Read Lost Boy Page 28

Skimming my fingers over her lower stomach, just above her pussy. “Property of Noah, right here.”

  She laughed. “Don’t I get my own cut with that on there or something?”

  I arched an eyebrow, knowing she didn’t know shit about club life before.

  “I love Sons of Anarchy.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes.” She blushed.

  “Still my favorite color on you, Cutie. So, Sons of Anarchy, huh? Why is that?”

  “You know why.”

  “Tell me anyways.”

  “Jax reminds me of you.”

  I smiled. “I fuckin’ love you.”


  “You heard me.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I. Fuckin’.” I got on top of her, caging her in with my arms. “Love. You.”

  “So last night’s insults didn’t mean anything?”

  “Do you honestly think it did?”

  She shrugged, and I began rubbing my nose against hers, wanting to ease the pain I’d purposely caused. Not wanting to start another argument, I didn’t tell her that I did mean some of the shit I spewed last night. Mostly, about the part of hating and loving her so goddamn much.

  “You’ve never treated me that badly before.”

  “You’ve never pissed me off that badly before. Besides you had help.”

  “Eli isn’t—”

  I kissed her. “You think I wanna talk ’bout another man when you’re in my arms and I’m ’bout to fuck your pussy?”

  She didn’t say shit, but I could tell she wanted to ask me something, and she was holding back.

  Fuck it.

  I asked for her, needing to know. “Now what, Skyler? What happens now?” Dreading her answer.

  There was a hint of hurt in her eyes as she peered into mine. “Do you need to go back home for anything?”


  Smiling from ear to ear, she flipped me over. Her demeanor quickly changing as if I had just imagined it all. Sliding her pussy down my dick. “Right now, you can fuck me until I come and then… you’ll come home with me.”


  She nodded, swaying her hips back and forth. “In L.A,” she moaned. “We’re there for a few days,” she moaned again. “And then I’m going to show you my world. Have you be part of it, if you still want toooo?”

  “You’re goin’ on tour, yeah?”

  She beamed, realizing I’d been following her career. Leaning forward, she kissed me and simply stated, “Yeah. And you’re coming with me.”

  Meaning it in every sense of the word.



  We’d only been in her L.A. home for less than twenty-four hours and I think I spent that whole time inside of her. Making up for lost time, enjoying each other’s company as much as possible.

  “You know what I want?” I groaned, kissing her neck. I’d just finished fucking her against the glass in her encased shower.


  “I wanna see you on your knees wit’ my cock in your mouth.”

  She giggled and it was still the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. “Noah, you’re still inside my pussy. How can you want in another hole already?”

  “Cuz my dick belongs inside you.”

  “Well… if you put it that way then—”

  “Sky!” a man’s voice abruptly echoed off the walls.

  “Shit,” she breathed out against my lips as I set her down.

  Instantly making me see fucking red.

  “No! It’s not what you think.”

  “Say that to me one more fuckin’ time, and I’m gonna let my fists show him what I think.”

  She fervently shook her head. “It’s Keith.”

  “Even fuckin’ better.”

  “Noah, please.”

  “Does he know I’m here?”


  “Does he know ’bout us?”

  When the expression on her face answered my question, I stepped passed her. “I’ll go tell him then.”

  She grabbed my arm. “Noah. Come on… don’t do this. I didn’t want to tell him over the phone.”

  “Is that right?”


  “Sky! I know you’re here! Where are you?” he called out, pissing me off even more.

  “Jesus Christ, doesn’t he know how to fuckin’ knock? How many men have the key to your home, Skyler?”

  “He’s like my dad. Please don’t make this out to be something it’s not.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Just Keith.”

  “Any particular reason for that?”

  “Sky! Where are you?!” his shout was getting closer, testing my fucking patience.

  “I’m out of town a lot, sometimes he checks on things. My PA has my house key too. Would you like to know why as well, so you can stop being an asshole?”

  I slapped her ass, hard.

  She yelped.

  “Don’t fuckin’ cuss.”

  “Sky! You in there?”

  “So I can see he also barges into your bedroom. You better answer him, Skyler, before he bursts in here too, and I finally show him some goddamn manners. Or has the motherfucker already made himself a home in your bed?”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but the son of bitch hollered her name again. Turning her attention toward the bathroom door instead, she yelled, “Yeah! I’m just finishing up in the shower! Give me a bit!”

  “Hurry up! I have great news!”


  I snidely mocked, “I’m sure he’s gonna be just as thrilled to hear our news too.”

  “Oh no. You stay in here, and I’ll go tell Keith by myself.”

  “Fuck n—”

  She put her hand over my mouth. “I’ll come get you when I’m done. Just let me tell him first. Please.”

  I reluctantly stepped back, letting her handle business as she deemed fit. “You got twenty minutes.” And with that, I turned to finish up my shower.

  After five minutes, maybe ten, I lost my fucking patience, barely hanging on by a thread. Deciding to make my presence known on my own, I walked out of the shower soaking wet and made my way toward their voices in the living room. Forgoing a towel.

