Read Lone Wolf Rising Page 8

  Every once and a while Rebecca’s eyes would be forced to meet her grandmother’s angry glare. Each time Becca felt a piece of her soul wither because beneath those angry daggers lay disappointment and sadness. The only positive thing about this was that grandmother knew her secret now; however, Rebecca did not know hers.

  Becca truly didn’t understand why she was so angry. She accepted her choices. She was okay with being a wolf; especially since it put her in a better place to find and punish her parents’ killer. Not to mention, grandmother has been living a secret life as well.

  Besides, grandmother’s sadness didn’t hold a candle to Rebecca’s own. Becca held a secret, one that made her responsible for her parents’ deaths. That knowledge simply made her want to avenge their deaths even more. If it wasn’t for her they would not have been driving that night. If they were not driving that night they would not have had their car jacked. They would still be alive.

  It was that single secret; one Rebecca hadn’t even shared with Savannah that put her on this path; a path that had her posing as a pack alpha.

  “Gabriel Black is here to dissolve the Arizona Wolf Pack and create his own.” Francesco, the man who told Rebecca to take a seat earlier gave a small, almost unnoticeable chuckle as he spoke and everyone’s eyes in the room turned to Becca.

  Rebecca’s eyes zeroed in on him. It was his looks that stopped her mid thought. The angry words she was about to speak dissolved on her tongue when his stunning green eyes locked on to hers. His tan skin showed his love of the sun. His shoulder length black hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck with only a few strands that came loose in waves to frame his ruggedly handsome face. The fact that he was a werewolf who wanted her pack was the only thing that kept her from enjoying her attraction to him. If she was honest, most supernatural men were fairly good looking. That part the book writers got correct.

  “Yes, that was our original request, however,” He grinned softly and bowed his head revealing his shoulder and neck to Rebecca. She admired his intricate tattoo of Japanese lettering. As she found herself wondering the meaning the wolf gave her the answer, “Honor, loyalty, and trust.” It became obvious very quickly the wolf trusted Gabriel, but Rebecca did not. “That request was made when I believed the entire pack had been massacred.”

  “Massacred by you, perhaps?” Everyone in the room froze, it was one of those moments a person could hear a pin drop. Rebecca heard a few gasps of surprise echoing throughout the suddenly the quiet room. Like them, she couldn’t believe the words that flew out of her mouth so fast she was unable to catch them. Anger began to boil in her veins; she was really not enjoying this zero to angry reaction in seconds anymore, “Or are you just looking to capitalize on the tragedy?” Obviously her pack loyalty was stronger than she realized, it was like someone else took control, the wolf most likely. She was beginning to realize that the wolf had anger control issues. Along with this realization came the reminder that she had more than her parents’ deaths to avenge, but also the pack. He was as good a suspect as anyone else.

  “We had nothing to do with the pack’s destruction.” He walked; no sauntered in Rebecca’s direction. Lucky started to move towards her as well; an action Rebecca caught out of her peripheral vision. She immediately put her hand up to stop him. Instinct told her to show strength, not weakness. Somehow she knew her life depended on it.

  Gabriel managed a knowing grin as he came near Rebecca. “My friends and I simply request an audience with the new alpha. Surely you can understand the dangerous position you’ve found yourself in. Protection may be needed as you begin to rebuild.”

  “Many people would find that a threat.” Rebecca snapped at him, attempting to contain the boiling sensation in her veins.

  “Take it as you’d like, but surely you know that isn’t how I meant it.” His smile only wavered for a moment, in that moment she also noticed a sliver of fear pass behind his emerald eyes.

  “I understand exactly how it was meant. I did say many people.” Rebecca found herself grinning, projecting a level of self confidence she didn’t know she had. She assumed the wolf was taking over because confidence was the last thing she was feeling at the moment. “I’ll meet with you and hear your proposal, but understand it isn’t easy becoming a member of the pack.” She hid the shutter as her mind remembered the challenges she had to face, to show fealty to the pack, even before she was made. “Loyalties will be tested.”

  “An audience is all we ask.” He bowed his head again but his green eyes were icy and dangerous as they held her gaze.

  “And, as I’ve already said, you’ll have it. I’ll contact you when I’m ready to meet, Gabriel Black.” And with that she and her wolf dismissed him.

  He nodded without a word of thanks, and returned to his seat. The rest of the evening flew by quickly. A few more grievances were heard and a few announcements were made. Josephine told the audience that she and her protectors were on a mission to rid the city of blood brokers and gave warning that those aiding the brokers were also subject to punishment. Rebecca did not know much about the blood brokers and her wolf seemed uninterested in the threat they seemed to pose. The impression she got was that it’s similar to drug dealers on the human streets.

  When the meeting was over Rebecca was asked to stay behind. Grandmother and Lucky stayed in the auditorium while she was led to a back room. It was a lavish office with rich leather and mahogany décor all of which looked like it was stolen from the 1800s. Given the people she was meeting with, that was a very likely scenario. Wolves are one of the few supernaturals that are not rewarded with immortality. They have super abilities but do not have the luxury of living forever; something she was grateful for.

