Read Lost on the Moon; Or, in Quest of the Field of Diamonds Page 10



  Jack Darrow fairly burst into the big shed where the two scientistswere at work over the ruined motor. They looked up at his excitableentrance, and Mr. Henderson called out:

  "Why, Jack, what's the matter?"

  "Quite a lot, I'm afraid," answered the lad, and there was that in hisvoice which alarmed the professors.

  "What do you mean?" inquired Mr. Roumann, laying aside some of thedamaged motor plates.

  "Mark's gone!" gasped Jack.

  "Gone! Where?" exclaimed Mr. Henderson.

  "I don't know, but he went to the deserted house, where we thought themysterious man was hiding, and since then I can't find him."

  Then the frightened lad proceeded to explain what he and Mark hadundertaken, and the outcome of it; how his chum had failed to meet himat the rendezvous, and how Jack had searched through the old housewithout result.

  "There's but one thing to do," declared Professor Henderson, when hehad listened to the story. "We must go back there and make a morethorough search."

  "What--to-night?" exclaimed the German.

  "Surely. Why not? We can't leave Mark there all alone. He may be hurt,or in trouble."

  "That's what I think," said Jack. "I'll tell Washington and Andy, andwe'll go back and hunt for him. Poor Mark! If he had only waited forme, perhaps this would never have happened, and if I hadn't stopped atthe dog-fight maybe Mark would have waited for me. Well, it's too lateto worry about that now. The thing is to find him; and I guess we can."

  Jack would not stop longer than to snatch a hasty bite of supper beforehe joined the searching party. Washington and he carried lanterns,while Andy Sudds had his trusty rifle, and the two professors broughtup in the rear, armed with stout clubs, for Jack's account of theaffair made them think that perhaps they might have to deal with aviolent man.

  "Hadn't you better notify the police?" suggested Andy. "A couple ofconstables would be some help."

  "Not very much," declared Jack. "Besides, there are only two inBayside, and it's hard to locate either one when you want them. I guesswe can manage alone."

  "Yes, I would rather not notify the police if it can be avoided," saidProfessor Henderson.

  The searching party hurried along the country highway, which was nowdeserted, as it was quite dark. Their lanterns flashed from side toside, but they had no hope of getting any trace of Mark until they cameto the old barn, at least, though Jack wished several times that hemight meet his chum running toward them along the road.

  They reached the barn in due course, and while Washington, Jack andAndy began a search of it, the two scientists went up to the house ofthe man who owned it and enlisted his aid. They asked him if he hadseen Mark around that afternoon, but the farmer had not.

  "But me an' my hired man'll come out and help you hunt through thebarn," he said. "I remember once, when I was a lad, that my brotherfell off the hay mow and lay unconscious in a manger for five hoursbefore we found him. Maybe that's what's happened to this young man,"suggested Mr. Hampton, which was the farmer's name.

  "I looked around pretty well this afternoon," explained Jack, when thefarmer and his man had reached the barn, "but, of course, I didn't knowall the nooks and corners."

  A thorough search of the structure, however, failed to reveal thepresence of Mark, and then the farmer volunteered to accompany theparty on to the old Preakness house. His offer was received withthanks, and, bringing two more lanterns with them, Mr. Hampton and hisman added considerable to the illumination.

  They went through the old mansion from garret to cellar, and calledrepeatedly, but there was no answer. And good reason, for in the secretroom, with his captive, the mysterious man heard the first approach ofthe searching party; and he quickly bound Mark and gagged him, so thathe could not answer.

  There was nothing to do but to leave, and it was with sad hearts thatJack and his friends departed, their search having been unavailing.They turned toward home, which they reached quite late, but foundnothing disturbed.

  No one in Professor Henderson's house slept much that night, and in themorning pale and wan faces looked at each other, all asking the samequestion: "Where is Mark?"

  But no one could answer.

  They talked over the matter, and decided that Jack, with Andy andWashington, should form a searching party to scour the surroundingcountry. The two scientists were too old for such work, and, as the aidof the police was not desired, it was felt that the three could do allthat was necessary.

