Read Longing for You Page 13

  “Then you’re not opposed to seeing her?”

  Jonah shot him a set of folded brows. “Of course not, but you saw how she reacted to seeing me. She hates me.”

  Theo saw through his brother’s bullshit. Jonah was insecure. Insecurities made people vulnerable, and no man wanted to feel vulnerable. Jonah hid that side of him well, but then, so had Theo.

  The Master Sergeant wouldn’t allow his boys to be soft. He raised men, not girls. They had to suck it up and keep going, balls to the wall. No wonder his father disliked him. He never went out for sports or showed off his masculinity. He wrote and created music. Emotions weighed in his words as well as his lyrics. It made him weak as far his father was concerned.

  Brushing off the thoughts, he concentrated on Jonah. “Ally doesn’t hate you. She’s angry. She thinks you didn’t want her. Maybe it’s time to tell her the truth.”

  Jonah placed his phone on the table and rubbed his face. “If she wanted to talk, she’d call.”

  “Maybe she will.”

  “Great…” Jonah squinted. “What are you up to, Theo?”

  “Hang on a second.”

  “No, you hang on.” Jonah barely barked the demand when his phone rang. He gazed at the table then back toward Theo. “Excuse me.”

  He wasted no time grabbing his phone or placing it to his ear. “Jonah McCabe… Yes, you have the right person… That’s correct… Correct again… Wait, what did you just say…? They delivered it where…? Christ…”

  The urgency in his voice got the best of Theo. He hoped whatever his brother was discussing didn’t involve him or the guys. He needed these next few weeks in Savannah and he would be damned if anyone took that away from him.

  It would be like high school all over. When he’d finally worked up the nerve to ask Cassie on a date, Parker Pearson interfered. The fight that ensued stole Theo’s chance. Nothing would stand in his way this time.


  Jonah’s voice weaved into Theo’s thoughts. His brother’s white lips and set jaw were clue of his annoyance. His final response into the phone was proof. “I’m in downtown Savannah. I can be there before closing. If that’s not soon enough, I’ll reimburse you for a courier. Good day.”

  He slammed his phone onto the table then stood. “I gotta go. Some idiot manager shipped masters to me but put the wrong address on the package. They’re in Atlanta. If those recordings leak…”

  “So you’re leaving?”

  “Yes. Wouldn’t you want me to do the same if it were Southern Scandal’s masters?”

  Theo clenched his jaw. He hated when Jonah made a good point. “Yeah, I guess I would… Maybe one of these days we’ll sit down and chat before we leave Savannah.”

  As Jonah scooted his chair back, he tucked his phone into his pocket then placed his hand on Theo’s shoulder. “Trust me, brother, I’m plenty curious as to what you have to say, especially if it has something to do with Ally. If you have a better day at the studio tomorrow, call me and I’ll swing in. We can chat there or grab a beer.”

  “No worries, Jonah.” Theo tapped his fingers against his cup. “I’m used to coming in last on your priority list. Just go.”

  “I’m doing what I can to help. Can’t you give me a little credit?”

  “This isn’t about that, but whatever. You better get going.”

  Slumping his shoulders, Jonah nodded and looked away. “Yeah. I guess so.”

  His footsteps faded behind Theo as guilt washed over him. He shouldn’t have been so callous toward his brother. None of this would be happening without Jonah, or at least not this quick. They wouldn’t be in Savannah. He wouldn’t be recording his first album, and he sure as hell wouldn’t be spending time with Cassie.

  He should be kissing Jonah’s ass. Instead, he wanted to pay him back a different way. Ally would be a nice reward for all his brother’s effort.

  Until then, Theo would be a good boy and do what was expected. That meant making an album, and once he did, Jonah could take it to his connection at the record label. It was up to Theo and the guys to give Jonah the best album to present.

  “Uh oh. I know that look.”

  The sound of Cassie’s voice startled Theo. She moved around the table and took the same seat Jonah previously occupied. She sipped from a to-go cup that was similar to the one in his hands. Guess he’d been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn’t seen her enter the coffee shop.

