Read Long Road Home Page 15


  For the first time, he gave serious thought to skipping the country altogether. Take Jules to some remote island and not look back. But that didn’t sit well with him either. He wasn’t a traitor.

  He shook his head, determined not to let doubt creep into his mind. He and Tony would figure something out. They had to.

  Jules snuggled deeper into the hollow of his neck, and he kissed her silky hair.

  “Did I hurt you last night?” They hadn’t had any time to sort through what had happened between them. He’d been worried sick he would go too fast or frighten her, given her past rape.

  She stilled against him, then she pulled away.

  “No. You were wonderful.”

  He nudged her chin upward with the tip of his finger. “I love you, baby. Remember that. From now on, it’s us. Not you. Not anymore.”

  For a long time she simply stared at him. Silent. Her gaze stroking over his face. Then she raised her hand to feather her fingers along his cheekbone.

  “I love you too,” she said in a solemn voice.

  Triumph blazed a trail through his chest. He pulled her against his side, cupping her head to his shoulder. She loved him. He’d find a way for them to be together. One that didn’t entail him turning her over to the government.

  Chapter Nineteen

  They landed on a small private airstrip in Virginia that afternoon. Jules collected her duffle bag and followed Manny off the plane toward a waiting SUV. She needed to talk to Northstar. Needed to find out what the hell was going on and why he was taking potshots at her and Manny. When Manny wasn’t looking, she dug the phone out of the bag and shoved it into her pocket.

  “Can you stop at a gas station so I can use the bathroom?” she asked as she slid in beside Manny.

  It wasn’t a lie. She was about to pop, but she’d use the opportunity to talk to Northstar out of Manny’s earshot.

  “I’d prefer to wait until we reach the apartment Tony has for us, but if you can’t wait, I’ll stop at the first one I see,” he said.

  “Thanks. It’s about to become an emergency situation.”

  He chuckled and reached across the console, twining his fingers with hers.

  Such a small gesture, yet it spoke volumes.

  From now on, it’s us. Not you. Not anymore.

  God, how she wished it could be true. She wanted it to be true.

  She looked up as they slowed and pulled into the parking lot of a gas station. She smiled gratefully at Manny.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded and turned his attention out his window.

  She climbed out of the SUV and hurried inside. Manny wouldn’t wait long, so she had to make it quick. As soon as she was inside the bathroom, she locked the door and pulled the phone out of her pocket.

  With shaking hands, she punched in the number she hadn’t called in over a year. Shuttled through endless connections, making a trace impossible, the call took several seconds to complete.

  She took a deep breath and put the phone to her ear. She didn’t have to wait long. On the third ring, the bastard’s voice filtered through the receiver.

  “You don’t follow directions very well. I told you to check your e-mail. Nothing about phone communications.”

  She ignored his reprimand. “What’s your game, you bastard? Why are you trying to kill me?”

  An uncharacteristic pause swelled on his end. “If I wanted you dead, you would be in the morgue. Quit wasting my time and finish your assignment.”

  “If you hurt him, I will hunt your ass down,” she said in chilling tones. “Lay off the snipers, Northstar. I don’t know what your latest sick game is. I’ve said I would do the assignment, but I can’t do it if I’m dead.”

  Another long pause on his end. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear he was genuinely caught off-guard.

  “Do the job, Magalie, or your boyfriend is going home in a body bag.”

  He hung up before she could respond. She swore viciously and shoved her phone back into her pocket. What the hell was going on? Was he trying to imply he wasn’t behind the shootings? And if he wasn’t, who was?

  The pulse in her temple thudded painfully, a vile ache spreading to the back of her neck.

  She relieved herself then hurried out of the bathroom. When she slid into the SUV, Manny looked questioningly at her.

  “Everything okay?”

  She nodded and forced a smile.

  Manuel started the engine and drove back onto the highway. As he turned toward D.C., he pulled his cell phone out to call Tony.

  “Hey man, you landed?”

  “Yeah,” Manuel said. “Wanted to get the location of the place you set up for me and Jules to stay.”

  He glanced over at Jules, but she was staring out the window. She looked tense, but he supposed she was afraid. He shouldered his phone and reached out to her with his free hand, wanting to offer reassurance.

  She smiled weakly at him and squeezed his hand in return.

  Keeping a careful eye on the side-view mirrors, he listened while Tony gave him directions.