  Accordingly, while Professor Henderson and his German friend went towork on the damaged motor, which did not need as much repairing as atfirst was thought to put it in working shape again, Jack and the twomen started off to hunt for Mark.

  They were gone all that day, returning very much discouraged at dusk,saying that they could get no trace of him.

  "I don't see where he can be!" exclaimed Jack desperately, for, thoughthe two lads were not related, they had been friends so long, and hadshared so many pleasures and dangers together, that they were likebrothers. "You won't start for the moon until you find him, will you,Professor?" asked Jack.

  "No, indeed; though we could start to-morrow if he was here," repliedthe aged scientist. "The special tools came to-day, and the motor hasbeen repaired. We have tested it, and the Cardite power works evenbetter than did the Etherium apparatus."

  "Then we can start as soon as Mark is found?" asked Andy Sudds.

  "Yes, for everything has been put inside the projectile, and all thatremains is to haul it out of the shed, point it at the moon, and startthe motor."

  "Then I guess I'll give my gun a final cleaning, and get ready. Theremay be good hunting on the moon," said the old hunter.

  Jack was tired from his long tramp that day, searching for his missingchum, but before he went to bed he wanted to go out and take a look atthe big projectile, which was now ready to start for the moon.

  As he turned around the corner of the immense shed to enter the door,he was startled by seeing a figure coming toward him. Jack started,rubbed his eyes, and peered again.

  "Is it possible? Can I be mistaken?" he whispered.

  The figure came nearer. Jack, who had come to a halt, broke into a run.

  "Mark! Mark!" he cried joyously. "Oh, you've come back! Where have youbeen?"

  Jack was about to clasp his chum in his arms when he saw that Mark'sarm was in a sling, and that his face was all bandaged up, so thatscarcely any of his features showed. Had it not been for the clothes,and a certain stoutness of which Mark never could seem to get rid, Jackwould scarcely have known his friend.

  "Why, Mark, what happened?" cried Jack. "Have you met with an accident?Where have you been? In a hospital? What became of you? Why didn't youwait for me?"

  "I can't answer all those questions at once," was the reply, and Jackthought Mark's voice was curiously muffled and hoarse, entirely unlikehis usual tones. But he ascribed that to the bandages around the mouth.

  "Well, answer one at a time then," said Jack, and there was anundefinable, strange air about his chum which cooled Jack's firstimpulse of gladness. "Whatever happened to you, Mark? Are you hurt?"

  "I was--yes," came the reply, in short, jerky tones. "I had anaccident, and I've been in a hospital. That's why I couldn't send youword. But I'm all right now. When does the projectile start?"

  "To-morrow, now that you're here. But tell me more about it. Where wereyou hurt?"

  "On my head and arm."

  "No; I mean where did the accident occur?"

  "Oh, in the old house where I went to--to look for that man."

  "Did you find him?" asked Jack eagerly.

  "No. He's not there now."

  "Well, never mind. We won't bother about him. Come on to the house. My,but I'm glad to see you again! And so will the others be."

  In his enthusiasm at seeing his chum again Jack wanted to hug him. Heapproached Mark, but the latter cried out:

  "Look out! Don't com
e too close!"

  "Why not? Have you caught some disease?"

  "No, but you might hurt my broken arm!"

  "Oh, is it broken? That's tough luck. Did you fall?"

  "Yes--in the old house. I fell down stairs."

  "And your head is all bandaged up, too," went on Jack, trying to peerinto his friend's face through the roll of bandages.

  "Look out! Don't come too near!" again warned the other. "You mightjostle against me, and knock off some of the bandages."

  "Did you lose some of your teeth, the reason your voice sounds sofunny?" asked Jack.

  "Yes, I did knock out a few when I tumbled. But don't bother about me.I'll be all right soon. Let's go in the house. I want to go to bed."

