Read Looking for Mr. Right Page 5

  "How did you know he called?"

  "I heard the phone ring this morning and just put two and two together. Like I told you yesterday, I think he likes you. I think he'd use any excuse to spend time with you. Don't deny it girlfriend and don't give me this story about him needing you to help him with Halley. It's more than that."

  By the time Cynthia had finished filling Beca in on Jack's visit and conversation Beca was sitting up on the couch stroking the little dog's head and staring at Cynthia, "You're kidding? Right," she asked.

  "No, but oddly enough that is the exact same question I asked Jack," Cynthia told her friend.

  His idea might have merit," Beca continued, "and he is cute, I wouldn't mind being engaged to a fellow like Jack. Heck, you two might just tie the knot!"

  "Beca, please - stop kidding - this is serious," Cynthia was massaging her temples with her fingertips.

  "Think about it Cynthia, you'd be doing something no one else I know would do, helping a friend out of an impossible situation and saving a little girl from a life of misery. That Kate sounds like a real 'one of a kind' to me. It would only be for a couple of months."

  Cynthia removed her fingers from her ears. She'd been trying to clear her head while she listened to her friend lobbying for Jack, "Then you are suggesting I should go along with Jack's hair brain idea."

  "When you put it like that ….. I don't know. The fake engagement isn't any worse then your fake one to David."

  "Don't Beca, I feel guilty enough about that lie. Don't try to make me feel worse."

  "I'm sorry. I just like Jack and feel sorry for him. Forget what I said. You will decide what is best for the three of you."

  "All I know at the moment is I'm am wiped out. I need a good night's sleep," Cynthia headed towards the door. "I need a shower and a cup of hot tea. Want one?" she asked.

  "I'm fine. Sleep well, Cynthia."

  Cynthia went to bed thinking about Jack's proposal and woke up with it still on her mind. Could all this be happening because she had decided to swear off the opposite sex for six months and gotten involved in this teacher exchange program? No, it was happening because she had allowed herself to fall in love with Jack and his daughter.

  "You look terrible," Beca eyed her friend while she was pouring orange juice into two small glasses.

  "Good morning again to you, too," Cynthia reached for a mug and poured herself a cup of coffee,

  "Want a cup?"

  "Sure," Beca handed one of the glasses of oj to Cynthia. "Have some vitamin C - you don't look like you slept at all last night."

  "I didn't sleep well. I couldn't get Jack and Halley off my mind. What a mess I've gotten myself into."

  "Blame me, I was always trying to push eligible men your way before you left town. I feel responsible, in part anyway, for this mess. I didn't listen to you."

  "I made my own decision about leaving Miami. It wasn't your fault. I am an adult perfectly capable of screwing up without any help," Cynthia was rinsing out her glass and mug while glancing out the back window. "Let's get you to the airport. I'm sure you are anxious to get back to the land of sanity."

  "I hate to leave you with all that's going on here but I do have to get back and get ready for school to start next week."

  "It will work out and when I get home we can go back to enjoying our Saturday night pizza parties and videos," Cynthia said raising her hands to high five her friend.

  Beca returned the gesture, "You have a date girlfriend."

  Cynthia checked her answering machine deleting three calls from David and one from a local video store offering a free movie rental. She had no desire to talk to David and the prospect of watching a movie alone this evening was out of the question. Since Beca had returned home the house was quiet and empty. Having Beca here the past three days had made her more home sick then before. She was getting anxious to go home, but she dreaded saying goodbye to Jack and Halley. They had managed to find their way into her heart so these goodbyes were not going to be easy for her.


  "Cynthia, dear are you alright?" one of her fellow teachers was staring at her with a questioning look on her face, "You look miles away. Are you missing your fiance?"

  Cynthia hated lying to her friends at school but she had to admit her make believe fiance had provided her a welcome shield from the opposite sex. He had came in handy a couple of times when the 5th grade math teacher and the junior varsity coach had asked her out for dinner. Having David to fall back on had provided her an excuse to politely refuse their invitations. Of course, she'd had to tell more lies but it wouldn't be long before she wouldn't have to lie to anyone. She would be gone back home.

  Her coworker repeated her question, "Are you alright?"

