Read Lost Bird Page 16

  Her other hand hooked around the back of John’s head. She grabbed a fistful of his curly brown hair and held on tight, her cries muffled by his mouth over hers.

  John started playing with her nipples, first brushing his fingers across them, then as he gained confidence lightly rolling them between his thumbs and fingers. It amplified her pleasure to an eleven on the one-to-ten scale, making her cry out again as the bubble building inside her finally swelled and burst.

  Her back arched as the orgasm bounced around inside her, short-circuiting her brain. She was vaguely aware of screaming something at them, pleasure so intense she wasn’t sure she could handle that much of it, when everything suddenly stopped.


  Her eyes flew open as she looked up at the men, who’d both stopped what they were doing, the licking and sucking and kissing and teasing, and were now staring down at her with fear on their faces.

  “What?” she gasped. “Why the hell did you stop?”

  “You said stop. We both heard you,” Oscar said.

  “No! Dammit, I said don’t stop!”

  “Oh, sorry,” John said. “We thought you said stop.”

  “No!” She let out a groan. “It was muffled because your tongue was down my throat.”

  “We thought it best to err on the side of caution.”

  Bless their hearts, their erections had even wilted a little.

  Well, I have my answer. She now didn’t doubt if she said stop, they’d stop.

  “Okay, new rule,” she said. “Colors. I’m not likely to randomly yell out colors, ’kay? Green, yellow, red, just like a stoplight. Red means stop. Unless I yell that, do not freaking stop.”

  Relief filled them. “Got it,” they said.

  “Good. Now someone owes me for an interrupted orgasm.”

  They dove into action, immediately resuming their previous positions and actions and quickly turning her frustration into renewed pleasure.

  At least her stomach had remained settled, although that was likely due to the proactive Imodium she’d taken earlier in the evening.


  It didn’t take long for Oscar to quickly get her worked up again. This time when she cried out don’t stop, they didn’t.

  And it felt soooo damn good.

  She lay there gasping for air and trying to recover from that while Oscar kissed the insides of her thighs, his finger still deep inside her, but now not moving.

  When she opened her eyes, John was smiling down at her. “Better?”

  She nodded, eyes falling closed again.

  “Not falling asleep on us, are you?” Oscar teased.

  “Nope. Just catching my breath.”

  “Good.” Oscar slowly withdrew his finger from her. She opened her eyes and watched as he licked her juices off it, a sexy smile playing across his lips.

  Oh, daammnnn that’s hawwwt!

  Tom had helped heal her soul in many ways, ways she wasn’t sure she’d ever feel whole again after what had happened to her. Sweet, loving, kind, patient, and sexy.

  And…totally vanilla. She didn’t realize it then, but in retrospect, while she likely would have been happy with him, the older her knew she needed something…more.

  A guy who’d look her in the eyes while licking his fingers clean was a good start.

  And the sexy grin Oscar wore didn’t hurt, either.

  She crooked a finger at him and he scrambled up the bed, his cock once again fully erect, she was happy to see.

  Not wanting to leave John in the dust, she reached down and wrapped her fingers around his hard cock.


  First things first.

  She grabbed Oscar’s cock with her free hand and coaxed him closer. He braced himself on the headboard and stared down into her eyes as she looked up and met his gaze. She slowly pumped her hand up and down on his cock as his rumbling moan vibrated through his body into hers, and straight to her clit again.

  Oh, goodie. Libido in good working order. Check.

  “I’m guessing you got yourselves checked out after your exes?” she asked.

  Oscar nodded. “But if you don’t want to, I under—”

  His words cut off in a loud moan that nearly made her come again as she engulfed his cock with her lips.

  She enjoyed this, she wouldn’t deny it. She had with Tom, too. As he’d helped rebuild her trust, she’d loved the effect it had on him, going down on him, especially watching him watch her do it.

  Apparently, it’d been a while for Oscar. His cock exploded, catching her by surprise as hot jets of cum spurted into her mouth.

  His passionate groan turned into one of frustration. “Oh, dammit! I’m sorry, Sachi. It’s just…damn it felt so good! I swear I don’t usually do that. Come that fast, I mean.”

  She giggled, refusing to relinquish his cock until she was satisfied she’d drained him. “No worries, sweetheart. We’ve got all night.”

  She sat up and before he could react, she engulfed John’s cock in her mouth. Oscar was a little shorter in length, but larger in girth than John. It didn’t matter, because they were both sporting cocks that neither had any reason to be ashamed of.

  And, she was thankful to see, they were reasonably proportioned. It was nice to joke about being a size queen, but the reality wasn’t as fun.

  John’s fingers clutched at the back of her head as his entire body went rigid beneath her, sending her heart soaring.

  When she reached down and cupped his balls with her free hand, he, too, exploded.

  Good. Now that all three of them had at least one under their belts, they could all relax and take their time.

  She wanted to take a lot of time.

  She sat up, a grin on her face.

  “You did that on purpose,” he said, his voice sounding breathless.

  “Yep. You catch on quick.”

  Sachi got out of bed and dashed into the kitchen to grab a plastic cup. She did a quick rinse and spit in the bathroom, and brought the full cup of water back into the bedroom with her, where she set it on the bedside table. Then she perched between them on the bed, sitting on her knees.