  "But they'll all want to see you, and hear about the accident, Mark,"insisted Jack. "My, but we've been all worked up about you. How did youhappen to be taken to a hospital?"

  "A farmer came along, and I hailed him. Then I lost consciousness, andcouldn't let you know where I was. But never mind the details. I'manxious to get started on the trip to the moon. Couldn't we startto-night?"

  "I don't believe so. You need rest. But come on in the house." ThenJack hurried on ahead, calling: "Mark's found! Mark is back!"

  His cries brought all of the others out on the porch, and at first theycould scarcely believe the good news, but soon Jack and the new arrivalcame in sight. As Jack had been, the two professors and the others werestartled when they saw how Mark was bundled up in bandages.

  "He fell down stairs," explained Jack.

  "Come over here where it's light, so I can see you," suggestedProfessor Henderson. "Perhaps some of the bandages have slipped offsince you came from the hospital. Why did you come alone? Why didn'tyou send us word where you were as soon as you were conscious, and wewould have come for you."

  "Oh, I didn't want to bother you," explained the bundled-up figure. "Imanaged to walk it all right."

  "But your injuries may need attention," insisted Mr. Henderson. "I knowsomething about doctoring. Come here where I can see."

  "No--no--the--light hurts my eyes," was the hasty reply. "I guess I'llgo to bed, so as to be all ready to start in the morning. Why don't youleave for the moon to-night, professor?"

  "There are still a few little details to look after. But are you sureyou are well enough to go with us? We may meet with hardships up on themoon."

  "Oh, I'm all ready to go," was the answer. "I'd start to-night if Icould. But now I must get to bed."

  "Don't you want supper?" asked Jack.

  "No, I had some just before I left the hospital."

  "What hospital was it?" inquired Andy Sudds. "I was in one once, and Ididn't like it. There wa'nt enough air for me."

  "I forget the name of the place," came the reply. "I can't thinkclearly. I need sleep."

  The newcomer kept in the shadows of the room, as if the light hurt hiseyes, and appeared restless and ill at ease. With the hand that was notin a sling he pulled the bandages closer about his face.

  "Can't you tell us more about what happened?" asked Jack, for Mark wasnot usually so reticent, and his chum noticed it.

  "There isn't much to tell," was the response. "I went to the old house,and I was looking around when I happened to tumble down stairs. I musthave been knocked unconscious, but when I came to I crawled outside. Afarmer was driving past, and I asked him to take me to a hospital."

  "Why didn't you come home?" asked Mr. Henderson.

  "Oh, I didn't want to make any trouble and delay work on theprojectile. I figured that I could be with you in a few hours, and youwouldn't worry. But they insisted that I must stay in the hospital whenthey got me there. Then I lost consciousness again, and couldn't manageto let you know where I was. But I'm all right now."

  "Why didn't you wait for me at the barn, when I went to send thetelegram, as you promised you would?" asked Jack, who felt a littlehurt at his chum's neglect.

  "Did I promise to wait for you at some barn?"

  "Yes; don't you remember?" and Jack gazed at the bandaged figure insurprise.

  "Oh, yes--I--I guess I do. But I want to go to bed now," and pullingthe cloths closer about his face the injured one started from theapartment.

  "Here. That's not the way up to your room. The stairs are over here,"called Jack, for he saw the newcomer taking the wrong direction.

  "Oh, yes. Guess my mind must be wandering," and with an uneasy laughthe injured one turned about. They heard him going up stairs, and alittle later Jack followed. He found that Mark's room was not occupied.

  "Hi, Mark! Where are you?" he called, in some alarm.

  "Here," was the answer, and the voice came from Jack's own apartment.

  "Well, you're in the wrong bunk."

  "Am I? Well, I must have made another mistake. My head can't be right,"and with that the other came out and hastily went into the adjoiningapartment.

  For a moment Jack stood in the hall. He looked at the door that hadclosed behind the bandaged figure.

  "There's something wrong," said Jack in a low voice. "How strange Markacts! I wonder what can be the matter?"