Read Lost and Found: Book One of the Emi Lost & Found Series Page 31

  “Okay,” she says. “I’m getting carried away. It’s been a long time, I guess.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind if you get carried away, please, be my guest.”

  “No, I don’t want to be too much of a tease. I just want to make out tonight. I’m having fun.”

  “It is nice,” I tell her. “I’ve wanted to kiss you like this for so long, Emi, it’s hard to believe it’s really happening.”

  “Well, it is happening.” She brushes her hand against my cheek and chin, feeling the stubble on my skin. She looks at me directly, and again, I lose my breath. “Kiss me some more,” she demands.

  We make out on the couch for another hour or so– innocently, sweetly, tentatively– before we decide to go to bed. She curls up in my arms and goes to sleep quickly. I think it’s the first night we’ve both slept comfortably together.

  “So what time should I pick you up tonight?” I ask Emi before she leaves around noon.

  “Chris wants to meet us at the restaurant at nine, so… eight-thirty?”

  “Let’s make it eight so I can spend a little time remembering what it’s like to kiss you before we go.”

  “Sounds good,” she says. “Want a preview?” I nod, and she pulls me close by the nape of my neck and touches her lips to mine. I can’t keep the muscles in my face from forming a broad smile. Her mouth lingers on mine, hanging on gently to my lower lip before breaking away.

  “Do you have to leave?”

  “Yes, I have things to do today! And I’m sure you’ve got some things to take care of.”

  “I’ll find something to keep me busy,” I tell her. She embraces me tightly before picking up her things to leave.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “See you tonight.”

  I stand in the kitchen for a few minutes, trying to map out my day, and eventually I return to bed in an attempt to get a few more hours of sleep. I can still smell Emi on the sheets. I hold on to the pillow she had been sleeping on and doze off.

  At seven-forty-five, I grab the duffle bag that I’ve packed and begin the short trek to Emi’s apartment. The restaurant is a low-key, trendy gourmet pizza place one subway stop from Emi’s apartment, so I’ve opted to wear nice jeans and a white button down shirt with a blazer. The temperature is mild, probably in the mid-sixties. Teresa answers the door just a few seconds after I knock.

  “Come in, she’s still getting ready,” she says.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Pretty good, actually. Emi’s been in such a good mood lately that literally nothing I say or do bothers her.”

  I smile. “Good.”

  “Are you planning on staying?” she asks abruptly, eyeing the bag I’m holding, never afraid to say what’s on her mind.

  “If I’m invited,” I tell her. “Thought I should be prepared, just in case.”

  “You know, we have no walls,” she jokes.

  “If it wasn’t already obvious by looking around, yes, Emi has mentioned that a few times in the past.”

  “Well, we do have that screen over there,” she nods, “and an ample supply of earplugs.”

  “I doubt that will be necessary,” I smile again, this time blushing. “But thanks.”

  “Just looking out for you,” she replies. “Nate, I’m just so happy for you both… I knew it was just a matter of time… let me go see if she’s ready,” she says, making her way to the restroom.

  Emi emerges a few minutes later, with Teresa following closely behind. She, too, is wearing jeans, and has found a fitted green button-down shirt that matches the color in the flower on the pearl necklace perfectly. I’m happy she has decided to wear it tonight. The shirt also brings out the color of her eyes.

  “You look great,” I comment.

  “You do, too,” she says back, taking my bag from me and leading me over to her bed across the room. “Presumptive, isn’t it?” she teases, lifting the duffle bag.

  “Hopeful,” I correct her, taking off my jacket.

  “Well, guys, I’ve got a date with my fireman, so I’m taking off,” Teresa announces.

  “Have a good time,” Emi says to her.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Teresa instructs with a laugh as she exits the apartment.

  I lean down to hug Emi and pick her up to kiss her. She wraps her legs around my waist and smiles playfully.

  “How are you feeling tonight?” I ask her, propping her up.

  “I couldn’t wait to see you,” she says. “And now that I see you, I’m a little turned on.”

