Read Lost Boy Page 15

  With me.

  They were always in different locations, mostly underground in abandoned warehouses. Places where it was neutral territory between the clubs, and cops wouldn’t give a shit if we wanted to try to take one another out. Making their jobs easier for them, one less 1% MC member in the world. With only a few brothers on each side of the line during the fights.

  Skyler Bell, my sunshine and happiness, was still the only other thing in my life that silenced the demons on my back. When I was with her, when we were together, nothing else mattered.

  Not the past.

  The present.

  Or the future.

  Just her.

  She was my main focus, as if no time had passed between us, drowning out all the pain and all the sorrow in my soul. Except, when she’d leave me for the night, or when she was too caught up some days with work-related shit, I needed the fight.

  The peace of mind.

  Feigning for blood like a fucking wolf in the night. It didn’t help that my mother was getting worse as the days went long. My father relied on me more to make things right in his world of nothing but wrong. I was like a caged animal salivating to be set free, waiting for the moments I was either with Skyler or fighting. Using my fists to suppress the memories of the life I lived.

  Everything was going great until one night, two weeks ago, I fucked up. Fighting was never about how hard I could fucking hit. It was strictly about how hard I could get hit. And my last fight fucked me up pretty bad. The motherfucker fought dirty though, flinging sand in my eyes, throwing me off kilter for a few seconds, maybe a minute. That was all it took for him to lay the fuck into me. It was the only fight in the last five years, since I started picking fights with random people, that I almost lost.


  If he was going to fight fucking dirty, then I was going to fight dirtier.

  I blinked and shook away the haze, sweat, and blood gushing from my face, laying there in a pool of my own blood.

  “That’s right, you fucking prospect! Know your place! You ain’t nothing but a little bitch trying to be a real man! A real fucking outlaw!” he spewed, spitting on me. Standing above my battered body. “Time to go to sleep for good, boy! And I’m gonna be the one who puts your fucking ass to ground!”

  I tried to get up on my hands and knees, but the son of a bitch kicked me in the stomach with his combat boot.

  “Ugh!” I groaned, falling on the dirt. Recoiling in pain.

  He didn’t stop there, repeatedly kicking me all over my torso. Causing my body to roll until he finally decided to stop.

  “You fucking pussy! I’m gonna love the glory of killing Jameson’s son!”

  I waited, always waiting, for the right moment to strike. Number one rule of fighting—always be aware of your surroundings because it might save your life.

  Fight or die.

  Fight or die.

  Fight or die.

  Right when he was going in for the kill, I swiftly rolled over and grabbed ahold of a chain that was near one of the rusted, broken down machines, and I whipped it against his knees. Instantly hearing the loud crack of his kneecaps shattering as he crumbled to the ground that I was still laying on.

  “You piece of shit!” he screamed in agony, holding his legs in a fetal position.

  Without hesitation, I slowly stood up from my hands and knees. Ignoring the crippling pain, knowing it was my fucking turn to make myself known. Put him in his fucking place.

  Six feet under.

  Cocking my head to the side, I spit in his face. Spewing, “Night, night, motherfucker.”

  Using all the strength I had left, I whipped the heavy, metal chain over my shoulder, striking his face. Over and over. Ruthlessly not letting up until he took his last breath. His face unrecognizable from my wrath.

  Bottom line.

  I won.

  There were no bullshit excuses I could give Skyler when she saw my face the next day. It wasn’t as bad as the night at the river when she came back, but it was damn near close. She didn’t say a word about it, although she didn’t have to. Her eyes expressed everything she couldn’t say with words while trying to fix me up. Making me feel even more like shit.

  I couldn’t continue down this path of keeping my two worlds apart. As much as I didn’t want to, I had to show her she had nothing to worry about when it came to me and fighting. I could handle my own, proving to her I was made to battle. Hopefully, silencing the panic in her mind the same way she always had for me.

  Once and for all…

  I needed to let her in.

  I cut the engine of my sleek Harley Davidson Sportster motorcycle my pops gave me for my sixteenth birthday like he did for Creed. A sick-looking bike with all matte black components, custom fenders, seat, and gas tank with the club logo painted on it. The killer engine and exhaust system were visible on the sides. A set of shortened handlebars and a massive front headlight completed my badass bike. Pops more than likely stole or won her in a bet, but I didn’t fucking care. She was my other girl, I loved her like I did my cock.

  I parked a few houses down from Skyler’s. It was late, and I didn’t know if her dad was awake or asleep, or even home for that matter. Pulling out my cell phone, I called her.

  “Hey you,” she answered.

  “Happy seventeenth birthday, Cutie.”

  She giggled, “Happy seventeenth birthday, Rebel.”

  “Were you sleepin’?”

  “No. Just trying to unwind from the photoshoot for Cosmopolitan today. Twelve grueling hours of being told to smile, then to look serious, then to smile again. I don’t know how models do it. Not to mention the wardrobe changes, and I haven’t been dieting and most of the shots were in revealing bikinis—”

  “It’s fuckin’ August. Summer’s over.”

  “Not for Hollywood. Sex sells, no matter what.”