  "Actually I was thinking about how much I am going to miss you guys and, of course, my students."

  "You are so sweet. We'll miss you, too." When will Maddy be returning?"

  "I don't have the exact date but within a couple of weeks. I imagine she will be glad to get back home and settle back in here," Cynthia said. "I have enjoyed this exchange program. It has been a learning experience for me and I needed a change of scenery from Miami and Maddy's home is lovely. I hope she hasn't been too cramped in my apartment."

  "If I lived in Miami I would never want to leave. I think it would be wonderful to live near the beach and enjoy those warm temperatures. I get tired of our cold winters, especially this one has been more severe than usual."

  Chapter 10

  Cynthia spent the next couple of weeks trying to avoid Jack. On occasion she would see him across the hedge and they had chatted a few times but she had managed to remain isolated inside Maddy's house for the most part. The weekend prior to her leaving she had restored Maddy's house to it's pre-Cynthia invasion. She'd said her goodbyes to her students and teachers but instead of being excited to return to Miami she was depressed. She would miss her new friends, especially Halley and Jack. But it was time for her to go. She hadn't planned on telling Jack a special goodbye but he had been a good neighbor the past months. After packing her car and gathering Bella's belongings she stood on Jack's front porch waiting for him to answer the door.

  "Hey neighbor," Jack's smile sent chills down her spine."Hey, I just wanted to say goodbye," she pasted a smile on her face. "Did everything work out with Kate?"

  "Look Cynthia, I'm really sorry about dragging you into my mess. I admit I haven't told her the truth yet but I plan to this week. I wanted her to stew a little," he continued, "I know I'm a jerk but…..what can I say, she brings out the worst in me."

  Cynthia stood staring into his eyes. She had a flashback of her arrival in Searcy and Jack's tour of Maddy's home. Why did it always turn out this way?

  "We will miss you, Cynthia," Jack said as he reached for her hand.

  "Don't Jack. I have a long drive back to Miami. I really need to get going."

  Cynthia stepped off the porch and then turned back to Jack, "Do you think Halley could do me a favor and take care of Bella for a few weeks? Til school is out for the summer. I've got so much catching up to do I won't have time to take care of her and I think Halley enjoys spending time with her. On second thought, never mind, you are busy and I don't want to impose."

  "Halley would love to have Bella to play with. She's already complaining about missing you and you haven't even gone yet. She has enjoyed coming over and spending time with you and I appreciate the time you've taken with her."

  "It has been my pleasure, I can assure you. She is a delight to have around. You are one lucky fellow in so many ways."

  "Thanks for reminding me. Sometimes I start to feel sorry for myself. I need someone to be straight with me."

  "I've got to go, Jack," Cynthia handed Bella's carrying case and bag of toys and food to him. "Halley knows how much food she gets and her favorite toys." Before Jack could say anything, Cynthia was gone. He stood staring at her little c
ar as it disappeared out of sight. He missed her already. He stretched out on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Just knowing she had been next door was a comfort but now she was really gone. He knew it was coming but he wasn't prepared for the feelings that swept over him. When had he fallen in love with her? And why had he let her leave without telling her? All that remained to remind him of Cynthia was her little Chihuahua Bella. His life was spiraling out of control and he felt powerless to stop it.


  Cynthia had been home for almost two weeks and much to her surprise most of her life had fallen back into place without a hitch. But she couldn't get Jack and Halley out of her mind. She went to bed thinking of them and woke up in the same condition. Her usual Saturday nights were spent with her friend Beca and a pizza. They had resumed their lives like she had never been away. "I'm proud of you, Cynthia," Beca's attempt at cheering up her friend failing miserably as Cynthia sat on the couch and stared at her hands resting in her lap looking like she had lost her last friend.

  "I didn't make that pizza from scratch, it's store bought," she managed a faint smile. It was nice to have someone like Beca to share her feelings with. That was one of the main things she had missed the past six months someone to count on when you needed them.

  "I wasn't talking about the pizza, although it is good," Beca replied as she angled a string of cheese into her open mouth. "I was referring to you keeping your six month no male involvement vow. Which, if you recall, I thought was ridiculous at the time."

