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  you do, trust me. But our orders are to take her into protective custody. We’ll take care of her, I promise.”

  “If you think I’m just going to let you walk in here and take her away without me, you’re nuts.”

  “Don’t make us force the issue.”

  Jules buried her face into Manny’s back for a long second. Would she see him again? Or would they throw the book at her and more? Whatever the case, she wasn’t a coward.

  She stepped around him before he could pull her back and bravely faced her fate. “I’m ready.”

  Manny reached for her arm. “Jules, no! You don’t have to go.”

  She looked up at him, tears filling her eyes. “You know what I’ve done, Manny. You can’t have thought they wouldn’t care.”

  “If you’ll come with me, Ms. Trehan,” the first agent said gently.

  As soon as he put his hand on her arm, Manny exploded. The other three agents converged on him, pulling him away. In the end, it took their combined efforts and that of the hospital security guard to contain him.

  Jules shook, her strength waning. Her knees threatened to buckle as she watched them pull Manny to the ground. The agent standing next to her put an arm around her to steady her.

  “Not going to cuff me?” she asked.

  “Whatever you may think, Ms. Trehan, I don’t like this any more than Ramirez does. No, I’m not going to cuff you. You’re recovering from serious injuries. We’re going to be damn careful with you. Now let’s go before Ramirez kills one of my men.”

  He put a firm arm around her and guided her toward the entrance.

  “Jules!” Manny cried.

  She turned to see one of the agents cuffing Manny in an effort to subdue him. He was wild beneath them, trying to reach her.

  “I’ll come for you, Jules. I won’t let them get away with this. I swear it.”

  “I love you,” she whispered, then allowed herself to be led away.

  True to their word, the agents were very solicitous. She was escorted into a plush office and given a comfortable place to sit. She was asked if she was in pain or if she needed anything.

  She needed Manny. The one thing they weren’t going to give her.

  She sat in the chair, tense, agonizing over her fate. She was a terrorist. No way they were going to let her walk away.

  Several minutes later, the agent who’d escorted her in entered the room with another man.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get around to introductions. I was a little concerned with what Ramirez might do,” the agent said. “My name is Agent Vasquez, special agent in charge of the ongoing investigation into the NFR and its connection to the CIA, and to Senator Denison.” He gestured toward the man standing next to him. “This is Senator Charles Whiting. He’s heading the Senate Investigation Committee.”

  “Am I being arrested?” she asked again.

  “No, Ms. Trehan, you are officially under protective custody,” Agent Vasquez replied. “That is until we determine your role in the NFR.”

  “Why wasn’t Manny allowed to accompany me?”

  “Because he’s a CIA agent, and the CIA is under heavy investigation at the moment. You won’t be allowed any contact with him until the hearings are over.”


  Agent Vasquez turned to Senator Whiting, and the senator cleared his throat.

  “The Senate is conducting a thorough investigation of its own, in addition to any ongoing FBI investigation. We’d appreciate your cooperation, of course.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Of course.”

  The senator took the seat across from the couch she sat on. “I’ll level with you, Ms. Trehan. Other than the documents we’ve recovered, and the computer files, you’re our star witness. Your testimony is necessary if we want to successfully prosecute Senator Denison and the other twenty individuals involved in the NFR.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “I don’t understand. Aren’t there others who could testify? What of the other assas—agents?”

  “The fact is, your position in the NFR is quite unique, Ms. Trehan. Everyone else was there of their own accord. They signed on knowing full well the range and scope of the group. You were different. It is that unique perspective which we wish to gain. You could provide us very valuable information.”

  “I see. And what can I expect in return?” She knew full well this was a bargaining session.

  The senator’s face hardened. “If you cooperate, we’ll take into consideration the fact you were forcibly recruited and act accordingly. If you refuse, you’ll be charged with acts of terrorism and stand trial with the others.”

  “I don’t see that I have any choice,” she said tightly.

  The senator’s eyes glinted in satisfaction. “I knew we could count on you, Ms. Trehan. Agent Vasquez here will see to your needs until your testimony.”

  “How long before I testify?”

  “A few weeks at the most. You’ll speak before a closed panel. It’s vital that none of this is leaked to the press. Not until we have a firm idea of what we’re dealing with and have acted to ensure all members of the NFR are captured.”

  She heard the warning in his voice and nodded.