  “The fuck?”


  “And don’t give me that dietin’ shit. You’re fuckin’ perfect. I can throw you around and put you where I want ya, yeah?”

  “Yeah, and where’s that?”

  “Legs spread wide on my face.”


  I chuckled, I couldn’t help it. She was too fucking adorable. “Then don’t ask questions ya already know the answers to.”

  “Anyway,” she changed the subject. “I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone call me at midnight on my birthday. You may be my first.”

  “I love bein’ your firsts.”

  She laughed. “How was your day?”

  “Better, now that I’m talkin’ to you.” I hadn’t seen her in almost two days. She was busy with publicity shoots or some shit. Apparently, in revealing fucking bikinis for dickwads to jerk off to. I didn’t like it, not at all, but I bit my tongue because what could I do about it?

  Not one damn thing.

  “Look out your window, Skyler.”


  “Just do it.”

  “So bossy,” she mumbled. “Okay, I’m looking. What am I looking for?”

  “Your knight in shinin’ armor.”

  I saw her smile big and wide before she looked to her left and found me. “What are you doing sitting there all by yourself like a stalker?”

  “I prefer number one fan.”

  She giggled again.

  “Come ride wit’ me.”


  “You heard me.”


  “You got five minutes.” I hung up. I could see her rolling her eyes and shaking her head before she backed away from the window.

  It didn’t take long for her to come outside, walking toward me with the helmet I gave her years ago in her hand. She was wearing those tight black pants that framed her ass perfectly, a long sleeve shirt, and her own black combat boots she bought in L.A. Saying she saw them window shopping and had to have them to go riding with me.

  The cool breeze picked up, causing her to shiver, and without thi
nking twice about it, I took off my cut and pulled my hoodie over my head, throwing it at her. North Carolina was hit with a cold front out of nowhere for it only being August, so nights required sweatshirts especially when riding.

  She smirked, bringing it up to her nose for a second before slipping it on. Wanting to inhale my scent, always telling me it was as addicting as her favorite blueberry bubble gum.

  I grinned, eyeing her up and down. “You look good in my clothes.”

  She beamed. “Alright, Romeo. Where are we going?”

  “I wanna show ya somethin’.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Something, yeah?”

  “Getcha mind out of the gutter, Cutie. ’Cuz I can show you somethin’ right now, but I don’t want your old man to kill me. ’Cuz I sure as shit would kill a motherfucker like me if he was sittin’ on a Harley near my house, showin’ his huge somethin’ to my baby girl.”

  “Huge, huh? Don’t brag, Noah.”

  I grabbed my cock. “Ain’t braggin’ if you can back it up.”

  She busted out laughing. We hadn’t done shit since that day at the gym, where I had her losing her shit beneath me. Our relationship wasn’t like that. It wasn’t built on sex or any of that other shit, it was more than that.

  It was everything and in between.

  Not that I didn’t want to sink balls deep into her pussy, I just didn’t need it.

  I only needed her.

  My girl.

  “Besides, he’s not even home. He works nights as a highway construction worker.”

  This was the first time she’d shared anything about her dad, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t mean more to me than what I was about to show her.

  “You ready to ride?”

  She nodded, putting her helmet on and jumping on the back of my bike where she belonged. I threw my cut over my t-shirt and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling her snug against my back where she always felt like home to me.

  I was still anxious as hell on the ride to our final destination, silently praying I was doing the right thing. What felt like an eternity later, I pulled up to the abandoned school on Parkston and turned off the engine, kicking out the stand.

  “Where are we?” she asked, still sitting on my bike as I got off. Looking around the old, dark lot with an apprehensive expression on her beautiful face.

  “Hey…” I grabbed her chin, making her look at me. “Baby, I’d never let anythin’ happen to you. Tell me you know that.”

  She nodded, frowning. “Of course, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

  “You scared?”

  “No. Should I be? What are we doing here, Noah?”

  “I told you. I wanna show ya somethin’.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me.

  “This is my life, Skyler. And I need ya to understand that. I want ya to know everythin’. No more hidin’ the truth from you. It’s our birthday, no more fuckin’ secrets between us, yeah?”

  She winced. It was quick, but I saw it. “I don’t understand. What does your life have to do with us being here?”

  I pulled off her helmet and kissed the tip of her nose, leaning my forehead against hers. I peered deep into her eyes, murmuring, “You will.”



  The hesitation was written clear across her face as I helped her off my Harley. Not letting go of her hand, I walked in front of her, leading the way inside of the old, vacant building toward what appeared to be the gymnasium.

  I nodded at Diesel when we walked through the rusty double doors, grateful as fuck he was there for me. Well, not me, but for Skyler. He knew the shit I was involved in, all the brothers did. My old man didn’t hide it from anyone other than Creed. The brothers knew the consequences if they didn’t keep their mouths fucking shut and it got back to Creed. Our bastard of a father was fully aware that my oldest brother would shit a fucking brick if he found out what my life had become. Ma was too shitfaced to notice anything besides the liquor bottle that was permanently glued to her hand, so there was no need to worry about her finding out.