  “Sky, you can’t be fucking serious!” he roared, really trying my tolerance when it came to him. Even after all these years, I still fucking despised the motherfucker.

  “Keith, calm down. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “Not that big of a deal? He looks like white trash! The press is going to tear him a part!”

  “You didn’t care about Eli’s reputation.”

  “Eli Ward owns multimillion dollar corporations. His name helped your career, not hinder it.”

  “You’re being dramatic.”

  “Fuck him,” I murmured to myself, striding into the living room, dripping wet. “Baby, I used your razor to shave my balls. I know you like ’em smooth when you deep throat my cock.”

  They both instantly jerked back, caught off guard that I came out butt-ass fucking naked.

  “Noah!” she exclaimed.

  “What? Better on your razor than in your mouth, yeah?”

  Skyler’s jaw dropped open and her face instantly turned five different shades of red.

  I caressed her cheek with the back of my fingers. “Still my favorite color on you, Cutie.”

  Her eyes widened, trailing up my body.

  I grinned, facing Keith. “I didn’t know we had company. You sure-as-shit know how to make yourself right at home when you’re not invited?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “But just so ya know, I sorta am a big deal.” Gesturing to my dick. “And you wouldn’t think so low of me, if you knew how many times I’d made her come today alone,” I paused for effect, far too satisfied by the ‘what the fuck’ expression on his face. “Get used to seein’ me, motherfucker. I ain’t goin’ nowhere without her by my side.”

  “Oh my God, Noah??
? you couldn’t have just let me handle this.”

  We locked eyes.

  “That’s like askin’ you to stop screamin’ out my name when you’re beggin’ me to take mercy on you and stop makin’ you come.” I glanced back at him. “I never do.” Rendering him speechless before I left the room.

  If there was one thing I learned very fucking quickly, it was that Keith was still a snake in the fucking grass.

  In order to prevent unwanted bullshit in my life and Skyler’s, he was adamant we keep our relationship behind closed doors until we figured our shit out. At first, my initial reaction was to tell him to eat shit, but after giving it some thought, I realized it was for the best.

  At least for the time being and foreseeable future.

  I didn’t need pieces-of-shit prying into my life, exposing my shit to make a buck. I had too much to lose.

  Including Skyler.

  So I played along for everyone’s sake, and we made the press think I was just another one of her bodyguards. It wasn’t like I didn’t fit the role. Things were just easier that way, seeing as the next few months proved to be anything but easy.

  They flew by, and before I knew it, I’d been with her for over four months.

  Another day, another fucking city.

  I groaned, not feeling her body wrapped around mine when she pretty much slept on top of me every night. My eyes fluttered open, stirring awake from a heavy deep sleep. Searching for her through the darkness of our bedroom suite, only to find myself alone.

  “Babe?” I called out to no avail, blinking away the sleepy haze.

  My gaze shifted toward the clock on the nightstand, partially covered by a pair of Skyler’s panties I’d thrown over there this morning when I ate her for breakfast. Before she had to leave for what felt like the hundredth press junket bullshit on this fucking tour, at the ass crack of dawn.

  “Fuckin’ three o’clock in the mornin’.”

  Between the concerts in different locations, traveling on a daily basis, the interviews, parties, something or another, it was never ending. It was fucking exhausting, seeing her less and less over the last few months.

  I rubbed my face, trying to gather my bearings. To wake-up enough and go hunt her down, failing miserably at remembering where the fuck we were. All the suites, penthouses, private planes, and tour buses started blending together. Along with whatever state, city, or continent we were in. I shook off the confusion of my state of mind, kicking away the silky sheet that made me fucking sweat like crazy. I sat up yawning, bare-assed with middle of the night wood.

  Grabbing my half-hard dick, I walked over to the bay window, looking at the miles and miles of lights shining through, but not seeing one star in the sky.

  “Oh yeah, fuckin’ Chicago,” I mumbled to myself.

  I hated this place, and it had only taken me one day to figure that out. As much as I loved Skyler between my legs, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t daydream about riding out of here with a Harley between them instead. In an instant, my hate for the city was replaced with a frown and then a smile when I heard her. Walking toward the dim light cascading across the white marble floor, I stayed hidden behind the crack in the bedroom suite door.

  God she was fucking beautiful.

  There in the middle of the living room floor, wearing nothing but a guitar, sat my whole world. One side of her hair was tucked behind her ear and the other side hung over her face, while she held a pencil in between her teeth. She was humming a lulling tune, softly throwing in words here and there. Bits and pieces of a song I knew she was writing from her heart.

  For a good twenty minutes, I listened to the words falling from her lips that stung, knowing they were stinging her too.

  “Toxic me, hmm hmm… toxic you, hmm hmm… wild me, wild you, hmm hmm… am I hiding my light from you… or are you hiding yours from me, hmm hmm…”

  I stepped out of the shadows and went to her, wanting to ease the pain in her voice and in her heart. The more I was around her, the more I realized how truly lost she was. To the world, she was Skyler Bell, but that girl wasn’t the deepest part of her. It was who she wanted everyone to think she was.

