Read Lost That Lovin' Feeling: A Short Prequel Page 4


  Tierney slipped on the new nightgown she purchased. This was her one splurge, and she hadn’t even allowed herself that until after the contracts were delivered and Steven signed them. When the offer came, her mind ran wild with possibilities for about five minutes before common sense took over. She only allowed herself cautious optimism, not wanting to act on the windfall until she actually had it in her palm. Even now, Steven had yet to receive payment. The agent he signed with suggested they negotiate a few changes, so there was a nerve-wracking period of back-and-forth in which Tierney feared the network might want to withdraw their offer. The check wouldn’t be mailed until after their legal department returned the signed contract to them, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt if she charged one nightgown and matching robe for herself. It wasn’t an obviously sexy nightgown…the red, white, and brown jungle print wasn’t sheer, nor did it go all the way to the floor, instead falling to just above her knees, but the spaghetti straps and snug lace-trimmed bodice made her feel…well, beautiful and desirable, neither of which she’d felt in quite a while. She wondered what Steven would think.

  The financial strain they’d been under had slowed down their sex life, and when they did come together—down to just once or twice a week—it seemed to be devoid of any emotion other than pure lust. The intimacy was confined to a rapid session of foreplay followed by intercourse, with no cuddling or pillow talk afterward.

  Tierney massaged her scalp and checked to see that her bobby pins were secure. She’d long since let her perm grow out; regular salon visits for touch-ups were a luxury she could no longer afford. It became unruly as her natural texture grew in, and she generally braided it after she washed it to give it a wavy texture, then unbraided and pinned it close to her head, making it resemble a short wavy haircut. She’d already begun looking at hairstyle magazines to help her decide on a style for when she resumed going to the salon.

  She adjusted a few pins, then lowered her arms. It was time to stop fussing and go into the adjoining guest bedroom with its four-poster bed and fireplace. She told herself not to expect too much. She’d been in here so long showering and primping, chances were that Steven had fallen asleep already.

  She remembered Tracy’s ill-timed joke about having another baby. That was out of the question…but Tracy might have been right about one thing. If she and Steven were ever going to re-discover each other, this was the time for it to happen.

  She slipped the matching robe on, tied the sash loosely around her waist, and flicked off the light switch with one hand while simultaneously opening the door with the other.

  The bedroom was dark, lit only by the orange flames of the fireplace, the only sound the snapping and crackling of the logs as they burned. Steven was nowhere in sight.

  He’d obviously started the fire, but where had he gone? Disappointment oozed from Tierney’s every pore. Was he waiting for her to get into bed and fall asleep? Tracy had been right—this was a wonderfully romantic bedroom, especially now with the fire glow and popping sounds. Had things gotten so bad between them that Steven was no longer interested in sleeping with her?

  She removed her robe, draped it over a chair, and slid between the sheets halfway between the edge of the mattress and its center. The room had become noticeably warmer from the fire, and the quilt covering the bed was thick and warm, but she didn’t mind the heat. Her heart felt frozen…and she now found herself feeling just plain weary.

  She’d closed her eyes and was listening to the soothing sound of the snapping flames when the door suddenly opened. Within seconds Steven lay on his stomach just inches away from her, barefoot, wearing his usual winter sleepwear of sweatshirt and sweat pants. “Hey there.”

  “Hey. I thought you left.”

  “No. I figured I’d look in on Sienna while you were showering. She’s not used to sleeping anywhere else than in her own bed.”

  “Oh.” She instantly felt guilty. “I checked her before I took my shower. She was sleeping soundly.”

  “She still is. It was smart of you to bring her night light. If she wakes up she won’t be scared.” He smiled at her. “You’re a wonderful mother, Tierney. I wasn’t implying otherwise. I just thought I’d take a look at her and save you from having to do it. You do so much as it is.”

  She shrugged. “I guess I can’t argue with that.”