  “Manuel, there’s something else,” Tony said as he finished the instructions. A hint of excitement colored his voice.

  “Talk to me,” Manuel said.

  “I took the liberty of doing a little recon on my own. I may have found someone sympathetic to our cause. I think he could help Jules.”

  Manuel straightened in his seat. “Tell me.”

  “Senator Denison. Word is he’s on a short list to be the new Director of Homeland Security. He’s very interested in cracking the NFR. It would be a huge coup for him since the CIA has never been able to get inside the organization. He wants to meet you and Jules. He’s amenable to an exchange. If Jules will give him information, he may be willing to overlook her participation in the group.”

  Manuel’s heart began to thump harder. It was too good to be true. If he could get Jules off the hook, they would have a shot at a normal life. Together.

  “Do you think Jules would turn informant?” Tony continued. “In light of her history with them, I can’t believe she’d feel any loyalty to the group. If what she said about her recruitment is true.”

  Tony left the question dangling in the air. And that was the crux of the matter. But Manuel believed her story. Her horror had been too real as she had recounted the events of that fateful day three years ago.

  “I’ll talk to her,” Manuel said. “Set up a meeting. Just him and me. I want to hear what he has to say before I expose Jules to any potential danger.”

  Beside him Jules twisted in her seat, her full attention on him. He shouldered the phone again and put his hand out soothingly.

  “Will do,” Tony said. “He was very anxious for the meeting to take place. I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve set it up.”

  Manuel dropped the phone onto the seat.

  “What was that all about?” Jules asked.

  “We may have a way to get you out of this mess.”

  She looked startled. “I don’t understand.”

  “Senator Denison is interested in an exchange. If you give him information about the NFR, he’s willing to overlook your past transgressions.”

  Her mouth rounded in shock. Consternation flared in her eyes, not relief. He frowned as he took stock of her reaction.

  “This is good news, Jules.”

  “Yeah. Of course it is,” she muttered.

  “I won’t let you meet with him until I’m sure he’s on the up-and-up,” he said, hoping to reassure her.

  She nodded and looked out the window.

  He shook his head, perplexed by her response. Maybe she was afraid or maybe she didn’t want to get her hopes up. Whatever the reason behind her less-than-enthusiastic demeanor, he aimed to change it.

  “Where are we staying?” she asked.

  “A townhouse outside Bethesda. We should be there in a few minutes. We’ll spend the night, and hopefully tomorrow Tony will
have arranged for me to meet the senator. If not, we’ll lay low until he does.”

  She nodded and leaned back in her seat. She ran a hand through her short hair and massaged the back of her head with her fingers.

  “I’m ready for a bath.” She laughed self-consciously as she twirled the ends of her hair around her fingers.

  He relaxed. A normal evening would be good for them. Tony had assured him he had the townhouse under guard, and that no one would get past his security measures.

  He reached over and curled his hand around the nape of her neck and squeezed gently.

  Chapter Twenty

  Manny pulled into a one-car garage under a two-story townhouse and cut the ignition. He glanced over at Jules and cracked a half smile. “Home sweet home.”

  Jules eased out of her seat and reached for her bag. Manny got out and came up behind her to cup a hand around her elbow. She let him lead her toward the entrance to the townhouse. He reached in front of her and shoved the door open.

  She stepped in and stood while he flipped the light switch. The hallway opened to the kitchen, and she turned the lights on there too. Beyond the kitchen, there was a step down into the living room.

  Manny walked around her and went through the house, turning on a few lamps so that a soft glow lit the interior. He motioned toward the stairs. “Want to see the upstairs? We can put our bags in the bedroom.”

  She followed him up the carpeted stairs. There were three doors—one on either side and one straight ahead. She stuck her head in the one straight ahead first. It was a small bathroom with a shower, commode and a pedestal sink.

  She backed out and opened the door on the left side of the stairs. It was a small bedroom, obviously not the master. Manny opened the door to the right and motioned her in.

  Inside was a king-sized bed, a chest of drawers and a dresser. Another door beckoned from the far side of the room, and when she walked into it, she saw it was the master bath. She gave an exclamation of pleasure when she saw the garden tub. A shower stood on the right of the tub, and catty-corner to the tub was a countertop with two sinks.

  “Go put your things up,” Manny directed. “I’ll draw you a bath.”

  She smiled. She couldn’t help but be warmed by his desire to take care of her. She went back into the bedroom and flopped her bag on the bed. Behind her, she heard the splash of water as Manny began filling the tub.