  Damn, his day just got better.

  “And what look would that be, sugar?”

  Cassie didn’t miss a beat as she shot back, “The same one you always had when you were in trouble. Have you been a bad boy, Theo McCabe?”

  Not yet, but when the final act of his seduction came into play, he’d be the biggest bad boy she’d ever seen.

  And she’d love every second.

  “Believe me, doll. If I was being bad, you’d be the first to know,” he winked. “Actually, Jonah and I had a disagreement.”

  “Is he here?” She stretched her neck and surveyed the room as if she would spot him elsewhere.

  “No, you just missed him. I’m surprised you didn’t bump into him on his way out.”

  “Nope. Didn’t see him.” Her eyes returned to his. “Did you talk to him about going out this weekend?”

  He knew she would ask if he’d spoken with Jonah. Hell, it was the purpose for meeting with her today. Too bad he didn’t have a definite answer to give her.

  “We talked briefly.”

  It wasn’t a complete lie. They did discuss Ally and whether Jonah wanted to see her again. It wasn’t his fault his brother got a phone call that dragged him away before the weekend was mentioned.

  Cassie pulled her phone out of her purse and stared at the screen. “I’ve been texting Ally. I think she’s almost on board for the meet up.”

  “That’s awesome. I figured she’d be more closed to the idea.”

  “She sorta was. I had to tell a bit of a lie to convince her to hear me out.”

  “This should be interesting.” He couldn’t resist teasing her. When she frowned, he chuckled and took a swig of his coffee. “What did you tell her?”

  “Well…” Her attention shifted past him as the corner of her mouth lifted. “I told Ally that I was interested in you and needed an excuse to hang out.”

  Theo didn’t respond. He couldn’t. All he did was grin. He’d like nothing more than her interest in him. It was his ultimate goal.

  “Is there more?”

  Cassie shifted in her seat and placed her phone on the table. “I suggested that Ally and I meet up with you and Jonah this weekend. If she came, you would think it was because she wanted to see Jonah, not because I wanted to see you.” She peered up then raised her head higher. “I promised that if she did this favor for me, I’d work up the nerve to ask you out.”

  Damn… It’s like she was reading his mind. If she only knew she hadn’t lied at all. She’d simply figured him out.

  Still, it puzzled him how she could make the connection. They’d flirted over the weekend, but she was the one that kissed him. Maybe that kiss wasn’t as friendly as she made it out to be. It couldn’t be. Not with the way she flirted. She was bold, sassy, and drove him a hell of a lot crazier than when they were teens.

  “So,” he began after clearing his throat. “Which part was the lie?”

  Cassie leaned on her elbows and moved her head closer. He did the same, but fisted his hands and forced himself not to go in for a kiss. Depending on her answer, he might do it anyway.

  She smirked at his response then teased his lips with her finger. “You’re a big boy, Theo. You’ll figure it out.” She winked and then stood slowly. “Excuse me. I’m going to the ladies’ room. Be right back.”

  Theo nodded. He squeezed the paper cup in his hands as he watched her walk toward the back of the building. He loved the way her hips swayed, but then, there wasn’t a part of her he didn’t admire.

  When she disappeared from his s
ight, he growled under his breath. The sides of the cup caved and the lid popped off. Luckily, there wasn’t much coffee left inside to spill. Perhaps enough for a drink, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t need more caffeine. He needed Cassie.

  Leaning his back against the seat, he rubbed his face and sighed. God. He was so fucked. He was supposed to be seducing her, not the other way around. She did enough of that when they were younger.

  He didn’t mind her being drawn to his mischievous ways, but this wasn’t about proving he could please her. This was about showing her what she would miss when he was gone. It was about instilling an ache inside of her, an ache that would leave her wanting him the way he wanted her.