  “Perfect,” I respond, placing her on the bed and lying down on top of her. “Because I’m a little turned on, too.” She repositions her legs so that mine are in between hers. I want her so badly, my mind racing with the many fantasies I’ve had of her. I am immediately aroused, and I can tell from her smile that she is fully aware of that fact. We kiss, and our bodies begin to move together as her breathing becomes quicker. I unbutton her blouse and kiss her neck and chest, and just when I’m about to pull down her bra strap to reveal her breast for the first time in nearly six weeks, Teresa walks back into the apartment. We both are motionless, as if we’re two teens caught in the act by our parents. I bury my head in Emi’s chest in frustration, sneaking in another kiss or two.

  “Sorry,” Teresa apologizes. “I can’t find my Metrocard.” I look up, but can’t make eye contact with Teresa. I just smile at Emi.

  “Take mine,” she says abruptly, grabbing it from her nightstand and holding it out for her roommate. “We’ll use Nate’s.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Teresa says, quickly grabbing the card and walking toward the door. “I’m really sorry.”

  “S’okay,” Emi says. Teresa quietly closes the door behind her.

  “Where were we?” I ask.

  “I’m thinking we were getting a little too caught up in the moment,” she says. “We probably need to get going.”

  “Just a second.” I pull down the strap and catch a glimpse. My hand caresses her breast gently, my eyes meeting hers for approval. She smiles faintly and runs her fingers through my hair, silence filling the room. I first kiss her breast, then slowly put my mouth around her nipple, sucking gently. She inhales quickly, as if surprised by my touch. As I’m kissing her, I adjust the other strap and begin to massage her other breast. After a few minutes, I switch sides, and her hands are lightly tugging at my hair at this point. Instinctually, our bodies move in rhythm, Emi’s setting the pace and guiding me as she begins to breathe faster, more erratically.

  “Nate,” she says softly as her breaths become shorter, faster, more uneven, each more audible than the last, the latter ones coupled with soft hums. Her grasp on my hair becomes tighter as her moans become louder. When I feel she is climaxing, my body still moving swiftly with hers, my kisses lead back to her wanting lips, which ravish mine on contact. “Oh, Nate,” she says breathily as I feel her body calming down beneath mine. Our eyes meet and hold the other’s captive. I remove a small bead of sweat from her temple and move some strands of hair out of her face.

  “Emi,” I begin, adding a kiss. “Emi, I lo–”

  “Like me, Nate,” she stops me from going further. “Don’t say it… not yet… not now.”


  “Nate,” she warns, putting a finger over my mouth. “I know. Please just don’t say it now.” She lifts her head to kiss me again. When we break away, I bury my head in her shoulder and sigh. I am beyond frustrated at this moment for a few reasons. One is quite obvious, I’m frustrated sexually, but I didn’t anticipate that we would have sex tonight. That was never in the plans, so I know that I need to exercise some self-control and move beyond the slight discomfort. I’m more frustrated with the fact that she doesn’t want me to profess my love to her. It is love I’m feeling. I wouldn’t have shared such intimate moments with her if it wasn’t, and I want her to feel safe in knowing how I truly feel, how deeply I truly love her.

  Of course, I’ve shared
similar intimate moments with many other women, and didn’t feel love for them. But this is different. I feel different.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, continuing to run her fingers through my hair.

  “I’ll be fine,” I mumble.

  “Thank you, Nate,” she says, “for, you know… ”

  “It was truly my pleasure,” I respond.

  “I need to go fix myself,” she says. “We really do need to get going now.” I roll over to let her off the bed, but as soon as she’s gone, I just bury my head in the pillow. It’s been quite some time since I got so worked up and didn’t have a release. I’ve forgotten what this feels like. I remember quickly that I don’t like the feeling… but for Emi, I’ll suffer through it.

  She laughs when she comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

  “Yes,” I say, rolling over, the erection still obvious.

  “Is there anything I can do?” she asks. I raise my left eyebrow. She smiles, “Other than that?”

  “Help me up,” I tell her, and she uses all her strength to pull me off the bed.