  Francesco, the man with the booming voice, sat behind the large mahogany desk. Jericho, the pointy-eared, white-haired elf and Amelia the leprechaun stood on either side of Rebecca.

  Francesco pulled out what looked like an ancient book and smiled as he leafed through the pages. “Now to the matter of swearing you in.”

  “Wait, what if I don’t want to be in the Authority?” She asked figuring it was best to understand all the points of the issue.

  “The local alpha is an automatic member.” Amelia smiled as she played with a golden coin, allowing it to travel over each knuckle and back again. “The swearing in is simply a formality.”

  “But that’s the thing. What if I don’t choose to be the alpha? How can I pass on the job?” Finally she was able to voice her feelings on the matter, only when the words were spoken aloud, she felt doubt creep in. Surely, that doubt came from the alpha wolf in her mind.

  All three Authority members laughed. “Being alpha isn’t a choice, unless you want to die. It is only passed on through death to the next in line.” Francesco advised.

  “So I must be this until I die?” Rebecca sounded alarmed, despite the doubt growing; she knew this position would require a huge commitment.

  “The alpha is an entity all by itself. It’s passed on through the pack. When an alpha host dies the spirit of the wolf and all its memories from the present and the past chooses its next host. There is no doubt your alpha is giving you direction silently in your mind even as we speak. How else could a young, inexperienced child like yourself be so clear-headed and collected? Your alpha has bonded with you very quickly.”

  “Necessity.” The wolf spoke for her and Rebecca sealed her lips tightly. This was not a comfortable position to be in, despite the backup in her head. She knew one thing; her wolf did not trust Francesco.

  'If you were Tomas' alpha then you know who killed off our pack.'

  'No. I wish I did.'

  'A little more detail would be helpful here.'

  'Yes maybe it would, but I can't remember the attack. All my betas were being killed off and I was unable to do anything.' Rebecca was flooded with sadness, grief, and helplessness. 'It was like my essence was drugged. There was nothing I could do. I simply fell asleep. When I woke u
p I had chosen you as my host.'

  Rebecca wanted to ask more, but the heartbreak she was feeling from the wolf constricted her throat and left her unable to focus. It took everything she had to push the pain down so she could pay attention to what was happening in the chamber with Francesco.

  Francesco smiled evilly. “That’s the only time the alpha has a choice in the matter. When the alpha host is killed by another wolf the alpha is automatically bonded to that wolf. That being the case, you can imagine an alpha will do anything to protect its host, including speaking for it." Francesco slammed the book down on the desk after finding the page he was looking for and leaned in close; examining Rebecca.

  In that moment Rebecca felt naked as a shiver ran through her body. She agreed with the wolf, she did not like or trust this man either.

  “This is perhaps the fastest integration of alpha wolf and human I’ve ever seen. Perhaps it’s because of the family blood that runs through your veins.” He seemed to be thinking out loud. “Tell me, Becca, does your wolf speak to you often?”

  "Yes, and she’s a force to be reckoned with. My father used to call me a tornado. She’s worse.” Rebecca started, attempting to show disinterest in the position being offered. But the more he spoke the more she realized she liked the wolf that bonded with her. She liked the strength it offered. It made her feel more confident, even more powerful, than she ever felt before. If the wolf came with the job, things would be slightly easier.

  "We’re simply thankful you survived the attack on the pack. If your entire pack would’ve been annihilated, your alpha would have died as well." Francesco continued his explanation.

  “So as far as you know there are only three ways to rid yourself of the alpha; death by natural causes, death by unnatural causes, or death by another wolf?” Rebecca asked as she summed up the situation she found herself in. It was definitely hot water, but it was also something she secretly hoped she could handle.

  “Exactly.” Francesco’s voice was much smoother in the quiet of his office.

  “So not only am I a target for whoever killed my pack, but also every rogue wolf in the area?” Rebecca knew the answer, despite the question. Fear and uncertainty rose up inside her; overpowering the wolf’s confidence and making her feel small and unprepared for the situation.

  Francesco shrugged his massive shoulders; there was a predator in his eyes despite the teddy bear persona he liked to wear, “There’s always a cost to be what we are.”

  “One I never agreed to.” Rebecca countered, the fear taking center stage at the moment.

  “One you had to agree to before you could’ve been made." He volleyed back. "Tomas may have been an ass, but he was a stickler for the rules." Francesco let his façade falter slightly as an Italian accent colored his words. As quickly as it came, it was gone, replaced with the American accent she associated with him.

  “Unbelievable.” Rebecca threw her hands up in defeat. This is what it felt like to be ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t’. If she did this and worked with the ‘Authority’ she was going against her instinct, against the wolf. But the idea of being locked out in this cold new world, with no protection, no idea of what or where to go next was far scarier. She had the sudden urge to run away from everything, even looked around the room for an escape route. But as quickly as her panic raised the wolf stepped in to help calm the nerves and help her find a center. She didn’t appreciate the quick mood changes the wolf made her go through, particularly the moments of anger, but in this instance she was grateful as her breathing and pulse slowed.

  'Should I refuse becoming an ally with the Authority?' Rebecca asked her wolf. 'I can feel your distrust in the man.'

