Read Loner in Space Page 12

  ~~ Later ~~

  Paul is surprised just how many aliens have come to this small plot of land and come to that are crammed inside the building, all looking out of the windows to see him off. Paul decides that if they can make such an effort, he should play his part and he turns and waves enthusiastically at the crowd. Not an easy thing to do in this specially constructed space suit. At first the aliens are confused as to what Paul means by this action. They at first think he is telling them to go away. Then realise that he means them well and there is a massive alien cheer and they start waving back at him. Paul's heart feels really glad that he has such strong support on his mission to bring peace between two such peoples.

  In his time with Dr Greenstuff, Paul had learned that these aliens were not always as ready for war. They had started as a peaceful people. They invented weapons and armed themselves as a result of repeated raids from visiting aliens. The aliens took minerals and even took members of the plant people. The plant people got fed up with this and decided they had to defend themselves and when one of the visiting aliens managed to kill itself. Dr Greenstuff's people took its weapon apart and discovered how it worked. They managed to perfect it even more using their own materials and the visiting aliens were in for a shock when they next came for a raid.

  Paul had also discovered why he had so much trouble breathing here. The air whilst it has some oxygen, hydrogen, CO2, it also has a high level of helium. The combination of low oxygen, CO2 and helium made it difficult for Paul to breath and get sufficient oxygen. It was the helium that gave him and the plants the cartoon like voice.

  The transparent eel creatures in the water, serve the very useful task of keeping the water nice an clean. They digest and process any foreign matter that falls into the ponds and streams.

  Anyway lets get back to Paul's departure from this most amazing planet. Whilst a short distance, from building to the space craft, it seems to take a long time as Paul waves to the assembled crowd. An alien breaks ranks and approaches Paul and presents him with a shiny necklace, with what looks like a colourful gem hanging from it. Paul stops, signs thank you and bows to the alien, who repeats the gesture back to Paul. The alien looks delighted at Paul's reaction. Another alien comes forward and presents Paul with a carved stone. Again Paul thanks and bows to the alien. There are a couple of other gifts, before Paul reaches the top of the hill that surrounds the three craft. He waves again at the crowd and then descends to the first of the space craft as guided by Dr Greenstuff.

  Paul soon finds himself inside the craft. He is guided to the first cabin, the one beside that meeting room (to the left of the entrance). Dr Greenstuff helps Paul into the bed, as he feels this will be the safest place for Paul. Dr Greenstuff supervises the securing of Paul's oxygen globes. Paul looks again at the collection of globes, it seems a bit over the top, but Dr Greenstuff had told him that they were going to make sure he had plenty of oxygen in-case there were any complications with the journey and that they had enough in-case they can't land and have to bring him back. Paul was impressed at how well thought out Dr Greenstuff's plans were, he seems to be covering off all eventualities.

  Now alone in his room, Paul feels quite strange. Especially as he has to wear this somewhat cumbersome suit. He was used to the glass tank as he called the chamber that he has been living in the last few days and having the freedom to roam at will. Paul wonders how long he will be confined to his cabin. He fully appreciates that they can't have this strangely suited up alien being lumbering around their craft at will. Now that's funny isn't it? Earlier Paul thought of these people as the aliens, now its him who's the alien. Paul laughs as he he thinks this would make a good TV games show called Who is the Alien or even Spot the Alien, no the first title is the best.

  Wow that didn't take long, thinks Paul to himself as he hears the craft's engines start to work. Then the craft starts to rise. Paul wishes he could look out of the window and wave to all the aliens watching his departure, however he had been told that he has to stay in the bed for his own safety. It makes him feel like a child again. The recent days, he has felt anything but a child, he has had to be so self reliant, making his own decisions, without anyone else around to take care of him and give advice. The freedom had been great, but the worry not so great. Paul is looking forward to getting back home to his Dad, even to school come to that. Paul laughs at the last thought, 'Now that is sad.' thinks Paul.

  As Paul glances towards the window, he is delighted to see that there are throngs of the aliens waving like mad at the ascending craft, each hoping that Paul can see them and that he'll wave back. Stupid as it is, Paul does wave back, knowing however that the chances that they can see him are pretty remote. The aliens continue to wave enthusiastically as they slip out of view far below Paul now.

  The craft tilts to one side and Paul is slightly fearful that he might fall out of bed, but he need not have worried, the slight lip around the edge of the bed has kept him securely in. The gravitational forces are building as the craft climbs in altitude. Paul has felt this before, but it doesn't seem quite as bad as when he was piloting the previous craft, maybe these are better pilots than Paul or the craft has improved so much, or.... the thoughts keep buzzing in Paul's head. It passes the time and takes his mind off of the building pull on his muscles.

  It is a relief when the feeling of weightlessness eases over Paul's body. The window is filled with stars now. Paul can settle back in the knowledge that he is heading home.


  Chapter 17  Home, But At What Cost?