  “Here, let me fix your hair,” she says, running her fingers through it quickly. “Perfect sex hair.”

  “We are getting closer to the point that you can actually call it that,” I tell her, smiling. I pull her body into mine and hold her by the hips so she can feel me against her. “Emi, I cannot wait to make love to you again.”

  “Well, you have to,” she says with a matter-of-fact tone. “A little longer… ”

  “Oh, alright,” I say, a little disappointment coming out in my tone. “I hope I can make it till then,” I joke. “I’m not entirely sure I can make it through dinner tonight. I’m going to have the image of your breasts in my mind all night… ” She slaps my arm playfully, and I lean down to kiss her before adding, “… and even wilder visions of what I want to do to you.”

  “Nate, behave!” she says. “We have to go, and it’s going to be bad enough with one of us fully aroused at dinner,” she teases. “Don’t get me all wound up again, too.”

  “Oh, Em,” I tell her, “that will be my mission all night.”

  As we emerge from the subway station, I take her hand in mine and we walk down the sidewalk to the restaurant. Our fingers entwine, and I rub her hand with my thumb. As we enter the establishment, I pick up her hand and kiss the back of it.

  The host greets us and asks how many are in our party.

  “We have reservations for four,” I tell him. “We’re meeting two others. Probably under the name Chris Hennigan?”

  The host whispers to a nearby waitress and nods. “We’re preparing the table now, sir. It will be just a few minutes.”

  “Thanks,” I tell him, leading Emi away from the hostess desk, out of the way. I pin her up against the wall and stare down at her.

  “Nate,” she laughs.

  “Shhhh… ” I say, leaning in to kiss her in an attempt to fulfill my mission. It is a deep kiss, long, a little frantic, and when I back off, it is as if she is gasping for air. She bites down on her bottom lip and grabs me by the waist, pulling me toward her. Our lips meet once more, this time the kiss is slower and more deliberate. I run my fingers through her hair, and, embracing me, she puts her cold hands underneath my jacket and shirt, scraping my back lightly with her fingernails. I shiver and moan quietly.

  “You’re not playing fair,” I whisper in her ear. “This is my game, remember?”

  “Well, two can play,” she whispers back.

  “But, see, I could carry you right out of this place and take you back to my apartment,” I pause briefly, “make love to you right now. I’m already there.”

  “Really?” she says with an impish grin.

  “Yes. It’s my job to get you to that point.”

  “Well… continue… ” she says, and I begin to kiss her once more before someone taps me on the shoulder.

  “Your table is ready, sir,” the host says as Emi and I try to appear composed. “Right this way.”

  Chris and Anna must have sneaked in at some point, because they are already seated near the back of the restaurant by a stone fireplace, complete with a crackling fire. They both stand to meet us.

  “Nate!” Chris says excitedly and gives me a hug. “Congrats, man. I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “Oh, thanks,” I tell him, shaking his hand. “How are you two doing?” I say, diverting my attention to his girlfriend.

  “Great,” she tells me. “And Emi, it’s good to see you again! Where did you get that necklace?”

  Emi blushes and looks at me. “Nate got it for me in Vegas.”

  “I won a little at the tables,” I explain modestly. “I like to think she brought me luck.”

  “Well, you’re definitely lucky,” Chris says. “She agreed to date you. She doesn’t just date anyone,” he teases his sister.

  We all take a seat at the table and begin to look at the menu. The waiter comes to take our drink order.

  “We’ll take a bottle of Chianti– is that okay, Em?” Chris asks.

  “Perfect,” she says.

  “And water all around,” he adds. He looks at me to see if I want to add anything, but I just nod in agreement. Emi and I hold hands under the table, and her constant touch makes it difficult for me to concentrate on anything but her.

  “So, I heard the paintings are a hit,” Anna says.

  “I guess so,” I answer. “The client loved them, and the Times is actually doing a feature on the architecture and design of Albert’s club. I did a phone interview last week. I think it’ll be in this weekend’s Arts section.”