  A dozen different scenarios played through his mind on how he would seduce her. He let each one unfold, and the more they did, the more he fought off an erection. His body was responding the way it normally did whenever she came to mind. Too bad hers didn’t do the same when she thought of him. He could just imagine her lying on her bed, pleasing herself while she fantasized about taking him deep…

  A surge of fire heated his body when he spotted her working her way through the tables and back to theirs. He swept the thoughts aside and readjusted himself. At least the table would prevent her from noticing the bulge in his pants.

  Damn his dick. It had a mind of its own and half the patience he did. He needed it to go down, not salute him.

  Once she took her seat, he put on his best smile and waited for her to glance his way. He needed to focus on their plan, not the one he had to fuck her. “I meant to ask if you’d come up with any ideas on where to go this weekend.”

  “I’ve mulled over a couple ideas. I think the important part is keeping things casual. The less pressure Ally feels, the better. I put enough on her by asking her to do this.” She gazed down at his cup and frowned. “What happened to your coffee?”

  Shit. He had to think fast. “Oh, that… The lid was loose. It fell off when I picked it up. I thought I was going to drop it and gripped it so hard that I crushed the sides.

  “I see that… Okay then, back to our discussion. I’m not sure what you had in mind, but if you want to get together during the day, we could go to Hilton Head or Tybee Island.” She took the final sip of her coffee then set it aside. “Or if you want to wait until evening, I know a low-key bar with good food, better music, and killer drinks.”

  Laughter rumbled his chest. “I like the way you think, doll.”

  “Well, you know me. My horns support my halo.” She teased him with his prior words. “Do I need to remind you that some of my crazy ideas are the ones that got us into trouble?”

  “Touché. Guess we’ve always been alike, haven’t we? We’re polar opposites of Jonah and Ally.”

  Her lips lifted again. “You have no idea.”

  “I bet I do.”

  Neither said anything as they stared at each other. Why was he putting himself through this? She obviously wanted him or was at least curious enough to see if she might. He could fulfill his fantasies of her and be done with it.

  So what if she always thought about him as the same troublemaker she once knew. There wouldn’t be anything between them but memories of their time together. He needed to get over this idea of her longing for him once he was gone. She was too beautiful to spend many nights alone. In fact, he wasn’t sure if she was single. She acted as if she was, but he needed to know. He wasn’t a cheater and he wasn’t about to make her one.

  Before he could find the nerve to ask, Cassie placed her phone in her purse and stood. “I need to go. I have another stop to make before I head to the airport.”

  “I won’t keep you. I’ll get with Jonah and figure out a time to meet up this weekend. We’ll finalize our plans from there.” He pushed off his seat and stood when she turned toward the door. “I need to go too. How about I walk you to your car?”

  “Wow, Theo. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a gentleman.”

  He shrugged then motioned for her to lead the way. Maybe this plan to seduce her would work after all. The more he poured on the charm, the more she saw another side of him. It’s exactly what he wanted.

  The rest would work itself out before the weekend.

  After they collected their things, they made their way through the coffee shop and out the door. A short trek around the side of the building led to a parking lot full of cars. Theo observed the different makes and models, challenging himself to find hers before they approached it. The black Benz in the back row kept gaining his attention. A moment later, its lights flashed when Cassie disengaged the alarm.

  Once they neared it, she slowed her stride and leaned into the body as she faced him. “Thanks for walking me out. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I’ll see you tomorrow at the studio.”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you there… Hey. I uh…” Damn. He was really going to do this. “Is your boyfriend going to get upset with us for spending so much time together? I mean, it’s mostly professional, and Saturday was just to form a plan for Ally and Jonah.”

  “Boyfriend?” she snickered as he stopped a couple of feet in front of her. “Don’t worry, Theo. There’s no boyfriend to piss off. I’m not into serious relationships. Guess Mr. Right hasn’t come along yet.”

  It was the best news he’d heard all day. He crept closer until a foot remained between them. “Well, I could be your Mr. Right Now.”

  Cassie lowered her eyes down his body and back. “Sweetheart, you couldn’t handle me.” She pulled the door ajar, but Theo shut it. Her brows tightened with confusion. “Is there something else?”

