice, the back-ground of his first romances, and he should try to think strongly on those place longer. Only so he would be able to interpreter completely the ideas of the persons whom to he had made reference.

  He considered in fact that, only if he-self had lived by new certain situations, he could understand the deep implication between reality and writing. If the role of the power could be read in the type of cultural and economic policy developed in Usa, the references, whose he must be interpreter, were the music, the romances, the painting. The romance was near a son born from the author, but that next lived an his life. It had an its autonomy (as Blanchot has written) and next the writing revealed a particular dynamics, in according to the linguistic rules of its inner structure.

  He would avoid this auto-reference giving correct geographic descriptions. He considered that those persons, whom about he had talked , should live in his mind, and therefore he needed

  to construct their models of life in according the exact times. Just now he considered that only if they had lived in some time the situations here, he could find the just context, how the persons descript developed completely their paths. Nevertheless he didn’t know if he had found in the new book the elegant situations of the high society, but he noted that the crisis of American yuppies had determined many changes. In fact he considered that the people in French and Germany sustained with force the Usa policy only with a false aspect, no accepting it completely. But the Imperialism of Bush after 11 September in the last times became very obvious.

  Giovanni had considered longer a proposition which a critic proposed to him as a synthesis of the two romances, that is “the actual literature follows trends which are typical also of cinema, painting, the scientific and social progress, but today the global progress wants the greyness as aesthetic parameter”. He would live the evolution of art, particularly in musics, as it was passed from Elvis to Beatles, from Beatles to heavy metals. And that would allow to him to follow young contexts, as pubs, cinema, music stores. That can happen by a deep view, studying the young behaviour, which resulted similar because consequence of criteria posed by network as
MTV, Fox, CNN, Economist.

  Therefore we must think that the Usa influence was still global, also if often financial crisis happened. Sometime he would have been contrary against the stranger workers, as the Lega sustained, but also the French Right. He liked the black singers whom were on MTV, that wasn’t so different respect his usual positions. In fact Condoleza Rice became leader of Usa Defence, and therefore the best integration was the American; but also the soccer clubs in French and England had many black players.

  Just now I would like to cite a brain of Schneider in the romance “Movements of couple”: “What that was strange of the André history is its inter-change: the repetition unbounded. Try to place a recorder in every table, in his local or in other, and you will obtain a dialogue becoming a chorus, with limited variations unthinkable. There are near twenty years that I do so: the sex games are tossed.” That what Giovanni notes here is typical of the contexts of new generations, in French, Germany, England.

  The fitness to the American model wants to leave the ideologies; the studying of human behaviour uses a new mathematics, the game theory. I have descript the evolution of those events in a little book “Aspect of the Usa life”, which I have published in 2004, where I affirm that “while in the rural society the customer has an ideal system of preferences related to a context of ethical type, in the modern society we suppose that the context is rational”.

  The fact that German writers have a particular approach to the American literature, it can be seen by the following brain of Hiebig, published by a Chicago review: “Sometime he lived the world only in the railway stations. He passed from station to station, with particular intentions, his mind considered only railway stations. Nothing of these leaved to you clear boundaries, something of absurd worked in the stations, you stay always seeing something hidden in some part of the body: we don’t have anything, only an ego fool”.

  Therefore from the game theory applied to human relations naturally we pass to “fluent modernity” by the Baumann view, that is the typical aspect of the no-places as airports, stations, commercial centres. Giovanni arrived in a travel agency, where he has given the dèpliant of Stuttgard and Nice. He would can to go here with the train or the fly and it was important to study the exact choice. Giovanni preferred much the train, because his travel times were hardly slow, so that he would can to read usual magazines and some book. He would have the possibility to know persons which with he would talk, avoiding the nice vision of the Alps. All that has given to him a sense of relax and it helped him to consider better his questions.

  Speaking with the train travellers, he would have an help just for this fact, being busy by many time in this way. Travelling by fly didn’t be liked to him much, not for the fear of the fly, but for the context so cold and standard, more adapted to a manager than a writer. On the trains the people was more various; by a statistical view he would be able to have a deeper idea about the persons descript in his romances.

  He was happy for this fact and surely he would repeat the success of his first romances. In fact if he had studied a similar context, he was sure to find new ideas. For starting he needed some things: a trolley, two completes, an efficient camera. The coldness of year, when Mars was arriving, was near finished and the hot was beginning. Giovanni preferred the completes of famous stylists. He come in a big store and wanted an Armani complete.

  The flow of people in the morning in this Mars at Milan in those stands was giving to him a particular sense of soul. He usually was seeing people, but thinking to the travel leaves him with him-self. How he would stay with those elegant completes at Nice or Stuttgard? The life in those countries could change his thinking and the fact of achieving Armani would make him similar to all other Italians. He was sure that his problem was related to the globalization and was principally of psychological type, but the girl of the store of clothing was seeing him, waiting his choice. Achieving a digital camera was important, retaining just to have a good memory of he travel. More photos he would make, longer he had maintained this memory.This material constituted after every travel a text of his experience, and it was important to reconstruct the sense of all that. Finished the preparation, he begins to wait the moment of starting.

  Edoardo Angeloni







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