Read Lost Bird Page 22

  Ahh, there it is!

  Mandaline continued. “Green for prosperity and for health. Red for love and passion, may you feel its wealth. White from which all colors grow, and as above, so below. All these things and more we do you bless, all happiness to you, and all success. And since you asked for short and sweet, as I spake it”—she pointed to those gathered, who she’d obviously already coached and who joined in with her—“so mote it be.”

  Sachi was trying really hard not to laugh and cry at the same time, somehow managing to hold it back.

  Mandaline reached back to Ellis, who handed her the ring box. She opened it plucked out Oscar’s ring, handing it to Sachi and settling the order herself, something Sachi had been unsure how to handle despite the men telling her they’d be just as happy flipping a coin.

  Sachi slipped it on his left ring finger. This was the part she’d agonized over. She did want to exchange vows with them, but she’d struggled and rewritten several times what she wanted to say to each of them, finally giving up and hoping the Goddess would give her inspiration.

  “I love you, and I love us,” she said. “Thank you for wanting me and for showing me how good it’s supposed to be. May the Goddess give us many years of happiness together.”

  He smiled, his blue eyes as bright as his aura. “I love you, sweetheart. I promise, no matter what, I’ll walk this life with you, the three of us together.” Mandaline handed him the ring he was to put on Sachi’s finger. Her ring was actually two halves, interlocking rings that looked like a Celtic knot when placed together. Each man would put one of the halves on her finger.

  Mandaline handed John’s ring to Sachi. She slipped it on his hand, enjoying the way his smile seemed to core right through her soul, gutting her in a good way, the best way ever. “I love you, and I love us. Thank you for trusting me, for trusting in us, in what this is. May the Goddess bless our years together and give us plenty of them.”

  Mandaline handed John the other ring, which he slipped on Sachi’s finger, carefully interlocking it with the first half. “I love you, and I know life won’t always be perfect, but I know it’s perfect for us with the three of us together.”

  Brad held out a small silver, heart-shaped box that Sachi realized had belonged to Julie. On the lid was etched a pentagram. He opened the lid and Mandaline carefully removed the ribbon braid from their hands and tucked it inside the red velvet-lined interior, closing it again.

  “Something old, something new,” Mandaline said. “Past and present, faith renew. May the Goddess smile on you. And as below, so up above, I wish you three all luck and love. Thus this ends now what I must say. In parting I add blessings, and namaste.”

  Everyone else repeated, “Namaste.”

  That did it. Sachi laughed, the tears rolling down her cheeks as John, then Oscar kissed her while everyone clapped. Mandaline handed her the box and then engulfed her in a hug.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in Mandaline’s ear. “It was perfect.”

  “Thank Ellis. He’s the one who told me I was being too sappy during the first draft I wrote.”

  Sachi and her men were surrounded, hugs and well wishes being offered. When it was Lisa Evans’ turn to hug her, Sachi wasn’t sure how that would go, but the woman opened her arms and embraced her.

  “I hope you all have a good life together. I really do.” She smiled, relieving Sachi.

  Her father tapped her on the shoulder, pointing.

  In Julie’s tree, a sapling oak that they’d planted as a memorial not long after her death, sat a bright red male cardinal.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she blew a kiss up to the sky.

  Thanks, Mom. Love you, too.

  * * * *

  Lorie had apparently spent a small fortune on food and the cake, which was a gorgeous three-tiered chocolate and vanilla marble cake decorated with three ceramic cardinals at the top, two males and a female.

  “Your idea, Dad?” she asked.

  He smiled as he nodded.

  She loved it.

  All of them partied until late into the night, eventually leaving just the immediate Many Blessings staff, and Sachi and her guys.

  Mandaline gave her a hug. “Go home and enjoy. We’ll clean this up.” She smiled. “Your dad told me he was spending the night at Lorie’s.”


  This was one time she wouldn’t argue. They arrived home a few minutes later. First John, then Oscar, took turns carrying her in through the front door with a lot of laughter that she felt to the bottoms of her feet.

  Happy. This was what happy felt like.

  Sachi wasn’t sure what her men had planned for the night, but she suspected they had a little something special in store.

  She wasn’t wrong, either. After the three of them were in bed, naked, and the men already doing those sweet, delicious things to her body with their hands and mouths that made her brain fall right out of her noggin, John opened the bedside table drawer and produced their surprise.

  “Tonight, baby,” he said, “we’re going to do that last thing we said we would.”

  She tried to focus on it in the dim light. “Is that a butt plug?”

  “You better believe it is,” Oscar said as he nibbled on her earlobe. “We’re going to spend all night loosening that sweet ass of yours, and then we’re going to fuck your brains out.”

  Well, her brains already felt like they were out, so that’d be a short trip to start with.

  John grabbed a towel from the bathroom and a bottle of lube and they got her situated where they wanted her, on her back with her legs spread wide and John kneeling between them.

  “Oh, where’s the insurance?” Oscar asked.

  “Dang it.”

  “What?” she asked.

  John got out of bed and returned with a small vibrator. “See? Not Dildous.”