  “Yeah.” His voice grew raspy. “There’s something I gotta know.”

  “What’s that?”

  He raised his hands and cupped her cheeks. As he lowered his lead, he leaned his body into hers and made one, slow sweep with his lips. On the second pass, he pressed harder. Her mouth parted. The heat of her breath warmed his face, but he didn’t lose focus. He slid his tongue into her mouth and swirled it with hers. Her body relaxed as she leaned into him more.

  Damn, she tasted sweet—sweet as a Georgia peach. She was definitely one of those, and by god, he wanted to sample her nectar. But he couldn’t. This was about seduction. It was about enticing her to want more. He couldn’t get carried away, no matter how much he wanted to.

  As he eased away, he pecked her lips once more. The corner of his mouth kinked when she released the breath she’d been holding and opened her eyes. Had he left her breathless? Fuck, he hoped so. But if not, she would be before he was finished with her.

  “I think maybe you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.”

  She stammered for a response but no words formed. Good. He had her right where he wanted her. Now it was time to leave her hanging. As he opened her door, he motioned for her to get inside.

  “You better get going. You don’t want to be late to the airport.”


  Theo flung his guitar pick across the room then slumped his shoulders. The repetitious pounding in his temples turned into a thumping force that consumed his thoughts. This was not his day. Hell, this hadn’t been his week.

  Hard to believe it was already Friday.

  He rubbed his face and stared across the room. Jesse, Allen, and Jeff were gone, had been gone for the last hour. He hadn’t expected them to stay. They did what they were meant to do. He was the one fucking up shit.

  “Why don’t we call it a day, Theo?”

  He turned toward the glass partition where he saw Josh, as well as one of the sound producers, sitting inside the booth. Both looked like they’d spent a full day doing manual labor. No smiles warmed their rugged faces, no brightness lit up their eyes, and the way the sound producer stretched his neck on each side said his muscles were as stiff as Theo’s.

  Nodding at both reluctantly, he slid his guitar off his knee and onto the floor. At the same time, Josh’s voice echoed over the speaker again. “We have a couple more days to get this demo right. Don
’t stress it, Theo. Everyone has a bad week.”

  Theo didn’t answer. He gave Josh a curt nod and rose to his feet. Josh could sugarcoat this all he wanted, but Theo knew the truth. The music sucked. He sucked.

  Jonah would be pissed when he found out the past week of sessions were a loss. It meant his time, money, and advice had been wasted. No way would he listen to anything Theo had to say after that. He would blame Cassie for being the reason nothing was accomplished.

  Yeah, she distracted him whenever he noticed her, but she wasn’t the sole source of his problem. Did Jonah even know she worked at the studio? He hadn’t mentioned it. As far as Theo knew, she’d only been in contact with Josh.

  “Enjoy your weekend.” Josh’s voice hummed over the speaker again as he waved his hand and exited the sound booth just before the producer.

  Silence surrounded Theo. He could hear his pulse inside his ears, even the way it quickened when his phone buzzed on the table beside him. A text displayed across the screen in a bubble with Jonah’s name.

  I’m here. Be inside in a few.

  Damn it… It was the one thing he didn’t want. Facing Jonah in his current mood wouldn’t end well, especially if his brother was in the same mood. God knows he’d been in a foul one earlier this week. As much as Theo wanted to leave for the evening, it would be best to pull an all-nighter and work on the issues he’d found with the music.

  He swept the corner of each paper lying beside his phone. Neither he nor Jonah had approved of the lyrics on the stack of pages. It was a suggestion by one of the label executives his brother knew.

  Each word he scanned made him cringe. If he couldn’t sing something that wasn’t personal to him, he sure as hell couldn’t sing the crap on these papers. Southern Scandal wasn’t some boy band on the rise. They were a southern rock and blues band. Their songs held weight from emotions, experiences, and epiphanies.

  Their songs were about real life.

  “You in the zone?”

  Theo turned toward Jonah’s voice and shook his head. “Taking a break. It’s going to be a long night.”