Read Lotus Isle: Book I Page 47

  Chapter 46

  Druc slowly recovered. On the third day he was able to get out of bed and walk out onto the terrace. Eagle looked at him as though he didn't have the slightest interest, except when Druc held out a large green colored fruit that was one of his favorites.

  The rest of that day and all of the next Druc worked on regaining his strength. The Vulcan woman, the only Vulcan he had seen thus far, brought him whatever he requested. She told him her name was Te.

  The food on the Isle was delicious and hour by hour he became stronger. Te said once the effects of the stun began to wear off they receded rapidly. She was right, just hours after he had gotten out of bed for the first time he felt pretty much himself again. She said his recovery was quicker than usual. It was probably due to the good condition he was in, from all the walking and climbing he had been doing recently.

  The building in which he recuperated sat on a hill overlooking a lush valley. From the terrace he could see a large lake, taking up much of that valley. The lake was filled with soft iridescent white lotus flowers. Te said that was how the Vulcan arrived in this world. The flowers weren't anywhere near as large as the lotus flowers out in the sea; however, they were still large in comparison to the size of the Vulcan woman. Druc hadn't thought about it before that moment, he had never heard of how the Vulcan came to be there. So far, Druc was learning that virtually everything about these people was a mystery to the rest of the world.

  Late in the afternoon on the fourth day Te came to inform him the council would be seeing him after dinner that evening. While he was bedridden his clothes had been cleaned and mended. That evening after dinner he took a long bath, put on his clean clothes, and waited to be summoned to the council.

  Druc gripped the golden staff firmly in his hand as he and Te walked out of the room and down the long corridor to the chamber, where waited the council members. Te stopped before a large double doorway and knocked twice. A Vulcan man opened the door to let them in. Four people occupied the room. The room itself was large with thick carpets on the floor. Two stained glass doors and brightly colored windows filled one whole side of the room, causing multicolored light to dance across the white interior walls. It wasn’t yet dark outside and the incoming light made the room sparkle with beauty. Druc recognized the workmanship of the glass doors and windows as coming from RockView.

  Te introduced him to the other four. Three were men. Much to Druc's surprise the men were only slightly taller than Te. The surprise must have shown on his face because one of the men explained how they appeared taller in their cloaks and hoods for specific reasons. But he didn’t offer any explanation. Druc assumed it was for the intimidation factor. It worked, he thought.

  Te gestured to a chair in front of a large long table with five chairs arrayed behind it. The chair in the middle was raised slightly higher than the others. Druc took a seat in the chair she pointed toward, surprise again showed on his face as Te walked around behind the table and sat in the center raised chair.

  Te hadn't asked him any questions up till this point. Now she began asking. She asked him to tell them all how he came to possess the golden staff; who were the others that were with him, and what the ultimate goal of their expedition was. They wanted to hear where he and the others had been and what had taken place along the way. Te asked Druc to describe the other members and their home planets as well.

  At first Druc was reluctant to disclose any information regarding the nature and details of the quest. However, a feeling inside him let him know there was no danger in discussing anything with these five people. So he answered all of their questions, telling them in detail everything they wanted to know.

  The only pause or disruption during the questioning came when Eagle showed up and tried to gain entry through the glass doorways. Te got up and opened the doors. Once she did, Eagle perched himself on the wall outside, where he could see Druc.

  Druc felt kind of embarrassed over the incident. He had forgotten all about Eagle sitting out on the terrace wall, his mind had been on the council. He couldn't be sure but he thought he detected flickering smiles on the faces of the five council members.

  Druc continued answering their questions, as first one of the members, then the next, took their turns. After the questioning they each took a turn at inspecting the staff up close. They didn't ask Druc to hand it to them, they were content to step around from behind the table and look. Apparently satisfied with the staff and the answers Druc had given them, one by one they nodded their approval. What they had just approved Druc did not know.

  When all the questions had been asked Te again resumed talking. She told Druc of another Oracle - The Oracle of the First Order. It applied to the Vulcan people. In it states that a long time ago the Vulcan were commissioned to create such a staff. The Oracle further states that a Saturnian will deliver the golden rod to Serpent Isle. The Vulcan will re-polarize the metal so that the life essence that flows within and through the rod can be channeled into the physical world. Druc would be the directing power of this energy, once he learned how to use it. Its full power could only be used once, however. But he would have access to small amounts of power from the staff whenever it was needed. He was told that he would automatically know when to use its power.

  When she was through explaining about the staff she hesitated before continuing. When she began again she stated there was a price to pay for the re-polarization. Druc said he had some money with him. Te looked at him with a loving smile on her face. Not that kind of payment, she said. We have no need of your money.

  Tomorrow morning you will be told what this process will cost you. Should you agree to pay that cost; the re-polarization will take place at that time. Should you choose not to agree you will be taken back to your friends.

  Te escorted Druc back to his room, refusing to answer any more questions regarding the re-polarization. It is forbidden by the Oracle itself she told him, a look of caring on her face.

  It was late when they returned to the room, so Druc went to bed. He was tired but couldn't sleep, wondering about the events the morning would bring.