  “Very good, Ms. Trehan. I’ll see you at the hearings then.” He gave her a curt nod and turned and left the room.

  She glanced up at Agent Vasquez. “What now?”

  Regret glimmered in his eyes. “I’m to take you to an undisclosed location where you’ll remain under protective custody until your testimony.”

  “What does that mean, exactly?”

  He sat down on the couch beside her and rubbed his hands over his pants. “It means you’ll go underground. Completely. We’ll provide a doctor to examine you on a daily basis and provide all the medical attention you need. You won’t see or talk to anyone until you testify.”

  Her mouth popped open in shock. “I won’t see Manny?”

  Agent Vasquez shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

  She looked down at her hands and tried valiantly to compose herself. Then she looked back up at the agent. “Can you at least tell him what’s happening?”

  Vasquez sighed. “I’m not supposed to, but I’ll let him know something. I promise. He’s probably already torn down the damn FBI building demanding answers.”

  Jules smiled. Yes, he probably had. Her smile faded. What would happen to her? Would she ever see Manny again? She didn’t trust the government as far as she could throw it. She knew if they wanted, they could make her disappear, make it so she’d never existed.

  “I read your file, Ms. Trehan,” Vasquez said quietly. “I know how difficult this must be for you. I promise to do everything in my power to make sure we hold up our end of the bargain.”

  “Thank you.” She held up her hands in a gesture of surrender. “I suppose we should go wherever it is you’re stowing me.”

  He nodded and helped her to her feet.

  As Jules walked from the offices, she realized she didn’t even know how to contact Manny once this was all over with.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass whether I’m supposed to be there or not,” Manuel raged. “Nothing this side of a grenade is going to keep me out of those hearings.”

  Tony held up his hands. “Calm down, man. I’m working on it, I swear.”

  “Three weeks, Tony. Three goddamn weeks they’ve kept me from her!”

  Manuel paced back and forth in front of Tony’s desk, his agitation increasing with each second. He stopped and whirled around to rant some more.

  “She was just released from the hospital. She was in no shape to be harangued and threatened into testifying. I have no idea how she is, if she’s hurting, or how they’re treating her, damn it.”

  “Manuel, you’re going to blow a gasket or have an aneurysm if you don’t calm down. They’ve provided her excellent medical care.”

  Manuel pounded Tony’s desk with his fist. He wanted to kill someone. Preferabl
y the sons of bitches who’d taken Jules and wouldn’t let him see her.

  “You get me into that hearing, Tony. I swear if you don’t, you’re going to be reading about me in tomorrow’s paper.”

  “Listen to me, Manuel.” Tony leaned forward and pinned Manuel with a determined stare. “Don’t screw up now. Not when you’re this close. I know how tough this has been for you. I’ve watched you prowl around like a caged lion for the last three weeks, but damn it, don’t blow it when you’re nearly there.”

  Fury consumed Manuel. Had consumed him since the bastards had taken Jules away. Worse was the fact he had no idea what was going on with her. He had no idea what their plans were. Surely they couldn’t be planning to prosecute her.

  He sat down on the other side of the desk from Tony and blew out an irritated breath. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the polished wood. “Listen to me, Tony. I don’t know what they’re planning, but I won’t let them lock her up for something she had no control over.”

  An uneasy look flickered across Tony’s face.

  “I don’t like the way you just said that, Manuel.”

  “I just wanted you to know. If this all goes terribly wrong, I’m prepared to do whatever necessary to free Jules. Then we’re going as far as we can. Someplace those bastards can’t find us.”

  Tony swore. “Don’t go flying off the handle, Manuel. You don’t know what their plans are. Chances are they just want her testimony.”

  “That’s just it, Tony. We don’t know what their plans are. The bastards could have told us. They left us with our balls twisting in the wind.”

  Tony rubbed a tired hand over his face, and Manuel felt a pang of regret. All this had been hard on Tony, too, and his partner had spent a lot of sleepless nights sewing up the case against Denison. Tony had personally combed through each and every computer file, personal document and telephone record of Sanderson and the senator.

  “I know you love her, man. Hell, maybe I’d do the same if the woman I loved was facing a damn Senate Investigation Hearing.”

  Tony leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

  “I tell you what. I’ll call in a favor. Senator Bilkins’s secretary owes me. I’ll see if she can get you into the hearing.”