  She started to shoot back a snarky retort, but then John turned the vibrator on and pressed it to her clit, and dammit, there went her brains again.

  Oscar reached over and took charge of the vibrator, smiling at her as he did. “Just lay there and enjoy it. We got this.”

  John squirted lube on his index finger and gently started massaging it on her rim.

  What little tension she’d had fled as she realized he was going to take his time and go really slow. And, combined with the vibrator, it felt really good.

  Except that Oscar was being mean and not letting her come. He seemed to take great pleasure in keeping her right on the edge, sensing when to pull back, when to alternate slowly fucking her now dripping cunt with the vibrator before playing it over her clit again. At some point, John had worked his entire finger into her ass, the pleasure Oscar was giving her more than counteracting the sensations. Or maybe intensifying them.

  She didn’t know and didn’t care, as long as they didn’t stop what they were doing.

  John took his time, carefully adding a second finger, slowing down and letting Oscar build her tension up without giving her release before carefully working his fingers deeper inside her tight ring. She was close to begging when John said, “Okay, let her come.”

  Oscar held the vibrator against her clit and she exploded, the feeling of her body clenching against the fingers in her ass only intensifying the sensation. John started finger-fucking her ass, drawing out her orgasm.

  “You’re ours, baby,” Oscar said as he stared down at her with a smile. “We love making you lose control like this, and we plan on a lifetime together of doing it to you.”

  John’s fingers disappeared from her ass, quickly replaced by something cool and smooth. “I’ll go slow, don’t worry,” he assured her.

  But with the help of the vibrator, it felt like everything had mixed into one long, never-ending orgasm. He slowly fucked the butt plug inside her a little at a time, in and out, stretching her rim, pausing when she thought she wasn’t sure she could take it and her moans had turned into whines.

  Oscar slid the vibrator into her pu
ssy and leaned down, sucking on her clit.

  That did it. She exploded again, harder than ever, and John chuckled as he slid the butt plug all the way in. “There you go, baby. See how easy that was?”

  Now her ass felt full as she struggled to get used to the sensation, the intensity of the vibrator inside her and pressing on her G-spot while Oscar flicked her clit with his tongue making her cry out.

  John pressed on the base of the butt plug. “That’s it, sweetheart. Just get used to it for a few minutes. Once you do, we’ll be able to fuck you.”

  Oscar alternated fucking her with the vibrator with embedding it deep inside her, his tongue doing deliciously evil things to her clit all the while. John stretched out on her other side and kissed her, slow and deep, fucking her mouth with his tongue.


  She was well and truly screwed. Not that she was complaining, but she knew she was powerless against these two men.

  And she loved it.

  John laced fingers with her, kissing her hand.

  She squeezed and raised her hand over her head, against the pillow, his on top of hers, pulling it down.

  He looked a little worried. “Sweetheart?”

  “Green!” she gasped.

  Her heart twisted in the good way when he took the hint. He squeezed, pressing her hand down into the pillow. She closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling of letting go, letting them have her, all of her, the good and the bad, everything.


  After a while, Oscar sat up. “I’m about to explode, and I’d rather last more than a few seconds on my wedding night, thank you very much.”

  John got up and grabbed a condom out of the drawer. They didn’t usually use them anymore now that she was on the pill, but she suspected it was more because of where he was planning on putting his cock.

  Oscar switched the vibrator off and rolled her on top of him, slowly sliding his cock into her pussy. “Oh, baby,” he gasped, his hands on her ass keeping her from moving. “Stay very, very still.”

  She whined as John carefully withdrew the butt plug from her. “I know, sweetheart. We’ll make it feel really good again here in just a minute.” When it was out, he squirted more lube over his condom-sheathed cock and pressed the head of it against her rim. “Here you go, baby.”

  It took everything she had not to try to fuck herself back and forth on him, wanting traction against her clit and unable to move because of Oscar holding her still. John took his time, slowly fucking himself in and out a little bit with every thrust, carefully, until she felt his thighs pressing against her ass.

  He let out a breath. “Okay, there. Sit up.”

  She could barely move. It felt like all her bones had been transformed to the same jelly Dildous was made out of. Oscar pushed and John pulled her upright, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her body against his.

  She heard the vibrator click on again, and Oscar pressed it against her clit.

  Good? Fuck that, it felt fantastic. She hooked an arm around John’s neck and held on tight, rocking what little she could with John keeping her held firmly in place. The muscles of her ass and cunt clamped down on their cocks, intensifying the pleasure more than she thought possible.

  “Oh, baby,” Oscar gasped. “Damn!”

  “That’s it,” John murmured in her ear. “You just keep riding us until we’re ready to let you stop coming and start fucking you.”

  The world spun away, nothing existing but them and their love and their energy and the pleasure they were giving her. She suspected she’d be sore in the morning, but she didn’t care. She’d remember this moment, this pleasure, and smile with every ache and pain.

  And probably ask them to do it again the next night.


  She’d long ago gotten used to the normal sweet aches and pains having two eager lovers caused in her. Now it looked like she’d have to get used to a whole new set.

  More conditioning…

  Everything blended together, time, pleasure, every sensation. Finally, Oscar chuckled. “I think she’s almost worn out.”

