Read Long Way Back - Orbit the Sun – Part 8 Page 2

  He looked at the others.

  “The rest of you will know that in the event of a collision; fire or other such disaster the refuges can detach, and have sufficient thrust to move away from the danger.”

  He looked back at Peter.

  “But that basically is it. What we are considering is if we use the combined thrust of the refuges carefully, we can make some minor changes to our course. It’s nowhere near enough to make any significant change, but maybe enough to bring us on course to intersect with Earth’s plane; that is once Earth catches us up; that’s the first thing I want confirmed. This leaves a problem that if we can reposition to intersect with Earth, we will cross orbit at some totally random time. What we need to do it control when that time occurs. For that purpose we have the St. Louis: it still has fuel, but only sufficient to detach from the station and get it back to a safe landing an Earth; plus of course a small safety margin. The second thing I need confirmed is how we can use that fuel and the St. Lois to slow us. I believe that between the thrusters and the St. Louis we can place Earthrise in the vicinity of the planet.”

  Now the faces before him were full of hope.

  “That could turn out to be the easy part, as once we intersect with Earth we need to transfer down to the surface, but for now that’s not our problem. We need to get within striking distance of the planet… Now I expect all of you have doubts and reasons why it can’t be done, I’m not interested in any of them; it’s your job to tell me how it can be achieved and not to tell me that it can’t be. By all means raise problems, but when you do give me a way to solve that problem?”

  Alisha was first to raise her hand. “If we use the fuel on the shuttle it wont have enough fuel to re-enter. Will Earth have enough to send?”

  “I just said that’s a problem we’ll solve later, but to answer you now; during our transmissions something of that nature was briefly discussed, but not worked out. Earth is still in chaos, there could be a shuttle ready, but that is something we will have to find out when the time comes?”

  “We will probably need several; that could be a problem?”

  “Yes, but its far in the future, and the reality is that we could number less by then; maybe far less?”

  Matt spoke. “I’m assuming the transfer window will be very short?”

  Andrew nodded. “Hours at the most; that’s why everything depends on how much we can slow. That will determine how long we can be in the vicinity with both ours and Earths closing velocities?”

  Again he turned to Peter.

  “Shuttles are not designed for deep space they will be able to meet us barely above Earthrise’s previous orbit; likewise we have to get everybody on board while we are in the arc of time until we’re too far and Earth will have gone? It’s possible that that time could be measured in parts of an hour instead of whole ones?”

  He looked at the others.

  “There you have it hope is not lost but it's tenuous; you people have to make it work.”

  Leeshia raised her arm. “Do you have an idea of how long before the intersect?”

  “Not for sure without sorting everything else out, but the Earth is going behind the sun; so it’s going to be six; anything up to nine months: it could even be more?”

  “We don’t have food enough for that length of time?”

  “No… and that raises another thing I need to tell you. I’m appointing Peter head of security.”

  All the faces turned to Peter; he smiled a genial smile but it wasn’t reflected on those looking at him

  “And this is probably a good as time as any to answer all the comments about Peters methods in quelling the riot.”

  He looked at Peter, and then at the others.

  “I have had complaints as to how it was achieved; Yes it was over the top, severe and out of proportion, as has been described to me, and I agree with you. How it was quelled was extreme, but so is our situation, and if things had not got out-of-hand those types of methods would never have been required. If he hadn’t got us control back we may not be having this meeting now. The fact is that Peter did what he said he could and quickly and for that fact alone he has my approval as someone who can control an uncontrollable situation; for that reason he will now be in control of all security. As for methods he has assured me it wont be necessary to be as rough in the future. What he is proposing and I have accepted answers your question; we will impose strict rationing immediately.”

  “That wont go own well?” Said Leeshia “Food and drink is all that is keeping up morale?”

  “What about sex?”

  All eyes turned to Emma.

  “There is a third thing; friendships are turning into relationships; in nine months time we could be having additions to our number?”

  There were a few amused smiles that soon faded; Andrews was the first. “You have something to tell us?”

  “Well you know that Bethany is pregnant; she will be passed her term long before that?”

  Andrews voice was stern. “But you’re suggesting more?”

  “I assume she is referring to me?” Peter said looking at Mathew. “It is not something that I usually discuss in public, but my wife is aboard and it is expected she should tend to my needs. Normally she would take precautions but she did not provided for the time we have, and will have to face?”

  Matt felt the power of the man’s stare.

  “But while that is my right it is not my problem; as is common knowledge she is sleeping with Mathew here?”

  Now eyes turned to Mathew; suddenly he felt defensive. “On the contrary we are not sharing the same cabin.”

  Andrew looked at him. “Can I hope that you have come to your senses?”

  “I don’t believe I ever lost them.”

  Peter smiled. “Then I expect you send her back?”

  “No it is her choice?”

  “But you have and are influencing her choice.”

  “With good reason.” Matt looked at Andrew. “I want to make it quite clear that giving this man power of any sort is as bigger mistake as any we have made. He cannot be trusted and it’s my belief that he is responsible for at least one of the deaths.”

