Read Lori Wick Short Stories, Christmas Special Page 4

  She also knew that to inform her of this now would crush her young heart, not because it would upset her to be a year younger—that would be a relief—but because it would mean admitting to other lies they had told her all the years she’d lived with them. Even if Ahmad had not forbidden her to speak of it, Indira would never have had the heart. It would instantly put Shani at ease over her lack of development, but it would also open such a world of pain and confusion for her that she might never be their Shani again.

  “You are not concerned, are you?” Shani asked from the edge of the pool where she now dried herself. Indira was the only person she allowed to see her naked.

  “No. You are not Indira, and you are not Kadeem. You are Shani, and you will become a woman when it is Shani’s time to do so.”

  Mother and daughter walked into Shani’s chambers together. Shani slipped into a short robe and then joined her mother on the pillows. Indira immediately began to brush Shani’s hair. It was something she’d done just before Shani’s bedtime from the first days Shani was in the palace. It was not bedtime on this occasion, but Indira sensed Shani’s need for her tender touch.

  As she’d done so many times in the past, Indira’s mind wandered to what Shani’s real mother must have been like. She had not seen the half-dead woman who had been rescued from the sea and brought to the palace, but she’d heard that she was a woman of beauty. To that time Indira believed that all English women were colorless, both in looks and temperament, but Shani’s mother, if not Shani herself, had proven otherwise.

  Shani’s eyes were so blue they were purple, astonishingly rare in their small country. Even though Indira had no proof, she believed they would also be quite remarkable in England. It was more than Shani’s unique appearance that changed Indira’s opinion about English women; it was also her personality.

  Indira had watched her march into Ahmad’s chambers on many occasions, head held high even though punishment awaited her. Rarely had Shani admitted she was wrong or said she regretted an act, only that she was sorry to be caught. Indira, even knowing she was the emir’s favorite wife, would never have been so insolent.

  “Poppy said today that I could visit an English ship.” Shani spoke suddenly, and Indira’s hand faltered with the comb. “Well, not exactly. He said we would see.”

  “Well then,” Indira said, effectively hiding the fear in her voice, “you have something to hope for now, something to put your restless mind to work.”

  Indira’s arms came about her then, and even though this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, Shani felt she held her a little tighter than usual.

  The evening ended well for Shani, as she was the only child to dine with both Indira and Ahmad. They laughed and supped until Shani grew sleepy.

  When a palace eunuch escorted Shani back to her chambers, Indira joined Ahmad in his bedroom. They talked for hours before spending the night together. It was not a night of passion, but one of Ahmad holding Indira in his arms as she cried herself to sleep.


  AUGUST 17, 1844

  “BUT WHY DOES POPPY WANT ME?” Shani questioned for the fifth time.

  “Be patient, my child.” Ali’s voice was calm as they walked the halls of the palace toward the emir’s chambers.

  “I’ve not been near the stable or the tower, and only through the courtyard twice.” She sounded so logical, certain that she was in trouble. Ali smiled but did not answer.

  Shani hesitated on the threshold of Ahmad’s chambers. She had never before feared him, even when she should have, but things in the palace had been different for a number of weeks. Shani was not certain she could explain the changes, but she felt them nevertheless.

  “Come in, little one,” Ahmad called to her upon witnessing her hesitancy. Shani, after bowing low, saw his smile and immediately relaxed.

  “Ali has been very mysterious this day,” she commented with her usual spontaneity, but as she came forward into the large salon, some of her apprehension returned. Standing beyond the emir was a woman she’d never seen before. The woman’s dress was odd; her expression anxious. It was obvious that she was waiting for instructions.

  “Again you hesitate,” Ahmad teased her. “For years now you have begged me to board an English ship, and now that I have provided a way, you look at me with fear.”

  “A ship? This woman can take me to a ship?” Shani’s voice was breathless with anticipation and disbelief.