  Paul and Dr Greenstuff had been rehearsing the transmission that they planned to make to the peoples of the earth, in the hope that it will save Paul and crew from being blasted out of the skies. The Captain of the craft, enters the meeting room that Paul and Dr Greenstuff have been using. Paul is introduced to the Captain and Paul bows out of respect. The Captain is most surprised at Paul's reaction, but joins in. There are words exchanged between the Captain and Dr Greenstuff, then the Captain bows to Paul and leaves. Dr Greenstuff explains that they are just coming up on the earth and the Captain has requested that Paul join him in the control room so he can confirm that it is the earth and also indicate where his home land is.

  Paul's heart skips a beat at the thought that he has arrived home.

  Soon Paul finds himself walking rather awkwardly up the corridor towards the control room. Dr Greenstuff is walking behind Paul and is carrying the oxygen globe. As they progress up the corridor they encounter one of the crew who excitedly talks to Dr Greenstuff. Who in turn tries to convey what the crew member has said, but he just doesn't know all the sign language and his first attempt is completely mis-read by Paul. He thinks the crew member had said that he didn't realise that Paul was so fat. Whereas it was, that he didn't realise that Paul was so short.

  As they enter the control room, Paul sees that there are three aliens on duty. One comes across to greet Paul, presumably this is the captain. Ah yes, confirmed by the coloured sash. Paul bows, a bit difficult in the suit, but none-the-less manageable, provided you don't bend too low. The captain returns the gesture, a little unsure at first. Then he rises and chatters away to Dr Greenstuff. Whilst Paul looks out of the windows and is most delighted to see a planet looming up towards them. It is still to far away to make out any detail, but it does have a blueish tinge to it, with a hint of other colours.

  Dr Greenstuff asks Paul if this is his home. To which Paul replies that it is too early to tell as yet. Dr Greenstuff relays the response back to the Captain, who seems a little nervous. Paul assures that if his people were going to attack, it wouldn't be this far out, more likely once the craft hits the atmosphere. Dr Greenstuff has difficulty at first understanding Paul's made up signs. But does get the message in the end. The Captain, meanwhile has been watching the pair with great interest.

  As the craft gets nearer, Paul can see the familiar oceans and l
and masses become clearer and he confirms that this is the earth. The Captain gives orders and the course is changed slightly. Dr Greenstuff asks Paul to point out his home land. Paul says that presently they are on the opposite side of the globe, to his home.

  Dr Greenstuff marvels at how much water there is on this planet and at how far apart the land masses are. He asks how humans manage to drink with the water being so far away from the centres of the landmasses. Paul tries to explain reservoirs, lakes and the like. But Dr Greenstuff finds it difficult to understand how this can work, surely they would quickly empty. Paul explains rain, but this is a totally alien concept to Dr Greenstuff.

  After several minutes, they come up over the Americas and Paul informs Dr Greenstuff that his homeland will soon be coming up on the horizon. He warns him that it is quite small, at least from this high up in space. The Captain gives orders for the craft to slow down and asks if any course correction is required. Paul informs him via Dr Greenstuff that it is difficult to tell until they pass over the east coast of the Americas.

  At last, here comes the edge of Spain, the west coast of France and Ireland, closely followed by Wales then south west England. Paul updates the Captain and it is decided that now is the time to broadcast Paul's message. He tells whoever is listening, who he is and where he lives and that he is trying to return home in an alien space craft. He requests that they don't shoot the craft down as it has come on a peaceful mission and does not want to cause any harm. The message is repeated on several frequencies. By the time Paul has finished, the craft has dropped considerably in height and has crossed the Welsh coastline and is heading for southern England. As they are coming up on the county beside Paul's, the control room seems to have gone mad. There are alarms sounding and the aliens appear to be quite busy. Paul is most worried when he sees a jet fighter flying outside the control room window. A human voice says, This R A F Flight 265 requesting that the unidentified craft on my starboard side identify itself, you are flying into controlled airspace and you do not have a registered flight plan. There is silence for a bit, during which Paul points out that they must respond or these craft are likely to attack them. They prepare to transmit on the same frequency as the jet had made its announcement. But a further announcement is made from the jet, only this time it warns, that failure to respond could result in them opening fire. Paul explains what this means. Then makes his broadcast announcement. He declares who he is and that the alien craft comes in peace in order to bring him home. Paul expects to hear a reassuring announcement, instead he hears repeat of the earlier announcement. Paul wonders why they are being so stubborn and ignoring his broadcasts. He notices that there is still a flurry of activity and that there are more aliens now in the control room. He wonders what is going on, just what are the aliens up to?

  The jet fighter breaks off and rises up at great speed. Another voice can be heard to say, Change your course and leave this airspace immediately or we will have no option but to take action to force you to make the required change. You have now entered restricted airspace. The voice ceases.

  Paul asks Dr Greenstuff if there is a possibility that his transmission had not been made, as he cannot understand his people's reaction. Paul is shocked when Dr Greenstuff says that he believes that the last transmission was not made. He adds that he does not know who has ordered this, but there is something quite sinister about to happen. He has noticed on the warning system that there are other craft from his own planet following this one. He thinks that he and Paul have been betrayed and that Paul has been used as some sort of distraction to enable them to mount an invasion.