  Manuel raised his brow. “Secretary?”

  Tony held out a hand. “Don’t ask.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you, yet again.”

  Tony shook his head. “Screw that. You’d do the same for me. I just want things to work out for you and Jules. That girl deserves a break.”

  Tony picked up the phone and dialed a number. After several minutes of sweet talking, plus one promise of dinner, he hung up and rolled his eyes.

  “Okay, man, you’re in. She’s sending over the badge you’ll need to get into the hearing by courier. Should be here within the hour.”

  Manuel reached over the desk and hauled Tony into a hug.

  “Ah hell, man, knock that shit off.”

  “Thanks, Tony. We’ll name our firstborn after you.”

  Tony grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Jules sat stiffly at the small table before a panel of ten senators. They’d asked her questions for three hours. She was exhausted both mentally and physically. They’d left no stone unturned in their investigation.

  She’d refused counsel. She was guilty as hell. They knew it, and she knew it. Nothing a lawyer could do for her would change that fact.

  Every single detail from the past three years of her life was now entered into record. She’d answered their questions with bloodless lips, her fingers curled tightly into balls.

  She flinched at some of the things that spilled from her mouth. And still they questioned her. Prodded. Poked until she felt she had no more blood to bleed.

  She slumped forward in her chair, fatigue overwhelming her. Would the day never end? How many more times could she relive the horrible events of her past?

  Finally Senator Whiting leaned forward and spoke into the microphone. “You’ve been very cooperative, Ms. Trehan. I know I speak for all of my colleagues when I say your testimony was very helpful. Your honesty was appreciated.”

  He exchanged glances with the other senators then leaned forward once more.

  “In light of your testimony, and the countless documents and files that support your claims, we feel it would be a crime to prosecute you for your involvement.”

  He paused and his expression softened.

  “You’re free to go, Ms. Trehan. With our thanks.”

  She sat there numbly, looking at him in disbelief. Could that really be the end of it? Finally? She was free to go?

  Beside her, Agent Vasquez put an arm around her shoulders and helped her up. She looked at him, too, her lips trying to form the question.

  “It’s over,” he said quietly.

  She swayed precariously. Vasquez caught her before she fell and guided her toward the door. Once outside, she broke away and hurried for the bathroom. There, she leaned over a toilet and emptied the contents of her stomach.

  She stood, braced against the toilet until her stomach stopped rolling. Slowly, she straightened and walked to the sink to rinse her mouth. Her reflection startled her. She looked like hell.

  When she rejoined Vasquez in the hall, he looked at her in concern.

  “Everything all right?” he asked as he took her arm.

  She nodded.

  They walked slowly down the long hall leading out to the main entrance. As they walked, Jules’s mind whirled. She had to find Manny. She looked up at Vasquez, knowing how stupid her request was going to sound.

  “Agent Vasquez, do you…that is, do you know how I can get in touch with Manny Ramirez?”

  She felt stupid for asking, but she didn’t even know where Manny lived.

  A peculiar smile flashed across Vasquez’s face.

  “I think I do, Ms. Trehan.”

  He gestured toward the door. Jules looked up to see Manny standing there. Her heart tumbled and fell. She stopped in her tracks. Had he been at the hearing? Had he heard her testimony? The thought made her want to vomit all over again.

  She curled and uncurled her fingers and tamped back the urge to flee from his scrutiny.

  Then he simply opened his arms.

  Tears flooded her eyes, and she flew across the room, launching herself at him.

  He gathered her tightly against him. She buried her face in his neck and sobbed.

  “Ah, baby, it’s okay. Don’t cry,” he soothed, stroking her hair.

  Manuel glanced over Jules’s head at Agent Vasquez, who stared at them with something akin to satisfaction.

  “Thank you,” Manuel said sincerely. “Thank you for looking out for her.”

  Vasquez nodded. “You’re welcome. It was my pleasure. You take good care of this little lady.”

  “I’m never letting her go again,” Manuel vowed.

  The agent smiled and walked away, leaving Manuel and Jules alone.

  Manuel hugged Jules to him and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her in his arms. He’d never felt such relief as when the Senate committee dismissed her. Watching the torture they’d put her through had damn near killed him.

  He pulled her away from him and ran his eyes hungrily across