  He covered his hand with hers. “I’m not as insensitive as you think,” he said softly. “I know how difficult these last two years have been for you. Maybe I could’ve done more to make it easier,” he admitted, “but I knew that time wasn’t on my side. It’s foolhardy for a writer to think that any of their ideas haven’t been thought of by anyone else…probably dozens of writers with the same idea. It’s a question of who comes up with the best execution first. I knew I had to concentrate on getting my idea conceptualized and expanded. I had to get it down on paper and make it shine up like a newly minted penny. In order to do that, I had to make the most out of every day and have as few distractions as possible. I know most people think writing is simple…but it really isn’t. It’s as challenging as any other job, and even more so than many.”

  “I know,” Tierney murmured. “I’ve seen all the storyboards you’ve been working with.” They lined one wall of his office, and they looked so complicated, with color coding and arrows, that she hadn’t been able to follow them. “I’ve seen you agonize when you got stuck on something. I know it isn’t easy, Steven. But I’m glad you realize all I’ve been carrying on my shoulders.”

  “I do know, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your struggling to stretch every dollar to keep up. And now that it’s paying off, I promise to make it up to you.” There was an earnestness on his face that she hadn’t seen for a long time. “I want you to have everything you ever wanted. I’m going to do my best to make sure that you and Sienna don’t want for anything. I’m not going to just be a one-show wonder, Tierney. This is the start of a new career for me. I plan on becoming a major player in series development, like David E. Kelley or Shonda Rhimes.” His lips formed a dreamy smile. “I’m going to call my production company Sienna Productions. I’m already thinking about other projects I’d like to do.”

  “That sounds real nice, Steven.” Warmth began to spread throughout Tierney’s body. Part of it was a reaction to his promise to make it up to her, but part of it came from something else…something below her waist.

  He peeled the covers away from her, telling her that he felt that same heat. “Hmm…what’s this?” he asked, taking in the bright print of her nightgown.

  Tierney felt her cheeks grow warm. It was silly…this was her husband, not some stranger, looking at her in her nightgown. Everything about her had become familiar to him long ago…so why did it suddenly feel like it was the first time?

  “I, uh, treated myself to a new nightgown and robe. I figured it was okay.”

  “You can treat yourself to a lot of new things now, Tierney. Hmm. This is nice.” Steven fingered the brown lace trim just to the side of her armpit, then traced it down and toward the center. His fingertip brushed against her breast, and their eyes met and held. He moved forward, touching his lips to hers at the same time as he covered her entire breast with his palm.

  Tierney’s libido went into overdrive. Instinctively she knew this would be no satisfaction of a basic human need, like sex had become for them. For the first time in a long time, her heart would be involved.

  She rolled from her side to her back and watched as he pulled off his sweat shirt, revealing a finely muscled chest. When he stretched out atop her she did something she hadn’t done in a long time…she held out her arms. She wrapped them around his back, and a sigh of contentment escaped her parted lips as he fed her his tongue. The feel of his erection against her thigh filled her with breathless anticipation; her heart hammered in her chest.

  “Steven,” she whispered when their lips broke apart.

  “I know, sweetness. I feel it, too.?

  Tierney closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck. His hand slipped inside the fabric of her nightgown to touch her bare breast, and her nipples stiffened like beaten egg whites. She bent her left leg outward, eager for him to touch her between her legs. He was moving with maddening slowness, sucking on her earlobe, inserting a moistened tongue into her ear, returning to kiss her again. By the time he finally reached between her legs she was wet with wanting.

  Steven quickly removed the rest of his clothes, then lifted her nightgown over her head. He positioned himself above her, and she eagerly lifted her legs astride him. Tierney’s mouth formed an O of pleasure as he filled her, his erection hard as granite, then moaned aloud. He leaned forward, and she reached out for him, running her hands over the rippling muscles of his back. Her back arched, and her nipples brushed against his chest as her breasts thrust upward. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so good…