  Paul studies the controls of this craft and tries to formulate some sort of plan. He's not sure now if he can even trust Dr Greenstuff, he could easily be in on the invasion plan. But why admit that there is a plan, when he could play Paul along for longer?

  ~~ Later ~~

  The Captain is over at the weapons station, if Dr Greenstuff is to be believed; regards each workstation's function.

  Paul seizes the opportunity, dashes over to the navigation workstation. He is glad he had hidden his torch in a pocket of the space suit as it enable him to steer a course straight down towards the ground. The speed of descent is quite frightening. But it has the desired effect. The sudden change in direction has startled the aliens. Paul swings the craft upwards again and the alien on weapons accidentally fires the weapons. There is an alien craft right in their way, but not for long, as the weapons fire hits it and the craft explodes into a million pieces. The Captain yells out something. As two of the aliens attempt to grab Paul, he changes course again and the two aliens crash into a wall. Dr Greenstuff has sensibly strapped himself into the chair beside Paul's.

  Again the course changes and the craft swings back upwards into space, its a bit like riding a very expensive and high powered roller coaster ride. Paul spots another craft and heads straight for it, makes a few course corrections and is satisfied, as the weapons system again fires and causes a direct hit. One of the aliens lumbers across to stop Paul. Luckily Paul sees the alien and he throttles up, to head straight out into space again. The sudden change from gravity to weightlessness completely throws the alien heading in Paul's direction. It loses its footing and heads towards the ceiling and slams quite heavily against the ceiling. This has the desired effect knocking the alien out. It is closely followed by the other two, who a short while ago had been slammed into a wall. They likewise end up knocked out. The three of them floating above the remaining two crew members, the Captain, Dr Greenstuff and Paul.

  Paul changes course again, in order to see just how many invading craft have been sent. He is glad to count only five. Paul, turns and is horrified as he sees that the Captain is heading towards him. He hurriedly dips the craft towards the earth and swings the craft to the left and right as it dives at speed. Paul looks round and sees that the Captain is still steadily advancing towards Paul and is so close now that Paul thinks that his brave attempts to save the human race will soon be over.

  Suddenly there's a click noise from beside Paul. He turns back in time to see Dr Greenstuff lob something at the Captain. As it strikes the captain's head with some force, Paul realises that the object is his oxygen cylinder. It is lucky that he has realised this in time. He quickly releases the tube that connects the globe to his suit. He is only just in time as he sees the rest of the tube snake off in the direction that the globe had flown. The Captain slumps to the floor, brown fluid oozing out of his head.

  Paul asks Dr Greenstuff if he can tend to the Captain's injuries. Dr Greenstuff leaves the control room, much to Paul's dismay. The remaining crew members who are a potential threat to Paul, eye him with absolute fear and suspicion. Neither daring to move in-case they meet with the same fate as their Captain. There is a kind of stalemate, Paul knowing that he is outnumbered and that he has to keep eyes on the two aliens whilst also watching the remaining alien fleet.. There's an alien voice coming over the communications system. One of the two aliens by the weapons workstation moves, then thinks better of it, as Paul stares at it, as if to say, 'just you dare and see what I'll do!'

  The alien is desperate to answer the call, but knows it cannot. After further thought it pulls its arm back. to its side.

  Paul is relieved to see Dr Greenstuff arrive back with some sort of case in hand. He goes straight over to the captain. Paul asks if he needs any help. To which Dr Greenstuff nods and signs yes. Then he speaks to the closest of the aliens, who immediately obeys and walks over to the Captain. Paul, is somewhat relived that there's now only one alien to keep an eye on.

  There's that voice again over the communications system. Paul throws the same look look of, just dare, at the remaining alien. The alien has a look of deep fear in its eyes and isn't daring to move. Paul glances over to Dr Greenstuff and the other alien, they are busy attending to the Captain's needs. Paul is in a dilemma, should he pursue the
remaining five alien craft or just maintain steady flight? If he does pursue the other craft, he knows he probably won't be able to fire on them and is more likely to get hit himself. Probably best to stand off and watch them from a distance, not that Paul knows what a safe distance is, regards the weapons on this type of craft. They must be currently at a safe distance though, as there have been no attempts to fire upon them to-date.

  After a while Paul's attention is turned from his continual scanning of the ships and the alien at the weapons workstation, back towards Dr Greenstuff and the other alien, they are lifting the Captain and heading off out of the control room, leaving Paul and the other alien alone.


  Chapter 18  What Can A Mere Boy Do?

  Paul and the alien at the weapons station have been alone for some time, Paul spending his time keeping any eye on the alien and also regularly checking the other craft out there. Neither had moved, when suddenly Paul spots one of the craft break ranks and head straight for Paul's craft.

  'Here it comes.' thinks Paul. He alters the controls so that their craft takes a gentle dive at first, then as gravity takes effect, Paul changes course and dives more steeply. The other craft follows him down. The alarms start to sound again, but is it due to the second craft or the jet fighters seeking the two craft out? Strangely enough, Paul hopes it is the latter. He manages to identify the warning display and is reassured that it is the jet fighters who are after Paul. He waits until he judges they are close enough to be able to make a lock, then he changes course and heads down towards the ground, swinging off to the left.