Read Lotus Isle: Book I Page 25

  Chapter 24

  Camran was in a deep state of depression. He sat for hours staring out of the inn's second story window. The inn was surrounded by at least a dozen men, protecting them from any intruders. No one was allowed into the inn, not even one of the guards. Bran had rented the entire facility for their indefinite stay. Inside, Bran and the others kept a rotating guard of their own, vowing that nothing like what happened on the ship in OceanBay was ever going to happen again.

  Camran barely remembered the rest of the voyage from OceanBay to Pacific. He was conscious of Bran, Twil and Druc standing vigilant guard over him during the rest of the trip, not permitting anyone near, but he was conscious of nothing else. This was their second day in Pacific and still Camran could not shake the depths of depression. He had really liked Ve-Kim. And she had died protecting him.

  Bran and Twil both tried to talk to him, appealing to him from several different angles. One was by bringing up the people in the land and how much they needed him. They told him the quest was not possible without him and that this was exactly what the Guardians hoped to accomplish. With one death they would be able to terminate the quest before it began; thereby giving solid root to the evil that was rapidly spreading across all the Isles. Finally they gave up trying to reach him, opting for time to affect a cure.

  By midmorning on the third day in Pacific Camran was little improved. But he had begun to eat some and had taken a bath. For both of these reasons his companions believed he was on the road to recovery, no matter how slow it appeared.

  "There is someone here to see you," said Gena, as she brought a tray of food into the room, along with a wooden pitcher of hot tea. Camran said nothing as she opened the door for the visitor. His back was turned while he looked out the large picture window overlooking the creek and gardens below. Gena left as the visitor entered the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

  "You mustn't be upset over Ve-Kim," said the visitor in a soft voice. "I have a letter I would like you to read."

  The voice was familiar to Camran, although he could not identify who was speaking. He turned and looked at the beautiful woman standing before him. She was dressed for the woods and had a bandanna around her forehead and a crossbow slung across her back. Ve-Nah stood there holding out a single sheet of paper for him to take.

  "Ve-Nah," the letter began. "Tomorrow we leave for OceanBay. I had a dream last night. In it I was struck down with a blade from an assassin. I have spent the morning reading and re-reading the Oracle that Camran copied into his book. I can find no statement anywhere that says the quest for the bridge is terminated or can't continue if one of the members dies in the attempt. If Camran died then I could see some justification for despair and a reason to abandon the goal. He is a strong man and I believe he will complete this quest."

  "Since I can find neither reason to abandon the quest, nor any reason for you to have to join it - for I began the quest in keeping with the spirit of the Oracle, I request a favor. I ask that you find it in your heart to locate and join them of your own free will. The cause, I have come to learn, is the most worthy thing I could ever think of doing. I'm proud to have been a member of this group, even if it has been only for a short time. These people are the best friends anyone could ever have. If my heart wasn't still back in Pod with Ve-Anc, I would have been tempted to try and win the heart of this man from Earth."

  "I have no regrets for my life, save one. I wish now that I had voluntarily agreed to come on this quest. May your heart dictate to you a positive decision in answer to my request. I have resigned myself to my death, it is inevitable and I have no qualms about going. Good luck to you. Should you see the others in the group please give them my love and best wishes. Tell Camran not to despair and never give up. His cause is worthy and will benefit all the people in the entire world."

  The letter was signed by Ve-Kim. Camran's eyes were watery with emotion as he handed the letter back to Ve-Nah.

  "May I have the honor of joining you and the others in your hunt for the bridge?" asked Ve-Nah, as she accepted the letter from Camran's outstretched hand.

  Camran breathed a deep sigh, walked to the door, and called the others into the room. When they were all present he told them about Ve-Kim's letter, that Ve-Nah had asked to join the quest in her place. He also said he didn't want to put Ve-Nah's life in jeopardy needlessly. Camran retrieved the letter from Ve-Nah and passed it around for each of the members to read before making a decision regarding Ve-Nah. He wanted them all to vote on whether she should be allowed to come with them.

  The vote was unanimous. They all voted for Ve-Nah to take Ve-Kim's place. Each commented it was Ve-Kim's wishes and who were they to question a dying women's request.

  That settled, during the following two days Camran quickly recovered. They made plans to depart from Pacific. With Ve-Kim's undying spirit behind him, his outlook received a tremendous boost. Still, he missed her with all his heart.