  Including me.

  Over the past four months I’d traveled all over the United States and twelve different countries with her, seeing things from my own perspective. Sure, she lit up a room with her smile, but sometimes I wondered if it was forced. It was no doubt different with me by her side. That smile wasn’t forced. That smile was all for me and I knew it. As genuine as they come, making me feel guilty as fuck for wanting to back out of this tour.

  And for wanting her to come with me.

  Although, as much as I fucking hated all this shit, I couldn’t take her away from this life she built for herself. Especially now that she was finally involving me.

  What was that saying though? Be careful what you wished for…

  Her eyes slowly climbed up my naked body when she heard my footsteps approaching her. Briefly resting on my half-hard shaft before reaching my eyes.

  “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” Her eyes once again dropped to my cock.

  “You were gone.” I looked down at her. “My eyes are up here, yeah?”

  Beaming with the smile I’d just been thinking about moments ago, her eyes lit up. “Want to hear something funny?”

  “Not if it’s about my dick.”

  She let out a loud laugh with a giggle that made my cock twitch. Moving her guitar to her side, she teased, “Fine, I won’t tell you how cute it is.” With one finger waving, a seductive smile, and a look that no one but me was capable of stirring in her, she added, “Come here.”

  I didn’t have to be told twice. I sat right in the middle of the floor beside her, picking up her notebook only to have it pulled from my hands.

  “Whatcha writin’ ’bout, Cutie?”

  She shrugged, straddling me. “Just messing around.” Pushing me with her hands on my chest. “Scoot back.”

  My hands went to her ass and I obeyed, moving us until I felt the sofa against my back. “People always do what you say?”







  Brushing her hair behind her ear, I cupped her tits and kissed both nipples. Staring up at her through the slits of my eyes, I noticed the expression on her face had changed as she stared at my chest lost in thought.

  “Hey… where’d you go?”

  Her eyes connected with mine, but her thumb didn’t stop tracing the name tattooed right over my heart. Every time she saw it, I could see it in her stare. Hidden among all the questions eating away at her that she hadn’t brought herself to ask me, yet.

  I knew eventually there’d be a time and a place we’d have to face each new demon we acquired through the years we weren’t together. Though, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me hate her just a little bit more every time I saw that name inked on my chest as well.

  It was a permanent reminder of the destruction she caused in my life when she decided not to be part of it anymore.

  She was getting restless though with the lack of sharing my personal life with her the same way I used to. She never used to have to ask, but now, I didn’t tell. I just couldn’t. In the past, I always voluntarily shared my demons with her, except I wasn’t that guy anymore, and there was no trying to find him.

  At least not…

  By me.

  It wasn’t easy to hide my indiscretions, specifically what I was doing when she wasn’t around.


  “Yeah, I’m good,” she played it off, shaking her head. “Just couldn’t sleep.”

  “Yeah that’s what coke does.”

  Her eyes held mine with a glare I knew all too well. Putting me right in my place, she narrowed her eyes and I gave it right back at her.

  “Did you come out here to be an asshole?”

  Pulling her lips to mine with my h
and on the back of her neck, I smiled against her mouth and then parted them with my tongue. Not wanting to fuck up this moment between us any longer. We already had enough of that since the first night I laid eyes on her in Vegas. Our years apart proved one thing and one thing alone, time had changed her, but it had also changed me. We weren’t the kids we were back then, too much shit had happened in between.

  My sunshine and happiness had her new demons and they came in the form of fame, money, and literally having the world at her goddamn fingertips.

  Everyone knew who she was, we couldn’t walk down the street together without someone flashing a goddamn camera in our faces. There was always someone asking her for an autograph or a picture, and Skyler loved her fans so fucking much, she never said no. The press, the paparazzi, her team, motherfucking Keith, they were always up her ass in one way or another. Invading her privacy and controlling her every move and thought.

  But it was the drugs that scared me more than anything. She didn’t do them often since I only allowed it in my presence, making sure she was safe while under the influence. But when she did, it was for “work-related” shit. How could I reason with her when it was her own goddamn team who were handing the shit to her?

  To help her stay up so she could finish whatever the fuck needed to be done.

  To help her fall asleep so she could rest for whatever the fuck else they excused it for.

  You name it… she could get it with the snap of her fingers. We’d gotten into so many arguments about her using, it was pointless trying to tell her that the shit wasn’t normal, when everyone around her was doing the exact same thing. And the people she trusted were giving it to her like fucking candy. I resisted the urge to knock Keith the fuck out every time he permitted it. Saying some shit about he’d never let anything happen to her. Even after the trash was thrown to the curb.

  Referring to me.

  For the first time, I picked and chose my battles and Keith, father figure or not, I would ultimately fucking defeat.

  My girl fell down the rabbit hole of the fucking Hollywood cliché and all I could do was be there for her when shit hit the fan. Because what goes up, must come down. I learned that the hard way. At the end of the day, who the fuck was I to tell her what she couldn’t do? I’d done my fair share of drugs, way before she even knew what the hell they were.