  There were gasps as people’s eyes darted between the two.

  “Mathew you can’t be serious?” Andrew snapped.

  “I’m very serious.”

  Peter was smiling. “I’m assuming you have a witness?”

  Matt knew that Jennifer was on both their minds. “No.”

  “No ... Then how do you come to this accusation that I killed whoever I am supposed to have killed?

  Matt looked at Andrew. “I don’t want to take it any further at this time. I’m just trying to make you realize that he is a bad choice.”

  “Mathew how can I even think that you know what you are talking about without you giving me any proof?”

  “I can’t prove it right now, but I will?”

  “Then Mathew.” Snapped Andrew; “You should keep those and any suspicions you dream up to yourself, until you do have that proof?”

  “Commander we can't give that man the authority you are going to?”

  “Matt you’re an asset to Earthrise: an almost essential asset in our situation, but you have had problems with my decisions since we left Earth. Not only that your relationship with Peters wife has obviously clouded your judgment. You have to snap out of it or it’s likely to put our already perilous situation in more danger. I’ve told you before to stay away from her and now I’m ordering you to have nothing to do with her at all?”

  “Commander?” interrupted Peter with a calming voice. “What we have endured has brought out emotions and feelings in all of us, and I’m sure Mathew regrets the whole thing as much as we all do. I’m prepared to take my wife back, and let that be the end of the matter. We all need to concentrate on the future not the past?”

  Maybe him and Jennifer were over but Matt didn’t want her getting back into Peters clutches, and he was ready to say so, but A
ndrew was nodding in agreement and the others all seemed to agree as well.

  “Thank you Peter; I’m sure we all could learn a lesson from your sensible and magnanimous words… Now if we can forget this unpleasant matter and get back to rationing. Peter has also proposed that we have a work for food system, that way we can avoid any malingering. Everybody pulls together or they don’t get any food.”

  Matt immediately wanted to protest but he had already said enough so it was up to Leeshia.

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “Why not; it’s what we all do, we do our jobs and we get fed, as Peter pointed out sooner or later those of us that do will say why bother? If everybody is occupied and busy they won’t have time to spend thinking of another riot?”

  “I can see the incentives but were not some totalitarian dictatorship?”

  “On the contrary.” Said Peter in a mater-of-fact way. “If we are to survive that’s exactly what we have to be?”

  Again Matt wanted to interject and point out that Peter had become part of the decision making group for the totally opposite reason.

  “It strikes me that,” Leeshia continued. “…that will only make people steal what they need?”

  “That’s been thought of,” said Andrew. “And it’s part of the reason Peter is head of security. He will ensure they are secured and will be in sole charge of access to all the provisions stores.”

  Leeshia was flabbergasted. “You mean I have to ask permission to get my supplies?”

  “Yes,” nodded Andrew, “And not only the food; the liquor store, and the water supply as well.”

  There was a stunned silence.

  “Right so if that’s all the questions you need to put everything you have to the problem of intersecting with Earth, and then we can tell everyone else what’s going to happen as soon as possible?” Andrew smiled as he looked at Peter. “The last thing any of us want is a return to chaos.

  Matt shook his head thinking chaos was probably a better option.

  As they left the meeting Emma fell in beside Matt. “For what it’s worth I agree with you; the man is a creep.”

  Matt shrugged. “Obviously Andrew has his own reasons?”

  She smiled but it wasn’t an amused smile. “I can’t think what they are?” She was quite for a moment as they walked then she put her hand on Matt’s arm and stopped. She looked in front and behind, the others had gone on ahead. “Can I tell you something?”

  It seemed a strange question. “Of course.”

  Again she looked around to make sure no one was listening. She looked at him as if gauging his reaction. “A report has gone from my files.”

  “A medical report?”

  “Cause of death, as close as I can get to an autopsy report. It’s gone?”

  “You want me to help you find it?”

  “I don’t think it will be that easy; it’s been taken.”

  “That doesn’t make sense; you’re sure its not been misplaced?”

  “No, I remember putting it away.”

  “You should probably report it to Andrew?”

  “I have and he said to forget it?”

  Matt stared at her. “He said that; why would he say that?”

  “That’s what I want to know, especially as it was about Clive, and I’d marked it cause of death unknown, but I wrote down what I found during the examination of his ear?”

  “You’ve told Andrew?”



  “He said without a formal autopsy it’s just my suspicions and he couldn’t make any accusations without some legal standing.”

  “I suppose he has a point.”

  “And ignore a murderer on the lose?”

  “After what he did there are probably a lot of suspects and I’d be one.”

  “Yes but what reasons would you or anybody have to kill Vladimir?”

  “It’s too late to prove he was murdered?”

  “There’s something else… Lucy: she came to me and asked for contraceptives?”

  Matt said nothing; he didn’t know what to say.

  “She said she was having sex and needed protection.”

  “It’s company policy not to carry that stuff; she should have known better than to ask?”

  Emma gave a wry smile. “Actually we do; most of the girls know.”

  “No it’s company policy?”