  "You didn't make any secret of your feelings when I made the announcement," Cynthia took the tv remote and began flipping through channels.

  Suddenly Beca asked, "Have you spoken to Jack?"

  "No," Cynthia laid the remote on the table and turned to face her friend, her eyes a bit misty.

  "Call him. He deserves to know how you feel."

  "I can't. He isn't in love with me."

  "And you know this how?" Beca continued to push Cynthia into action.

  "He just needed someone to help keep Kate from hounding him and I just happened to be the first person he could think of."

  "So you are a mind reader now?" Beca questioned her thinking.

  "Nooooo….of course, not. I just know he never even tried to kiss me the whole time I was living right next door. Does that sound like a man that is interested in a woman to you?"

  "Did you give him an opportunity to kiss you? I know you Cynthia and you had your mind set on that stupid no men for six month vow. I love you to death, but you are one of the most stubborn women I've ever known."


  She tore the seal open on the letter postmarked Searcy, Arkansas half expecting a nasty letter from Kate with some white powder included but instead Jack's handwriting jumped out at her.

  Hi former neighbor,

  Halley misses you. I do, too. Maddy had us over for supper last Saturday evening and I spent the whole evening expecting you to pop in from the kitchen. The house seemed different. I have to tell you Maddy spent most of the evening bragging about how clean her house was. She also talked about how wonderful your school was and some 5th grade math teacher who was outstanding. I think she has a crush on him.

  I finally had a meeting with Kate and told her the truth. The engagement was false. She was furious with me. She has gone ahead with her plan to seek permanent custody of Halley. Wither her money and status in Searcy and my lack of either, things are not looking good for me.

  I wanted you to know I can't keep Bella until summer vacation. Kate says she is allergic. As you can imagine all this has upset Halley terribly. I have kept as much from her as I can. I think she's been through enough for any child this past year. I would love to spare her any more pain.

  Let me know if you want me to ship Bella to Miami or you can come get her?

  Love, Jack


  Cynthia glanced around her bedroom wondering why it had taken a letter to jolt her into action. She had spent the previous evening at Beca's apartment sharing her plan. There had been a flood of tears between the two friends but Beca had sent her home with hugs and good wishes. One final thing to do -- Cynthia opened her cell phone and punched in Jack's number.

  "Hello," he sounded tired or sleepy, she couldn't decide which.

  "Jack, were you still asleep?" Cynthia glanced at her watch to check the time. "It's past 10 o'clock."

  "No, I wasn't sleeping. It's been a rough few days….." his voice faded off.

  "And," she waited for him to continue. "How is Halley?"

  "Not too good, she is spending the weekend at Kate's house. Did I tell you that Kate's attorney paid me a visit on Friday?"

  "No, what was the purpose of his visit?"

  "I think mostly to try to convince me how futile it was to challenge a woman of Kate's status. It seems she has authorized him to draw up a contract giving her custody of Halley without going to court. It comes with a pay off, of course. I know now why Judith had so many emotional issues, growing up with a mother like Kate I am not surprised."

  "Jack, stop. What has happened to the fellow I lived next door to for the last six months? Don't let her do this to you and Halley." Cynthia continued, "Don't let her do to Halley what she did to Judith. I know you well enough to know you would never forgive yourself."

  "I intend to fight her every step of the way. I knew I was being a jerk when I involved the woman I love in that fake engagement foolishness."

  "Shut up and lis….did you say woman you love?" she repeated his words

  "I did." he waited for her reply.

  "I guess I had to go home to realize that I felt the same way about you and Halley, too. I talked to Maddy about a project she will be working on this summer. She has been commissioned to write a paper on the teacher exchange program we participated in and she's asked me to join her as co-author. I think it would be a good way to earn some extra money over the summer vacation plus I would love to be responsible for someone else having the opportunity to participate in the teacher exchange and, it just occurred to me it would be a good way for us to start over. I guess we're both a little crazy."

  "Crazy in love. Hey, what do you say about dinner and a movie on your first night back in Searcy?"

  "It's a date and, Jack, maybe you'd better start saving for a ring. I think you're going to' need one."

  Cynthia could almost swear she heard Jack cheering all the way from Searcy to Miami.


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