  “Is that right, baby?” John asked. “Are you almost worn out?”

  She couldn’t talk. She wasn’t sure she remembered how at that point. She did manage a nod.

  “All right. Then one more.” His hands cupped her breasts, playing with her nipples, pinching and rolling them between his fingers. “One more, and we’ll let you have a little rest before we make you come some more.”

  She sobbed as another orgasm rolled through her. I will never, ever, complain I’m horny again. Not if the men could do this to her. It had reached the delicious tipping point where she hoped it stopped, and she hoped it never stopped, both ends of the spectrum waging war within her clit and nervous system.

  Finally, Oscar pulled the vibrator away and switched it off. John gently lowered her on top of him and slowly started fucking her. Every movement he made caused her clit to rub against Oscar’s body, sending more tingles through her, aftershocks rippling through her muscles.

  Oscar kissed her tenderly, holding her while John fucked her ass. She tried to meet his thrusts and realized with jelly bones that wasn’t possible. So instead she lay there and enjoyed it.

  Not like that was a challenge or anything.

  She did manage to reach one hand up and behind her, wiggling her fingers at him. He took the hint and clasped it, holding on as his release grew closer, his grip growing tighter until she heard that sound she loved so much rolling from his lips.

  Oscar started moving under her now. “Goddamn, I thought I’d never hold on.” Holding her hips, he thrust up into her. Once more her body gave in, her swollen, sensitive clit unable to resist the sensation.

  She squeezed her eyes closed, carried along and unable to do anything but enjoy it. Oscar noticed. “Oh, baby, you just came for us again, didn’t you?”

  “Damn right she did,” John said. “I felt it.”

  Any worries he might have had about holding out were for naught. He held on long enough to fuck yet one last, smaller, gentler orgasm out of her before finally giving in. He buried his cock deep into her pussy and fell still with a soft moan.

  John held himself propped up with his arms and kissed the nape of her neck. “Are you okay?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  He chuckled. “Okay.” Carefully, he withdrew and headed to the bathroom. She heard him clean up and he returned a moment later, wiping her down with a warm washcloth he tossed into the bathroom before climbing in next to them.

  “You going to stay there all night?” he asked her, humor in his tone.

  “Not my fault you broke me in the good way.”

  Oscar rolled onto his side, putting her in the middle. She loved that normally they didn’t have to hurry to pull out to dispose of a condom with her now on the pill.

  Snuggled tightly between them, she let out a sigh. “How much recovery time do I get?”

  John chuckled. “I think it’s more how much time we need to recover.”

  “Well, recover fast, boys. I want to do that again with the roles reversed.”

  “That butt plug is not going up my ass,” Oscar said.

  She poked him. “I meant you in my ass. Although, now that you mention it—”

  “Nope,” he quickly said. “My cock, your ass. That’s good.”

  She giggled.

  Since when the hell did she fucking giggle?

  Since apparently these two men had somehow healed her soul.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  They took turns driving from Spokane. They also took their time, stopping at scenic vistas and other points of interest. They spent the night in Missoula.

  When Sachi awoke the next morning to the dreary, grey early October Montana morning, she felt only peace as she stood at the hotel room window and stared out at the landscape.

  As it should be.

  No fear, not even a hint of anxiety. Just the beautiful and somewhat
rugged landscape laid out around the town.

  Oscar stepped out of bed and walked up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist. He nibbled on the side of her neck. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled and turned in his arms, draping hers over his shoulders. “Very.”

  “You’re sure?”

  She stood on tiptoe to kiss him. “Very.”

  “Hey,” John mumbled from the bed. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”

  She walked over and jumped onto the bed, bouncing him.


  Leaning in, she kissed him. “Wake up, grumpy. Breakfast awaits.”

  “Yeah? Well, sleep would await if you’d let it. This is supposed to be our vacation.”

  Despite his initial protestations, they showered, dressed, packed, ate breakfast, and got back on the road less than two hours later. She wanted to reach the town well before dark, wanted to be back on the road again to wherever their instinct took them.

  When they reached the town, she had Oscar stop at the same little grocery store where she’d bought flowers a few months earlier. This time, she bought two bundles.

  They headed to the cemetery without talking, her peace settling around her like a thick, soft, comfortable cloak. Then she led the way to her mom’s grave and knelt in front of it, placing one of the bundles of flowers there.

  “Mom, this is John and Oscar. I…” She swallowed back her tears. “I wish you could have met them. Dad loves them. And Dad’s happy, too. Thank you for guiding us all these years. I miss you and love you so much, but I know life had to move on. The other option…it wasn’t an option for me. It wouldn’t be honoring you to not keep living and to be happy.”

  She kissed her fingers and pressed them to the cool granite headstone. Then she stood and reached for the other bundle of flowers that Oscar had carried for her.

  Slowly, on trembling legs, she walked across the cemetery, searching, until she finally found the graves.

  Michelle Clary had apparently disowned her husband. When she prearranged her son’s funeral arrangements the day before she had him disconnected from life support—the day she committed suicide—she’d arranged for a double headstone and their two graves.