Read Lone Wolf Rising Page 16

  "You better not be calling my grandmother." Rebecca warned, opening one eye halfway.

  He ignored her as he went on. "At the school, northwest side, at the tree line."

  "I’ll be right there." She hung up.

  "Natalia! You called our neighbor?" Rebecca opened both eyes and fought off the urge to kick the barrier again. "I really don't trust her."

  "I do. Besides, she owes me. The only other option was your grandmother and I know you don't want me to call her."

  Gabriel jogged up from behind Rebecca, "you rang?"

  She spun around and glared at him. Her wolf found it difficult to be angry with him which only reinforced her theory the anger was from her. "What’re you doing here?"

  He shrugged and leaned lazily against the same tree she used a few minutes ago to rest on. "You called and I came.”

  "I most certainly didn’t call you!" Rebecca sounded appalled by the notion.

  He looked at Lucky and gauged the situation. It wasn't Gabriel who spoke, it was Lucky. "You’re his alpha, Becca. Were you thinking about him?"

  Rebecca looked at him. "Yeah, I was thinking how this whole situation was his fault."

  "And you swore fealty to her?" Lucky's glare was full of menace and directed towards Gabriel.

  "You know I did. I marked her with my protection."

  "The first step to the mating process." Lucky's jaw muscle started ticking. "By the Gods, Gabriel, what were you thinking?"

  "Her wolf connected to me. I make no excuses for that. It’s the way the world works." He wound his arm around Rebecca’s waist and pulled her against him. "I know you’re only here as a protector but you can leave, she’s safe with me."

  Rebecca pushed him away. "Like hell I am!" She started pacing, "what is all this talk about my wolf and mating?"

  ‘Mine!’ The wolf panted in her mind.


  ‘Yes.’ And with that the wolf abandoned her to focus on Gabriel.

  ‘Now who needs to get her hormones under control?’ Rebecca muttered sarcastically in her mind. The wolf didn’t answer.

  Lucky touched the invisible wall which was obviously still there. Hurt passed through his eyes when he looked at Rebecca and they both realized at the same time that Gabriel wasn’t blocked from her but Lucky was. "It looks like your choice was made for you."

  Gabriel looked between Lucky and her. "Wait, are you two really dating?"

  They both looked down at the ground, unsure how to answer that question.

  Gabriel frowned. "Gods, Lucky, you’re my best friend! Had I known. But you know the rules. You’re a stickler for the rules and would never break them." He shook his head and in that moment Rebecca finally saw vulnerability in him that she never knew was possible. It made him look human. "This line of thinking will get both of you killed." A fierceness she hadn’t seen but somehow knew existed in him came to the surface, he was a wolf after all.

  "Can we discuss this later, when we get rid of this shield?" Lucky asked coldly.

  Gabriel sniffed the barrier, which he could feel from this side. "It’s made up of elemental magic. What witch did it; I’ll find her and bring her to undo it." He looked between both of them again. Rebecca worried her hands and Lucky ran his through his hair. "Look, guys, I’m trying to help. Whether you like it or not, our wolves are connected which means we’re connected to each other. My wolf is fiercely protective, that means I need to keep you safe."

  "I think Rebecca did it." Lucky said sadly. "She was feeling threatened."

  "And trapped." She added, "I had an overwhelming need for air."

  "She ran out of the school and I followed. When she turned, I was behind her and she slammed up the barrier between us." Lucky finished the story.

  "What you’re saying isn’t possible. Wolves have no control over the elements. Only witches control that area of magic. It helps maintain balance." Gabriel glared between them with narrowed eyes. "Just tell me who it was and I’ll get them."

  "They’re telling the truth, and it’ll remain a secret between the four of us, agreed?" Natalia came up behind Lucky. She waited for all three of them to agree before continuing. "I figured you were air." She said with approval as she examined the air barrier.

  "How’s this possible, Natalia?" Lucky asked. Rebecca could tell they were good friends by the way he looked at her with respect. That one look made her reconsider her first impression of Natalia. Maybe she was better than she originally assumed.

