Read Lotus Isle: Book I Page 16

  Chapter 15

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  The seas were calm during the journey north. Rockview was far enough north to be affected at times from strong winds generated around the Sea of Whirlwinds. But on this trip they encountered no problems. The voyage was both enjoyable and relaxing. The four companions spent many hours discussing the meaning of several passages in the Oracle, as well as ways to move around the Isle with more freedom and security.

  The captain and crew aboard the Neptunian vessel couldn't have been more helpful. The four were catered to hand and foot. Whatever they needed was supplied if it was available and without question, as if it was an honor to serve them.

  The ship traveled within sight of the shoreline most of the way. The farther north they traveled the less forest they saw along the banks. The dense woods gave way to brush for a while, and then the landscape changed to mostly rock with very little vegetation. A short way inland they could see the trees began again, it was just along the coast the forest quit growing, as though the sea used to be higher in the distant past. Camran thought the characteristics of this strange new world were quite extraordinary. The rocky cliffs were a welcome change from the jungle and the forest they had been used to seeing during the past few days.

  In the middle of the third day the captain told them they were about to enter the harbor where the village of RockView was located. They crowded along the railing to watch the scenery as the ship rounded a rocky point and slipped into the bay. On the far side of the calm water huge cliffs loomed in the distance. As they made their way across the smooth water they began to make out details in those cliffs. The whole town appeared to be built right into the cliff side and light reflecting off of the glass shimmered in the daylight.

  Camran and the others stared in amazement at the cave dwellings. They certainly weren't ordinary caves. The captain had explained to them on the way up the coast that these people were workers in stone and glass. The captain had also said he was making this trip to pick up some stone and glass goods to take back to OceanBay.

  Taking a closer look at the cave entrances they noticed that many of the rocks were elaborately carved alongside the borders, sides and faces of the individual dwellings. The streets of the city were cut out of rock and meandered up to the various levels etched out of the cliff face. Each cave opening had been covered in glass, both stained and clear, creating a gorgeous mosaic of color against a predominately red rock.

  They all wanted to get off the ship and explore this beautiful town, however, on the way up the coast the four decided they would be wise to stay on board. They planned on sending a message to the mayor, or whoever the ranking official was, asking him or her to speak with them on the ship. There was no question in any of their minds that the Guardians were there awaiting their arrival.

  The ship docked while the party of four gazed longingly at the streets and shops. Camran was thinking how nice it would be just to be a visitor to this unique place, with all the danger and difficulty behind them.

  They made poor targets in their positions on the middle deck, but watched nonetheless for any sign of danger. The captain sent a messenger into town to seek out the mayor's office, while the crew began to do some preliminary unloading.

  It wasn't long before the captain's request received a reply. A party of a dozen men came down the loading dock toward the ship. It was obvious one of the men was a high ranking official. They marched to the ship and took up positions at various strategic places around the immediate area.

  The captain greeted the mayor and escorted him to his cabin on the middle deck. The four companions were called to the captain's cabin as well. The mayor had received a communiqué from the Ruler of the Waters and had been watching for, and expecting them. He had already spoken with Druc, the newest arrival to their community about the prospects of joining this venture. Druc wasn't all that excited to go; however, it was the Saturnian way to accept duty when it called. The mayor was sure Druc would be no exception to this rule.

  The mayor offered them all the hospitality of the village and agreed to escort the four to Druc's home.

  Camran felt uncomfortable walking in the middle of the guard escort, however, it left him free to look around and enjoy some of the sights without having to concentrate on his safety.

  The streets were all laid in cut stone. There were patterns with different colors and designs. Camran noticed how clean the streets were and how well kept the entire town appeared.

  What he originally thought was simply a large rocky mound, viewed from the ship, was actually a hill of rock that housed a huge cavern beneath its barren hilltop. On the way up the street they passed the opening to this cavern. It was an enclosed market place, somewhat like the malls he remembered from his past life. The cavern was tastefully decorated with colored glass arranged in different designs, some hanging while others were built into the walls and ceilings of the shops. Camran and the others were so impressed they asked if it would be possible to walk around in the cavern for a few minutes. The mayor was delighted they admired the place and wasted no time in showing them around.

  Camran purchased a new hat to replace the one he had lost during the rainstorm, while Gena bought a scarf made of a silk-like material. The material was said to come from a plant native to the back hills in that area. The leaves from this plant were woven similar to that of a spider web. They averaged approximately four to six feet across, so each leaf produced quite a yield of material. The leaves were placed in large stone vats and boiled until they were a mixture that looked like thick molten glue. As the mixture began cooling it was kneaded, woven into strands and then dyed. The strands were tough and easy to sew into the clothing and other goods they saw in the market.

  Bran and Twil just walked around gawking at the glass and stone items on display. Neither of them purchased anything, although they would have liked to have done so if the circumstances had been different. The time passed much too quickly for them all. Soon it was time to continue out to where Druc lived. Reluctantly they left the market, vowing to return when they could spend more time in this quaint town.

  The walk out of the village was enjoyable after being cooped up on the ship and small boat the past few days. They needed the exercise.

  They hadn't walked long before they were crossing a fast running creek, there a water wheel continuously turned in harmony to the rush of moving water.

  As they rounded a large boulder they saw a man bent over a grinding wheel hard at work. The noise of the creek and grinding wheel made it impossible for him to hear them approaching.

  When the mayor got closer and the man finally heard him, with lightening speed he grabbed his knife, which was lying on the bench next to him. Camran wouldn't have believed the man was capable of moving so fast. His swollen appearance belied his quick and coordinated motion.

  When he saw who was there he put down the knife and nodded. The mayor introduced the man as Druc. Druc's expression couldn't hide the disappointment he felt that they had come for him. Resignedly, Druc invited them up to his home in the cliff side where they could talk.

  Camran couldn't believe his eyes when they entered his cave. It was nicer than many homes he had visited and even lived in on Earth. It was quite obvious the others were equally impressed. Druc showed them around and asked when they would be leaving. Camran said the day after next the ship was scheduled to depart for OceanBay. Druc said they could stay with him while waiting and showed them to the unfinished workshop where they were able to lay out their sleeping rolls.

  The captain, seeing no need to have all his men standing around, left a small party outside on guard and said he would return for them the morning the ship was to depart. The mayor said his good-byes, wished them well, and departed with most of the guard unit. The foursome thought it was a welcome relief to leave most of the watch duty to the other men. They didn't completely rely on them, at night one of the four continued to stand guard, just in case one of their newly acquired guar
ds turned out to be untrustworthy.

  That night they all stayed up late discussing the plans and overall situation with their newest member. They warmed to Druc right away, as he did to them. Camran informed him about the Oracle, the bridge, and who the other members were to be. Druc gradually began to feel needed in this strange odyssey that was consuming all of their lives. Druc also came to realize that none of the other members were looking forward to the dangers on this trip any more than him. His original reluctance to become a part of this venture began to ebb.

  The next day Druc took them on a tour of the immediate area surrounding his home. He showed them the tool making operation and how to make glass, as well as what to look for in the rocks in the way of hardness and color. The day went much too quickly for them all. Gena especially enjoyed the indoor plumbing, remarking to them about how nice it was to feel really clean for the first time in days.

  The time they had before the ship sailed passed in relaxed enjoyment, away from the worries that the trip thus far had carried. The guards were never far away and yet they didn't intrude or interfere in the activities engaged in by the growing group. Druc prepared and gathered his things while they all became more acquainted with the obviously talented man.

  They were up early the morning the ship was to leave. No one spoke as they left the beautiful home of their newest friend on the walk back into RockView, and then onto the ship. As he left his house Druc did not look back.