  'You have no choice. The Authority is our best option at the moment. They will help us rebuild and give us strength for the coming challenges.' Rebecca could taste the bitterness with each word her wolf spoke.

  “If I were you, I would work on creating a loyal pack as quickly as you can. The rogues may be an answer to an unsung prayer.” The elf said as he gave her a dusty old book simply titled, ‘Rules’ His voice sounded almost like a song on the wind, light and ethereal. “You’ll also be expected to uphold and follow these laws.” His eyes and voice changed instantly and reminded her of a crack of thunder as he relayed the warning.

  The book was thick, at least 300 to 400 pages long. “Seriously?” The three stood with deadpan stares. Rebecca quickly leafed through the pages and glanced at the small print. “And if I accidentally break one of these rules?”

  Francesco shrugged, “The rules are our laws. What happens when you break the law in the human world?”

  Rebecca’s heart sank another level, fear taking hold. This was fast becoming a nightmare. It seemed turn after turn; her life was met with turmoil and stress. Why couldn’t things be easy for once? She wanted to scream that question to the wolf, but the alpha inside her seemed to be the only thing keeping her together.

  “I know it seems we’re setting you up to fail, but you have your grandmother, who’s one of the most powerful witches I have ever had the pleasure of meeting," There was a pass of affection that slid behind Francesco’s eyes for the briefest of moments; Rebecca caught it and shivered, "and I’ll also assign Lucky to you, to help you get started.”

  “No bodyguards.” Rebecca crossed her arms over her chest, her defensive body language matching her words. The seventeen year old human would have jumped at the chance to have a protector, but not her alpha.

  “No, Lucky will act more as guide than guard.” His voice was dismissive, ending the argument that began to formulate in Rebecca’s mind.

  “Guide or spy?” Rebecca countered. They were back to volleying the ball and it was fast becoming a habit between them. He may have thought his tone was enough to end the argument but she was not satisfied, fear was a strong motivator.

  “Enough!” Francesco's voice boomed throughout the small room. “We don’t need another Authority scandal.” He turned angry eyes Rebecca’s way daring her to defy him further. Apparently he was not happy with the game of words they shared. “Your alpha, no matter the host, has always seemed to enjoy bucking authority. But it ends here and now. Do you understand me?”

  Something; her wolf most likely, told her to back down. Even Francesco’s two sidekicks shrank back at the tone in his voice.

  “Okay, what do I have to do?” Rebecca decided it would be smarter to live to fight another day so she resigned to the situation. Somehow she would have to figure out how to get out of this position without losing her life, because frankly, she had become rather attached to it despite the sadness that seemed to be drawn to it.

  “Simple,” Francesco handed her a golden dagger, hilt side towards her. “I will swear you in and you will sign in blood.”

  The elf handed Rebecca a bowl and the leprechaun handed her a feathered quill pen and a contract written on old parchment paper. The paper smelled of lemon and skin and she was tempted to ask what animal died to make the scroll. Instead she bit her tongue and asked, “Do I get a copy of this contract?”

  “That can be arranged. For now, take a few moments to read it. It’s a standard Authority contract. You agree to be a part of our monthly meetings, agree to participate in all law making and changes. You’re expected to appear when summoned by any member of the Authority high council. You may also be called in to sit on a “judges” panel for various issues when cases come to court. You’re expected to act as a leader of the supernatural world and understand that you’re now a member of the political world in which we live. Your utmost responsibility is to make sure you and your wolves, as well as all the supernatural world is kept secret from the human world. Breaking this law is punishable by death.”

  "Sounds simple to me” Rebecca swallowed hard and muttered to herself as she read through the contract; everything he said was highlighted. There were other stipulations but nothing that seemed to sign her life away or seemed unrealistic to ask of her. At least she hoped.
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  She was obviously expected to cut her own hand to sign in blood. The dagger was sharp and stung as it bit into her palm. Rebecca grimaced in pain, but made no sounds. Then she squeezed the blood into the bowl, dipped the pen in the red ‘ink’ and signed her name on the parchment. Her signature glowed for a moment as it sunk into the paper, like lotion into skin.

  Francesco chanted something while Rebecca signed; and as if signing in blood wasn’t enough, she felt something sting on her hand. “What was that?” She asked as she felt the area of her hand that seemed to burn.

  “A magical tattoo that shows everyone in the magical world you’re a member of the Authority.” Francesco answered as if Rebecca should have known this. His irritation at her lack of knowledge reinforced that there would be little room for a learning curve.

  “You branded me!” Rebecca spat angrily. That irritation didn't stop her from voicing her own frustrations.

  “It is done.” And as simple as that Rebecca was dismissed.

  Her angry grandmother greeted her when she got into the hallway. “You foolish girl; you’ve no idea what you’ve done.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”

  ~Fyodo Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov


  Rebecca’s grandmother hadn’t spoken to her on the way home. The silence was uncomfortable. She thought better of trying to start a conversation or even mentioning the fact that her car was still at the Refuge downtown. She could convince Savvy to give her a ride to pick up the car tomorrow. She did, however, want to know more about the fact that she was a witch, but decided that conversation could wait until grandmother had calmed down.