  “No. She cannot take you to a ship, but she can make you a suitable English costume to wear. The tower will watch for such a ship, and at such a time as I deem correct, I will arrange a tour.”

  Shani was so stunned she did not at first react. She looked to Ali, whose mouth lifted in a small smile, and then back to her Poppy. A second later she was leaping about the salon and screeching like a wounded animal.

  “Shani,” Ahmad’s voice was sharp. Such displays were not offensive to him but they had a guest, and Shani’s behavior had to be above reproach.

  Shani, having been trained in control and the art of hiding one’s emotions from the time she was a child, immediately quieted, her gaze dropping submissively to the floor.

  “That is better,” Ahmad told her, his voice still stern. “You will remain here with Ali and do all that he tells you.”

  Ahmad crossed to the door, and Shani’s head turned to follow his progress. His disappointment with her was like a knife in her side, and she anxiously watched his retreating back.

  As though sensing her gaze, Ahmad stopped short of exiting. He looked back and their eyes locked, only this time his were twinkling with suppressed laughter. Shani had to fight her own mirth when she saw those eyes, but at least she had the knowledge that she was back in his good graces.

  Two weeks later Shani summoned Rashad, her personal eunuch, to her chambers. She gave him a message to deliver to Indira, and then she waited for a reply with ill-concealed impatience. There was never a time she wasn’t welcome in her mother’s rooms, but on this occasion Shani wanted privacy.

  As she waited, she told herself to stay away from the mirror, but found it couldn’t be done. A huge smile broke across her face as she beheld her image for at least the tenth time that day.

  Her dress was made of red wool. The sleeves were long and narrow and the neckline high and stiff. Shani had never worn clothing that covered so much of her person. She lifted the front of the skirt and nearly giggled at the pale linen pantaloons and woolen stockings that covered her legs. Shani was still amazed at the amount of clothing she’d had to don. There had been pantaloons, a camisole, a shift, the stockings, and a petticoat. All of this was before the dress. She was literally swathed in clothing, but Shani was having such fun she didn’t care.

  She continued to study herself, turning to the side to see her profile and smiling with satisfaction. What she loved most about her new outfit was the way it disguised her body. She was still as straight up and down as a reed, but no one would be the wiser with the full skirt of the dress she now wore.

  “What is so urgent,” Indira’s amused voice pulled Shani from the mirror, “that I must dismiss my maids from their duties and come to your chambers?”

  Shani knew she was not angry over the disturbance. She stood waiting for her mother’s inspection and verdict. Shani turned in a full circle when Indira directed her with a wave of her hand. She tried to stay silent, but it was impossible.

  “Just look underneath,” Shani chattered with the enthusiasm of a girl. She lifted the front of her dress to show Indira a network of underclothing. Indira’s eyes widened as she took in shift, petticoat, and bloomers.

  “So much?”

  “That is what Calla said,” Shani told her, referring to the woman who’d been brought from the north border to sew for the emir’s young ward.

  “Maybe the day you visit this ship will be cool, and you will be glad for much cloth.”

  “Indira,” Shani said, suddenly very serious, “do you know what day I’m to go?”

/>   “No, little one. Poppy has not spoken of this to me.”

  “Indira,” Shani questioned again, her voice now a little frightened. “Is Poppy angry with me?”

  “No, little one.” Indira’s voice was gentleness itself knowing they had not hidden their emotions as well as they had believed. “Much is happening in the palace,” she explained.

  “Rashad tells me the centennial approaches.”

  “And so it does, but Poppy’s mind is full of many things, one of which is your happiness. Always understand, Shani, his only wish is to see you happy.”

  Shani’s mind was put to rest and she turned back to the glass. She studied her reflection again for long moments, not even aware of her mother taking leave of her chambers.


  SEPTEMBER 5, 1844

  BRANDON HAWKESBURY STOOD ON THE DECK of the Flying Surprise, his eyes intent on the shoreline beyond. Flynn, his first mate, had come up beside him, but a longboat had left shore, and the captain did not turn or even acknowledge him.