  The bed looked inviting, so she sank down, pressing her hands into the soft comforter. She closed her eyes and lay back, letting her head fall back. It felt as though she were cushioned in the clouds. Such luxuries were as alien to her as a normal existence. And yet, here she was with Manny, seeming positively domestic.

  She nearly laughed aloud at the absurdity of the facade. They could play house for a day or two, but in the end, the truth would rear its ugly head. And the worst part was how much she enjoyed the idea of setting up house with Manny.

  A warm hand traveled up her leg, slid under her shirt and stroked her belly. She opened her eyes to see Manny staring down at her.

  She started to get up so she could head into the bathroom, but he stopped her with his hand. He pulled her to stand beside him.

  “Let me,” he said huskily.

  A full-body shiver skated up her spine as his fingers tugged at her shirt. He pulled it over her head then let his fingers slide down her waist to her pants. He leaned in and nuzzled her neck as his fingers hooked into her waistband. Slowly, he eased the pants down her legs until she stood in only her underwear. With extreme care, he removed the bandage from her shoulder and feathered a finger over the small wound.

  She trembled beside him, nervous, breathless, aching, wanting. When his hand slipped beneath the lacy scrap of her panties, she leaned toward him. He smoothed his palm over her buttocks as the underwear fell to the floor.

  “Come here, baby,” he whispered, pulling her close to him.

  Her bare flesh met his hard chest, and she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. She found herself swung upwards as he lifted her effortlessly.

  “Manny, your arm!” she protested.

  He ignored her and carried her into the bathroom. She gasped in surprise at what she saw. Manny had lit several candles and placed them around the tub, which was filled to the brim with foamy suds.

  “The bathroom was well stocked,” he murmured.

  “I see that. It’s beautiful, Manny. Thank you.”

  She smiled up at him as he knelt forward to ease her into the tub. As the warm water licked over her body, she moaned.

  “Oh my God, this is heaven.”

  “No, I’m in heaven,” he corrected. “Come here.” He turned her so her back was to him, and he knelt on the floor beside the tub.

  He dipped a large plastic cup into the water. “Lean back.”

  She cocked her head back and he poured the water over her hair. He rinsed a few more times, then he reached for a bottle of shampoo sitting on the side of the tub.

  A few seconds later, his hands dug into her hair as he began massaging the shampoo over her scalp.

  She moaned in absolute ecstasy. Waves of pleasure radiated through her body as he soaped her hair. He took his time, lavishing attention on every inch of her head. He hadn’t forgotten how very much she loved to have her hair messed with.

  Her muscles had as much tone as a jellyfish. She lay limply against the side of the tub, water lapping at her neck. In a few more minutes, she’d be comatose.

  “Lean forward,” he whispered. “I’ll wash your back. I need to clean your wound.”

  She obeyed and he began to carefully wash the still-tender area of her shoulder. Shampoo dripped from her hair and slid down her back as he massaged his way down her spine.

  Again he dipped the cup into the water. She leaned her head back to keep the soap out of her eyes as he meticulously rinsed every strand.

  When he was finished, he stood up beside the tub. “Wait right here. I’ll get a towel.”

  He returned with a large towel slung over one arm. He reached his other arm down to help her out of the tub. She stood, water running down her skin, and stepped onto the bathroom floor.

  He opened the towel and wrapped it around her, rubbing it over her body. When he was done, he secured the towel around her, tucking one end so it stayed up. Then he lifted her once more in his arms and walked into the bedroom.

  He set her down on the bed, letting her legs hang over the side. With slow, gentle hands, he carefully unwrapped the towel. She felt him tense when his gaze swept over her nudity.

  “Lean back and I’ll dry your hair,” he murmured. “Then I’ll get something to bandage you up.”

  She closed her eyes as he massaged the towel through her hair. As his motion slowed, she felt his lips slide over her neck. Chill bumps raced down her arms, and a warm tingle began a slow boil in her stomach.

  After a moment, he left her and returned a second later to secure a small dressing over her wound. Then she felt his lips press against the flesh just above the cut in a gentle kiss.

  “I want to make love to you again.”

  She let out a soft moan.

  He let his hands slide over her arms down her waist to her hips. Then he circled around to her belly and let his fingers glide up to her breasts. He cupped them in his hands, rubbing his thumbs