  Natalia shrugged and pushed her black glasses up on her nose as she dug through her backpack. "Strange things happen when two powerful lines come together." She looked to her left and paused. It looked like she was listening to someone, but no one was there. Then she nodded her head. "Your great grandmother is here. She was also an air witch and she’s impressed with the command you have with the element." Natalia smiled at Rebecca.

  "Bethany?" Rebecca had never met her great grandmother but she heard amazing stories of how she bravely helped people despite the consequences; by non- magical means of course. In fact, if she remembered the story right, it was the husband of one of the women she was helping that eventually killed her. The man spent the rest of his days in an asylum for the criminally insane.

  "Yes, she says to remove the spell you need to reverse the fear that put it up in the first place." Natalia spoke with quiet, patient tones.

  Rebecca looked at Lucky and Gabriel. The fear of rejection, the fear related to this new life, the constant fear of death at every turn. Which one? She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to search for the answer. The truth was far more dangerous, her fear was directed more so at herself. She feared her own ability to protect herself and those she loved. "And how am I supposed to remove a fear?"

  Natalia shook her head and pursed her lips, "not remove it, simply relax the fear reaction."

  Natalia looked at Rebecca, waiting patiently for a moment and Rebecca simply stared back, confused and irritated. “Don’t you think if I could relax I would’ve already?” She wanted to scream it was all getting overwhelming, her world was spinning out of control and Natalia wanted her to relax! She wanted to tell them she wasn’t ready for this. Instead, all she did was lean into Gabriel for support while her wolf chided her for showing weakness.

  Natalia sighed heavily, gave Lucky an irritated glare and turned to Rebecca with her hands on her tiny hips, determination in her silver eyes. "Okay, close your eyes... relax... focus on your breathing.” Her voice became almost melodic as she continued and Rebecca obeyed her commands. "Breathing in relaxation.... hold it... and breathe out any stress or tension you may be feeling... again breath in... and out... continue to focus on your breathing as you listen to my voice. Any other outside noises will simply serve to relax you more."

  Rebecca’s mind tried to fight Natalia’s words but the melody was a bit intoxicating.

  "Imagine you are in a safe place... somewhere in nature. Anywhere will do. Good. Very good."

  Rebecca felt her body start to relax as Natalia’s words sang a song to Rebecca’s inner self. Even her wolf began to relax. Natalia had Rebecca imagine a bright light overhead and instructed her to allow that light to circle her body in safety and relaxation. When Natalia was done, relaxing and protecting Rebecca from head to toe she asked Becca to open her eyes and step forward. Rebecca did, without a word, and the barrier was gone.

  Without thought of consequences Rebecca flew into Lucky's arms and felt the safety surround her as he embraced her back. "I’m so sorry. Whatever the issues are, we will find a solution. Friends or more, I don’t care." She whispered; her choice made. She’d take whatever he was willing to give. Deep inside she knew she needed him at her side. A small amount of fear ignited when she saw the doubt in his eyes and expression.

  Then Rebecca turned to Natalia. She was smiling. Rebecca hugged her as well, which was a complete surprise because Natalia almost fell backwards dragging Becca down with her. If it weren't for Gabriel's quick thinking, they
would have both wound up on the ground in a tangled mess. "Thank you!" She wanted to tell Natalia how she misjudged her but this was not the place; that conversation would have to be later.

  Natalia fixed her glasses which were lopsided on her nose and straightened her baby blue shirt and matching skirt. "Your welcome, but thank Lucky. He’s the one who gave up a favor." She packed her things and headed back to the school.

  Rebecca turned to Gabriel. Her wolf got excited at the idea of being close to him, and Rebecca felt a little betrayed as she wondered where the anger was over his threat to her family. She sighed heavily. "You and I are connected." She offered with resignation. "I can't deny that, and for some strange reason my wolf trusts you with her life. Being that she is integrated into me I guess that means I should trust you." Gabriel nodded, his eyes veiled.

  All three of them knew that they would have to figure out this situation but Rebecca’s mind was too emotionally charged to even begin to start that hurdle. "Whatever it is between the three of us we’ll have to put it aside until later because I need you in my pack, Gabriel."