  An older man by several years, Flynn allowed the captain his silence. Only when he saw that the smaller vessel was drawing near, did he disturb his long-time friend, knowing the question could wait no longer.

  “How many of the crew do you want on deck, Hawk?”

  Brandon never took his eyes from the approaching longboat. “I really don’t expect trouble.” The younger man’s voice was deep and calm. “Just tell the men to act normally, and to be courteous if spoken to.”

  The mate left him then, and Brandon went back to his thoughts, the first and foremost of which was that she would be on board in a matter of minutes.

  Shani’s excitement mounted as they drew closer to the tall frigate that rested easily in the water. Of all the English ships she had spotted, this was the largest. The Flying Surprise was a proud ship, Shani determined, her mind running after a daydream of being the captain of such a fine craft.

  As the longboat neared, her eyes grew round with wonder. The ship that had looked so small from the tower, and then bigger from shore, now loomed before her. Her mouth opened in unfeminine surprise for just a moment before she caught herself.

  The boat pulled alongside, and in a moment Shani was swept into Rashad’s massive arms. With Shani’s arms around his neck and one arm behind her knees, he used his free hand to steady them on the ladder that led up to the deck. Shani held on with all the trust of a tiny child. Determined not to miss a thing, her head turned in every direction.

  The moment her feet touched the deck, Shani felt a thrill race through her. She had finally made it onto the deck of an English ship. Why it had been such a cherished dream she wasn’t certain, but it was so special to het, so unlike anything she’d ever imagined. She was for the moment, speechless.

  She knew her father had been a little upset this morning. He had seen her new dress, kissed her goodbye, and told her not to disgrace him. She hoped she hadn’t pushed too hard in an effort to get her way. Indira had said he had a lot on his mind lately, but Shani was not entirely sure that this was the problem. She decided to speak to him the moment they returned to the palace.

  “Captain Hawkesbury,” Shani heard Ali say, “we appreciate your kind hospitality in this matter. Please meet Ahmad Khan’s ward.” Shani came forward at these words and gave a small curtsy, just as Calla had shown her.

  “This is Shani. Shani, this is our host, Captain Hawkesbury.”

  Brandon extended his hand and smiled at the small brunette with the huge amethyst eyes. Had Shani known him better, she would have seen that behind the smile was some very real worry over Ali’s introduction. To this moment, Brandon had been led to believe his coming to get her had been the girl’s idea, but now he was having serious doubts. Her first words to him only confirmed this doubt.

  “I’ve wanted to see an English ship for the longest time,” she said in softly accented English. “I can’t thank you enough for your kindness.”

  She was so sweet, her manner so innocent and genuinely appreciative, that Brandon found he had to suddenly clear his throat. “The pleasure is all mine,” he told her gently.

  A moment later they began a tour of the ship. The crew, a hand-picked group of experienced sailors, knew exactly who the girl was. They were extremely polite when their young guest came across their paths.

  The tour was detailed, with Shani’s enthusiasm pushing them through every nook and cranny of the large vessel. They went below decks as far down as the hold and also saw the crew’s quarters. They moved over every inch of the deck and took in the wheelhouse, the galley, and a small dining room used mainly by the captain and his officers.

  They ended their excursion in the captain’s cabin, and Shani was surprised to see that his cabin had a dining table also. Not as large as the other, but more than sufficient. She was taking in the warm, almost plush room, which, unlike the crew’s quarters with mere hammocks, sported a real bed, writing desk, two large chairs, and a bathtub that seemed to be bolted to the floor, when Ali spoke.

  “I took the liberty of bringing aboard some refreshment,” Ali commented placidly. Shani had moved to study the maps over Brandon’s desk and gave him little heed. In fact, she’d heard almost nothing since she came aboard, so thrilled was she with all there was to see.