  “Company policy is what Wubic want you to believe. It’s not made public but there was always the possibility that a guest would have lost or forgotten theirs. Wubic was concerned that if an unwanted pregnancy occurred they could be open to litigation in some way; so we carry a small stock.”

  “I don’t know if I should feel affronted that I wasn’t informed?”

  “Your not a doctor; or medical staff.”

  “So did you give her anything?”

  “No, she said she was going to make a lot of money; I assumed she was having an affair with one of the guests, Look it sounds a bit harsh now, but I didn’t want to be compromised while she was having fun, and after all everyone of us is in the same boat; so to speak.”

  Matt looked at her curiously. “Everyone?”

  She gave an embarrassed smile. “Don’t ask.”

  “You think she fell pregnant?”

  “It’s hard to tell; she wouldn’t give me any samples, but if I had to say yes or no I’d say yes, but that’s without proof too?”

  Matt tried to sound supportive. “I shouldn’t start beating yourself up. As you say were all ‘in the same boat’; it’s sad but if she couldn’t cope then it’s not your problem.”

  “No, but then she came to me for pain killers. She said she had fallen over and hit her jaw; she was convinced it was broken. I had a look; there ha been severe strain where the mandible hinges onto the skull, and there was a lot of bruising that indicated it almost dislocated… Over time you see all sorts of damage people do to themselves but it looked like the results of a punch or heavy slap. I don’t think she fell I think she was in a fight?”

  “Did you ask her?”

  “I asked her to describe what had happened, but she wouldn’t; she didn’t say a thing, she just left… I think she was scared?”

  “Who was the man; do you know?”

  “She never told me, but then Sara said something; She thought it was funny, not amusing funny; weird; creepy funny. She said that Peter tried to pimp her?”

  “What?” gasped Matt. “She told you that?”

  “She wasn’t sure if he was joking; if you can call that kind of thing a joke, but he said he could get her clients amongst the crew and guests, and that he would make it well worth her while when we got back, if she’d entertain his boys?”

  Matt was speechless.

  “Matt I can’t make connections, but Peter threatened Clive, and if he made the same proposition to Lucy then that’s two out of three?”

  “I think you should keep this to yourself until we can complete the triangle?”

  Andrew stood before the assembly flanked by Matt and Peter. “As I said we have encountered and survived; I intend for us to continue to survive. If we are to do that we can never allow what happened to happen again… I have called this meeting to inform you that I have designated a new command structure… to maintain order no matter what problems we may encounter; to that end I have appointed Peter.” He looked sideways. “To act as our new; overall, security head. He will maintain order: I think you all understand what that means?”

  The almost audible moans of dissatisfaction showed they did.

  “I also intend to appoint Mathew as acting station commander.”

  Matt turned quickly: he couldn’t help being surprised.

  But Andrew ignored him. “He will now have the responsibility to formulate and see that all decisions on the operation of earthrise are implemented. I will remain overall command, and I assure you that between us we will get Earthrise fully functioning again, and get us home.”

That got murmurs of approval

  “All of us have had it demonstrated to us that we are not infallible, or have all the answers, so if any of you have any questions and suggestions now is the time to voice them?”

  Matt’s brain was still besieged with his new promotion; or was it? He definitely had more responsibilities and authority, but he also carried more potential blame; was that the reason Andrew had promoted him? He couldn’t think clearly as Andrew gestured towards him.

  “We will continue until our last breaths to examine every possibility wont we Mathew?”

  “Yes…” Matt answered as he fought his confusion to concentrate on what Andrew was saying.

  “…it is unlikely there will be any remaining in the shuttle once the we have made sufficient changes to get us to Earth intersect.”

  Matt stared at the faces yet he couldn’t see where the questions Andrew was answering came from.

  “No we can’t use the shuttle for escape once the fuel has been used.” said Andrew in reply to another question.

  Matt could tell from the voice that it was a man; another male voice wanted to know how useful the shuttle was anyway?

  “…The shuttles arrangements only allow for certain maneuverability; to move the station to the correct trajectory is something we are still working on?”

  Now it was one of the crew Matt recognized the voice, but it seemed everyone was talking about the shuttle.

  “The fuel’s used have a different composition’s.” explained Andrew. “What we have left is too valuable to waste and without getting technical information that we don’t have, we dare not risk wasting a drop.”

  Matt could see a man speaking. “Have you asked?”

  “No,” said Andrew. “Earth is too close to the Sun, and because of the solar activity communication is becoming difficult, but we will ask as soon as we are able.”

  “Can we get it from one tank to the other?” asked the same man.

  “That’s part of the same question we have to answer. Can we modify or use; once we know we will have to decide if there is any safe why to decant between?”

  A woman asked the next question.

  “Where will Earthrise end up?” Andrew’s reply was less eager to answer. “In forty or fifty years Earthrise we will leave the influence of the Solar System and venture into the space between the stars?”

  Her next question cause murmurs of disquiet. “And we could be the first interstellar humans?”

  “Everybody… Please… Yes, but none of us would witness that momentous event, but we’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.