  “I’m not fragile china, guys. Feel free to step up your game.”

  John grinned as he sat up and grabbed her, pulling her down and on top of him. This time, he fisted a goodly handful of her hair and held on tight as he kissed her.

  She let out a pleased whine as she melted against him.


  Oh, sooo this.

  She was aware of Oscar sitting up next to them. Then his hand caressed her ass, his fingers slipping down between her legs until his fingers found her clit again. Still swollen and sensitive from the first go-round, she rocked her hips in time with his movements.

  His voice whispered in her ear. “Oh, you want us to step it up, hmm?”

  She couldn’t think about responding because John was fucking her mouth with his tongue. Although, to be fair, she was giving back as good as she was getting.

  Oscar slid one finger into her pussy and began finger-fucking her with it, his other fingers hitting her clit at the bottom of every stroke.

  She moaned, falling still, her back arched to give him the best angle.

  “You like that?”

  She whined.

  John had one arm tightly wrapped around her waist, the other still firmly holding her head in place and kissing her.

  Oscar’s hand sped up. “Show us you like it, baby. Come for me like this.”

  John spread his legs, forcing hers apart, and that was all it took. She fell headfirst down the pleasure slide again.

  “That’s it,” Oscar said, more force in his voice. “Make all the noise you want. Show us how good it feels, and we’ll keep doing it. We’ll give you all you want as long as you keep showing us you like it.”

  She cried out, the muscles of her cunt grabbing at his finger as he continued fucking her with it and her orgasm rocked through her. Even with her eyes closed, she felt the blue
energy of their auras swirling through her, adding to the pleasure in a way she never thought possible.

  Okay, no offense to him, this was definitely better than with Tom.

  Way better.

  Oscar’s hand slowed, giving her a moment of respite. Only a moment, because he carefully worked a second finger into her, apparently trying to gauge her reaction before slowly picking up speed, until he was soon driving her back up the ramp again toward another climax.

  She’d had multiple orgasms before, a few times with Tom.

  But this…never anything like this before.

  Mandaline’s a lucky witch was the last coherent thought she had as her climax tipped her over again and she gave in to the pleasure.

  Oscar’s hand disappeared. John flipped her over onto her back, grinning down at her. She heard Oscar ripping the box open and the sound of plastic tearing and realized John was rolling a condom onto his hard shaft.

  He braced himself with his left arm while lining up the head of his cock with his right, swiping it up and down her wet slit until he nudged himself between her thighs and got himself aligned with her cunt.

  Sachi arched her back, thrusting up, but he wouldn’t be rushed. “You said we had all night,” he teased, his right hand lacing his fingers with hers and raising it above her head.

  She started to shoot a sexy, snarky comeback at him when a flashback hit her. “Yellow,” she gasped.

  He froze. “What’s wrong?”

  “I…Please don’t hold my hands down right now.”

  He immediately let go, instead cupping it with his and bringing it up to his lips, where he kissed her palm. “Are you all right?” Gone was the seductive, sexy tone. His voice sounded full of concern.

  She also felt him starting to lose his erection again. “Dandy.” She grabbed his head and yanked him down on top of her, kissing him while she arched her hips against him and hoped she’d salvaged it for him.

  For her part, she was okay, had gone through this and worse before and knew how to work her way out of it again as long as the men just followed her lead.

  And without even knowing it, John had just cemented her undying trust in him.

  Atta boy. His cock swelled again, much to her relief, and he slowly pressed forward until he was fully buried inside her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and hoped he’d take the hint.

  A quick study, he did. Slowly at first, still worried about her, it didn’t take him long to get into the rhythm, a sweet, seductive grind that even managed to rub against her clit in a way she hoped they could refine in the future.

  For now, she wanted him to come. She nipped at his tongue, drawing another low moan from him. He planted his hands on the bed on either side of her head and goaded by her heels nudging his ass, started fucking her harder, faster.

  She wanted this for him. The way his aura grew brighter, stronger, clearer. Maybe the answer was these two men needed her for their healing as much as she needed them for hers.

  As good a reason as any.

  Ending their kiss, she whispered in his ear, “Come for me, baby. Come hard for me.”

  He let out a cry, his face buried against the side of her neck as he took a few more thrusts inside her before falling still. As he caught his breath, she stroked his back, holding him, not wanting to let him go.

  Note to self, get back on the pill. She hadn’t been on it in years.

  Hadn’t needed it.

  But she suspected they’d be spending a fortune in condoms at this rate.

  After a moment, he raised his head and kissed her. “Will you hate me if I tell you I love you?”

  She tousled his hair. “I love you, too.”

  Oscar cleared his throat. When she looked, he wore a smile. “Love you, too, mister.”

  He leaned in for a kiss. “Love you, baby. So much.”

  John left the bed to clean up and dispose of the condom. When he did, she rolled on top of Oscar and sat up, straddling his torso.

  She laced her fingers through his. “Ready for number two?”

  “Tell me.”

  She didn’t want to talk. She wanted to fuck. Specifically, fuck him.