  “That’s incredible,” Chris says as Emi beams. I release her hand, and put mine on her knee, squeezing it lightly. She puts her hand on top of it.

  The waiter brings four glasses of water and four wine glasses with the bottle of Chianti. He uncorks the bottle and lets Chris smell the cork. He then pours a small sampling, and Chris tastes it before giving his approval. Once he does, the waiter pours a glass for each of us.

  “Are you ready to order?” he asks. We place our order for a medium vegetarian pizza and a medium pepperoni pizza. As the waiter walks away, Chris raises his glass.

  “A toast,” he starts as we pick up our wine. “To good friends and true love,” he says with a smile.

  “To good friends and true love,” the rest of us repeat before taking a sip. I lean over to kiss Emi, putting my hand on her waist. Our lips meet and she closes her eyes as I stroke her cheek with my thumb. When I pull away, my desirous gaze meets hers and my heart skips a beat.

  Shaking her head as if to clear away her current thoughts, she asks Chris what has been going on in his life.

  Chris takes Anna’s hand on the table and says, “Well, we’ve both been working a lot–”

  “And seeing each other less,” Anna adds. “But we think we’ve found a solution.”

  “Oh?” Emi asks. “And that is?”

  Anna smiles. “We’re going to move in together at the beginning of the year!”

  “That’s great!” Emi exclaims. “I never thought I’d see this day, Chris.”

  “Oh, well,” he starts. “It’s not just that.” Anna looks at him, raising an eyebrow. “I was actually thinking… ” Chris shifts in his chair, turning his body to face Anna better. He picks up her left hand and holds it in both of his. He clears his throat before continuing.

  “I was actually thinking that maybe… ”

  “Maybe what?” Anna asks impatiently. Chris reaches into his jacket pocket and shoves his chair back so that he can get down on one knee.

  “I was thinking that maybe you’d like to marry me,” he says, pulling out a brilliant diamond ring. “So, Anna Cheung? Will you marry me?”

  I wonder if Emi knew about the proposal tonight. By her expression, I guess she didn’t, and I’m beyond happy for Chris. Anna’s eyes begin to water as she chokes out one simple answer: “Yes!” He slips the ring onto her finge
r and they kiss tenderly. A few of the other diners who had been watching begin to clap, and we all join in.

  “I thought you were going to ask her on New Year’s Eve!” Emi says.

  “She was on to me,” Chris explains. “I started to think she might be expecting it that night, so I had to do something to surprise her. I thought tonight would be the perfect opportunity.”

  “I certainly didn’t expect it tonight,” Anna says, wiping tears from her eyes with her napkin. Emi reaches over to take a closer look at the ring.

  “It’s beautiful, Chris. Good job.”

  “Congratulations, guys,” I add. When the waiter comes back with our food, they also deliver their best bottle of champagne for the table, obviously in on Chris’s plan.

  “So,” Chris continues. “Nate, I wanted to know if you’ll play at our engagement party, on New Year’s.”

  “And Emi, I’d love you to be my maid of honor!” Anna adds.

  “I’d be honored,” I tell Chris.

  “I’d love to!” Emi says. The thought of Emi walking down the aisle forces a huge smile on my face. I can only hope that it will be a sort of dress rehearsal for the real thing someday.

  “Em, wasn’t it, like, a year ago that we vowed to take care of one another in the nursing home someday? Because I’d never find the right girl and you’d never find the right guy, and we’d be destined to die alone?”

  “I think it was last Thanksgiving,” she says, “so yeah, a year ago.”

  “And look at us now, both crazy in love,” he adds, raising has glass to Anna, kissing her.

  “In love,” Emi says as she lifts her glass, the words lingering on her tongue as she stares blankly into the fireplace. Slowly, the corners of her mouth turn up, obviously having a vision of something that makes her happy. She snaps out of her daze and turns quickly to face me. She takes a drink and smiles broadly at me, her eyes wide.

  I lean in to whisper in her ear. “What are you thinking?” I ask, kissing her earlobe discretely.

  “Don’t do that,” she laughs quietly. “That’s my weakness.”