  I wasn’t scared of my brother, he could eat shit for all I cared. In my eyes, we weren’t on good terms. He still wrote me letters, and I still read every one, but never wrote him back. I had nothing to say to him, although the selfish fuck had plenty to say to me.

  Diesel, on the other hand, he minded his business. It wasn’t his place to tattle on me, no matter how close he and Creed were. His loyalty was to the club and each of his brothers, including me. Which was why he was here to begin with, knowing I needed him to watch over Skyler.

  Besides, this wasn’t one of my usual fights. It was just another prospect from another MC we didn’t have beef with, who for some reason challenged me. He probably wanted to make a name for himself amongst the clubs, having the balls to go against the undefeated motherfucker.


  Bets were placed and here I was, ready to make him regret his fucking words. Knock him out and walk away with thousands of dollars in my pocket.

  We came face-to-face with the six-foot-two man standing on the other side of the gym, looking me up and down with a menacing regard. Noticing he showed up alone, wanting to prove a fucking point I assumed. Only making him look like more of a pussy.

  Skyler stopped dead in her tracks, jolting me back with her. “Noah…” she coaxed in a cautious tone, eyeing only him.

  I grabbed her chin again, connecting our stares. “Imma buy you somethin’ really fuckin’ nice after I kick his fuckin’ ass.”

  With wide eyes, she jerked back. Understanding my subtle response. “I don’t need you to buy me something fucking nice. What I need is for you to take me the hell out of here. Now,” she gritted through a clenched jaw.

  I smiled, trying to break the unexpected tension between us. “Don’t fuckin’ cuss, Cutie.”

  “Don’t fucking do this, Noah. Please. Don’t do this. I am fully capable of buying my own shit.”

  “It ain’t ’bout that. I just want ya to be part of my life.”

  “You won’t have a life to be part of if you fucking die.”

  “Ain’t gonna die.”

  “Because you’re suddenly invincible? I haven’t said a word. Not one single word to you about what I saw when I first got back, or what I saw two weeks ago, so please… don’t do this. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I know you can fight. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes, remember? There’s nothing you can show me right now that will make this okay with me.”


  “Please. Don’t do this. For me, Noah. Walk away, for me.”

  There was no choice to be made. Not when she was looking at me as if her whole world was standing in front of her. I did the only thing that made sense, the only thing that felt right over all the wrong in my life. I reached up, holding her face in between my hands, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs, and kissed her.



  And deep.

  Before pulling away, I angled my forehead against hers. Stating, “Let’s go.”

  She smiled, breathing out a heavy sigh of relief. Pecking my lips one last time, she replied, “Lead the way.”

  So I did, holding my girl’s hand. I walked away from a fight for the first time in my life, but not for me.

  Just for her.

  In the end, she was all that mattered.

  “You gotta be fuckin’ shittin’ me, you pussy-whipped motherfucker!” the prospect spewed from across the room.

  My jaw clenched and my hand twitched in Skyler’s. She didn’t waver, stepping out in front of me and leading the way.

  “But fuck it, look at that ass. I guess I can’t blame you. I’d like to go a few rounds with her pussy instead.”

  She walked faster, her stride hurrying out as quick as she could, dragging me behind her.

  “Oh, come on, sweetheart! The party was just getting started. How about you turn around, come bend over, and take it like the
whore that you are! Like you do in all your movies! Jameson here got himself a fucking movie star! How many cocks have been in her already? Can she even feel yours?”

  His voice began to sound muffled, and everything around me faded. I cracked my neck, my feet weighing heavy toward the doors while Skyler picked up her pace to get me out of there as fast as possible.

  “Don’t worry, motherfucker! I’ll even let you fucking watch. Or better yet, how about we both just tag team her! Diesel here can even partake!”

  “Fuck you!” Diesel hollered, following behind us.

  “Hey! She’s got three fucking holes for reason! Let’s see who can make her come first. I bet you it’ll be my cock up her ass that really makes her fucking scream when I’m making her bleed!”

  I saw red.

  Nothing but fucking red.

  “No wonder your brother died, the pussy gene runs strong in you Jameson men!”

  Rage quickly overtook every last fiber of my being as the words, “Noah, no!” flew out of Skyler’s mouth.

  It was too late.

  I was too far gone.

  Fight or die.

  Fight or die.

  Fight or die.

  And in the end, I was wrong. There was a choice to be made by me, and I instinctively chose.


  I took off, hauling motherfucking ass like a possessed man toward the piece of shit in front of me. Hearing the faint sound of Skyler’s shouting muffled in the background as I charged him. Ramming my shoulder into his chest, forcefully slamming his back into the brick wall.

  “Noah! It’s not worth it! He’s not worth it!” she yelled, and I already knew Diesel was holding her back from running over to me. Protecting the beauty from her fucked-up beast.

  The cocksucker’s hands immediately went to my vicious hold, trying to pry me off, but I didn’t give him a chance. I went full force, yanking him away from the wall and slamming his body back into it. Gripping onto his hair, I spun him around so his back was to my front and crashed his face into the window beside us. It shattered, sending glass in every direction. Blood instantly gushed from every inch of his battered skull.