  "I’m yours, milady." His grin was that of a boy who found a lost toy. He picked Rebecca up and spun her around in a hug. Not fully trusting him she was ready when he tried to kiss her and put her hand on his lips to stop him. "I didn’t say I’d be with you, I only said you are initiated into the pack on Lucky’s recommendation that you’re a good person. For now, we have business to take care of."

  The grin faded into hurt, then understanding. "What business?"

  "For the past three days there has been someone following me. I spotted him Saturday morning, then Saturday night and Sunday as well. Today, I felt his eyes on me here at school. At first I thought it was you, Gabriel. But it’s a different feeling I get when you stare at me. His is more sinister, scary." Rebecca shivered. “I think it’s time to go on the offensive.”

  Gabriel nodded, "is he here now?" He was already scanning the horizon, just as Lucky had done earlier.

  Rebecca looked too, "No, I think he left. But he was watching before all this happened." She pointed at the place where the air barrier once stood. That was another issue she was going to have to investigate. How in the world could she work elemental magic as a werewolf? As far as she knew, that was unheard of. How could she work magic at all? Until yesterday, she hadn’t even known she was from a family of witches.

  "I’ll look into it for you." Gabriel promised as he took her hand and kissed it softly. "No harm will come to you as long as I’m breathing."

  "Well then, let's keep you breathing for a very long time." Rebecca laughed as she shoved him away. The laughter was meant to cover the feelings his touch created in her body. Her mind was set on Lucky but her body desired Gabriel. Rebecca glanced at Lucky out of the corner of her eye. He looked sad and worried.

  "I’ve got an idea since we’re obviously going to miss the second half of our school day. I think we should go on a field trip to the Refuge. Are you both up for it?"

  "Shouldn't we try to figure out who is following you first?" Gabriel asked, more concerned over her safety than taking a trip downtown.

  Lucky stated at the same time, "perhaps training would be a more suitable alternative to school?"

  Rebecca looked at them both. "I’m going. You two can do whatever you like." She started heading toward the parking lot. They both followed her continuing their arguments which she simply ignored. Thanks to her wolf she was getting used to ignoring voices.

  ‘I heard that!’ The wolf snapped.

  ‘You need to stop eavesdropping. This is my time and your time is the full moon.’

  ‘It doesn’t work like that for an alpha.’ The wolf retorted.

  By the time they got to the parking lot the arguments were gone and they all seemed to be on board with the idea.

  "You do know that the Refuge is a nightclub right?" Gabriel asked in his usual snarky tone, it appeared things were falling back to normal.

  "Of course, but I also know that a family runs a restaurant for lunch there during the day. It’s after two and I figure this is a good time to ask some questions. Better than asking them when the nightclub is open, don't you think?" She responded simply

  "Ah!" He tapped his index finger to his forehead. "Good thinking." After a moment he flicked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate his motorcycle. “I’m afraid I only have room for one on my bike. But I would happily let you hop on back and take a ride with me anytime.” He wiggled his dark eyebrows.

  Lucky growled dangerously beside Rebecca; an odd reaction from someone who made it perfectly clear he didn’t want this to evolve into the real thing. Perhaps it was his way of simply staying in character. Whatever it was it gave her a little hope. "We’ll take my vehicle, thank you very much." He grabbed Rebecca’s arm, rougher than expected, and started dragging her towards the SUV.

  "Ouch!" She snapped between gritted teeth, resisting the instinct to pull away from him. That would do very little to preserve the cover they were trying to create, not to mention she had a funny feeling that if she did show he was hurting her, Gabriel would get involved.

  "As for you." Lucky turned to Gabriel when Rebecca was safely in the vehicle. "We’ll do fine without you."

  "I’ll simply follow you if you don't let me come." Gabriel stated the obvious.

  Lucky opened the driver's side door, the look he gave Rebecca before responding to Gabriel spoke volumes in his displeasure at the situation. He was going to have to get over it. She needed to rebuild her pack if she had any hope of getting revenge for the massacre.

  "Besides, I know the owners pretty well." Gabriel continued.

  “Hop in." Rebecca said without letting Lucky respond.

  Lucky refused to look at either Rebecca or Gabriel for the first few minutes of the drive across town. She didn’t have to be a mind reader to know he was not happy.