  Her host was very surprised at Ali’s words, but Shani took no notice. Brandon was glad of her preoccupation for the first time, as he tried to figure out how he could politely refuse. As cups were filled by one of the two servants who had accompanied them, his mind was still searching for why Ali’s actions disturbed him. Ali passed one to Brandon, took one for himself, and gave the last to Shani. Ali had correctly read the look on the captain’s face, and when Shani’s attention was once again diverted, he spoke for Brandon’s ears alone.

  “Drink without fear, Captain.”

  Brandon looked sharply at the smaller man, but did as he’d been instructed. Shani drank also as she stood on tiptoe to see out the window.

  “Oh,” Shani exclaimed suddenly. She took a stumbling step away from the window and sat down hard on the bed. “The ship must have rocked.”

  Brandon, observing her intently, did not mention the ship had only rocked slightly in the waves. He watched as she put one hand to her forehead, and he reached for her glass as it began to slip from her suddenly limp fingers.

  “I must not be a very good sailor, Ali.” Shani’s voice had gone very weak. “I don’t feel well at all.” The last words were whispered, and Brandon watched in stunned fascination as she fell back on the bed. The entire episode happened so swiftly that he’d not even been able to react.

  “There is no need for the worry I read in your face, Captain Hawkesbury. She will sleep but a few hours.”

  “You drugged her?” It was more of an accusation than a question.

  Ali nodded serenely.

  Brandon was furious at this deception.

  “I assure you it was necessary,” Ali told him sedately, before speaking a few words in his native tongue to the servants. Both men left the cabin, and Ali proceeded smoothly.

  “Shani believed this tour was our granting of her wish to visit one of your English ships.”

  “Then she doesn’t know who I am?” Brandon was astounded.

  “She knows nothing. Again, I assure you my actions were necessary. Shani is of a strong nature. She would never have agreed to leave Darhabar on her own.”

  “But she will never believe I haven’t kidnapped her,” Brandon went on, his mind racing for a possible solution. It concerned him greatly that this man was so calm about something that was about to turn a young girl’s world upside down.

  Ali removed a folded document from the pocket of his cloak. “This will explain all to her.”

  Brandon took the paper and would have said more, but the servants returned, each carrying a large, ornate trunk. They placed the trunks out of the way and then returned to stand by the door. Brandon noticed that one man, the larger of the two, hesitated next
to the bed for a moment, his eyes on the face of the sleeping girl. His expression gave no hint of his thoughts.

  When Brandon’s attention returned to Ali, he noticed the older man had produced a simple but beautiful jewelry box. Where it had come from, Brandon could only guess, but then guessing was all he’d done since these visitors had come aboard.

  Ali held it out to him and spoke. “She will not be ready for this when she awakens. When she is calm enough to keep from throwing it overboard, please give this to her. It is a gift from his highness, Ahmad Khan.”

  They left then, and Brandon, having finally come to grips with the fact that no part of this affair had been left to chance, followed them up onto the deck. He watched from the railing as they again entered the longboat and the oarsmen rowed for shore.

  He stood for long moments and watched as they worked their way through the surf. When he turned, it was to find his first mate waiting for orders. Brandon’s first thought was of the girl below. Asleep or not, he felt he needed to be near her. After only a few instructions, he went below decks of the Flying Surprise, leaving Flynn in charge as they set sail for home.

  The Hawk and the Jewel

  If you enjoyed Lori Wick fiction, you’ll love this excerpt from Roseanna M. White’s

  Ring of Secrets

  Turn the page to join Winter Reeves as she dances a dangerous line between her grandparent’s Loyalist society and her own espionage for the Patriot cause.


  City of New York

  November 1779

  Let innocence be your mask.

  Winter Reeves swished her ivory lace fan and gave Colonel Fairchild the same practiced smile she always did. She squelched the response that wanted to escape, forbade her eyes from so much as flashing. Perhaps her gaze wandered, but he would only think her bored.