  But she also recognized a stubborn streak in his aura. “I didn’t expect that to trigger me,” she quietly said. She squeezed his hands. “We’re good now. I’m okay.”

  “I don’t want to trigger you.”

  “Sometimes you won’t be able to help it. It doesn’t happen like it used to, believe me. Maybe if I’d had more than just Tom in my history, it might be something I’d already be over now.” She shrugged. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not okay, because I don’t ever want to cause you to trigger.”

  John returned. “What?”

  “He wants to make with the talky instead of the fucky,” she tried to joke.

  “Sachi,” Oscar said. “I want to talk about this now.”

  She let go of one of his hands and reached behind her, finding his cock and gently squeezing it. “Okay, so talk.”

  He let out a low growl. “That’s cheating.”

  She grinned. “So sue me.” He arched an eyebrow at her. “Oscar, it’s okay. See? Colors worked, just like in all those kinky romance books. I refuse to live my life worried about what might trigger me. It’s enough to know that when I feel like that, if I tell you, you guys will instantly respond.”

  “That’s not good enough for me,” he said. “I don’t want to trigger you at all.”

  “And that’s something you’ll have to get over. You had no idea about the baked beans. To be honest, it’s something I hadn’t really even thought about in years. It was just one of those weird confluences of events. We’re good.” She gently squeezed, feeling his cock respond. “Now, would you rather continue the buzzkill discussion, or would you like me to roll a condom over this nice cock of yours and fuck you silly?”

  “Go with the condom and fucking, dude,” John teased. “Much better option. The lady has spoken.”

  Oscar reached out his free hand to John, who obliged by slapping a plastic wrapper into it. He held it up to Sachi, who leaned forward and took it from him with her teeth.

  He laughed and her heart soared at the sound.

  Yes, they’d have some bumpy roads ahead, but she knew, she trusted, that the three of them would make it through this all right in the end.

  She scooched farther down the bed so his cock was in front of her. Then she ripped the wrapper open, tossing it over her shoulder as she kept eye contact with Oscar. In the dim light, his blue eyes took on a sexy midnight hue even more stunning than the color of their auras.

  Slowly, seductively, she rolled the condom down his cock before she rose up and lined him up with the entrance of her pussy. “Enjoy this,” she said. “I know I will.” She slowly impaled herself, relishing his moan of pleasure, his hands gripping her hips, fingers digging in.

  When he was fully buried inside her, she leaned forward and kissed him. “FYI? Fucky was definitely the right choice,” she teased. Her hips began a sexy grind against his, her nipples brushing against the light dusting of brown hair across his chest and sending tingles of need straight to her clit again.

  It seemed every touch went straight to her clit tonight, every gentle stroke of their hands, every caress of their lips, every kiss, even every sound.

  Them. Everything about them.

  This is perfection.

  Well, in her mind, anyway. If it couldn’t be called perfection, she didn’t know what could.

  She sat up again and John kneeled next to her, capturing her lips in a kiss that almost made her forget what she was in the process of doing. Then with one hand resting along the small of her back, his other slipped between her legs, his fingers finding her clit.

  “Why don’t you give us another one,” John said. When she looked, he wore a sexy smile she knew would completely be her undoing for the foreseeable future.


  He kissed her again, his fingers stroking,
speeding up as she started rocking back and forth faster, harder, until she was bouncing up and down on Oscar’s cock with his hands on her hips guiding her, and John’s fingers on her clit pulling her closer and closer to the edge.

  The dam burst. She cried out, loving the way John’s lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss that swallowed her moans.

  “Yeah!” Oscar said, meeting her thrust for thrust until he buried himself deep inside her, holding her still, his own climax answering hers.

  Sachi braced her arms against Oscar’s chest as she tried to catch her breath. John kept an arm around her, supporting her, eventually drawing her off Oscar and against him as they sank down to the mattress together with her draped across his chest.

  Oscar stole a quick kiss before leaving the bed. He returned a moment later, snuggling close and draping his arm over her back.

  She didn’t want to move, didn’t want anyone to talk. Didn’t want to disturb this perfection.

  Except…she had to pee.

  Once she was sure she’d be steady on her legs again, she gave them both quick kisses. “Be right back,” she assured them. Dashing into the bathroom, she didn’t bother turning on the light as she took care of business, washed her hands, and returned to bed.

  Snuggled comfortably between them, the men lying on their sides and facing her, she caught one each of their hands with hers and laced fingers with them.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  John looked confused. “You don’t need to thank us, sweetheart. We’re the ones who should be thanking you.”

  She looked at Oscar, who nodded. “What he said.” A playful smile quirked his lips. “I can’t believe someone like you would want losers like us.”

  She drew their hands up under her chin and kissed them in turn. “Please don’t talk like that about yourselves. We all took massive hits in our pasts. We need to let them go.”

  “But you, understandably, have a lot more to deal with,” Oscar said. “We just don’t want to screw this up with you.”

  “What he said,” John joked with a smile.

  “I can forgive a lot. All I need is for you both to promise never to betray my trust. And that covers a huge, honking swath of real estate, from lying to me to cheating on me, to things like tonight. If you can promise me that, we’re good.”