  "So why are we going to the Refuge?" Gabriel inquired leaning forward from the back seat so that he could touch Rebecca’s arm. The tingles that sparked from the innocent touch were electric. She reacted by pulling her arm closer to her, pretending to shiver.

  "I want to check on a lead about my mother." Rebecca managed a weak smile, even though she wasn’t feeling it. She was tired, no, exhausted. Her mind actually hurt. Her body felt run down; as though she had been driving it one-hundred miles per hour for days on end with no rest in between. She had to admit, though, she felt safer with Lucky and Gabriel by her side. Her wolf may not like to show weakness but Rebecca was more concerned with survival than asking for help.

  "Oh?" Gabriel sounded interested, which was a change from his 'I don't give a damn persona.' Rebecca was convinced his bad boy attitude was what made him so attractive. She wouldn’t admit his dark hair, tan skin, and solid physic had anything to do with it.

  ‘You’re lying to yourself.’ Her wolf smiled in her mind.

  ‘Don’t you ever take a rest?’ Rebecca rolled her eyes inwardly.

  ‘Not when he’s around.’ And with that the wolf sent a charge of desire through her body.

  ‘That’s NOT fair!’ Rebecca sank deeper into the seat and closed her eyes, focusing on relaxing and pushing back the sparks the wolf sent through her body. When her emotions were in check she opened her eyes and responded. "My parents were killed ten years ago and one of the last places my mother visited was the Refuge. I want to know why."

  Gabriel was silent for a moment, which was, as far as she could tell, not typical for him. "I know what it’s like to lose your parents."

  Rebecca could see pain in his eyes. Gone was the sarcastic spark, replaced with a sadness she was very familiar with. "I’m sorry." She wanted to probe but knew from experience that sharing this type of story was personal and he would share when he was ready.

  "Losing a father you were estranged from for the last two years isn’t the same." Lucky pointed out flatly.

  The look Rebecca shot Lucky was deadly. His comment was insensitive and uncalled for. "It d
oesn't matter if he was close to his parents or not, a loss is still a loss."

  "No, Lucian is right. Tomas and I were never very close and I’m sure the loss is nothing like what you felt." Gabriel acknowledged Lucky’s statement. “Tomas was never a good father, but he didn’t deserve to die like he did.”

  "Tomas? As in pack alpha Tomas?" Rebecca asked; confused as to why his own father disowned him. Rebecca started to worry about her decision to let him join her pack. Whatever happened had to be terrible for a father to send away a son.

  Gabriel flinched slightly. It was odd seeing him so vulnerable. "Not anymore." The forced smile spoke volumes.

  "So if he was your father why am I the new alpha, wouldn't it have made more sense for you to become the new alpha?" It seemed a logical choice.

  "That job stays in the pack, I was exiled. Besides, my father sired many other wolves. I’m hardly special." Gabriel said the last part with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

  “Everyone is special in someway.” The moment the words escaped her lips she regretted them. She sounded just like Savannah in that moment. Her sister’s positive nature had a habit of rubbing off on her sometimes. Thankfully no one responded.

  "But now we have something in common." Rebecca offered a weak smile. "And your mother?"

  "Died while giving birth to me." Guilt clouded his eyes for a moment, but it was quickly replaced by the mask he wore.

  "That’s terrible. I guess that makes you an orphan, too." Getting to know him was giving her insight into his self-protection mechanisms. She was beginning to understand his sarcasm, his careless attitude, and the way he grabbed moments when he could.

  "I was until you offered me a place in your pack. Hopefully you’ll also consider some of the other rogues that were exiled from Tomas' pack. Then we’ll all have another family, all of us."

  Rebecca couldn’t help but notice Lucky’s knuckles turning white on the steering wheel or the tick that started near his temple. He was holding back from the conversation and she understood why. He was stepping back from the idea of there being more between them. It made her sad but she couldn’t force him to jump into a real relationship with her. She didn’t even know if she really wanted that. Her feelings were getting jumbled up and turning her inside out. And then there was his fiancé to think about. Rebecca was not the home wrecking type.